S.M. Lockridge - Captain of The Host - Naaman

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[Music] [Music] [Music] why do you suppose that as sophisticated as educated and mature as we are we would rather choose suicide than to accept the gracious healing that can come from our sage do you think that we can cure the sickness of society out of our own resources people want to be saved but they want to be saved on their own terms as nobody really wants to be lost there's nobody really wants to go to hell now there are many who will get angry with you even if you suggest that they go there nobody wants to go to hell but they want to be saved on their own term you know we just don't like to follow directions we will go to the doctor and he will give us a prescription we take it to the pharmacist and he will fill that prescription and type the directions on that so we can read it and we will read it and understand what the doctors say but instead of taking three pills a day i said i think i can get five more haven't you done that if it tells you to take it in the morning well i can take it in any day before it works we just don't like to follow direction we can see a sign saying wet paint and there's something in us that just want to make us touch it to see we want to have our own way about it we want to go to heaven we want to be saved according to how we think i think if i do dustin's i think i'll make it the robe of righteousness is not altered to fit the man the man has to be altered to fit the robe did you know there are some people who don't want to play the game by the rules uh somebody thinks that he can have his way think that the rules are to be changed just to suit him now in the kingdom of god salvation would be first base baptism and uniting with the church would be second base and christian service would be third base and you've got to get the third base before you can come home now can you see a fella wanting to leave home plate and go straight to second you know he's out don't you well we think that we can do that in the church the lord tells us to believe on the lord and be baptized and thou shalt be saved he that believeth not shall be there and we'll say oh i believe in the lord but uh i'm not ready for baptism and there are some who will go and get baptized before they say they unite with the church for a lot of reasons they'll miss first base and go straight to sex if you do that on the baseball diamond even though you come in home standing up the umpire's gonna say you out well why why jumping up and down why you didn't even go to first place people want to have their way now in this text neyman spent a fortune trying to find the cure and when he heard of a cure it was so simple until he staggered and he liked to fallen out of the path of hell it was so simple until he bypassed that looking for something else there are a lot of people who want to make coming to the lord difficult they want to see a certain faith they want to hear a certain thing they want to have weird experience each one of us is an individual and the lord deals with us as individuals i am to come to him like sm lockers you come like you are there's no need of hearing somebody's testimony and saying when i get saved i want to be just like that no we have preconceived notions about being safe we plan that we sit down and figured out what it's going to be like naaman as you know was a prominent soldier he was a leader in the assyrian army he was the captain of the king of a serious host he was powerful he was handsome he was attractive he was a great man with his master and he was honorable because god used him to give deliverance to syria and he was a mighty man in valor he was respected by men women and children and i suspect that when he went down the streets the boys on the playground would say when i grew up i'm gonna be just like mr nathan he was well respected but the bible says he was a leper every individual without christ is a left any individual who thinks that he can have his own way disregard the word of the lord and have his own way is the level modern men are knowledgeable they are mighty in intelligence and they're mighty in capacity but they are not whole and sound of so there seemed to be no cure uh where naaman lived there was a shadow cast on the whole family his wife was heartbroken his children couldn't understand it his servants discussed his case the cooks used it for a topic of conversation his friends kept that distance from him all of the shields on his wall and the trophies from foreign conquests and the medals of honor could do him no good but help is always available but you have to know where to get the hour of mercy is now perhaps you think that your condition is beyond repair but i've come to tell you you can be safe and possibly you will hear somebody ask can a leper change his spots no he cannot but god can if you are a sinner you can become a sin if you are broken you can be men if you're doubting you can be trusted if you're in sorrow you can be rejoicing now there are some incurable diseases but sin is not one of them though your sins be as scared they can be white as snow though they be red like crimson they can be as rude now in naaman's household their was a maiden who had been thrown away from her homeland and brought into syria and she was placed in naaman's house to be the maid for naaman's what now this little girl could have been bitter she could have said well they took me from my homeland without my permission and against my will and i'm going to retaliate but no she had love in her heart and when she saw the condition that neiman was in she said good to god that my lord with the prophet in samaria for he could recover him of his lepers and when the word got to the king he said if there's a cure anywhere i will see to it that naaman gets and the king of syria wrote the letter to the king of israel shelley giving him names medical history and sent him on his way he sent him with 10 talents of silver 6 000 pieces of gold tell me according to the present-day money market that would be a hundred thousand dollars in silver and gold now naaman thought that the cure would be expensive but he found out it's free the remedy for sin is free always to everybody well salvation is free but it's not cheap it doesn't cost the sinner anything but it cost god his only begotten son this is a gift of god all you have to do is receive it with the hand of faith naaman thought that it would be expensive and then he thought it would take a little while so he took 10 changes of rain went down to samaria and when he got there he went to the king of israel and presented his letter and when the king read the letter he was distraught he stripped off his garments to say this man knows that nobody can cure another of leprosy what he's trying to do is pick a coil he just want to have something to accuse me of and when the prophet elisha heard that the king had read his clothes he said send the leper to me that that they might know that there is a prophet in israel and then when naaman went to the prophet's house there with his chariots and his servants just pulled up in front of the door possibly sent a sermon in tell that prophet tell that preacher that mr name is out here i don't know what the prophet was doing but i'm glad that he didn't even go out he just sent him word you just tell naaman to go and wash in jordan seven times and he will be healed he will be clean and that's a very simple thing to do that's a simple prescription one is heaven's unity number one a three is heaven's sacred number and seven is heaven's number of completion god made heaven and earth in six days and rested on the set the walls of jericho didn't fall into joshua and his army had marched around them seven times elijah's servant went out scanning the skies looking for rain six times to know of eight but that seventh time he came back with a report i see a cloud just about the size of a man's head so the prophet told him to go and wash in jordan seven times now any child would have known where jordan was and any child could have gone down in jordan and washed but no that was too simple for naaman naaman got angry name one was raw he went into a rage and said what's wrong with that preacher i thought surely that he would come out and lift his hand toward heaven and at least say a prayer your salvation isn't what how what the pastor does or the missionary does or the the the person who is trying to lead you it isn't what he does i thought surely that he would even do me the courtesy to come out to me and greet me no he didn't do that he's just telling me to go and watch enjoy and i know jordan is muddy and if it's a matter of washing in water why can't i wash and have none far apart the rivers of damascus and be clean but that wasn't what he told you to do he told you to go and wash enjoy you know there's just no substitute for salvation and there's no way you can go around the lord jesus and be saved this servants began to reason with him i can see naaman turning this chariot around and i can see a blue streak from his profanity let's get away from here but the servant said master just think a little if the prophet had told you to do some difficult thing you would have been found doing that if he had told you to give him a fee you would have been doing that but he simply told you to go and wash in joy seven times and you'd be healed you'd be maintained now what would you rather would you rather born in your pride with your leprosy or would you rather go and do what the prophet told you to do naaman said well all right if that's the case come on let's go down the jordan when he got there possibly he asked well where is the bath house don't worry about the bath house going and washing george what kind of towel am i gonna drive don't worry about that you just go and wash enjoy went down there to jordan and then the bible says that he dipped himself he went down the first time and that first duck is willingness whosoever will let him come will thou be made whole then he went down the second time and that second time is humility you've got to humble yourself before the lord he went down the third time and that third is belief he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him he went down the fourth time and that fourth duck was faith without faith it is impossible to please him he went down the fifth time in that fifth of distrust trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path he went down the sixth time that six duck is repentance he you have to turn from sin and self and turn to the savior he went down the seventh time in that seven duck is obedience when he came up that seventh time he looked at his hands and his hands looked new he looked at his feet and they did too well when he went down that seventh time he was sick but when he came up he was healed when he went down that seventh time he was spotted but when he came up he was smooth he was wet but he was well he was muddy but he was clean he was still handsome same height but he was humble he's still still the same height but he'd been made whole whoa what a wonderful change in my life has been wrought since jesus came into my heart yeah i i did not have physical leprosy i didn't have spots on my skin but i had sin in my heart yes i did and sin and my soul and hatred in my heart i hated other people i went around talking about uh they're holding me back and they're holding me down and i was bitter oh but when the lord came into my heart you see i heard about a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins where sinners can plunge beneath the flood and lose all their guilty stain and i tell you i went down the first time and when i came up there there new hope was born in my heart when i went down the second time waiting faith was rewarded i went down the third time and redemption became the order of the day i went down the fourth time and justification received the hearing i went down the fifth time and sanctification took a rightful place i went down the sixth time in holiness was enthroned in my heart i i went down the seventh time and when i came up grace had done his work yes i'm talking about i'm saying that and i know i'm saved i don't care what anybody said i know whom i believe and i am persuaded that he's able to keep that which i've committed unto him against that day i know now that i'm saved now the first time i was born i didn't know a thing about it when i i was a pretty good sized boy about two years old before i became aware that i was even in the woods look at here i'm here i didn't know where i didn't know who my parents were somebody had to tell me i didn't know what my name was and you know that didn't know nothing if they literally let him hang cedric maysack on me i didn't know a thing but i had to take somebody else's word for it well but when i was born that second time then i i can tell the world that i'm saved but when i was born i didn't need any affidavit from anybody my soul was washed in the blood of the lamb yes good quarter money my sins were forgiven and my transgressions were blotted out he gave me power for the present and they gave me a right prospect for the future that's the reason i know i'm saved i know i'm saved and i know i've been called to preach yeah i know that the lord is with me even now yes i do yeah i know and i know that when this earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved i know that i've got a another building thank god i've got another building not made with hands that's the reason i delight in the durable domain of his everlasting dominion i'm gonna serve him yes i am and i'm not serving him to be saved but i'm serving him because i'm already saved good god almighty i i i'm not working to get to heaven good god almighty he's already gone to prepare a place for me and then i don't even have to worry about where it is you know some cynics they try to cross me up and say well where is it do you think god's got a city out there in space i said yes if he hung this earth out in space surely he can hang a city well they say well where is it i don't need to know where it is he said when he got my mansion ready he was coming back and he's gonna punish me an esco i don't have to know where it is well that's the reason i serve him i delight in the durable domain of his everlasting dominion i'm gonna quit now but i just want to let you know i'm saved and i'm gonna save him until i die until i know that his omnipotence is overthrown i'm gonna worship him until i hear from heaven that his almightiness is abolished i'm going to reveal him our father and our god we're thankful for your word that's a lamp unto our feet and a light onto our pack our father we are thankful for the privilege that we have together here in worship and in fellowship and in praise and in prayer oh god may each person here think on his and her way our father those here who have not accepted you as savior we pray that they will do it now those who will not acknowledge you as lord let them know that you are not going to be their savior our lord but you're going to be savior and lord and our father help them to turn help them to come to thee help them to look to you and live and our father some have gotten weak on the way we pray that you will renew our strength we pray that you will allow your flame and love to defrost our frigid devotion so we'll be less of what we have been and more of what you would have us be for it's in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Mixxkid 17
Views: 41,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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