GREMLINS (1984) Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | 80's Cult Classic | Gizmo The Gremlin

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s pal very excited to jump into watching Gremlins for the very first time I know it's crazy we are both old enough that we should have seen it as a kids we did not and so we're going to watch it together now this is it this is your grandfather's store yeah come on well go ahead Mister look around see if there's something in you like that should have been kii Quan's role I know right give other people a chance come on well friends you do have a lot of interesting artifacts here but there's one thing you don't have and what's that I'm an inventor I made this the bathroom buddy and you got yourself your shaving mirror you got yourself your toothbrush you got yourself toothpick you got toenail clippers you got nail file early '90s that was the [ __ ] that you're on a bus or a plane or a train you forgot to brush your teeth you got yourself a bad case of dragon breath bad breath gong oh my God that was so cheesy it was a different time my God like somebody thought the gong was a good idea back then like in the sound design that that got approved that got Focus tested and went all the way through to the end my card like no be like you know a little fantastic ideas for fantastic world I make the illogical logical I can get them by the Dozen if you like what is that Maga mwa what's he doing singing he does that sometimes I remember V some of the rules about the Gremlins deal n there's something about feeding them after midnight is all I remember I'll give you $100 for it no look I've got to have him it's a present for my son for Christmas it's exactly what I've been looking for I've Been Everywhere I'll give you $200 wow $200 what year was this 84 I thought you said everything at your grandfather's store was for sale grandfather with M Qui comes much responsibility I cannot sell him wait outside a moment I'll be right out I'd say compliments to the director for not giving that Asian guy like a crazy thick Asian accent that's the temptation to go to okay mister here it is all right what about your grandfather forget what he said he's crazy we need the money now come on you want it or not I want it wow there's three rules you've got to follow yeah rules keep him out of the light he hates bright light especially sunlight it'll kill him oh keep them away from water don't get him wet but the most important rule never feed him after midnight you got it sure kid whatever you say Hey listen in fact whatever guy like standard issue movie movie white guy just doesn't doesn't listen to the instructions these kinds of City shots right now you don't really see them today as much a long tracking kind of establishing the city and the vibe a lot of permits it could be just like Universal Backlot or something [Music] true his dog a never bring your dog to work uh I I made that mistake although it helps you get girls oh my God it's so cute yeah EX you sign this petition yeah sure what's it for we're trying to have dory's Pub De clear the landmark Mrs deagle trying to take his lease away oh I'd look at her that way too uhoh she looks a little bit like Winnie from uh The Wonder Years uh-huh good morning Mrs deagle what's good about it oh she like scro what good about it she cranky this is what's left of my imported Bavarian snowman your dog broke it this morning just tell me how much I owe you I'll be more than happy to I don't want money I want your dog oh give him to me what the I'll take him to the kennel they'll put him to sleep it'll be quick and painless compared to what I could do to him what could you do strokes fur I'll catch the Beast myself then you'll get what he deserves maybe I'll put him in my spin dryer on high heat hello had to do it all right [Music] a manney you get off that dog KN knew what was up yeah oh my heart I must apologize for this most unusual you good dog he called him a butt it took me a second I'm I don't hear that word used anymore n Mr Corbin had second thoughts he gets so sentimental about the holidays imagine that yeah I would have fired you in a second he seems like a precursor to Tom from succession you haven't seen my new apartment I haven't seen your old apartment come on we're talking cable can't we have dinner tomorrow night e I'm working you say ew but in real life that's the dude that gets the girl he's the one that generally wouldn't I don't know Mom something wrong no no it's sad movie making me nervous ma'am I guess yeah you have a right to be nervous that's a sharp knife what's wrong Mrs deagle called again this afternoon how was the trip it was great yeah yeah the miracle company the people have the kitchen companion they just might be interested in the bathroom buddy oh great you're going to like this been in it for a while that look like he ain't [ __ ] open it now here we go again he's a little dulu yeah exactly him in his BS yeah it is I can tell it's a new car it's like another puppy doggy's excited oh honey would you di the lights please go ahead open it this fire account that was a long walk from Chinatown for some reason I thought like years had passed like I thought so too like the kid was younger right yeah I thought it was a show about kids too or a movie oh what is it no it's your new pet you're kidding it's so cute like a Furby mag I don't know some Chinese word I just call him Gizmo he seems to like it okay uhoh Gizmo look up here a minute not the flash one 2 3 what happened he hates Bright Lights oh things I forgot to tell you guys and they're really important oops number one he hates Bright Lights we know oh he remember the rules you got to keep him out of the sunlight sunlight will kill him it's a [Laughter] vampire D he just getting wrecked tonight I said no right light youit three rules try not to wor so much okay practical effects back then huh got a tree a Christ Billy the Kat's got a mouth on him this is my new pet my dad gave it to me me what's his name his name's Gizmo giz he's like m cute a what does it eat I know he's rolling his eyes can I hold him sure I don't see why not he seems to like you oh he got wet sorry what's in that jar nothing just water oh oh this is [Music] horrifying what is h what so many oh my god oh no it had babies you wanted one 1 2 3 4 five million that's a litter now can I have one exactly yeah Dad see what I mean I don't believe it all that from dollar sign yeah plain water we don't know yet oh man you know it's funny the new ones aren't like Gizmo the one with the stripe seems to be the leader you know what what I'll bet every kid in America would like to have one of them oh you're [Music] right he looks evil yeah he does he's ready to do some damage oh it's is it after midnight what happened he's going to cut back with Oreos we all eat it tonight if he give him mouse a cookie oh oh that's messed up yo they actually did that to that poor dog that's terrifying maybe it's just good sound effects all I know is that I'm positive that I closed and locked the door well Dad then how else did she get to him oh oh Billy we can't Point any fingers not even at Mrs [Music] deagle wow you could use one of those in Asia uh-huh hey is that a mam M yeah I'm going to have Mr Hansen check it out now watch this dude it's like torturing it did you not learn it's like me when I feel cold [Music] very smart to have the actress faces do a lot of the heavy lifting rather than just showing you everything yeah Mr fman guess what it's time to go home now hey how about one more v no it's getting late and one more beer I help you clean up this mess no thanks though it'll be okay really good you know the way he handle Mr fman he's like a lot of people around here I just want somebody to listen especially around the holidays that's when a lot of people get really depressed yeah lonely that's funny you know because I always thought everyone was happy during the holidays no matter what well most people are but some aren't well everybody else is opening up their presents they're opening up their wrists wow wa that escalated that was dark oh my God this is PG they were different back then night good night Kate if you're not doing anything this Thursday night maybe you'd like to uh go out on a date a with me I'd love to after all that wrist talk back there dang guys are so dumb I love The Crazy Ones guys tell me what that's like just keep going forward I guess girls are like that too they're like oh he's so brooding can you imagine bringing home this broad on Christmas your mom's all happy and then she just like a dampener a wet blanket on the whole thing but I love her so much she's got soul she's not informous like everyone mom no no this is not going to hurt uh uh this isn't going to hurt a big guy like you come on there you go that's not so bad oh my gosh what the literal what I think he's just trying to test the blood this is me after a minute as well no oh not 12:00 yet all right I guess this movie was paid for by Coke and M&M's here we go what if you feed them at 119 yeah and they're still digesting so what these like really tight close-ups are very discomforting they're Y no vegetarian all right that was crazy how the rules are interesting how the water like just makes them multiply I'm just a human brain on my desk no big deal of course you forgot the the rules huh that's it good buddy call it a night food is right there right is this where the teeth come out oh my oh [Music] my I appreciate all the uh intelligent film making going on in this you didn't actually see him grabbing it just leaving the frame they're [Music] already oh [Music] no Mom why Mom could you come up here please oh no what was in that chicken what are they well they're the M I guess did you get them wet or something no how are they so calm well I gave them some chicken but I made sure that it no no no no wait a minute I made sure oh the clock is dead this is a cocoon and inside he's going through changes lots of changes like my mother dang this is called a metamorph officers called out there a change in form and in appearance jeez oh my gosh yo like this is like scary for little kids I would imagine yeah yo this had to be frighty for kids like no wonder I didn't watch this cuz I always heard it was kind of like a horror but I was like that can't be right it's a kid movie I think we're so sanitized today you know what I mean sure like it's good to traumatize kids a little bit you makes them sharp gives them some Edge it's a little different from Barney how long would you say that it takes your heart to pump a quart of blood in 10 minutes it would fill the gas tank of your car and in 10 hours it would f a gas truck Smokey the Bear come on out take a bite let me see him H there now don't you feel better huh yo I thought he was going to I thought he was going to pull out his hand he was going to be like missing Mr Hanson there we go don't tell me he's dead oh my God see in the butt I knew it'd come around maybe close the door it's hydrogen for oxy or whatever it's called oh my gosh oh it's a meanie that was gross look fing demon gargoyles oh my god oh no that's so sad she's going to take an invention upstairs isn't she the orange thing oh just a knife not a special like thing with the like four knives on it it around on the hatch get out of the house a phone [Music] home I mean the fact that they managed to get that on there without scratching that [ __ ] up and get it playing Left wet handprints everywhere but that's fine that's fine it's quite [Music] skilled yeah [Music] that's crazy that's cool that was actually really cool the way they did that she looks over there you see the Shadow and the shadow leaves [Music] oh it is ugly that thing is textured like the Predator yeah oh my God that is so violent okay is it getting chopped yeah yo wow oh get out of my kit okay this is a kid movie like it's a [Music] horrible you like food she's microwaving it what yo I was not ready for this oh no oh no oh no oh oh my God oh my gosh what dude move there you go oh your aim better be good oh there's fire turn on the lights Mom are you all right I think so wow that thing did not have survival instincts it went in the fire and stayed there yeah or was it just a head maybe oh maybe that was kind of cold yeah it's not feeling well hello Dr malara could we come in please mom's had a bit of an accident what what is oh be careful what happened I don't think Mom needs to be taken out of the the game she was doing a pretty darn good job she executed like four of them exactly I mean mom was kicking yes she was and this is a pretty Progressive film for the 8S or things were just like this like Labyrinth was kind of really weird I guess there like the Terminator with Linda Hamilton and sigor Weaver and alien Sor a come here I almost got you I need therapy climb in there exactly I'm so surprised at this movie it's not at all what I was expecting like I I thought there might be like little spooky creatures but the level of violence that this is exploring highly unexpected this is what I remember people talking about it they're just either like I love it or they're like no thanks oh my God these dudes are not messing around oh what oh he's going to make a bunch of them that's that's it's not good I really wonder what the budget for this was yeah that shot cuz like a lot of this is just very clever in the way that they do it that's like a lot of air bubbles in the water and then uh lot of fog machine the fog machine but with the sound effects and all that and the lights It's very effective H well I'm not sure maybe thousands oh that dude M they look like this could you dim the lights in here please go ahead Brent dim the lights I thought I was going to shoot a light switch that thing oh stop motion oh oh yo damn oh Jesus you're going to get some coal in your stockings didn't it take a while for them to hatch like how he using a pole accelerated the process wow God damn far TV oh now hit the box I told you we should have got a Zenith blow I told you we should have got a Zenith what where are you going I'm going to check the antenna maybe the damn thing blew down be careful dear she's like The Lazy Boy mine she quickly took that chair she like take your time don't let this guy die yeah he's a war vet no he's going to be the one to save them all [Music] oh [Music] wow oh they're both dead looks like you stand corrected uhhuh how come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters huh well you see this is before it enters the pupil stage plus it multiplies with water oh Christ hey get to Kit some more what oh no oh no yeah yeah sure sure a cliche with like film where the cops always got to get that extra phone call before they realize freak action it's the creatures cre the creatures are making it look like an accident sheriff sheriff will you listen to me you listen to me kid go on home take little Gizmo there sit by the fireplace and open your Christmas presents okay out a boy tickle tickle tickle love those things stop that you Bad Kitty I guess the rich awful character getting killed in a horrific way is also a Trope but it's also satisfying yeah we're not too mad I hate Christmas cars I no I hate that she and I have that in common that's your future right there jabby old cat lady that's hilarious what are they what are they Abomination I'm not ready I'm not ready oh that's so funny oh that's so funny wa oh my gosh yo what the hell God dang what they had no chill in this my God right yeah my God maybe maybe they saw this is like just a cartoon back then and so it's almost like Looney Tunes or something is it Jesus Frank it's Dave Mars he does Santa every year not anymore please Slow Roll they just left him wow damn you're like nope y'all are awful supposed to be Christmas what the hell's going on that's oh they cut the oh my God they're drinking and smoking why is she serving them I'd be terrified too it's so chaotic a lot of energy was invested into bringing this scene to life uhhuh I'm just wondering why they why so much energy has been invested in this like we get it they're making a mess just to show how far they'll go like wait hey you didn't want a happy sappy Christmas you got exactly what you asked for this miserable time doesn't like fire oh smart the gremlin no I mean the the MW she never met them right no oh my God out that thing still fires off a flash even with nothing in it how is she still in one piece it's a very Marty McFly kind of jacket now I have another a very Christmas yo this is in line with what you like it was Christmas Eve I was 9 years old find time to tell the story by the way and Mom decorating the tree waiting for Dad to come home from work and he never did a couple hours went by dad wasn't home yeah Mom called the office no answer Christmas day came and went and still nothing oh she got baggage she's perfect I was just about to say marry her it was snowing outside the house was freezing so I went to try to light up the fire and that's when I noticed the smell firemen came and broke through the chimney top and me and Mom were expecting them to pull out a dead cat or a bird and instead they pulled out my [Music] father this is such a dark story but his face made me laugh he'd been climbing down the chimney on Christmas Eve his arms loaded with present oh my God was going to surprise us horrible he slipped and broke his neck died instantly and that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus [Music] damn remarkable like that was such a dark story about her dad and that little thing's mwise face just turned into a comedic moment this is universal I think this this that this street right here this is where they did Back to the Future this is where the end of part one is I think actually part two ended here where did they all go it'll be lights but they're all together someplace dark underground oh no yeah I think he's telling you don't [Applause] go is he like a Pokemon he just says his name pika pika these things are like a virus them w wow yo that could cut you yeah oh oh they figure it [Music] out oh they're all singing they're singing it they're all into [Music] this yum this has me wondering if they if these things live several like they have reincarnation or something or if they just inherit inherit um memory from whatever they respond from how do they know what Snow White is I Don't Know cover your mouth or they just like the music [Music] uhoh that's cool oh oh it's like the end up glorious bastards huh yeah [Music] is that enough Billy in the department store still got one left stripe the leader Sylvester take this go back and try and find some kind of light switch oh sorry about your dad catch is beautiful I missed the mom she was doing some real damage she was bring her back oh water oh no no with the doll yeah I don't like uh-uh oh goodness okay where are you going dang where's the [Music] mom are you kidding me oh my how much strength do these things have that he can't just shove it back oh there we go that's [Music] amazing okay [Applause] [Music] go ow all right dude it's been a rough night Rock oh no oh no honk honk you know I just realized there's no gas pedal on that thing it's all remote controlled what is he doing how is he moving this vehicle that is a very good point Billy [Music] Billy this guy this Billy guy is useless come on dude get up do something where's your where's your adrenaline oh my Lord oh that's so manye oh no [Applause] oh ooh there we go gross oh way to come back to the party oh my gosh I love that they just walk away okay good thank you like yo inspect you know just [Music] verify uh no that's a very well-trained dog yeah initially I was like is that a pregnancy test what happened what don't you why would you clearly chill I bet he likes never seen a pregnancy test before I mean good for you but I told you eyewitness reports concerning little green men continue to circulate you teach him to watch [Music] television irons that's the most classic Asian sound possible it's like the one of those Asian sounds that are Universal across all countries in Asia except maybe Japan I don't hear Japanese people say it they have that E I warned you with McKai comes much responsibility but you didn't listen and you see what [Music] happened that's authentic yes uh he has something to say to you James Franco come on byebye bye perhaps someday you may be ready until then McKai will be [Music] waiting well that's a story if your air conditioner goes on the fritz or your washing machine blows up before you call the repairman turn on all the lights all the closets and look under all the beds cuz you never can tell there just might be a gremlin in your house it's one right next to me I'm just kidding just feed me nachos before midnight and I'll be fine this was such an unexpected adventure I didn't think it was going to get that dark I didn't think it was going to get that violent the mixture of tones is fascinating to me uh because you know it's like it feels like a Kids film and with the like the way it was introduced and like that it's just very hunky dory and happy and it felt almost like I don't know it's been a minute since I watched it but like The Goonies or something just that kind of tongue I haven't seen that either and so for it to go the direction it did I'm like what like the microwave moment was just crazy to me some characters dropped off in the film it kind of made me a little bit sad like the the the mom dropping off and then the young kid who I think is in the movie The Lost Boys if I'm not mistaken I can't remember too well it's I have to look at the IMDb yeah so anyway what you think of it I see why a whole generation was traumatized oh is that what you got from I said like the responses I always heard was either like oh we love it it's like a cult classic you know people have all the gear they love everything about it or the other side of it they're like nope nope no thank you no thank you it did me in uh-uh never again so um isn't there another one I think yeah the second one yeah yeah so it keeps going I like that they were respectful to the Asians as well considering but there was an era of time where Asians were just like normal people in cinema and in TV and then it started going backwards like even in friends era it was like no Julie Julie was a normal like you Julie well I mean as normal as one can be I knew it he was in The Lost Boys you're were right yeah so his his name is Cory Feldman oh Cory oh yeah so Stand By Me he's been in bond The Goonies speaking of The Goonies yeah he's been in a ton of stuff so he just kind of dropped out of the film he the last thing we saw of him was like him inside of his bedroom just uh like knocking them away or something like that yeah with the the slingshot I wonder if it came back in the second one like a little older quite possible it was a watch I liked it I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad I watched it it was a good throw like it felt nostalgic it felt like a good throwback in terms of the way films used to be and yeah just how characters used to be I think it held up though that's the thing it's like I think I think that for it being a film from ' 84 it still like kind of put me off in not in a bad way but like in know like oh my gosh that's actually like kind of frightening and I I had to think about that for a second and process it I'm like this is really PG and it's making me uncomfortable I can only imagine how like as a kid how I would have processed that while watching it and we're talking about like the tone and how scary it is and whatnot I was thinking to myself well Poltergeist I think is also rated PG if I'm not mistaken no way I think it is and then Beetle Juice and Ghostbusters and all that stuff and um I think Labyrinth um well I never actually watched The Labyrinth see that one's um let me see intense Poltergeist PG 1982 but I mean today things were different back then today if you did that I I feel like it would be PG-13 you know like this is before both of them this is before PG-13 was invented yeah and so I keep saying this I should probably fact check it but I think that PG-13 was invented as a result of the Temple of Doom yeah this predates that I think and like it can get away with it but so violent but you know I think that we took some of these things for granted uh at the time you know I was rewatching Seinfield not that long ago and there was this whole episode where he literally jokes about people offing themselves I'm phrasing it like that on purpose because if you say certain key words the YouTube AI will come after you and so it's just like it's just a row of jokes they're like in the episode it's like and everybody's like laughing together and I'm like yo like we used to be okay with this topic and and only in the last 10 to 15 years years have we gotten more and more sanitized where we cannot laugh about a number of things that we could before and while I understand like the feeling and the sentiment today around that and why we don't laugh at it anymore I do miss that bygone era of when we could just laugh at a lot more than we do now I mean the the things they were doing in this film you wouldn't do that today you know like the most yeah for PG the most violent thing you're going to see is like Madagascar or something like that you know what I mean overall I really enjoyed it just thinking about how it might have been made as well yes I think that was the most for me too because all the shots all the just think about all the P puppets alone I don't know how much was Robotics and how much was just sttion yeah stop motion and some dudes just like sure oh hand puppets yeah puppeteering and also cuz that was huge back then too yeah I would imagine there was also probably like actual string puppeteering going on as well because there was one shot in the bar where I saw a gremlin running across the bar floor and I'm like that thing was moving at a clip and it didn't didn't look like stop motion so it had to been like puppeteering yeah like that there was a use of rear screen projection inside of the convenience store not the conven store the department store where you saw the mogy inside the car and you saw the motion behind him and I'm like at the time you wouldn't have known that's rear screen projection it's just like you're just you know so invested in everything going on it's like this is cool but this is a great analogy for um AI or a virus I'm trying to think like what else Tik Tok like yeah you know what else do you know what else Joe Dante has done Inner Space that's a big one the howling I don't know that small soldiers that was a big one that makes so much sense that he did Small Soldiers oh my goodness that was a movie I really enjoyed when it came out really I haven't seen it in forever though that's a ton of fun as an alternate to die hard this is a fun Christmas movie no I hate Christmas yeah I mean yeah for the Kate character got she got dark like the the just the walk to house was like full of red flags there's just hot you know what I'm saying like his type yeah because then you end up trying well yeah the problem is you end up trying to save the person it's like oh you got problems I'll save you I'll help your problems uhhuh definitely not boring yeah exactly keep you engaged like a YouTube video speaking of which I enjoyed this a lot I hope you guys did too uh thanks so much for hanging with us U make sure to subscribe Bell icon all notifications both this up I'm jabby Ki this is B and day peace out by
Channel: CinePals
Views: 21,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S2TdKXefoIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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