*OFFICIAL* IKEA Mod in Among Us

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and today and among us we have the ikea mod there's nine managers and one employee the employee has to build furniture while the manager yells at him can the employee survive long enough to escape stick around to find out and also if you've ever sat on a couch hit the like button down below the video what hit the subscribe button let's do this shia in ikea isn't that how that song goes no crap oh look at the employees hey you idiots hey hey i'm gonna ruin this store i'm gonna poop on the floor again i have to clean it up you idiot managers okay so i'm the employee they're all managers look at this art though dude look at this this is sick right okay so check this out how this mod works right i have to escape let me do this okay let me shut this shut this shut this shut this okay so i have to finish all of my tasks right you see all my tasks here oh no i just locked myself in i am an it wait no i can plank teleport flag teleport's broken okay so how this works i have to do all of my tasks to escape also look at this you saw i picked that up right there i'm so invisible i just click you see all these abilities that i have in the bottom left okay [Laughter] wow take his gun take his gun let's do this gun [Music] okay so i have 15 lives every time they shoot me i lose the life if i lose all 15 i'm dead to death but how this works okay let me do this let me do this to do this videos okay make sure put a wall there perfect he can't get in here he can't get through here okay do i have any more tasks okay back my meatball launcher mary what are you doing just go get it go get a gun oh this is so stressful i'm trying to explain things okay so how this works if i get all my tasks done and and you see down here this manual i have to build three part pieces of furniture so i need to get nails fabric and wood to build this chair and i need to finish all my tasks to escape okay then i have all these abilities you saw that okay let me do disguise reverse disguise now everybody's gonna look like me oh no he shot me hello me hello hey look i'm [Music] this is out of stock and wait did you like this wait no did you just hit me wait wait wait wait somebody just wait i gotta go oh let me search this let me search this search it oh i got an extra life so whenever you search these ikeas you get an extra life or you can get two other abilities okay what else do i need oh no i need to do this before they get here i need to do this as men as many asteroids as i can before no i gotta go i'll come back to that i'll finish that okay let me see what i need uh to build this two more nails and two more uh planks okay and how the oh let me do disguise perfect and how the nails work or the whenever i take one of like the nails or planks whenever i take them they have to restock them and if they don't restock them all their controls get jacked up and they can't really do anything look after he's stalking wood was just here that means he must be here no stay food go go go go restock restock [Music] shut this door shut this door shut this door grab the nails grab the nails is anybody in here nobody's in here okay let me search this kiosk give me something yes i got the mini game if i get in a sticky situation i can use that mini game to get out pat has a stapler cause i stole this gun he can't shoot [Music] grab this grab this okay do i have all of it do i have all of it do i have all of it do i have all of it i don't know do i have all of it hide here i got the chair i've successfully built the chair okay with that where is he i'm gonna hit him with another chair oh no where is he he's flying don't take the right button i need to go put this chair up here i need to go put this chair up here i'm gonna wait for my speed to reset and then we're gonna put the chair up there okay i gotta get out of here [Music] shut the door get out of here so i got to put the chair here i need to stack up the furniture to claw crawl out of that window oh this is messed up okay so you saw my speed ability my invisibility and my disguise ability i also have a bunch of other stuff guys he got one on the board he got one on the board [Music] [Laughter] let me check this kiosk okay check this kiosk give me something good i got another life that is what oh no oh he's gotta stay foot look him you got okay hide here [Music] where'd he go he's dead okay what's the next piece of furniture i need to build a bed so i need screws fabric wood tape and glue oh no let me get the screws okay no i got to do this download mini game i did the mini game okay so how this mini game works they are zoomed in they don't know where the exit is to this maze the maze exit is up here in the top left they have no clue if they don't make it they lose their gun and their controls are messed up for a long time yeah so check this out i get to drop furniture on their faces why can't they leave [Laughter] is garrett broke oh no he's about to make it yeah you are not making it really what happened son i was so close would you just die already gary there you go look hey okay what is the next thing i need wood fabric hey okay really hey boys uh who wants to get karen gary get karen no no wait that's pitfall oh that's beautiful that's that's embarrassing guys get out of here let's do disguise so everybody looks like me [Music] speed away oh no oh no oh no gotta go gotta go where are my tests at where's my test out in the middle i need nails nah get gary out steal the gun oh no oh wait i got a task in med bay i got a med base scan let's med port oh let's port through plank teleport hit the nails in go through the plank it makes sense trust me and then let's place down a wall right there now i can get this done i need to build this furniture also crap dude this is so stressful i also have cart which locks somebody in place for like five seconds and they get just brought back to the spawn it's really op okay hit the nose fast i would like to go to the cafeteria i feel like there's some good food i already have my meatballs hey him goes back right down here you monster he's over here guys he's over here guys are you kidding me no not again [Laughter] there we go okay now i need planks and fabric and glue okay let's use this guys [Music] [Laughter] oh i love that it turns everybody into me they have no clue i got the glue let's get the wood wood get it get it oh he's right there [Laughter] oh let's check this kiosk check this oh i got another mini game perfect i've used that to get out of sticky situations i need fabric yes i got the bed let's use to teleport use the teleport up to here [Applause] wait wait right here put the bed down but then run go invisible oh dude this is stressful i know you went here [Music] oh that's too bad okay so what else do i need so now i need to build a toilet apparently i need to build a toilet with glue tape and nails i don't think they know how life works guys you never use the toilet hit the like button also keep giving us more mod ideas down in the comments i know i say that often but we need more ideas and i'm okay hold on so tape nails glue guys i will get this tape review at the like button right now hit it then what am i saying let's just sit here sit here i'm going to let him restock it i'm going to let him reach this one you got it you got it restock the tape no i can use karen again if anybody's coming this way so i need nails oh it's the bergen those are niles freak guys is there hey hey no are you kidding me okay i need to get these nails okay got the nails got the nails i'm gonna go sit up in here sit here and wait for the nails for them to come restock the nails and then i need to get the glue i just told kate oh crap oh that was scary so i'm gonna go up here go up here i'm gonna go get these uh kiosks up here try to get more lives oh i got another teleport huh oh i got this guys boys boys i'm so fast okay let's put the wall there put the wall there let's get these let's get these done [Music] they're trying to push it down but they're too weak they got weak knees i need to put more shower traps down that lock somebody in place for a minimum 10 seconds oh that was too scary that was too scary oh that was too scary i had to do that i had to do that they were all on me i need to take all of their guns you were so close what the heck [Music] get out hey what do you guys got plans for what are you gonna do you guys want to watch me do my upload i'm doing an upload right now i'm having fun i'm heavyweight okay get that test done good perfect hi zod can i take your plant from my plant okay okay all right here go ahead and uh go ahead and walk this way okay go ahead and walk this way there you go have fun what else do i need glue and nails let's send karen on sigils hey don't do it do it stay away from me nope okay let's disguise perfect and then let's search no i got another mini game crap i'm trying to get lives hello [Music] oh no i got the glue i got the glue i got the glue okay let's do this do this do this i get my hands on that little employee four lines more alive door left oh gosh oh gosh oh karen got him karen got him oh gosh okay teleport through the wall teleport through the wall perfect grab the glue i just need nails now am i done with tasks i'm done with that okay okay i just need nails let me zoom out and see where everybody's at okay pat's still pushing that like an idiot uh karen on can we and then we'll put a wall here to make people think i'm in here oh i can't put a wall it's not cool down let's plank teleport through that oh this is so stressful okay so i just need to get nails [Music] [Music] i got it i got it i got the toilet i got the toilet i got four hands i got four hands i got four hands wait blank teleport oh not throw that strong button hold on no teleport up here if i place this down no no no no no no listen we can weaken up your weight two lives left goodbye boys [Music] i have escaped hit the like button
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,446,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r5bTeo8JwVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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