Grilled Chicken Teriyaki with Miso Ranch - Food Wishes

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Hoooooly shit this looks good...

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Hail_Dark_Ale 📅︎︎ May 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Now I have a good excuse to pick up a bottle of sake.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mcrabb23 📅︎︎ May 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with grilled chicken teriyaki skewers with miso ranch that's right i'm very excited to show you how to make some real chicken teriyaki and by real i mean making one from scratch and now using one of those bottled marinades plus we're gonna be pairing this amazing chicken with what i would describe as an unreal miso ranch and while both these components were so good they could have been their own video paired together they created one of the most delicious things i've had in a long time so with that let's go ahead and get started by soaking some pointy bamboo sticks in water which will help prevent them from burning when we put them on the grill sort of I mean they still burn but just not quite as bad and then once we prepped that with like we should we will move on to cutting up our chicken which in my case is going to be some boneless skinless chicken thighs and we're gonna try to cut these into some fairly equal size chunks which can be a little bit of a challenge since quite often these are going to vary in size but my basic strategy here is to cut off that smaller flatter side to make one piece and then we can go ahead and cut that other fatter side in half to make two more pieces and we can use the same strategy for the bigger pieces as well except on the larger thighs we might get four chunks instead of three and if you happen to see any cartilage or connective tissue you go ahead and trim that off but we don't really need to or even want to trim off any of that white fat that's gonna add flavor but anyway I went ahead and cut up two pounds of chicken thighs as shown at which point we'll go ahead and add the rest of our teriyaki ingredients beginning with a whole bunch of soy sauce and don't use low-sodium for this all right we need the sodium and then to that we're also going to add some sake which as you know is rice wine as well as somebody called mirin which is also a rice wine but much much sweeter and then to all that we will add some finely grated ginger as well as some finely minced green onions and then we'll finish up with some brown sugar and a little splash of vegetable oil and believe it or not that's it and then we'll go ahead and get in there with a couple clean hands and we'll mix this until our brown sugar has dissolved and every single nook and cranny in that chicken has had some of this marinade massaged into it all right so get in there and get in there deep and besides having like a dozen less ingredients than the sauce from the store you'll notice this stuff is significantly thinner and way less sweet right the bottled stuff tends to be just a thick soy flavored sugar syrup which in my opinion doesn't even get you close to what you're gonna experience eating this and then what we're gonna do once that's all mixed is go ahead and cover it and refrigerate it anywhere between two and six hours ensure you can go overnight if you want but it's been my experience that about four hours is perfect so I'm gonna go ahead and pop that in the fridge at which point we can move on to our amazing miso ranch dressing that we'll be using as our dipping sauce and that's going to start with some real mayonnaise and not that reduced-fat stuff okay we're gonna need that fat and then to our mayonnaise we will add some sour cream or yogurt or creme fraiche if you're fancy as well as a nice splash of buttermilk which is of course one of the signature flavors in ranch dressing and then finally the star of the show a nice big spoon of miso which is a type of fermented soybean paste and long story short that makes everything it's in taste better especially a creamy dipping sauce dressing for chicken like this and by the way that's easy to find and I'll talk a little bit more about that on the blog but anyway let's continue on with some finely minced green onion as well as one clove of crushed garlic and then it's time for our freshly chopped herbs which will include some tarragon some dill and some chive and then we'll finish up by seasoning with some freshly ground black pepper and a few shakes of cayenne and normally we would also toss in a pinch of salt but since our Mesa was kind of salty we might not need that and that's it we will simply take a whisk and mix this until thoroughly combined at which point other than tasty for seasoning our Mesa Ranch is done and what we've created here is a miso enhanced ranch dressing but made with all fresh ingredients right classically this dressing is made with powdered onion and garlic and dried herbs mostly to increase the shelf life but here we're going with all fresh ingredients and the results are going to be tremendous so we'll go ahead and mix that up and give it a taste and I'm happy to report mine was perfect and didn't need anything which is why I'm just gonna transfer it into the fridge until I'm ready to use it and then assuming it's marinated long enough we can move on to the poultry poking portion of this program and if you're using similarly sized skewers or skewers as someone that speaks English my column I like to place three pieces on each and other than start with the pointy end there aren't a lot of tips that pass long although I do like to place the more messed up pieces in the center and of course I'm obligated to mention if you want to use chicken breasts for this instead of thighs go ahead but because thighs have more fat I think they were better for grilling plus are usually a lot cheaper but like I said both will work so you decide I mean you are after all the three-eyed Raven of money-saving but more important than that like I said I think these taste better grilled and are way more forgiving and by the way as you finish this you should have a decent amount of marinade left in the bowl which you are not gonna throw away you're actually gonna strain into a saucepan and bring it to a boil so that it's safe to use as a glaze later although as I'm watching this because of the way the chicken juices are gonna coagulate may be boiling it and then strain it's a better idea but anyway the main point is not to throw this away and make sure you boil it before you put it on your cooked chicken so that's what I did and then assuming our coals are nice and hot we can grab some tongs and head out to the grill where we will cook this over some hopefully real natural charcoal and as usual we always want to wait for our coals to burn down and get nice and ashy alright contrary to what you see in fast-food commercials cooking over flames is never a good idea so hopefully your coals look something like this and as usual times are kind of hard to give for something like this but I usually go about four to five minutes per side or until just cook through and if you want a couple times during the cooking process we can go ahead and baste these with some of our reserved marinade and above and beyond time as far as judging doneness it's kind of hard to get an accurate thermometer reading with these so basically what we're looking for is the meat going from sort of soft and mushy to where it firms up and springs back to the touch and that is generally the indication you're done and by the way that teriyaki gods will punish you for overcooking this and if you cook it too long the meat will actually start falling apart on the grill so that's also something to be aware of but anyway you'll figure it out and roughly ten minutes after I put mine on they look like this and I determined they were ready to pull off so that's what I did and by the way the word teriyaki is made up of two parts pterri which means shine or gloss and yaki which refers to grilling and right here you're gonna get a great look at why that name is so appropriate I mean if there's a more beautiful grilled chicken recipe than this I don't think I've seen it but anyway once we've contemplated its beauty we'll go ahead and plate that up which we'll do next to some of our freshly made me so ranch and of course we're gonna want to shine these up by drizzling over and brushing on some of our reserved marinade which you're only doing of course if you boiled it otherwise that is a lawsuit waiting to happen and then for one last final touch I sprinkled over a little bit of toasted sesame seed and that's it I'm gonna grab one and go in for the official taste and maybe the first piece we will eat plain so we can really appreciate what a real quote-unquote teriyaki chicken tastes like which may be quite a bit different than you're used to and hopefully significantly better and more complex and not nearly as sweet but as good as this was unzipped which was super super good the combination of that smoky slightly sweet grilled chicken with that cold refreshing or Bhatia's tangy dressing is just an absolutely perfect pairing I mean both of these components are world-class recipes by themselves but together they create something to gessie your cookout are going to be talking about for the rest of their lives maybe longer and by the way I have no idea why I'm trying to use a fork here I shouldn't want a full cookout and just stay with my hands but anyway that's it grilled chicken teriyaki with miso ranch right we're always hoping with things like this that they taste as good as they look which in this case seems impossible but it really does which is kind of incredible when you consider just how simple this recipe is so whether you pair with this amazing miso ranch or not I really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to food wishes dot-com for all the ingredient amounts of more pho as usual and as always you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 450,360
Rating: 4.9600301 out of 5
Keywords: Grilled, Chicken, Teriyaki, Miso, Ranch, dressing, dip, skewer, kabab, grill, barbecue, cookout, japanese, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, holiday, memorial, day, picnic, easy, asian
Id: 8eg3OECZD3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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