Grinding Camel Back Straight Edge Castings on the Surface Grinder

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[Music] hello Keith Rucker here Finch machinery org well guys we started this project quite some time back if you follow my channel you realize that we had some surface grinder issues but I'm finally getting back to trying to get these little straight edges that I had cast ground out so that we can get a few of them scraped and ready to use so let me zoom you in here and kind of show you what we're working on show you where we're at on the project and come up with a game plan on what we're going to do going forward so what we've got here are some again some castings that I had made up I made we've made some patterns 3d printed some patterns and had these things cast and cast iron and we've got a six-inch straight edge and a nine-inch straight edge and some time back I did a video where I did some the milling on these milled the bottoms and the tops and the back back here just to get them kind of ready to go on the machine over here to start grinding eventually we're going to of course a scrape in the bottom and the dovetail sides of these but before we do that I want to get them fairly flat and since I've got the surface grinder to do that with that is a tool we're going to use so if you look well first off my plan of attack here so first thing I'm gonna do is we're gonna grind the top edge of this nice and flat and we've got just a rough milled surface on the bottom that's going to go down onto the surface plate that'll give us a good mag Chuck here magnetic mount that will hold it in place and then we'll grind the tops now the the nine interests I've already ground actually I did that some time back and that's when we developed the problems with my surface grinder which I have a series of videos talking about how we fix that I've still got the tops to grind on the little six inch or so we'll start with that once that's done these straight edges will get flipped over will mag them down I'll put some reinforcement on them you'll see in a minute we'll grind the bottoms flat and then using some angle blocks we'll grind the 45 degree face on these I did not pre mill those we're just going to grind them in rough grind them in and get them close it's just you know honestly it's just faster to just grind it and there's a go build it and then bring it over to the grinder it's a whole nother set up so that's the game plan going forward so let's get in here and get started on this project again we're going to start on the little 6 inches here and get those tops ground flat I've already dressed my wheel and we got the pieces they're shut back down so it's good and tight before I do anything I want to just kind of take a look and I've got my stroke kind of set manually here but I wanted to kind of see what it looked like yeah I think I'm going to be fine to work with there and we're gonna come in here that up a little bit I want to I'm not sure the high school needs that they're the same but I was going to try to grind them both at the same time we're just going to come down until we get a little bit of a that's all [Applause] [Music] that side is not quiet touch and I'm just doing this manually we're ready to start I'm gonna speed down a couple towel it's got about three thousand sewn there [Music] let's bring it on the cross I got the table in high speed right now as far as the stroke speed when I get down to my finish I'll probably slow it down a little bit to get a little bit finer finish but for right now that's the spine to start catching on that one yep and my goal here is I just want to get those tops down to where they are basically it's cleaning up and we'll go down one two three more foul and feedback across we're just going to continue doing this until we get those tops ground down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like as they're starting to stuff the paint there but not quite enough to touch off like I'm gonna take a little bit heavier cut we're gonna do in the 5000 step this time come back out with it yeah it's untouched off on that one now kidding you on here with that 5000 I think we've about gotten cleaned up here still kind of in roughing mode right now after this one comes across what we'll do is we'll slow our speed down and take a finer cleanup pass and I'm just gonna take about up one I tell you what let's just do we I'm gonna do 1,000 spaz on this one [Applause] all right I think we've got the tops ground on both of those looking good next step here we got these flipped over for their own that top surface that we just ground and because it is such a narrow surface it's not gonna want to stay stuck down really well so because of that I put these blocks around just to give us some support on these are transfer blocks so the magnetism actually goes through these so it's hopefully gonna give it some stability and keep that part from tipping that's my game plan and I've done this before it's worked just fine so with that these should be the same height we ground them off the bottoms we just flip them over so it should be pretty close to the same height anyway so let's fire back up see what I am gonna come up just a little bit just to be on the safe side I'm going to have to increase my stroke length too so what I did there was I raised enough a couple of thousands and what I'm going to do is quickly run over this make sure we're not going to crash into any place that looks good so I think what I'll do they got raises up 3 if I remember eyes it's going to go back across this real quick yeah starting to get a little bit of pickup there yeah wanna feed down about we'll go three thousands to the back in high-speed mode here let's see what happened [Music] one thing that I comment here is that surface it we ground on the top has really no significance in the straightedge itself that was just strictly to give us a good flat surface to use it the magnetic Chuck home so they don't have to be parallel to the bottom face there's nothing like that going on here at all so anyway we're I'm not too worried because these are not perfectly parallel that's not important what's important is that this space down here is flat when we're through so anyway we've got touching pretty much across the whole part so I'm all feed down one two we'll do another three thousandths go back across it this should clean up pretty quickly because those flat those bottoms were milled flat and since we did rhyme that was the parallel surface that we ground the other side on I'm not expecting it to take a lot to get these cleaned up [Music] [Music] [Applause] but I just fit in mm on this one I just got a little bit back here to clean up so hopefully this will get us cleaned up all the way across all right and that does look like it indeed cleaned up so that's good not much heat in there probably will do that use the cool mist on the rest of these but that's fine for now so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to give it again that probably just a half a and I'll put it in the slow speed and let's come across this thing all right I like that looks good so the next face that we're going to do is the 45-degree face and to do this you see I've got some 45-degree V blocks in here that are also magnetic blocks transfer blocks so again the magnetic flux flows through this and now it will actually mag that thing down when we turn the magnet on the magnet is on and they're firmly held in place so that's going to allow me to come in here and we will do that top part there get that ground in at 45 degrees and that would be our two surfaces that will scrape would be the bottom that we just ground plus this top surface so again will touch off just redress my wheel off camera so we should be ready to go I can't tell it looks to me that that green one is just a little bit higher than the other one just barely touching there raise it up just a little bit all I'm trying to do if you're just making sure I'm not gonna gouge anywhere [Music] see this first pass by hand here the backside that this is sitting on is just a rough milled surface so that may explain some of this unevenness but it really again it doesn't matter this is parallel to that backside or not so I'm going to feed in five thousand step and because of the action here that if we go too far of course the wheels going to hit my park so I'm going to do all of this feeding in when we get it when we get the first pass I'll bring it out and we're just going to feed in the whole time so I think we're ready to go here I'm not sure about my stroke let me look at that real quick he's a lengthen this side distal head bit [Music] you know actually lengthen this other side just a tad bit too put in high-speed alright let's take a first fin [Music] beat it down five yes gonna go across again we're just going to keep doing this until it cleans up we are grinding a rough casting here for the most part so it's probably going to take a couple of passes it gives all cleaned up [Music] about more foul later on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] looks like the that one's cleaned up this one here is just really starting to hit and remember we build the backs and that's kind of the index here and there was really nothing the gauge on the front it was just kind of set up on the mill so it doesn't surprise me that they're a little bit different but we're just gonna we got them both setups we're just things we'll hit and take them down to the same it really doesn't matter here but in take much more to get that second one dialed in almost got it but this next pass should get it completely there's just a little bit of a holiday down there we should get it this fast and then we'll go in with a finish pass half of this yeah that's got it cleaned up now all right we've got at those surfaces finished up and the last surface I want to just hit is this back surface again this was rough milled to be square with the bottom and it's really not a critical surface but what I don't like is it is a rough surface I want this to be ground this surface will not be scraped but I just wanted to be smoother it's so I mean it's rough enough right now with that milling in there that he could pick some chips up or whatever when you're scraping so I've just got these with again the magnetic transfer blocks in the back so in reality what's happening is is that the magnetic forces are gripping the bottom of this and these are being held firmly in place so we should be good to go ahead and do that don't anticipate this taking much to clean these up I think I'm just going to do this in slow mode it's not gonna take much [Music] [Music] and I think we are through with our grinding job here loose on these pieces de-energize to chuck very good so now what I'm going to do is just take a file hit all these corners just to knock off any sharp edges and so I don't cut myself but these two straight edges are ground in on the four sides we need to grind and those are ready to go to the surface plate and start scraping them which we'll do in a later video so I got my six inches done now I've still got four nine inch ones to grind out and I think I mentioned this previously but I'd already ground the tops of these that's what my surface grinder messed up and and I just started this video again from scratch but but that part's already done so we can just start on the bottoms and get the other three sides ground I'm not going to bore you with watching all that again the process is exactly the same we'll bring you in here at the very end and I'll show you the finished product so I got my nine-inch rizal ground in now here's the two or six entries that we did first on video everything went just fine I'm very happy with the results of course the bottom edge in this front edge will both be scraped in on the final product and I'm actually got a couple of jobs on my monarch lathe restoration where these are going to be needed someone I'd be working on these pretty quick and also one of these straight edges once I get it scraped up is on its way out to the bars II summer bash where it's going to be a door prize out there this year unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make the trip this year due to a conflict but I'm gonna be there in spirit and we're gonna send along one of these for that event and I'm gonna have to jump on that one pretty quick because the bar z batch is only a couple of weeks away and my surface grinder being down as long as it was I'm running behind so that's gonna be a priority to get at least one of those correct in pretty quick well I hope you enjoyed that little bit of a grinding video I don't get to do too many of these and glad to have this machine back in the Arsenal where we can be using it and again we'll be getting some scraping done pretty quick on one of these to go out to the bar Z bash and also while I'm talking about straight edge is just a quick update when we did the milling video there were a lot of you guys that expressed interest in purchasing a casting and I told you I was going to be working on maybe trying to find a foundry to work with to do that and good news I have found the foundry that's going to be working with me on that and we're working on still some little details I have decided that I want to make a few tweaks to the patterns so we're doing some work right now kind of doing a little bit of design modifications after doing the first ones I realize there were just some some little things I want to change on a couple of them and I think we're going to try to make them look a little bit nicer too not that they look bad right now but uh anyway I'm gonna be doing a few little tweaks to the patterns but basically going to be offering these up for sale at some point in the foreseeable future and when I do I will definitely get a video out on that and we can start taking orders on those I don't know about prices yet we're still working on those details but progress is being made and it doesn't look like we're gonna be able to offer these for for sale for anybody that wants to purchase a casting for some camelbacks and I'm gonna have them in six inch 9 inch and 12 inch sizes is my plan so then I don't even have a 12 inch casting done yet but we're working on patterns for those as well so with that that's going to be a wrap on this video so as always guys thanks for watching leave me some comments if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel and we'll catch you next time around thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 34,680
Rating: 4.9467716 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, Surface Grinder, Straight Edge, Straight Edge Casting, hand scraping
Id: 08CA06BECg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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