How to Turn a Ornament that Sells By Dean's Woodworking #woodturning

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hello folks i'm dean with dean's woodworking y'all come on in the shop make yourself comfortable today we are going to turn an ornament what we're going to turn is something that's going to look very similar to this one here basically it's about three and three quarter inches long it's just about an inch and an eighth at the widest point and we've got a piece of uh i believe it's scrap i'm not sure what project this is from but it was over there in the uh cutoffs bucket so we're going to turn it into an ornament y'all come on let's get started so what we're going to do is just go ahead and reduce this down a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've got our size about where we want it and this piece of wood from a previous project had a pretty good little uh hole here in it so we're going to go ahead and turn past down past that i'll go ahead and make a [Music] v cut here that'll be the top of our ornament [Music] and let's just get our we'll come in with a little bit of a measurement here that right there will be about the bottom of our ornament we'll make us a little mark right about here and that will be this that'll be this little section right down here okay that right there is going to kind of be the biggest part of our little onion or ball whatever you want to call it and then we're going to uh kind of reduce it down up to here [Applause] okay again [Applause] the very top of that is about a quarter of an inch this if that might help someone we're going to drop this uh tool rest down just a little bit oak is a pretty open grain wood and probably not the best choice for doing ornaments out of but one of the things that i want to make sure that we're talking about on this series is making these from scrap wood and so you don't have to have a brand new expensive piece of wood these are kind of skill builders they help you to develop your skills and really if you mess one up so what the whole reason for doing this is so that you develop your skills you may mess one up in the process and i say it's a whole lot better to mess up on a scrap piece of wood that was probably destined for the trash can anyway than it is for something that you went out and spent a lot of money on okay so i'm going to take the uh spindle gouge and i'm just going to refine this a little bit here [Music] and one of the things i think it's important to say it's hard to tell when you're watching a video just how much pressure is being put where but if you folks kind of notice i am moving my body [Music] and letting the pressure from my left hand at this point guide the cutting fifth my right hand is up front but really all i'm doing with it is just putting pressure down okay so now once we have that done what we'll do come over and refine this okay [Applause] all right then we're gonna come in we're just going to start working on this very bottom portion here [Music] so [Music] get rid of some of this waste here okay we're going to bring the skew in here let's get our half inch skew that three quarters a little wide for there i am all for using as wide as skew as you can work with but uh sometimes you just have to reach for one a little bit smaller i'll tell you what i'm going to do real quick we're going to hit this with some sandpaper go ahead and get the sanding done so we can put the eye in and then we'll finish that right there so this is 150 we won't spend a whole lot of time on the sanding on this because again these are projects you want to be able to get done quickly you don't want to spend a whole lot of money on materials but in the end we still want it to be a nice product we're proud to put our name on so that's the uh that's the 150. we'll hit it with some of this 220 right here that 220 maybe on the tail end of its usefulness and then we'll touch it with just a little bit of 320. and that way you folks see the entire sanding process from start to end and what we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and part off the top here [Music] and so once we've done that we're just going to come right across with just a small little cut there and then we all we're doing with this we're just putting a little bit of a divot right there in the middle to make it a little easier for it to accept that uh that drill bit and folks when i say drill bit we're talking about a tiny little drill bit we're going to use this is a pin vise they're great for holding small drill bits as a matter of fact that's their intention and get this where you guys can see exactly what i'm doing so all we're going to do is we're just going to drill a hole right down through the middle of that and the reason for that is so that we can put a i in the top of it and again like i've said on some of these other videos in this series there are several things you can do there uh you can use a little uh screw eyes i use a little jewelry loop it's a pen about yay long and that way i can cut them off to the length i want i just take my little cutters and just kind of make some nips along the edge of them that way it gives them a little more tooth to hold the glue and i use super glue when i put them down in the top of these and they hold fantastic looks like we're looking good so far that oak certainly gives it a different look so let me go ahead and part that off and i'll be right back with you hey folks while i'm doing this if you like what you're seeing go ahead and go down and hit that subscribe button give me a like and had somebody ask me the other day said how come you your videos are so great and thank you for saying that by the way but you don't have any more subscribers than you do well folks if you like what you're seeing and you want to help me get subscribers go ahead and share the video as well let other folks your friends and people who might be interested in it see it okay most of all thank you for watching i'll be right back [Music] give you guys just a little better looking so folks when you're parting them off like that it can get just a little bit tricky so do be careful you know your skills much better than i do uh if you're skilled enough to do that by all means do it if you're not again you know your skills much better than i do and our safety is all our own responsibility folks here's our ornament all we've got to do is put some finish on it put an eye hook in it and it's ready to give to a friend a family member or sell to a customer and folks i can tell you i make a ton of these every year around christmas this is the only one that survived last season out of all of them i made that's the one that's left so what i'm telling you guys is if you make these folks are going to love them your friends are going to like them your family is going to like them and if you decide to sell them your customers are going to love them and they're going to buy them thank you for watching stay safe stay healthy and happy turning you
Channel: Dean's Woodworking
Views: 3,378
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: How to Turn a Ornament that Sells, How to turn a Ornament, how to turn, Ornaments, ornaments that sell, projects that sell, turnings that sell, christmas, charistmas ornament, how to turn a christmas ornament, how to turn christmas ornaments, christmas ornaments that sell, woodturning, wood turning, wooden ornaments, wooden christmas ornaments, wood ornaments, wood holiday ornament, how to turn a holiday ornament, woodturning project, wood lathe project, Ornament project, Lathe
Id: WhCDA8Vniog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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