DIY Teriyaki Sauce #1 (Easy and Basic) - 1st of 5 Teriyaki Recipes

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and welcome to another edition of hero Yuki tan diar of Master sushi chef hosan how are you today very good and good afternoon good afternoon so Tomy hero we have a long awaited recipe for everybody they've been sending messages and emails and through every type of social media and of course in the comment section below they want to know how to make the teriyaki sauce yes so interesting thing that I didn't even know today but of course like anything else all types of sauces have more than one variation and for you hero how many types of Teryaki sauce do you have I have a couple uh few of the recipe um for five five different I made the before okay yeah and of course as you know each restaurant as a different different V too and uh same as like a barbecue sauce you know each family or restaurant all different mix uh so today I have a I going to do uh easiest one okay let's start with the easiest one and then eventually get up to the most yeah then I I'm going to do uh different type of that uh technique okay and some little bit different ingredients I'm going to add it too so today you can what you can see here and all the ingredients here okay what are the ingredients uh so of course soy sauce okay and then here's a meting and then the sugar okay and then this is the honey and I'm going to add the garlic and the ginger okay some of the without this one and then then some of the actually making thickness with the corn starch okay and also I have another recipe actually I use that a lot of chicken balls and some another recipes I'm going to Mis paste okay or some recipe I going to have toiv to chili so and a different type of tamari sauce or leg sauce so many different mix the combination sure tiaki but today's one is I going to um make a very very easiest one and the pretty much basic and then the thickness I going to make in the sugar and honey in the natural way to makeing luse so I'm going to use a p star today the recipe okay show us the first step here what do we have so first step I going to uh cut uh Ginger I got to make it smaller okay so this I was already so actually you can you don't need to take off the skin out if you wash it very clean just wash it good mhm so I going to do just the cutting to a put down even you don't need to cutting way too too small just cutting small and because of the after that I going going to anyway uh strain out everything okay so you don't need to be way too small so how much are we going to make today what's the amount toal uh soy sauce is actually here is a 32 o right here 32 and then this is 16 and 8 and eight on of the uh honey there so ginger and garlic is it's really really um it's up to up to you depending on the flavor how much you want yes if you want to make more more uh how do you say you want add more more Carli of course you can you can you can add it too today I think this is enough too okay and uh uh a garlic of course you can do a grinded too okay or just cutting into just a little bit smaller like that even the garlic with the how do they call that uh with the kind of with the clove yeah just cut to the cut to the half that's it you can put in the top too that was okay how about smashing can you smash it yeah smashing smashing is okay too okay yeah it's more F away f f fastest away yeah that's fine I don't see any onions do people use onion I guess in recipes they do Yes actually I have that's why another recipe I do um as like a chicken stock I the chicken bones and the onions and carrots uh that kind of stuff you know then after boiling about hour and a half to 2 hours then after I going to start doing the soy sauce and meting or another ingredients this another type of the recipe I can't wait to see that one the most do future we're going to do different recipe one by one garlic ginger is always nice combination mhm with using that as a videos soy sauce Ginger and GC combination okay that's that's that's enough iess yeah that's it so out of the 8 oz you have I don't know and then the ginger garlic about half left soing put in the PO and then start boiling and then slow heat and I reduce about probably take 45 to now okay and how much do you add water in here no no no I don't want to add in any water this this oh really okay so going to the um chicken chicken bones and a vegetable one I'm going to make it faster chicken stock sure uh then the okay so that's another recipe got it okay so today's one is very easy so first I going to uh start to add the meting okay so we have 32 oz of me meting here and then fire and then wait until boiling start boiling and also some recipe actually do a 32 o or whatever you know one by one meeting and a suc I just use a meeting for today okay one by one it's all depend on the you know different so which one actually your maybe this this recipe might you don't like it maybe another re TR next one another one better for you so I'm don't going to judge which one is best which one not good this is the most basic and easiest so yeah so you can you can uh modify okay so right wait until avoiding then after once it start voiding I'm going to put the fire on it and then take out of the alcohol then I'm going to another uh ingredients okay you can see getting uh boiling I'm going to put a little bit slow slow heat and then I'm going to put the fire on should be fire is on Maybe not maybe not enough fire it's not too much of you can see a little bit of Fire coming up here but it's not much alcohol looks like so you should pay how much do you burn off oh usually more Fire coming but right this this one not so much so basically you want to burn the Edge Look for the alcohol no actually when you put the fire on it the whole thing comes up com oh I see got it this so this could be kind of dangerous at home to do not not really dangerous but don't SC you know okay any alcohol actually want it bur basically burn the alcohol you know the sake okay so once it comes to boil use a yeah I was expecting more Fire coming on but it's not really not much oh it's not all that's fine okay so after that I'm going to add the soy sauce okay so also 32 o is the soy sauce does it matter what kind of soy sauce hereo uh just use a regular soy sauce okay okay and wait till it boils again yeah wait until boil again now I going to add to the sugar so 24 oz of sugar yes and uh honey 8 oz of honey okay and you basically stir it yeah this do that you have to stir it so the sugar doesn't burn on the bottom and the Honey mixes uh if keep uh uh fire strong and then it's going to burn out okay start burning so because honey is now stuck in the bottom so you need to St in a little bit and then First Med got it up so after that I'm going to add a ginger and garlic okay all in right so once you start start voiding I going to uh little bit the heat down and then slowly keep voiding okayu that's it very simple how long do you let it reduce for uh probably 30 to 45 minutes wow long time but you have you have to watch it you can let just hit and then you have to watch it because because I I you see coming always coming up so you make a little bit of control okay you can see start bubbling and then you need to heat a little bit slow down because if you keep high heat this one actually coming out going to call and then start burning everything you got to mess up you need to Little B he he that how do you know when you're done reducing it ah of course you can you can check you have to check very thick huh you can put them whatever you know dish or something little B cooling down then you can see go like this how TI you want it's all up to you actually can you uh show the audience right now here or maybe get a plate what is it right now and we're going to show how you want it later on okay example I just keep the uh thish this is just a even not 10 minutes and not nothing nothing yet so this gu is still very water okay very water but pretty much like that okay but I I'm going to video more okay perfect if you have a coting f it's very easy oh here what did you get the this recipe from this one actually in Japan I made it the same way the same exact way huh meeting and soy sauce and sugar okay and the same ratios same ratios okay it's great to know people want the authentic one and the number five terrai sauce what did you learn that was also in Japan uh some of actually I did modify myself oh okay I can't wait to see that one oh yeah so now you can see how TI is now let's see slow down a little bit okay let's see it's almost uh how long already 25 minutes since you start boing so let's see the second second to take on this right now so now this much it's not much different maybe not much different that's okay but now we can see to stay ni see here so I'm going to do Tom more okay another 15 minutes let's see how how 10 15 minutes after let's see this I can see it thick already yeah well the reason why it's running is because there's a lot that you put on there but it's pretty thick now yeah pretty thick that's from reducing it just from the Heat and of course if you like to more more reduce you can you can little more redu too okay so now going uh off the heat and then uh I keep a little bit Sim down and after stiring up that's it okay it's still a little bit hot so the saus is kind of uh watery but once it get cooling down completely mhm it's getting thicker get thick it sure okay after stra out you can keep into the Container then you can keep in the uh C and how long will it last uh this one actually you can keep 3 weeks one month 3 weeks month pretty much you can keep it longer okay but uh like I said I have another recipe with the chicken bone one that's is not going to stay longer yes cuz it's got the protein more natural protein all right okay here thank you so much thank you very much see you all very soon if you like this recipe give us a thumbs up comment below share it don't forget to subscribe see you very very soon
Channel: Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef
Views: 1,323,176
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Keywords: nove kitchen and bar nove sushi and bar how to make sushi DIY sushi, DIY sashimi, best sushi chef in the world, Jiro dreams of sushi, gordon Ramsey, sushi, sashimi, best sushi chef in miami, teriyaki sauce, how to make teriyaki sauce, diy teriyaki sauce, easy teriyaki sauce, hiroyuki terada, hiro terada, miami beach florida, best teriyaki sauce in the world, how to make sushi, how to make sashimi, master sushi chef, master chef
Id: 109oRnesVZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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