Beverly Hills Cop (1984) REACTION! | First Time Watch! | Eddie Murphy | Judge Reinhold |

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C Pals this is Beverly Hills Cop from 1984 which makes this 40 or turning 40 this year don't ask me how I know that let's watch the movie here we go I thought this was like Beverly Hills as in this is Beverly Hills and I was like Beverly Hills doesn't look like that that looks awful oh it's Detroit I'm so sorry I'm sure it's [Music] lovely sorry I don't know what just came out of my mouth oh my gosh I think aara has taken the rle of christen sto today you can't get no cleaning this here look here he's a very popular cigarette with your children why don't you keeping going to business yourself if such a great deal I would man but I ain't from Detroit you know and I don't know nobody in town that can handle a job this big but y'all supposed to got all the connections you know take the two Grand and on the next score I promise I'll make it up to you hey look man don't jerk me off all right man jerk somebody else off this is I need I need $5,000 here come the police oh no I can't do nothing with that you know you want to be a you can take the whole load and smoke them yourself in the pock I don't smoke make oh officer you know what just happened a few minutes ago you ain't going to believe this check this out the truck it just stopped man it just stopped don't I know you from some place nah man that ain't me I'm from Buffalo Buffalo both of you guys break out some ID uh-oh let's get the out of here here we go oh he holds the chain like I'm ready yeah I'm still your product's going to yeah everything's going to fly out and then you're going to fly out with it sorry right no one likes Lucky Strike anyway I remember just playing him his body around like that it's pretty epic he was having fun like like unless it was a stunt double if I recall properly didn't Eddie Murphy have a hard time reading I don't I don't know that about I thought I thought I I read this somewhere but he still managed to remember like remember his lines and people would like read them to him oh because at the time I couldn't read cuz I was transfering oh it did for sure because I just transferred from Japanese school to American and I was like oh if he can do it I could do it too Eddie Murphy and I was like EDD he's way older than me an inspiration for [Music] Kristen dang I feel bad for all of the civilian cards that got messed up least nobody's Health got up of course he gets cut he's an undercover cop right is that the oh we should have known it was you oh why are you smiling you just like destroyed a bunch of property where to go I don't understand I don't have any time for you to looking for you he is really pissed you know what he said this is your worst Fu up ever technically it wasn't him look at this his great now thank you guys hey you got a cigarette hilarious you want to play some Cowboy cop go do it in somebody else's Precinct don't you want to hear my side of the story what your side of the story let's hear your side of the story the deputy chief just chewed my ass out you see I don't have any bit of it left don't you one more time you out on the street do you understand me boss let me tell do you understand me yeah I understand I feel like that could have gone worse mhm the chief ain't Che it all out you still got little ass don't with me [Music] Axel tune I only knew this song from you know the Crazy Frog yes and then my friends were like no it's from Beverly Hills Cop okay like I just another frog I like all right he's just such lovable guy are you really trying to rob a cop's house that little hop yeah hey oh oh how you doing I see you still breaking in people's houses what do you expect with that lock why don't you buy a realing lock for that door huh I don't need no lock I got my pistol I po a c at somebody yo man when you get out I got out 6 months ago where did you get out you got out 6 months ago you coming to see me now when they got me out of year ear for you know good time and uh I went out to California get some sun oh you got presents 10,000 deuts marks deuts Mark you stole them no I don't want to hear it I don't even I'm sorry I even ask just good to see you man a that's an interesting relationship I was working working where Beverly Hills ah what was you doing I was a security guard oh I had a feeling he was going to say that I got a great idea let's steal a car what no that sounds like a terrible idea I'm police officer I can't steal cars no more man what's wrong with you every time you stole the com Tac and Murphy's lav is just like so iconic Y how come you didn't tell on me when you got caught man how come you tell we're together you don't know cuz I love you man a also snitches get stitches loyalty yeah I'm opening the door now okay here we go all right here we go sorry what am I supposed to do here Mikey was a whole box full of those things D me I I took a couple of them I didn't think anybody was going to miss them of course they are I swear if you ever show your face out there I won't I won't ever I won't I promise I'm sorry oh please don't kill him all right well that's the instigating incident right there he has to find out what happened to his friend now you don't mind if I ask around a little bit do you don't do a damn thing it's Ran's case your ass is skating on thin ice as it is hey look we're talking about a friend of mine here whoever killed your friend wasn't worried about your little narrow ass if they were you'd be lying beside him in that meat wagon that's true as soon as you finished at the hospital you're on vacation thank you but if you decide to butt into this case it' be the the longest vacation you ever heard of I feel like at that point it's almost worth it that was a good setup too with his friend when he's like why didn't you rap me out and he's like cuz I love you man and so it's like well okay what are you going to do now you have to return the favor whoop whoop here's Beverly Hills that's so sad though you're having such a good time yes you have a reservation for an axle Foley I'm sorry I don't see anything out of that name check Rolling Stone Magazine's Axel Foley that's what it is I love this okay let's see if this works I'm a small reporter from Rolling Stone magazine that's in town to do an exclusive interview with Michael Jackson I was going to call the article Michael Jackson is sitting on top of the world don't you think I know that but now I think I might as well just call it Michael Jackson can sit on top of the world just as long as he doesn't sit in the Beverly Palm Hotel because there's noig allowed in there oh there is a room available it's a suite but uh I'll only charge you the single room rate what an upgrade I'm fine my name is s and how can I help you um yeah I'm looking for Miss Jenny Summers very busy today Mr ammed is here to see Axel F is here to see hertin these are all the qu Don this cover this up it's like the bre of a dog to scrub for the customer sexy it's animal it's not sex at all it's animal I see you look at this SP yeah I was wondering how much something like went for $130,000 get the out of here no I cannot it's serious because it's very important PE God it's good to see you how have you been I've been already look at you do you like yeah you're good you're getting old C I want to talk to you about Mikey oh is he in trouble again he's dead came to Detroit and somebody killed him believe this I'm trying to like read her reaction like what I know I'm like what she know no were you a part of this look I can't right now I'll be up in a second he's also just like observing reading MH he was working for Victor at the gallery's warehouse look Axel I can't talk right now I have to go upstairs it's cool um I'll call you later on stay safe well deliver is are supposed to be left on my desk yeah but he has to get these flowers it's imperative I'm going to go up myself all right well you're not really supposed to go up yeah but floral delivery is my life I have to take it up who let you in here I have to ask you some questions about Michael tandino speak to later darling yeah exactly what was it Mikey did for you here I'm sorry I didn't catch your name my name is foley this sounds like something for the authorities in Detroit so if you'll forgive me I really must get back to work five guys get the off take e yo get the off get off me man get off guess that makes sense one for each arm one for each leg and the door oh you broke your own window why there was a door did you see this I can Des grabe all of them please move to the side of the car put your hands on the hood why what's with you guys you heard what he said sir do it right now please Dang hold up wait a second you guys are thr out of a window I got thrown out of a window man gun partner sir you are under arrest are they twins y but tell me something what's the charge possession of a concealed weapon disturbing the piece disturbing the piece I got thrown out of a window what's theing charge for getting pushed out of a moving car huh jayw walking that's what happens when you have friends in high places yeah we have six witnesses that say you broke in and started tearing up the place then jumped out the window what what who the are you cops or doormen we're more likely to believe an important local businessman than a fou mouth jerk from out of town foul mouth you man you watch your mouth hey man don't square off on me with some you want to start some static hey don't push me you man oh man ha what kind of cop are you I apologize for striking you that's I have no excuse sounds sincere well take it do you wish to file charges against this officer for assault look where I'm from cops don't file charges against other cops no I don't want to do that bro code well if you want to carry a gun I suggest you go back there well I really can't wait to get back there if you want to know the truth was that so I just got off the phone with an inspector Todd in Detroit oh God he tells me if we inform him you are working on this case he'll have you brought up on charges and fired now one last time what are you doing I'm on vacation vacation you know I got to hand it to you guys if anything you are extremely polite pretty good punch you got that dagot they're going to be friends by the end of this right or is he bad I can't tell you go barging into his office without an appointment you're carrying a gun I mean if you barged into my office and I didn't know you I'd throw you out is this your car what are you looking back there for the cops they're following us what is it just so conspicuous he's just really good at his job I'd like to order something from your late supper menu but listen I want you to deliver it to this beige for this talk out on Wilshire send down one B shrimp salad sandwich okay I'm going to be in town I find out who killed Mikey and I'm very seriously considering going down to that warehouse where he worked and checking that place out and how are you planning on getting in he can do anything this is amazing the hell is that slat uper compliments of the axle Foley Foley how do you know we were here oh my God cuz I let you drive cuz I let you drive well the Buffet plate is 1250 you get peaches plums oranges and bananas all I need is a couple [Music] bananas wait take those bananas wait is he a weigh brother amazing I love it what a fun little character oh God no ah how's that weak he waves as he's oh he didn't get to enjoy his meal and he's got bananas up his tail pipe uhoh what the hell are you doing oh no and they're in the middle of the road you find something coffee grounds that's what I thought you know what this stuff is used for yeah some people filter hot water through it and drink it yeah I'm going to take this home filter hot water through it and drink it in the [Laughter] morning uhoh o she also she inside the pieces probably yeah unless they're like forging art or something maybe like making coffee stained looking stuff come on let's go I want to get out of here get off my back okay Axel what the hell's going on tell you later come on yeah keep up give me the key I'm going to follow him have you ever driven a Mercedes before no but a car is a car D my car every day I'm driving I've seen your car fair oh that's cold seem like that's cold Fair though fair I mean if I had a nice car I wouldn't let someone else just drive it no man sticking a banana in your tail pip well he distracted a SW and how do he do that well you sent us a late supper sir see this waiter comes overly's so cute I want you two to go back to the hotel and wait for Foley to show up and if you lose him again don't bother calling in you got that yes sir we've got something for you Billy an anti- banana disguise may come in handy a little extra protection they put a lot of effort into doing that yeah someone had to cut a banana Hollow it out and not break the peel they hold our foreign shipments here till they clear Customs I'm going to go check it out just stay the car and go home okay yeah just go home yeah this is 100% dodgy ooh he's like a cat Landing so lightly just pretend that you work here how you doing can you come here for a second please huh is your supervisor here yeah he's in the office can you go get him for me please what's the problem are you sec dirty here yeah then you're the problem go get your supervisor please now no one ever like properly reads the badge like very quickly if that happened to me I would have been like okay yeah this place has the worst Security in the nation now I suggest you guys call your wives cuz we're going to be here all night we're going to check the background of each and every crate in this section starting with this one right here wow smooth yeah very smooth you got some kind of warrant for this you know you have a very big mouth sir are you hiding something from me how would you like for me to have the IRS come down here and crawl up youring ass with a microscope and you guys would be out of business permanently if I don't get some cooperation is that understood don't get upset inspector we'll give you everything you need right guys that's on my Porsche no sir I don't know who it is well you ain't got nothing to worry about then I don't know what y'all think I am H me for some kind of fool hurry up quicker yeah he's hurry up quicker authoritatively everyone's like okay put another banana in it oh hello look man if you're still mad about the banana thing I'm sorry all right just need a little time to myself just was a to S the expression on your face when the car con down what do you say we all go get something to drink and make up and be friends huh forget it okay it then I'm going to go get something to drink though right you guys can try to follow me if you want to do that but I lost y'all once today which means I can do this again all right listen to me I found the perfect place I saw in the way over here today it's perfect for you guys you can go it's very conservative and you guys will love it don't worry it's nice what it's a strip club yeah that'd be great yo you right how do you know I don't know I'm just like that didn't even cross my mind I'm thinking it's a hole in the wall real quiet PR like no it just seems like the type of thing he would say you know like oh yeah it's so conservative and then it's like titties an ass I didn't see that coming scotching soda and the brother what you want like light beard for the fellas two Club sodas crack me up with on duty oh tune Billy you know you don't have to be embarrassed if your dick get hard your dick is supposed to get hard see poor guy just killed his Vibe yeah got stay Li right ain't on duty so my dick can be hard check that out I found on a mland warehouse Billy B here give her this really no ST that inside a little thing and she go nuts excuse me oh [Music] bless you think I'm a nasty girl song Thank you so much thank you very much oh who's here oh did he know see that guy over there in the black coat jacket yeah well it's June is kind of hot for a long black Lea Co oh yeah check out this ass all at the bar bil over here going to make sure that behave somebody tell me what's going [Music] on he knows yeah no this time no tight Billy yeah just chill yeah be be be still Billy yeah you're a guppy here some we're doing we're doing some man work [Music] pH hey man what's pH I know that was you he told me wasn't you said you don't come here no more about that it's Phil I told you it's Phil you lying hey give me kiss baby that escalated get back man what you doing with all this gun man you to get back you change man you to get back yeah wa Dam W please move and I'll kill you don't move oh bless you you sweet little child you're some kind of cop you know that sorry for the disturbance folks everything's under control yay let's go team work he just proved himself he's like I love you guys now let's be friends yeah would you mind explaining to me what you and Rose would were doing in a strip bar he told him to follow him the only reason that they were at a strip bar is because they were telling me and I went to this place M these two officers were sitting outside wondering what I was doing son anyway these guys waited outside and the only reason that they came in was because they saw two suspicious looking gentlemen with bulges in their jackets going into the place that's right good save these men watched them waited for them to make their move and then they foiled a crime I did not know what was going on I was watching the show having fun I'm still freaked out by it you must have a sick sensus I don't know what you teach these Fells they're super cops okay and the only thing miss these guys are capes it worked is this what really happened yes say yes say yes fully observe the two suspects casing The Establishment and before we knew what was going on he'd already disarmed armed one of them detective Foley deserves all the credit for the arrest sir a that's actually pretty sweet Foley yeah okay but in the future if you want to practice law enforcement I would prefer you did it in Detroit just get a transfer come on before I go I just want you to to know something all right that the super cop story was working you guys messed it up you can't how do you not not like him yeah you guys are off the case Foster Cape your turn oh damn it waiting oh same thing watch out for bananas morning gentlemen some coffee and donuts what coffee and donuts you didn't get that one did you bananas there he is did you banana did you check your tail pipe oh he didn't do it again dang it morning officers what yall the second team we're the first team yeah we're not going to fall for a banana in the tail pipe you're not going to fall for the banana in the tail pipe look man I ain't falling for no banana in my tail pipe see you've been hanging out with this dude too long I'm sorry I'm just with you that's funny to me sorry so you going to try to keep up with me no problem all right yall want something to drink beer or something I got some stuff in the trunk what what's going to happen what are you going to do oh he genuinely has some stuff in the trunk you look a lot like you're on a steak out steak out no no I'm picnicking this looks like a picnic area oh yeah very much a steak out time for me to take in some sights excuse me I love how janky his car is yeah please be the bananas please this please have the banana this time no no when would he have been able to do that they were on his case the whole time at some point I hope they get a banana I know I would love another banana in the [Music] tailpipe the hell's he doing oh oh oh [Music] wow that was pretty smart may I help you yes I'm looking for Victor mein that this is a members only clock mhm but I have to talk to Victor it's very very important are you sure it's victim mland you want oh yes victim mland grayhair gentleman very dark skinned Capricorn well why don't you give me the message and I'll take it to him okay I guess I can do that um tell Victor that Ramon the fell he met about a week ago tell him that um Ramon went to the clinic today and I found out that I have um oh God Tri Simplex 10 and I think Victor should go check himself out with his physician to make sure everything is fine before things start falling off on the man uh perhaps you better tell him that genius why don't you get the hell out of here cuz get the away from cuz Okay this is a very nice place Vic hi I like this this is nice glad you like it I must make you a member I must make you a member I know that you're into a lot of crooked and I have a pretty good idea that you had Mikey killed and when I find out for sure I'm going to you up real bad you were warned my advice to you is crawl back to your little Stone in Detroit before you get squashed please step away from the table sir got to go now Vic thanks nice meeting you again yeah all of these cops have like chiseled Jaw lines and great hair this is becoming very irritating why are you bothering Victor mler he loves it I had a friend named Michael tandino that used to worked for victim M and maitlin had him killed I can't prove that right now but when I do you'll be the first to know forget what you can prove talk to me oh okay everybody knows that Vicor mlin is a hot shot art deal okay but I did some poking around and Art's not the only thing that need deals I went to his warehouse and I saw some guys unloading a crate that was filled with German be bonds now my friend bonds or drugs or whatever the crate that I saw didn't even pass through customs ma is paying someone so his guys can get the shipments out of Customs before they get inspected and you witnessed all this everything except for the drugs but I found coffee grounds all over the warehouse if you'd found the drugs that's one thing but if your only evidence is coffee grounds we don't have enough to get a search warrant on guys oh who's this it's a gentlement that crash through Victor matlin's window who disabled a non-mar unit with a banana yes sir a who Lord taget and Rosemont into a gross dereliction of Duty at a strip establishment uh it's Rosewood sir oh my gosh stop is this the gentleman who rued the buffet at the Harrow Club this morning God not the buffet I just bet you are the pride of your department in Detroit I bet he's Lieutenant I'd like to see you in your off yeah I think he he knows something or he's trying to find something so he wants him on his team now yeah there's got to be like some sort of connection they're going to transfer him Rosewood take detective Foley back to his hotel room watch him pack and escort him to the city limits oh hi Victor hi hope I'm not interrupting you Jenny there's a gentleman in town from Detroit who says he's a friend of Michael tandino oh no he came by the office yesterday and asked me all sorts of um rather odd questions excuse me now I believe his name is foley since you were such a good friend of Michael I was wondering if you were perhaps familiar with the fellow what are you going to say grew up in the same neighborhood oh really have you seen him lately say yes he uh he came in yesterday what he came by here he told me that uh Mikey had been killed yes he left and uh I haven't uh seen him since oh boy Jenny darling you wouldn't by any chance know where Foley is staying would you I have some information which just might be helpful for him no I I have no idea oh I hope I didn't disturb you too much no no problem this is my good buddy um Billy Rosewood this is Jenny sumon hi Billy's a Beverly Hills Cop what do you do that's Serge yo Serge can you get my friend um espresso you want to be the lemon twist yes yeah sure if it's no bother no don't be stupid I love him Axel Victor maitlin was here asking questions about you today I'm telling you he was acting real weird mhm yeah well look the reason I came down here is cuz I want to get back inside the warehouse look ex this has anything to do with Mikey getting kill and I want to go check it out for myself I don't have time to stand here and argue with you Jenny let me get my keys and we'll argue on the way okay okay Billy your job is just sit out here and observe things all right don't make a move until I come out and get you I don't see why I can't come in you go in there without probable cause they're going to call an illegal search you know that yeah that's true what is that ooh [Music] oh ah here we go the evidence we need coffee there coffee on top yeah whoa this ain't sugar we'll get Rosewood dang damn it oh come on Rosewood oh boy call him back up now I just can't tell you how disappointed I am to find you here bigor listen shut up goodness me what are you going to do with him I think you should be more worried about what we're going to do with you yeah Jenny don't worry about me we got and coffee here we're going to get wide and have a big party oh come on give him a signal like come on in come on your instincts free oh my god oh crap at that point oh good job so would have already been done thanks man did you take the evidence I would have taken a a thing of that oh that's true yeah cuz like maybe by the time the cops get here it might be gone it might be gone yeah tell terer to check out the warehouse without that address and act on whatever he finds I'll explain it to him later dd6 Sergeant tiger is here now he wants to talk to you Billy oh no what the hell is going I'm sorry Sergeant I can't talk now what do you mean you can't talk now just check out the warehouse and please don't say anything to Bam Mill like quickly now with haste do you have the address of that warehouse you two check that place out then find me and let me know what the hell is going on over there and don't talk to anybody but me mhm Billy what the hell are you doing here I stole my gun and force them to bring me no he didn't sge look everything he said about matland is right now he's kidnapped a woman and he's got her in this house well let's go in there and get it all right taget wait a minute got more guns yeah yeah fo is on the grounds how the hell should I know get some people out there right away it's nice house [Music] all right oh oh okay I was about to be impressed give me give me a boost okay that's really funny 609 Palm Canyon Road who lives at that address who do you think Bingo come on come on lift lift lift Lift You Can Do It Go Go yep oh my [Music] gosh dang bang dead got you bro yeah what about okay he's coming around the other side that's okay right the am I doing here oh oh [Music] Billy whoa wow Billy one shot cover me oo bang nice go get the gun go get a machine gun for yourself it's like a video game pick up all the weapons I would be please you're all under arrest oh my God yeah that's not going to work you do that again I'll shoot you [Music] [Applause] [Music] myself I hope he has a slow painful death W okay yeah not uh also not good aim scary Yeah Bang You're Dead bye what in the head oh no oh damn it Victor oh no a you going to hang around here no yeah you don't get paid enough [Music] leave oh no oh my gosh you guys what this is just ridiculous be careful boy it might hit me what are you going to do freeze whoa whoa wow I wasn't expecting that oh then he fell down the stairs just for good measure guys just give up yep you're all under arrest lay down your weapons in front of you and take two steps back with your hands up he's like this is my dream come true very good you have a report that explains all this yes sir well I will be very glad to hear it Miss Janette Summers the manager of Mr Maitland's Art Gallery accidentally discovered large quantities of a substance she suspected was Co bullshitting it nice good job she immediately communicated her Discovery to detective Axel Foley pulling one out of his own book detective Foley was at the time cooperating in a joint Beverly Hills Detroit investigation of Narcotics trafficking good job good job Rosewood immediately call for backup and I dispatched our officers to this location Sergeant tager here was the first to arrive at the scene you expect me to believe that report that's the report I'm filing sir Sergeant tag it is this true why don't you tell me what happened come on yeah this is a good lie come on remember last time happened just like the lieutenant said Chief I suppose congratulations are in order thank you sir that report better be on my desk in the morning yeah you were lying your ass off why don't you go to the hospital and get your shoulder looked at I was wondering if you could like do me a favor sir I think your favors are all used up I understand it's just I was hoping that you could like call on my Inspector Todd my boss back home and straighten things out for me but that's all right I guess I'm just out of a job it's cool though I'm going start my own private investigation company how's that sound I will talk to Inspector Todd first thing tomorrow will you really yes you bet thank you so much sir just get a chance just come here just come work in Beverly Hills one moment sir I'll get your bill God what's oh they're going to take care of it hey guys you didn't have to come down to see me off but I'm very moved by the gesture thank you Bill ordered us to make sure you got out of town oh thank you excuse me the Beverly Hills Police Department is picking that up oh get out of here guys wow that was a last Str you guys are too nice sir do you sell those Beverly Palm robes down here yes we do sir they're $95 a piece well money is no object put them on my tab I have to have two of them though I want you to have this fine Beverly Palm Road each time you get out of shower you're dripping wet for the rest of your life and want you to think about our friendship I want you to think about Axel Foley I love you B A thanks Axel here let me take this so cute rest that arm Billy take care of the tab you hey tager he you on Sir what is it like $2,000 you keep it as a souvenir oh you already stole them I already have three of them in my bag hello he looks around like I sto him I going to say goodbye why ain't you guys going to tail me to the city limits anyway yes we are I figured You' would I was thinking about stopping off and getting something to drink though yeah we sort of figured you well I don't think one beer is going to kill us Billy that's right listen to tager here Rose we're lighting up all right one drink's not going to kill us oh Famous Last Words what's going to happen where we going anyway don't worry about it just follow my lead oh my God the perfect place you guys will love it what is that trust [Music] me I would be so sad he's like I I would want him to stay in town and work with me I'd be like this is my friend this is like this is the guy need you in my life yeah like that's that's basically the job interview isn't it it's like yeah you can come work in Beverly Hills you're you're all right like you figured it out he's like the breath of fresh air that the Beverly Hills Police Department needed yeah this is he opened a few Windows aired that stuffy place up yeah oh my God this was really fun I know it was like a Feelgood like film it just makes you go yes these are the type of people that I look forward to meeting on a daily basis we just want an actual Foley in our lives seriously cuz he is he's like really street smart and he yeah he just kind of gets things done clever yeah witty funny cheeky all of the above all the above like just such a good guy to too though like at the end of the day it's like his pranks are like really um they're minor and yet you can't help because it's still done with such respect yeah he he found that sweet that sweet spot right there yeah it's just like it is I mean and I think that's the that's the fun thing about this is like he's a really cool character like you said like we all just want to have a friend like him we want to hang out with him and like I can understand why I think it was like at this point Eddie Murphy was like really On The Rise you know like as a comedian as an actor everything and I can imagine like you watch this movie all the things that we're feeling right now it's literally like yeah I want to hang out with this guy can we have him in more movies can we see him in more things cuz he's so much F every movie he's in though you want to be his friend and every single film whether he's in a tough pickle or he's playing like a heart ass or whatever right he is always that guy it's I feel like there's something about him when he smiles yeah you know like when he smiles but also his eyes that you're just like he's like it's like it's so authentic it's really really Charming it's Ador like him and then his like really goofy laugh which I love yeah it's great it's great he's so good and like I enjoyed as well how the movie Let Him showcase all of his different like acting and characters you know like like I think you know like I gave him the um herpes 10 herp that was like yeah that was great that was solid and you used 100% of his brain yeah 100% And and his whole body as well that's what I really like about him when he does characters is like he fully commits he does you know like cuz with that character in particular as soon as he turned on it started with the eyes and I was like oh my God here we go it is and then he he's just so much fun like I imagine working with him oh my gosh you would probably have such a hard time just trying to keep a straight face and staying in character I'd be like I'm I'm obsessed with you I'm obsessed you're making me too happy and I have to play this roll of like yeah you know working with him is like a blast there's no way that you couldn't work with him and not smile through the entire process true yeah I was also just like okay there was the I thought the bad guy the main villain he was he was like your great quintessential stereotypical 8s V you know like with an accent and just like very cold um but he was just so chilling every time that he spoke or something you're just like it was just one of those Zill that you're like okay you're way too cool about everything so collect that it makes me go should I second guess like overstepping you maybe I need a a second guess myself here CU you seem too mellow about this like you're too in control he was really great and then Jonathan Banks like I was like I know his face I know his face and I was like he's been Breaking Bad isn't he he's been Breaking Bad I had never seen breaking bad I mean I haven't watched all of it and I'm sure people are like achara why there's a whole backstory as to why okay and maybe one day I'll explain it but I do remember him from that and I think I also saw him in better call soul and he just has like a really great look for like bad guys like there's just something about his eyes like as soon as they're a little droopy yeah they're a little and and and and when he looks like you see the whites at the bottom of his eyes a lot you know and there's just something about that look which just kind of lends itself really well to villain characters and so I was I was quite pleased to see him there and like he he did it really well like he doesn't even have to do anything to be a to to kind of feel like a villain and I'm sure he's one of those who's like also a really nice guy you know maybe he's a nice guy in real life but just like by looking at him you're like I'm nervous for my life you might kill me he was great and like the the other cop characters as well like Billy Rosewood um played by Judge Reinhold he's adorable like he's he was so cute like just so perfectly cast as that like young cop who just doesn't really know anything you can you can easily manipulate him yeah with his like he's so brigh eyed and bushy tailed and and so adorable and innocent he was really really well cast and like I I love that in the end you know tager and Rosewood and everyone they all became friends with Foley cuz like that's that's what we wanted you know all to be friends oh I I loved it I'm like I was hoping that he was going to get transferred and then show up be like what's up guys and then they're like a maybe that's for the sequel I don't know if is there a Beverly Hills Cop sequel let's see oh there's there's many two three and four wow no way same people wow okay so then I feel like that that would actually make a lot of sense for or maybe the sequel to be like hey guys I got a transfer I'm here now uh like yeah this is this is what we do now we're just going to work together and it's going to be great and we're going to get up to a lot of Adventures and shenanigans and that is that's cool I hope that they continue to be good cuz I think this first one was really really strong so you guys would have to tell us if it's worth carrying on with the franchise but I do know that they're coming out with a Netflix show oh yeah I think yeah Axel F Axel F he's coming back oh 40 years after the you know he I mean he was so fun and such a lovable character like I almost feel like you got to take advantage of that yeah like why wouldn't you want to bring him back 40 years later I mean I know that could be tough sometimes but I feel like Eddie Murphy's that guy who doesn't age and no matter what he can pull it off if not better every single time I'm I haven't seen one thing with Eddie Murphy that I'm like yoo's weak I haven't seen anything if you think about it uh no I guess he's pretty he's pretty on point I mean I guess there were certain things where I was like I don't love these as much as others but he's is always on point like there's been films that I'm not like fans of but it wasn't because of him yeah like he's great in them he crushes it yeah yeah it was more like the other characters or like the story it's more the story line like he I don't know about this yeah no he he's always like 100% like very very good and so I'm just very curious now as to how they're going to take this cop in this story like 40 years later after maybe he'll be retired and then they bring him back yeah maybe something like that they pull the whole team together I don't know we haven't seen the teaser to this so like we're just speculating right now but that is very exciting cuz I feel like you know we've had we've had a few things and actually Eddie Murphy has been making an appearance on on Netflix uh a fair bit with some of his movies and stuff but he hasn't really been doing you know quite as much obviously he's older now I mean this was like in his Heyday right when his star was on the rise so I think it'll be cool to get a little bit more uh Eddie Murphy Axel Foley a great character it back yeah so anyway you guys hope you enjoyed this reaction um let us know your thoughts in the comments below What were what was your favorite part of the movie and also should we continue on with the franchise Beverly Hills cup 2 next time maybe you let us know and we will see you in the next one I'm achara Kirk this is Kristen seino to
Channel: CinePals
Views: 81,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wbufuLnwJbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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