Greatest Heroes of the Bible The Story of Moses

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[Music] in the beginning there was chaos and darkness in the void when God said let there be light and out of the chaos God brought forth order which was the firmament and he called it heaven gathered up the waters in one place under heaven and caused the dry land here [Music] God was pleased like a seasonal light the earth was also good and made beautiful by the forces he had unleashed then God said let this earth yield and the earth brought forth all the grew and green and fruitful bounty and God divided the day from the night making the Sun to rule the day the moon and the stars to rule the night and he made them signs for the season [Music] then God made the waters to swarm with creatures and fill the skies with wings of birds and he made the animals each to their own natures and to their places in the earth in the air and in the Seas and all the wonders of creation was a passingly beautiful yet incomplete Oh God made man male and female God created humanity in His image and gave man dominion of the earth and then for the sake of all generations to come God commanded them to write down the stories of their search for God and a never-ending struggle between good and evil and to collect them into a treasury of inspiration we call the Holy Bible an Asian Shepherd risks his life to make a stand against a cruel and selfish Pharaoh the story of a peoples of fresher and of a man chosen by God to freedom a story of conflict which unleashes God's awesome justice and of a man's faith matched against the forces of favor in the story of Moses starring Julie Adams as the queen Robert Alda as the vice here Lloyd partner as Imhotep Joseph Campanella as the Pharaoh and Francis as Zipporah Frank Gorshin as okra and John Murray as Muslims [Music] Moses had returned to Egypt from exile carrying with him a command from God the Pharaoh was to free the Hebrews from their 400 years of bondage God invested Moses the power to work wonders in his name and now as his people toiled in servitude Moses sought audience with Pharaoh a man who thought of himself as a God we have come to see the Pharaoh wait here Hebrew [Music] Laurens majesty some of rosh ein forever yes important what say you the hebrew agitators we were discussing magnificence they are here seeking audience hebrews here how dare they expose their lowly presence to the holy eyes of our Pharaoh I'm told by him ho temp the one called Moses claims to be a Messenger of God then their tongue should be cut out for speaking such heresy perhaps my lord vise here but this Moses might afford a Sun diver version on such an uncommon least I feeling day Grantham entry great Pharaoh the Lord God says unto you let my people go you were a brazen fellow for our Hebrew Moses what makes you dare say such a thing to Pharaoh I am a Messenger of God and He commands you commands your God commands Pharaoh the slave God must be very powerful hey who is this God Moses what does he look like a tower of mud perhaps and just where is this God look the sky Pharaoh and you will see his face in the blaze of the Sun and the changing moon and the thousand eyes of the night that watched by darkness his voice echoes in Rolling Thunder splitting the heavens with great fingers of lightning the Lord God is everywhere in everything cannot be fiction like the bestial idols of Egypt I don't like them very much either bye son but what should I do with him my little prince should I cut off their tongues perhaps for blasphemy of the gods entice stoned of them and throw them in the river to the crocodiles my son the pride of my life and the future of Egypt even so young his words Thunder like a true kings do you not tremble before us now I have heard the voice of God Pharaoh I tremble only before him as you shall and by the sighs you shall know him and you shall know I am sent by him what signs Hebrew [Music] [Music] clever my old magicians are capable of such illusions do not scuff Bower or turn away if you heed not the signs you will bring down the wrath of God upon Egypt and upon your own head you begin to annoy me Hebrew let my people go Pharaoh hearken to his words while you still have time the Hebrew slaves build my cities if I were to freedom who would build the cities for my beloved son would he is Pharaoh do not harden your heart Pharaoh that you destroy your own house in earth we are no longer abused began Hebrew well since you can't work wonders in the name of your God here is one for you to try henceforth the tally of bricks to be made each day by the Hebrew slaves is doubled they shall make twice as many bricks as before but straw will no longer be given to them what mighty Pharaoh how can the people make bricks without straw to make twice as many bricks as before and without straw should be a small wonder indeed compared to changing a stick into a snake [Music] or pretty brutal and pretty master you are trying but the past is impossible and get your help from Moses [Music] see what your Medellin is done your promises of freedom you'll be pleased Moses for you have freed Moloch he's dead [Music] poses now our people must toil at night as well gathering straw is this the miracle you bring I must be alone [Music] largest heir apparent brawl the villages in Goshen it is the same anger and resentment yes there are people who blame Moses for the added work but there are as many who believe in him and what he is doing we will endure Aaron Hebrews have become experts in that you are I am empty Oh Lord I have failed in everything everything Pharaoh has turned me away in scorn he has increased the burden on our poor people and they blame me rightfully so for I have been clumsy [Music] Moses day of good faith return to Pharaoh and tell him the Lord God says let my people go why will ferrel hearken to my voice O Lord when our people turn away from me I have reached [Music] you shall act in my name and through you all Egypt shall know I am the Lord God forgive me O Lord for doubting for faltering in my steps I live only to serve your will I will seek out Pharaoh wherever he is Egypt will not know rest or peace while Israel stays achieved [Music] I'll say oh my little prince life or death death the loser should die not always my little prince Sargon there is a very good fighter yes that is very true father but you shall be whipped soundly for losing very wise my son spoken like the future Pharaoh tomorrow he may have a turn at your throat you have our royal gratitude Your Majesty it is those Hebrews again they seem to be everywhere I turn these days shall I remove them no this Moses piques my curiosity Hebrews have you grown so tired of living that you dare intrude at our royal privacy hear my voice no Pharaoh before it is too late take counsel your counsel the Lord God commanded you to let my people go I know no Lord God Moses and no man or God commands Pharaoh the Lord God says that plagues and pestilence jump before you unless you sent our people free shall we be struck dumb with fear my little son you have our permission call down a plague upon us if you can [Music] it's blood [Music] in the days that followed the power of God and his curse upon the Pharaohs reached throughout the land and the people of Egypt found that their water and turned to blood for seven days now all the water in the land is turned into blood the fish perish in the river our wells and irrigation canals even the very pots and jars in our houses are filled with blood man and beast in our drink it see how pure and clear the wine from my palace remains trickery or else it is some deception and nature that we do not understand this Moses is a crafty fellow the priests and magicians I help us to remove this curse from the waters perhaps this Moses is truly said by a powerful God if it is so then it would be wise to release the Hebrews now before he cast another spell upon us what an old fool if I release the Hebrews who would build my cities Egypt can survive without new cities o divine one but not without water I will not bend to that Hebrews threats now believe me get out there is not water even to drink perhaps this man Moses is a bard himself it is an awesome kursi ascend upon us can't be only the eyes of a Pharaoh which sees with his Hebrew deception father Pallas widest would drink your fill my son he is just a boy he is the son of a pharaoh if I were to release the Hebrew slaves there would be no one left to build your cities do you believe I should free these slaves my little princes no father there are my slaves to just so we will never let them go Hey we shall laugh at their tricks [Music] [Music] [Music] what this the reason finished out mate who is responsibly putting the Hebrew Moses divine one he preached in the city that he will call on his God to send down new place one after the other while the Hebrews are kept in chambers Moses Moses have you turned into a superstitious idiot too this is the season of the frogs they have just come up from the river that's all frogs on every wave of this they seem to pour down from the very heaviness in the fields in every house occupied by our people then club to burn them hack them or they wind them from my sight [Music] sullenly in desire your grace you should know such all I presumed you wanted to meet with the Hebrew magicians immediately something may cost your head but it begins to lose its amusement as you are but then the sparkle of dole muster light your I name your payment as I have said before let my people go and if I give my consent how soon is your part of the bargain carried out set me a time before the rise of the Sun so that you shall know there's none like the Lord our God it shall be done your decision was a wise one divine majesty I have no intention of releasing the healing slaves but your grace do you think the ferrule bends of the willow slaves [Music] I will not see that Hebrew charlatan again frog zag on the water is clear again eggs rubbish what only plagues us crooks of some kind perhaps divine one perhaps but the priests believe it is better not to tempt fate better for for them they have grown fat and rich and frightened Moses has been at the palace doors for three days and three nights Holy Majesty he threatens Egypt again by the power of his God if you do not honor your promise to free the Hebrews tell that Hebrew that he has Pharaohs permission to do his worst tell him to be gone from my gates while there are still life in his legs [Music] look serious millions [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] results will you please answers not excuses I wouldn't know why we are still infected by these insects after two days in spite of all your idols and caterwauling prayers divine majesty we have tried everything the gods of Egypt have forsaken us I fear and you tell me why these insects in fact only us and not the Hebrews there must be some point but that protects them from Teheran wait sugars he warned all of you I have no tolerance for failure London hotel let us find some answers by ourselves [Music] [Music] the insects that torment you a bad hand of God take no credit for this new pestilence Hebrew these insects were blown in by the hot winds of summer and none of your doing nor of your guards you went back on your word Pharaoh you cannot play false before the Lord God Egypt will not be judged by any slave God but we will reward you Hebrew even in our anger if you but give us the potion that you use to turn away these insects there is no potion as you spurn the words of the Lord God you bring down another plague upon your house and your people you seem to have some wizardry for prediction Hebrew I told that son and I predict I should another curse fall upon this land you shall not live to see it pass [Music] oxen are dead another drops each a minute what is your third affliction it is some mysterious blight that I have never seen before it is the same everywhere our Egyptian cattle and flocks are dead or dying and yet yet what the animals of the Hebrews remain healthy grow even fatter my lord captain and God said to me my hand shall be upon the fields and a sickness shall be set the beasts of the Egyptians but nothing shall perish of those things that belong to the children of Israel yet still the yoke of the Pharaoh enslaves us for now is that a kaya but the day of deliverance approaches and you must all root that blessed promised into your hearts and into the hearts of your women and your children [Applause] if I had my way I would kill every last one of you and burn your villages to the ground Pharaoh our God and master bids me to discover why most of our animals lay dead or dying I offers a generous reward gold precious stones at the Royal paper of freedom for the man who will tell us of the magic potion that protects your animals there is no magic it is but the hand of God you throw back to the kind offer of the divine Pharaoh well you will find me harder to refuse gather up some hostages from every house in this village [Applause] better see how many of your women and children you will see killed before you cry out begging here you see help me Oh Lord [Music] [Applause] soldier are you a speck of dust touches your eye on your wheel like an infant [Music] what new treachery have you justice I will kill you myself [Music] what is it another Hebrew curse has been set upon us our son every Egyptian in the land is covered with boils and swelling they say the Pharaoh himself covers his face with a veil to hide his own to be a source still he will not give us an audience what else must happen brother before he will believe God said that his heart will harden but in the end the Pharaoh will know that the Lord is God and he will tremble before him what is this dark curse did you look down upon not enough we've caused our people to be despised in the Pharaohs heart so that you now have finally succeeded in turning the entire nation against us we have long been despised in this land Oh Krong the greed has turned you blind deceive it - well you see nothing repent your selfish and evil ways or grin curse not Moses lest you would curse God himself great thanks while you still can the Lord God is that those plagues down upon Egypt you and yours have not suffered by it I am destroyed this are you and you oh I see these tricksters these magicians common thoba but Pharaoh remains and Egypt always rules I say kill Moses and kill Aaron and then pray to Pharaoh for forgiveness you will never bend the will of Pharaoh he will never let the people go except in death then when finally Israel has descended into the dust then you will finally blame Moses but [Music] there are more plagues to come tonight you must protect your animals and beasts for the Lord sends a storm of ice with it on [Music] something strange in the dark clouds gathering never have I seen such balls of ice rain down from the heavens we have had storms before never like this I entreat you my husband make peace with the Hebrews for my sacred for I serve his very body is racked with the sticky that this person is horse even more than we do you think I am blind have I not seen him writhing in pain your grace this monstrous hailstorm has destroyed our crops only the unser proud it wheat and grain remains and they too will be destroyed if this plague storm continues you must free the Hebrews great Majesty must there's no ID on this earth the Pharaoh must to get out of waking cowards I'm sick of a side of you out you'll see the jackals I am cursed with us ministers I have said for the man called Moses my lord husband and he is here you too get a job please madam I remember my duties as a mother to the son you love so dearly Moses do you gloat behind your solemn looks to see Egypt suffering the suffering of no one makes us happy Pharaoh neither Israel or Egypt is this compassion mixed with impudence for our ears ravages a little prince Amin it it seems the wickedness of our office has provoked your God the Lord God of Israel is a just God you have only to set our people free and the place will stop then call upon your God if the curses sickness no upon us has gone before tomorrow's sunset I will believe and I will free the Hebrews it shall be done but do not play the Lord God falls a second time Pharaoh you did challenge my would know this if you do not keep your part of the bargain you will bring down the worst calamities yet upon this salty dried land he is a brazen fellow than Moses I've had men's tongues cut out for far less that he has said to me should his Moses that his brother killed at the first perhaps it is not too late my divine and majestic lord I beseech you do not provoke these men further their magic is far greater than anything our priests and astrologers have ever known they strike no terror in my heart but I am filled with disgust for howling we saw before those two I shall have my revenge why here [Music] the great hailstorm is the boil up some storm's they too have disappeared feral look our son is healed see how beautiful he is oh I'm a better father yes we must sacrifice to the gods oh we will my son we are very grateful to the gods for making well should we not be grateful to Moses also loyal husband for lifting this curse from us if you can believe that Moses lifted these plagues and you must also believe that he sent them should I be grateful for this too you do not plan to free the Hebrews but no calamities will befall us now learn you see I have been treating the Hebrews too kindly but no more they will know that whatever suffering comes upon Egypt for whatever reason I was scourge the Hebrews 10 times more I will make their house is empty I will fill their lives with sorrow [Music] tell your children and your children's children how often the Lord God sent plague after plague down upon Egypt yet we are still here give me Moses sometimes dis hard not to become discouraged brother Aaron the Pharaoh is he ready to free you yet he would not even grant me an audience him hotep threatened me with a sword in the lash it is time [Music] once again I find myself looking at your ugly face we take no pleasure in yours either Pharaoh it would have been better if you had heeded the Lord our God at our first meeting and let our people go my ministers my priests at my thighs ear they all believe that you are responsible for the calamities that have come upon us of late even the Queen believes that your Hebrew God is greater and stronger than all the gods of Egypt she is like all these others here but the Pharaoh is not so here may Moses and tremble I will never let your people go but I will run the earth red with their blood this I promise you you must recant Oh Pharaoh recant Oh Egypt before you are destroyed Oh Pharaoh vain man stupid knife you bring tragedy down not on the children of Israel but on your own house [Music] tonight the Angel of Death will come down upon Egypt and visit every hovel and house in the land and take the firstborn from each family of the highest to the lowest if the Angel of Death passes through all the land surely not also coming to our houses as well your brother no not if the Lord God is obeyed each family must go to their flocks and choose a first link lamb or kid that is without blemish we shall keep it as a memorial throughout your generations a Feast of the Lord forever these bitter herbs shall be eaten with the meat of the sacrificial lamb never to forget the bitterness of your captivity in Egypt [Music] when the children asked what these services are for we shall tell them it was a sacrifice of Passover [Music] let's pray [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is only tonight [Music] we can wait can I say [Music] focus lips they're mighty captain it's not a fight to it you must believe that good [Applause] on it so let it finally be done Hebrew a bitter conflict has cost the precious life of my only son and that of the firstborn of each Egyptian home go then take your people and your animals and leave us forever get from our land captain I protest well this is monstrous it's unjust it's your leave you are Hebrew you know yes Moses did not cry out to Pharaoh to let some of the Hebrews go but all of you do not wish to leave we belong here you belong with the rest of the Hebrews Pharaoh says take your people and begone go then and now get from our land for you are despised hear and be grateful Pharaoh did not let me have my way with you for I would have put every last one of you to the sword [Applause] you have done this to the Egyptians but you all the things we love our homes our possessions well oh you evil men you foul greedy men dare you lay your mean and Craven complaints at the feet of Moses the great Pharaoh himself is bent his neck before the will of God and you you would contest it be happy and rejoice okra that God has lifted the yoke of slavery from the next of the people glory and whatever small sacrifice you had to make what today the children of Israel are a nation again a nation of free people well cry it is time my brother give the signal [Music] absolutely no the way to the promised land okay God things the way [Music] oh you mighty gods of Egypt Horus so Syrus rah God of the Sun itself where were you when my beloved son was struck down by the evil god he was my heart I love my life sons of 10,000 slaves run and laugh in the sunlight but my shining little prince lies dead and I am dead also cry lived only for him then why do the heroes still live divine one surely the gods of Egypt must be crying hot for vengeance yes let me kill one Hebrew boy in each family that our glorious little prince will have his own Hebrew slaves to follow him thousands of them Imhotep soaked the ground with their blood divine majesty is this a wise decision wise wisdom will not satisfy the old man vengeance vengeance [Music] we will camp here why do we can't buy to see when there's so many better places look poses good my is now across the deportees [Music] [Music] [Music] as indeed the Egyptians seems the pharaohs had a change of heart [Music] [Applause] like clams and a slaughter pairs he these time and you punch up this beef have faith in God the Lord God has not let us out of Egypt to die in the desert you must believe me pray with me oh no listen to me why do you pray why do you pray I warned all of you that our freedom would end in the desert graves and what has come to be we are trapped dog between the sea and the Pharaohs soldiers and who's responsible for our flight who did this to us hey or thinks himself God divide your forces Imhotep son of fascist chariot south to cut off any escape then send another company to seal off the routes north then strike them terribly him ho temp killed many of them so that the ones who live will tremble for the rest of their lives with this day's memory that I pledge my sword and honor [Music] we must give Moses to the Egyptians it is our only chance hey what Moses follow me Oh Lord God of Abraham and Isaac hearken to the prize of your children help us O Lord tell me what to do lift up your staff and stretch it forth toward the sea [Music] [Music] God has made a drive path through the woods to the other side hurry [Music] watch out for the children [Music] [Music] go and enter the see your friend we'd go in down into the sea we go back to the Egyptians [Music] then I left now you must cross [Music] Heidi captain signature is behind captain oh we saw wish to return all my [Music] [Music] now agent follow me and punish these rebellious slaves with your swords [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what do we do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and so after 400 agonizing years the Hebrew people were finally free now their quest for the Promised Land began and God's justice had been done [Music]
Channel: moshod100
Views: 2,789,336
Rating: 4.6153235 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 14sec (3734 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 29 2014
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