Green Army Men Defend Huge Toy Castle In Attack on Toys!

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there are so many things i like about this game but look at how happy this flamethrower guy is i've never seen anybody more happy to have a highly combustible piece of explosive on his back especially if you're plastic now one of the best things about being a uh a toy plastic army man is you're a toy right so you're gonna be around a lot of like other toys like these apparently look like sorry pieces but on a chessboard because reasons it's almost like someone put tabletop simulator in the middle of this oh my god that would be so cool but the cool thing about it is you can very easily imagine scenarios in which you're defending medieval castles lego castles things like that look at this oh my god this is gonna be an absolute like joy to defend this base assuming i can find my way up which is a little bit difficult right now but this is wave defense prepare your hq until wave 10 right this is kind of like the way we've been doing it because i feel like for lack of a campaign this is kind of the most fun game mode to play in now we can basically build a number of different things including defenses like look at this little artillery piece chilling right here we can upgrade all of that kind of stuff but actually what i want to see about doing right now is building a plastics factory all right this is once again once more into the breach i want to build something that's going to keep producing me plastic because i think we're going to be able to defend wave one with what we've been given and entrusted in i mean look at this we've got 50 caliber machine guns on the high ground we haven't found a use for the fidget spinners it's a it's a dank meme but it does check out i i kind of wish you could like make little like drones like use the fidget spinners as drones but then it's like why not just use a drone but regardless oh we're actually getting a decent amount of plastic um what i'm gonna do is save up eight thousand dollars and build another one we're doing what's called investing in our future by yoloing all of our life savings on cryptocurrencies although these ones are plastic where can i put you because at some point we're gonna have to oh my god i can already build another one we're gonna have to find a way to like stack multiples okay so even before wave one we've built three giant plastic factories kind of reminds me a little bit of home wars if you were to combine home wars in this game you'd probably have the perfect plastic green army main game are there other plastic green army main games i need to check out now to defend against wave one let's just recruit a couple light machine gunners and we can't even afford well we can afford a few riflemen now all right boys come with me we've got 22 enemies now what i am not aware of is are we going to be fighting bugs or are we going to be fighting 10 army men i don't see anything yet i haven't heard a single gunshot i don't know where the enemy is or what they are although some of them have died like what if you could power up a robot oh we got army men oh that's a jeep uh luckily i've got a bazooka hey stop i feel like i've got to lead my oh oh oh oh i wasn't expecting wave one to have jeeps we got a wilhelm scream i love that there was a period of time where i'd put a wilhelm scream in every one of my videos and i don't know if that needs to return or not but people may not appreciate that as much as i do but my first experience with the wilhelm scream was star wars return of the jedi so you can oh my god thank you for providing ammunition this would be a really good spot for artillery i'm thinking so we're gonna do that we're gonna stack artillery up here and i think what we're gonna do is once it's built up we're gonna repair it but this is like i feel like we're playing toy soldiers hd like see that jeeps won't be able to hit this guy now we're gonna r2 this off to d2 uh speaking of return of the jedi so how are we doing it it's evident to me that we're gonna need something oh look at look at our little soldiers creeping around over there oh my god what are the jeeps doing how did they get up there that's some that's what you call all terrain vehicles right there something else is blowing up oh no it's just my celebratory fireworks all right there's a thing called more and you know what we want more so we're gonna try to get more this is this is proving very difficult to place so i'm thinking we're gonna just move them in here can i put them in here max spawn okay now if this is two of our what five we're probably gonna want some defensive emplacements here all right if anything comes through here it's gonna get blasted now what we want to do i mean if you have a medieval tower i'm not sure if we can get up there i haven't figured out a way it doesn't look like there's any stairs right so maybe don't place it there but maybe like right here would be really good oh now attack on toys needs like a multiplayer where you converse another person but the other person's sort of playing like like it's almost like tower defense in a way where one guy defends the base and one guy is like deciding what resources to spend on the attacking stuff i don't know that kind of like asymmetrical warfare has been tried in games but i don't think anyone's perfected it you know we're gonna do right here more of them oh god oh god i'm stuck all right so we want two of them here and i think what else we need is we need a few soldiers especially the sweepers good out there boys and we'll give assault man so like dudes with m16s because for whatever reason the green plastic armament are always like vietnam war era wave two of ten and look at this man me and my army and i think if they tightened up gun play a little bit i think bot wars my game needs to tighten up gun play as well but i feel like definitely when you're using like like m16s like you there's sort of like an expectation on how they should shoot i love how they're all just like conga lining it over here now we might be having a fight some vehicles if that's true we're gonna need some look at this how do i defend this oh there we go some little machine gun installations yes now these are just walls for whatever reason i don't think we want that and then maybe that's true okay let's give some medics oh my godness i don't know what's over there oh it's the bazookas all fired at the jeep at the same time that'll work gentlemen let's let's use our brains and i say that as i run up to the enemy without my weapon drawn haha is that a medic i'm sorry i think this is against the geneva convention but you're one of the enemies i have to destroy and sun tzu did say you know if i don't get caught it's not against the geneva convention oh man that guy's dead can he kill me from there can i trick him oh boys big tanks coming oh he's dead i i feel like i heard a katusha rocket launcher you guys know what a katyusha rocket launcher is it's similar to the huacha oh god in tabs that was probably the inspiration for it honestly okay okay i i do not enjoy that so we'll build men on the flight guys no no no no not not that way there's a tank like right over here that i would like you to shoot all right we'll run up on this guy and we did pretty good now do we have any of the sweepers out there yeah they're actually some still alive i'm pretty proud of that i'm pretty surprised about that alright if i can get up on this and mount a gun on this tower and i want to put a tower up here he's got the vantage point oh can i get up on it while it's being built oh no we missed the opportunity dude and if you could fly little planes oh my goodness look at this lighthouse that needs to be a sniper tower these bushes need to be sniper towers what we need is snipers see they're two camouflage you can't even see them uh where are they boss i'm spending all my money on snipers snipers and dogecoins and like if you could drive this car around oh man there's a lot of potential i'm not sure if we'll and if that flamingo was like a giant atsc assault walker okay we need to hunt down the enemies oh hold on there we go oh man i need some healing oh yeah my guys are like guarding this base yeah i've got like 29 000 plastic currency look there's little like mario kart carts man dude we got a mobile medic truck a plasti i didn't know i could build that oh there it is medics oh what little attack motorcycles these aren't very practical but uh we we're spamming them because they're cool reminds me of like little world war ii german little uh bmws running around it's a bavarian multiverse all right we're starting the next wave early i wish you could fire like i wish i could have one of these that instead of healing stuff it was a flamethrower and it would melt the enemy let's get some heavy tanks kv ones those are heavy not enough plastic i mean i guess these guys are pretty chunky right look at this man i'm riding into battle on a chariot what's up and the medic is healing him too what better way to defend a castle than to use some of the beefiest strongest early world war ii era tanks and just set them outside the walls i mean i i don't know look you got the little bmws you know i wonder if there's anything up there right there's like tan flags hold on we gotta investigate this if i can escape this i don't think i can get up there oh look they're actually attacking the city on the other side you can see the artillery from here it looks awesome i mean that's a very busy city and they definitely need to work on balancing this because like i can definitely spam anything i want now gas trucks need to explode and melt plastic all right i want oh what is this oh it's i thought it was uh filled with troops and the icon it looked like it but send it in the half tracks same the armored personnel carriers not enough plastic oh it's got a mini gun all right let's start the next wave just keep going we should check on the defenses cause they're exploding right now how did they how did that happen and these guys are cheering like whoo exploding stuff yeah look at these moves please don't prematurely fire your rocket there fella all right that should be a little bit beefier and we'll get a few infantrymen here keep saying oh business strategy by vasily poopkin he's poopkinning i don't oh is is this a real business strategy book it makes you wonder like what are what easter eggs are in this game oh big artillery fire hold the line boys yeah they just destroyed whatever it was oh i hear a lot of stuff happening over here let's investigate this is kind of an area honestly we've neglected or maybe we did put defenses and they've just been destroyed oh my god i'm almost dead yeah this area look we're actually under attack up there this was totally neglected all right so let's just stack the walls with towers i feel like i'm going around like being sort of like general and builder which honestly i guess i'm supposed to be doing but look at these walls now they are definitely not neglected anymore oh wow is this thing firing mortars and there's medics in it in flame throwers speaking of flamethrowers let's get a few and by a few i mean like i don't know a healthy baker's dozen good work get ready for the next wave look at them dancing don't get run over by the tank dude the the healing trucks are definitely the way to go as well as like healing medics actually it's just a regular truck but it has healers on it well this one uh that one is dude this is cool i love how the guys just chill on it are we like driving through the arctic tree off to let everybody know we just took over paris the battle's out here i wonder if our snipers are still alive oh don't mind me what is this heal that thing set in the rifleman to cover this tower being built dude that's pretty cool oh he's definitely gonna die it's just too dangerous to spot i have a date with this tower to see oh wow look at this maze this is a pretty well done map i think how do i get up there via this way yep i don't know i don't see any snipers anymore so yeah you guys are supposed to be concealed and snipe from afar not get destroyed and charge the enemy look at these guys just cracking off shots maybe all the snipers are on this side no they would have died for sure we would be hearing way more sniper shots oh and they have our they have a mortar firing from back there let's go kill it hey buddy that might be the first guy i've actually like dispatched myself the entire game i do tend to play like more of the meta in general than like the super soldier yeah we need guys to go get the medicine go gather all the plastic what's blowing up over here tanks yeah there we go one more bazooka round yeah whatever i put here gets destroyed one soldier left in wave five there we go next wave no time to celebrate boys although this truck is pretty cool let's get let's get some machine gunners following it drive the general to the front line please one thing we probably should check on is to make sure that oh tan boys are in the bushes oh my goodness something massive just blew up there oh it's a v2 rocket oh look an enemy mortar man yeah they're just hiding back here like sitting firing rockets everywhere heard another film scream i gotta see if the factories are still alive over here on the uh right side of our fort oh whoa i don't know that doesn't sound good look at this oh my hello they're breaking through over here well i mean i guess this is where all of our tanks are you know we need all right we've got all three factories and we've got these ones up although a lot of the gun installations have been destroyed i think what we need is a few apaches that should do it oh and we need to make sure yeah we do have all factories up there we go what are what better way to kill a tank than with a tank killing apache helicopter i guess we could build a barracks spawn points right yeah this just creates soldiers there's not a lot of room back here though hq is under attack it says huh weird dude look at that rolling thunder that was a good investment but you can definitely see what happens to them they can't get taken down by like tanks and bazookas and they usually eventually do how are we doing what goes here all right starting wave seven we are almost there land mines would be a good idea honestly though in my opinion i think the most like the most cost efficient thing in defending a giant base is actually the mortars like oh this is our airfield huh yeah can they get up here i guess they can so what if you just spammed mortars not enough plastic they say all right but once they start getting closer man these mortars are just gonna open up you think i can hit him from here like if i were to hit him with a bazooka from here for whatever reason it just doesn't feel as satisfying as if i would have done it in a game like raven field right fire and i'm not entirely sure why that is you know like my journey in the game development is still pretty early it's like it's hard to like describe that feeling yeah but i mean artillery definitely the best choice i think what we want to do is start upgrading these guys too although quantity has the quality all its own right sun tzu didn't say that i i most people attributed that to like joseph stalin yeah the jeeps definitely do get in oh my god the tanks do too i'm out of bazooka rounds though this should save us although an annie tank guy up here would be good huh i can fit them here somehow yeah they're getting up here oh my god the hq is under attack defend this base with your lives no oh my gosh oh the tan of one they destroyed the base because oh my god they just wow i put all the mortars on that side so we defended that side look what side they came in on oh my goodness lessons were learned can you guys do better in that level probably honestly probably that that might be the first one we failed though but if you guys do want to see more attack on toys or any other green army man games well let me know in the comments pull the trigger on like button and i'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 27,812
Rating: 4.9493332 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, attack on toys, army men, green army men, tan army, green army, green vs tan, army battle, army, battle, soldiers, toy soldiers, green toy soldiers, tan toy soldiers, castle, fort, fortress, castle siege, fortress siege, fortress defense, castle defense, attack on toys mod, attack on toys new map, attack, on, toys, green army toy
Id: BwqYO1Ht5f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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