Greatest Sermon Ever Preached in this Generation - S.M. Lockridge

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[Music] I've come to say today that in these days when we are killing ourselves trying to live people still think that they can find peace of mind in pills they try to eat that way that's to say they try to drink that way to pleasure they try to smoke their way to settle nerves they try to puff that way to popularity and push their way to power they try to bully their way to friendship and from their way to world peace what I've come today to say I know where pool man has a chance we're sick men can get well we're ignorant men can become wise the bad men can be made good a good man can be made better and even a dead man can be made alive it's in Jesus Christ we live unto the Lord and when we die we die unto the Lord yea the gradient for which Christ died and live the game live always is that he might be Lord both of the Dead and the living Jesus Christ is Lord now this word Lord means heaven our our Authority the Great Commission is based on the claims of our saviors lordship Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world Lord means ownership [Music] his lordship is based on his ownership the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell day for he had founded it upon the Seas and established it upon the floods now he didn't have to put a signature in the corner of a sunrise he's the older he didn't have to put a laundry mark in the lapel of a meadow he's the owner he didn't have to call his initials in the side of the mountain he's the owner he didn't have to put a brand on the channel of a Thousand Hills he's the owner he didn't have to take out a copyright on the songs that he gives the birds the same he's the owner beyond the human level the word Lord stands as a reverent allusion to God now the Orthodox Hebrew in Jesus's day is in our own would not even pronounce the sacred name God Jehovah or Yahweh instead when he read the sacred and in communicable communicable name of God he would simply say the law here who is real the Lord our God is one Lord now Christians have applied this time the Christ and the latter usage on either the human of the divine level the title law Lord is a mark of respect and implied pledge obedience once Simon Peter stood before hostile crowd and said God has made that same price whom you crucified both Lord and Christ Christ represents the thing that God has done to redeem us Lord represents what we ought to do because we are redeemed now we are to call him owner because he possesses absolutely allies in him we live and move and have our being we ought to call him owner we ought to call him father and be obedient sons and daughters for his own home and he's only him God is our refuge and our strength he's a very present help in trouble therefore shall not we fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though the waters thereof roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof there is a river the streams where Rob shall make glad the City of God the holy place of the Tabernacles of the Most High God is in the midst of her and she shall not be moved God shall help earn that right early the heathen rage the kingdoms were moved the other his voice and the earth melted the Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge come behold the works of the Lord what desolations he had made in the earth he maketh walls to cease unto the ends of the earth do you break it the bow and cut it the spean Sunda and burn it the chariot in the fire be still and know that I am gone I will be exalted among the heathen I will be exalted among the earth the Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge Jesus is law because he came down the stairway of heaven born in Bethlehem here in Egypt brought up in Nazareth baptized in Jordan tempted in the wilderness he performed miracles by the roadside He healed multitudes without medicine and made no charges for service he counted everything that came up against him he took your sins and mine and we're our own Calvary and there died while hanging on that horse Jesus said several thing but when the thief taunted him and said if you be the price come down from the cross and save yourself and us to that talk jesus never said a mumbling word but the silence seemed of saying you just wait until Sunday morning [Music] so yeah that it's better to come upon agrees than it is to come down from across and if dropped his head in the locks of his shoulder and he died I mean he really died don't pay attention to a smooth period he died whoa heeeey he died until the Sun refused to shine he died until the veil in the temple was wet he died until Matthew says the debt got up out of the grave and walked the streets after the resurrection he died the Centurion says surely this must have been the Son of God I'm trying to say he died but I don't like I don't like it I don't like to stay there talking about he died I like to rustle and say he was barely in Joseph Newton he was buried in a bar at 2:00 now that used to bother me the one who holds the in the Hall of his name and meets out the heavens with a speck comprehends the dust and weighs the mountains and the steel and a healing about the one who walked on the proud nothing and with a gesture of his hands word reform scooped out the Seas with the palm of his hand dug deep the gorgeous piled up for healed and propped up the mountains rise will the movement starve leaned on his arm being buried in authority where he wasn't gonna stay there long thought yes he just went down in that grave and stayed in the grave long enough to clean it out and make it a pleasant place to wait for the resurrection and on schedule he got up with every farmer power in the orbit of his omnipotence Jesus Christ is Lord you know mean for thinking that maybe one of these days his powers gonna fail [Music] they are thinking that one of these days [Music] that somebody will wrestle is powerful some have in mind they're gonna destroy his power well brother if you gonna destroy his power what are you gonna use for power [Music] if you try to destroy them by fire he'll refuse to burn if it try to destroy them by water he'll walk on the wall if you try to destroy him by strong wind the tempest will lick his hand and lay down at his feet if you try to destroy him by law you'll find no fault in him if you try to destroy him by seal of an empire he'll break it if you try to destroy him by put him in a grave he arise if you try to destroy him by rejection or ignoring him soon you'll hear a still small voice and the whole I stand at the door not if a man will open the door I'll come in and sup with him and he with me Jesus Christ is law Jesus is the from paradise he's the Jim from the glory layer his truth fairest jewel and his times sources theme his life's longest call and his lights clear astray he's pure it's his fight is peak his jaws deep his time his name stands as a synonym for free healing friendly help and full salvation his blessed name is like honey to the taste it's like our minutes of the year it's like hell for the soul it's like hope to the hall he's higher than the heavens of heavens and he's holier than the holy of holies DNS birth is our significance in his life is our example in his cross is our redemption and in his resurrection he is our hope that his birth men came from thee and that is death men came from the west and the east and the West met him him hallelujah the Lord God omnipotent reigneth and add his name to his name in his name every knee is going to bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father every leaf the young me every knee the only every knee the white knee ever neither black knee every wounded me every knee is gonna by never told me something that Jesus Christ is Lord you know many say I've got a lot of living to do I'll accept him as Savior I'll acknowledge him as Lord but I've got a lot of living to do you don't really who said I am come that you might have a life and that you might have it more abundantly and then some I hear praying law when I must go somewhere and crawl up in a dying bed and learn how to die brother who told you you were going anywhere else and who told you you were gonna have the strength all the time so crawl up in a dying bed and who told you you had to learn how to die you learn how to live and as you live so you die but I'm not gonna wait for borderlines salvation is better than being lost but that's too dangerous to risk that's reading the prophet said Sikhi the Lord while he may be found call on him while he's near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and he will have mercy to our God for he will abundantly pardon I'm not gonna wait I acknowledge him as my lord now the Lord is love and his love is stronger than sin it's deeper than Sauron it's mightier than dead the Lord is my light the Lord is my strength the Lord is my salvation the Lord is my rock the Lord is my fortress the Lord is my deliverer the Lord is my hot towel the Lord is my shield and my buckler the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want you know this whole world is a wilderness of warmth we're always wanting something a man will break his health down trying to get well and then he'll turn round spend as well trying to get his health back if it is one thing it's another from the rockin in the cradle to the folding and the graves something is always running out if your bank account gets low then your blood pressure gets high if you've got money your health breaks down if you've got a job your eyesight gets dim if you've got food on your table your faith gets weak if it's not your enemies bothering you it's just so-called friends if it's not your kinfolk mooching off of you you should church folk and while you're building up over here it's falling apart over there but the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want the little girl was asked to recite this verse and she said the Lord is my shepherd and that's all I want they said she were wrong I said she's right the Lord is my shepherd and that's all I want I still not won't for rest for he maketh me to lie down in green pastures I shall not want for refreshment for he leadeth me beside the still waters I shall not want for forgiveness for he restoreth my soul I shall not want for guidance for he leadeth me in paths of righteousness for his namesake I shall not walk for companionship but yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'll fear no evil for thou art with me I shall not want for comfort for thy rod and thy staff they comfort me I shall not want for sustenance or provision for thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies I shall not wound for joy now notice my head with oil my cup runneth over I shall not want for anything in this life for goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall not want for anything in the life to come fall dwell in the house of the Lord forever I didn't say our camp or tent a tabernacle but I'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever I'll dwell in a land where we'll never grow loud well out there where the silence of eternity is interpreted by love I'll well in the sunkissed regions of an unclouded day well in the city that has Foundation whose building makers God dwell in the house of the Lord forever Jesus Christ is Lord [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mixxkid 17
Views: 1,932,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easter Sermon, SM Lockride, greatest sermon, Black Preachers, Resurrection, Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr., African American Pastor, Best Sermon, T.D. Jakes, KJV, King James Version, That's My King, Jesus, Lordship of Christ, Greg Laurie, Baptist Ministers, Baptist Preachers, Independent Baptist, Do you know him?, S.M. Lockridge, Calvary Baptist, Easter, The Grave, Black History, Salvation, Witnessing for Christ, Viral Video, San Diego, California
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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