Green Thumb George 🐵 Curious George 🐵 40 Minute Compilation 🐵Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] in spring good gardeners can't wait to get things growing [Music] need any more help okay i have to go help professor wiseman design her new terrarium bye george george had his seed system set first he dug a hole then he planted some seeds then he covered the hole [Music] i heard a guy named quixote opened a new bakery up ahead hungry it was the biggest pinwheel george had ever seen pretty neat huh [Music] [Applause] it's a windmill yup it grinds my grain for me let me show you how it works when the wind blows it pushes the sails just like wind pushes a sailboat along the water but since sails are attached to the mill instead of moving forward they spin around [Music] some people use windmills to make electricity ah i use mine to make flour and butter [Music] well i'll be what do you think george [Music] that's the butter turner those stones grind the grain into flour for bread bread and butter go together like bread and butter [Music] that is pretty amazing my windmill no your butter i didn't know a windmill could do that oh you could use a windmill to move just about anything yes this one's a pepper mill [Music] [Applause] george could push his sails but the wind couldn't [Music] mr coyote's sails were stiff maybe that gave the wind more to push against [Music] so george made his sail stiff [Music] [Applause] all his windmill needed now was a scarecrow mover [Music] at last his windmill was finished and it was a good thing too huh because he was out of tape now he just had to wait for the wind and get a wait for his windmill [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] george had done it he made his scarecrow move but he did feel bad for compass and his friends [Music] [Music] now the pigeons could eat their food while george grew his [Music] wow george's friend ally really flipped for flips even when she wasn't doing the flipping did you see that yeah the annual gymtastic tournament was right up alley's alley next year that's gonna be me here comes another one the gymtastic tournament was for gymnasts of all ages there were girl gymnasts and boy gymnasts and a bug gymnast [Music] next up is that bundler dynamite george on the floor matt [Music] i mean the balance beams [Music] ah well i guess i mean the uneven parallel bars or do i uh i mean george on the the rings and there i give up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he didn't mean to disrupt things you are a natural born gymnast you've got to come to my gymnastics class you teach gymnastics i want to come too me too really do you know how strong your arms have to be to do gymnastics imagine how far a guy could throw a newspaper oh yeah fantastic see you at the community center tomorrow for an introduction to the class three o'clock [Music] maybe you should do abominable exercises they make your muscles stronger [Music] eight nine ten one more than ten two more than ten now we need [Music] pomelo horse oh that was gonna be a tough one [Music] it'd have to be the right height too short too tall [Music] and it shouldn't tilt [Music] once george had a handle on things he added padding because safety is one of the three s's [Music] yes way to go george wow you guys built this yourselves well it was george's idea he's pretty smart for a city kid yeah wait till mrs somersault sees us next week we're gonna be so jam-tastic at the next class george couldn't wait to show the teacher what they had learned you guys are amazing are we gymtastic you certainly are but how we found another gym yeah and it's open every day every day do you think maybe we could have classes there [Music] oh yeah we know the owner and he's a natural at gymnastics [Music] [Music] it was george's first spring day back in the country and already he was starring in a movie hiya mr renkins hi bill george okay george you go in first and see if there are any baby ducks running around [Music] i'll follow with my camcorder this will make a great scene for my science project about baby animals [Music] this is bill bringing you baby ducks live from the rankin's barn [Music] hey [Music] we're in luck the ducklings haven't hatched yet they're still inside their eggs [Music] huh sure george look you and me and other mammals come into the world as babies but birds ducks for example come as eggs oh yup dumplings babies will hatch from these eggs as long as she sits on them to keep them warm sprouts on her george if she doesn't sit on them they'll get cold and never hatch ah oh my battery died i'll have to get another one don't let the eggs hatch without me okay [Music] where was dumpling going she was supposed to be keeping her eggs warm [Music] [Music] this i've got to get on tape phil here bringing you a city kid sitting on a nest of duck eggs george why are you sitting on a nest of duck eggs [Music] it looks like he's trying to keep dumplings eggs warm [Music] wow i don't believe it a duck is hatching right before my very eyes on camera uh mr mrs rankins you don't want to miss this your ducks are hatching we'll be right there [Music] hooray for the dumpling oh i should get this on tape you're watching dumpling duck saving her baby like only a mother duck can and so the ducklings were brought together by this daring rescue and by the kids from the city who helped to hatch them fantastic [Music] [Music] this is bill and the city kid [Music] bringing you one totally happy ending [Applause] saturday was a day when monkeys and men with yellow hats return books and get new ones a whole building full of books what could be better than that huh george [Music] are you excited to get a new book george hmm adventurous henry is one of my favorites too maybe you should check it out again it's called renewing a book people do it all the time george was thrilled no because the man with the yellow hat had only read the book to him 18 times [Music] that's strange i don't see the librarian mrs dewey huh i'm right here oh there you are sorry for the mess my work keeps stacking up uh george would like to renew a book please i sure wish i had someone help out today [Music] something tells me george is available that's stupendous thank you george george i have some research to do will you be all right here by yourself well then i'll be back in a few hours be a good little monkey librarian [Music] george had fixed the library again [Music] ah george what happened the books are all messed up come here i'll show you this is where all the outer space books are supposed to be but instead you've got bunny books train books bug books pink pony books ah where are all the outer space books [Music] george tried to explain to steve how he had organized all the books [Music] did you arrange all the books by size [Music] that's amazing but i don't think that's the way libraries work see outer space books are supposed to go on this shelf and books about dinosaurs go on that shelf and all the other books uh i don't know where they go hmm george wondered if outer space books all go together and dinosaur books all go together well then maybe train books go with other train books no matter what size or color they are [Music] yeah train books probably go together hey i get it maybe all the books are organized by subject cool [Music] yeah you've got a lot of rearranging to do but don't worry i'll help [Music] we did it the books are back in the right order great job you perry librarian [Music] i'm back george my it looks neat as a pin in here all the books are back where they should be on the shelves according to their subject uh right well mostly right books are typically arranged by subject then by author alphabetically [Music] except storybooks they go together by author i'm sure i can put things right in no time great sounds like you did a great job george hey maybe you'd like to help out of the library every saturday [Music] helping mrs dewey was fun but exhausting yoohoo george you forgot your book [Music] on the other hand only a librarian would give you adventurous henry for another two weeks what could be better than that [Music] there are those who appreciate a clean lobby and then there's george [Music] okay go straight in and run a bath george hello oh professor wiseman oh yes that does sound serious [Music] only one octopus [Music] ah [Music] hey george i have to go help professor wiseman don't forget about that bath [Music] george decided that the best thing to do was to put all his toys in the tub [Music] hi leave a message when you hear the george hello is anyone there i just wanted to make sure you saw that orange flyer slipped under your door we have to shut off all the water at four o'clock which is now i'm going in [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] george couldn't believe it the apartment didn't have any water either how is he ever gonna get clean [Music] up to get to water all you have to do is dig a well [Music] george didn't know how long his apartment would be without water so he figured he might as well start digging george ran the hose from the bathtub down to his well how could george attach the hose to the baster the water came into the baster from the bottom so george needed some way to connect the hose to the side [Music] maybe this would work [Music] with duct tape anything was possible [Music] oh [Music] it worked the water was going up the straw at this rate george would have his bathtub filled in no time [Music] except the well was out of water [Music] george had to dig a deeper hole [Music] huh [Music] george had struck the motherload of water [Music] water spurting up 20 feet in the middle of the city not a good sign [Music] see the whole reason we turned the water off was to figure out why we were losing pressure turns out the water main leading to the building had a crack in it i still don't know how george discovered the water main or the crack but it's a good thing you did well i have to say george you haven't looked this clean in days [Music] when you take a bath you really take a bath when the man with the yellow hat told george he was bringing home a wondrous animal called a chameleon george decided to surprise it with a gift hi george [Music] that's terrific it looks just like jade take a look [Music] yeah professor wiseman and i rescued her when she lost her jungle home [Music] she's uh there see huh look she's changing color chameleons can do that see she's usually green like her jungle surroundings and that's why we named her jade but under the sun's rays she got warmer and that made her change color watch [Music] chameleons change color when the temperature changes [Music] and sometimes when their mood changes too anyway today jade will get a new home at the zoo that is if i can convince dr chroma that she's the kind of rare chameleon he's been looking for oh yep i've already prepared my speech now i just need to pick up some posters hey do you want to feed jade while i'm gone [Music] oh great her food's on the table uh just drop in a few pieces and she'll do the rest thanks george bye-bye george had left the cage open [Music] the popcorn popper was warm but jade wasn't there the vegetable barbecue also had heat but it didn't have jade was there a warm place that george had missed [Music] [Music] now all george had to do was put jade back in her cage huh the cage was gone that meant that the man had taken squeaky to the zoo instead of jade hey george what's a rush uh sounds exciting well hop on [Music] meanwhile the man with the yellow hat had just finished telling the dramatic story of jade's rescue and now i would like to examine jade if she is the rare chameleon that you say then and only then can she stay well of course [Music] squeaky what was that sound what the squeak oh um hey let's all go to lunch huh i don't know about you but i'm starving the chameleon please [Music] show me the chameleon oh uh okay [Music] [Music] yes this is the chameleon we've been hoping for oh welcome jade to the zoo [Applause] [Music] george thought professor wiseman's beach house was great this time it was even greater because george had brought your bow the friendliest robot ever searching searching searching item found [Music] your ball is great yes your bow's next job was to help george and the man with the yellow hat pack a lunch for the beach no not look out [Music] oh sorry george i'm listening to an audiobook the slimy sea monster from the sea it's great and scary [Music] george didn't understand how something could be great and scary thanks [Music] now are you ready for a long hike to the beach [Music] oh i hope we don't run into any slimy sea monsters now take the radio and switch it to am okay then turn the knob all the way to the highest radio station number but make sure you get static and not an actual station turn up the volume then turn on the calculator and tape it to the radio fantastic you see the radio and calculator act as a magnet when it finds things that would stick to a magnet the radio beeps [Applause] that's amazing i can't believe you knew that well how do you think i won first place in my second grade science fair [Music] george was confused he had already searched half the beach but which half if only the beach were smaller then george remembered tic-tac-toe he could break up the beach into smaller sections like a tic-tac-toe board if george could mark off the squares he searched then he'd know where he'd looked and where he needed to look [Music] hi george you want to make a grid to help you keep track of your search oh great idea george all set let me know if you need anything [Music] if george searched every square then he'd be sure to find your bow in square number four george found a trumpet in square six george found a front grille to a 57 cadillac but by square number eight there was still no sign of your bow no luck huh your bow had to be in this last square he had to [Music] [Music] way to go george you found him your ball is great yes [Music] [Music] have fun well i guess this means i can get back to the thrilling conclusion of my book [Music] oh well wait for me [Applause] [Music] on sunny snowy days [Music] george usually got up bright and early [Music] but this day he discovered that bill had gotten up even brighter and earlier hey george [Music] snow blocks i'm building a house out of snow although the correct term is igloo yep i'm trying to earn my sprout badge in winter camping and to do that i have to build an igloo and sleep in it overnight suddenly that was exactly what george wanted to do build an igloo and sleep in it just like bill [Music] you want to help me and sleep in the igloo too why not let's get started [Music] george had really wanted to spend the night in an igloo [Music] and maybe he still could [Music] he could build his igloo right inside the house a smaller igloo it was nice and warm [Music] george figured he'd better turn down the thermostat so his igloo wouldn't melt [Music] it's freezing i must have turned the heat down too low [Music] wow the heat is off no wonder it's so cold [Music] seven o'clock the badge is mine ow we did it george uh oh george [Music] oh hi bill are you sitting down um no okay i don't want to alarm you but george is not in his igloo don't worry he's probably upstairs and [Music] what [Music] oh boy george [Music] uh george why is there melted igloo in the living room [Music] uh-huh you were cold outside [Music] so you thought you'd build an igloo inside makes sense for a city kid as the sprout master of sprout troop number 674 i am proud to present bill with his badge in winter camping wow there and now george and i would like to invite you all to a little celebration [Music] george's igloo might be too cold for sleeping but it was just right for a party hey george got any ice for the punch [Music] thanks that was the start of the monkey igloo social club open every weekend until it melted in the spring george thought it was a great day for the county fair and sheep competition oh i'm so excited george grandpa's in the sheepdog competition he's not even a sheep dog oh let's hurry it's almost time for the final round it was hard for george and ali to hurry at a spring fair there were tractors to play on and prize-winning turnips to admire [Music] huh there was even a barber shop for sheep [Music] don't worry george the sheep's hair will grow back besides now that summer's coming the sheep wants to get rid of that heavy coat [Music] george figured all that sheep hair was being taken to a trash can but the farmer had other plans [Music] a sheep's hair is called wool and after you wash it you comb it out [Music] and dye it [Music] then spin it into yarn and use it to make things like sweaters socks and blankets so people help sheep stay cool in the summer and sheep help people stay warm in the winter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wrong yes now george wondered how to whistle come back [Applause] another wrong guess george was suddenly wishing he'd paid more attention at the sheepdog competition [Music] [Applause] he tried every whistle he could think of to get beau to turn the sheep around none of them was right [Music] been a slow day today [Music] [Applause] you were saying never mind the sheep ended up at george's house [Music] hi george anything interesting happen while i was gone [Music] oh no george [Music] [Applause] don't worry mr rankins yes we have your sheep and they're all safe george did you get those sheep away from the tuba go go boy am i grateful that storm blew a bunch of trees down in the pasture if george hadn't found shelter for the sheep they might have gotten hurt huh hear that george you're a hero monkey [Music] we went to a friend's to get a thank you gift ali knew just what you wanted whoa and lots of it we can dye it any color you want [Music] i'll teach you how to knit you'll have a new scarf in no time and that was how george not only made a new scarf for himself but also one for the man with the yellow hat [Music] today was a busy day at george's apartment professor wiseman was coming to dinner and the man with the yellow hat wanted everything to be just right i have an idea why don't i finish getting the apartment ready and you go to the store great let's make a list okay [Music] okay i need carrots for my famous carrot cake cucumbers for my famous cucumber soup [Music] and uh apples for my famous uh bowl of apples [Music] here's a bag and some money george and have fun bye-bye [Music] it is eggplant so what did you put in the carrot cake [Music] is it is this some kind of radish radish cake and eggplant soup and a smelly fruit bowl interesting [Music] george couldn't understand it how could something that tasted so good in the store tastes so bad in the soup i'm sure you could make a good soup with eggplant but this was a recipe for cucumber soup well we still have oh 10 minutes oh well i guess we should just order takeout huh [Music] where are you going george [Music] [Applause] customer number one you are back and i think i know why you dropped this on your last visit ah correct me if i'm wrong but aren't these pictures of carrots cucumbers and apples yeah i see it now way to go dad tell me my friend are those the vegetables you have been looking for on your visits let me get them for you [Music] you don't want them [Music] oh [Music] ah nothing like a hard day of analyzing carbon isotope ratios to give a girl an appetite hmm something smells weird oh that's my radish cake really yum george perfect timing george is that your name uh huh hello i am win huang on owner of the hua mai grocery and takeout this is my wife hua and daughter mai oh well hello hi he named the store after us it means peach blossom is that the new vietnamese grocery on inn avenue i've been looking forward to your opening oh me too is all this from your store it is we thought we should help george carry in his order we've brought you eggplant curry bun titanum with nook yum a fish sauce with daikon radish oh i love that sauce bitter melon soup sahatlu which is pomegranate seeds in coconut cream and durian shakes it all looks great and there's so much would you join us huh we would be honored a few days later george headed back to huamai [Music] hi look at all our takeout customers someone's been talking me i told everyone i know about how great the food is and i know a lot of people but don't worry george you'll always be customer number one [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 339,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: oK-YlQoJyFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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