Greatest Heroes of the Bible Daniel in the Lion's Den

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a man speaks out against the abuses of his people and becomes the victim of a plot to destroy him the story of a Hebrew and of a Persian king whose vanity threatens the life of his trusted friend a man of courage faces the jaws of death in a supreme trial of faith in Daniel and the Lions Den starring David Birney as Daniel sherry Jackson is Joanna nirmaia / Savas Melanie R Dean Stockwell as his are and Robert Vaughn as Duras after the Babylonian kings had destroyed the city of Jerusalem the Hebrews have been taken into captivity and led back into Persia here they labored and servitude for their Persian captors they were to build a city of learning a project which had already cost the lives of many of their people keep moving analog in front despite their enslavement the Hebrews clung to their faith and their hope in Daniel a Hebrew blessed with God's wisdom Daniel had been made a minister and was favored by King Darius aback presented by the Kings other ministers and princes Auerbach must tell me rumors of corruption and mistreatment of his people it reached and now over the objection of his fellow ministers he had come to view the situation himself your excellency do you see any starving people Andy cruel taskmasters any evidence of inferior material Lumas vicious slanders as we can see your excellency carried into the palace by ambitious plotters and community's ambition it's a strange force in men my lord can be very good or very destructive his Majesty's royal lions they have moved to their new den would you care to do them excellency later Prince tonight first time I'd like to offer this city of learning that's built in here perhaps I might learn something we shall walk with you your excellency no I'm going on I urge you to take a guard excellency these zeros could be treacherous and vicious we'll never know when they will turn so I think you forget that I too am a Hebrew master baroque King side ministers have come in splendid coach of Prince mallomar is the first minister Daniel wood yes sir good boy it's an expensive little toy you bought yourself a lord well we've all gotten rich on this project princess are but I'll tell you this I would trade it all to be rid of these notes I feel in my belly right now Daniel finds out but we have done the king will take our heads you should have brought him into the scheme he saw you should have bribed him don't be a fool do man Daniel can neither be bought nor bullied that's why King Darius trusts him and that's why the King made him first minister above us the true and deserving princes of the Empire and this plan of yours had better work he saw we do not destroy Daniel you most certainly destroy us Daniel has one weakness the Hebrew God that he praised it and our dear King Darius has one as well is vanity we all play our parts correctly who won't have to worry about Daniel any longer let us hope that the Kings lions that have been put in your charge know their parts as well they know them very well no will Prince especially since they have been kept as hungry as they are now let me have it I need more stones up here bring it this way water here put it over there water bear what are you doing here with water beerus why aren't you with the women of your station teaching the children what answer can I give great First Lord of Medes and Persians sent me not Joanna for serving garden our people in the high office I've been blessed with I am still first people how many starving Hebrew children do you see about the court of King Darius I have no answer for you to what I do what I can oh yes it is well known Lord Daniel prays three times a day what do you pray for Daniel I pray always for our deliverance from captivity but sometimes I pray for simpler things doing like they understanding of my own plier bear pardon me my dear Lord Daniel I have to fetch the water for those to me brother masters take that away too oh look late well the first time in six months I come among my people and I meet hostility the anger I see in your eyes why I stand before the High First Minister of the Medes and the Persians or before that now if you have no fears before God you have none before me this city you told us to build that would provide learning and solace for all the people is destroyed us the royal treasury has spent enormous sums to see that the people were well fed well paid for this work then your ministers have grown rich we've never competed but what's splashing them with our family star for lack of food the very stones they make us build you are so poor they crumble before we lift into place we have paid for the finest granite from the quarries of Mount Isis cheap sandstone Daniel full of cuts and faults we've lost many men when the structures collapse those who complained or refused to work disappeared in the night he's a terrible charges Barak can you prove them see with your own eyes yeah show me everything yeah stand back g7 benefit for three days as you requested princes are beautiful so fierce so final angry yes but death by the Lions is for high treason the King loves Daniel like a brother how can we be sure he will pass such a sentence darius will have no choice once he signs my proclamation in law i agree daniel must be destroyed quickly but this is a daring scheme full of danger for us yes the old law of equal trial what fools you both are would you rather let daniel reveal our dealings here to the king but cut our heads off what man could survive 12 hours in the pit with those ferocious beasts yes that's good now on hit your horses and take them away what is being done to my wagon with hold you will respect excellence what is my cost to you wagon doing now then minister we have a problem here one of divided opinion my king my dear friend dead well how goes the building of my city of learning that my gracious Majesties the question I cannot answer at this time I sense a problem here come my friend many we've shared many problems before this one of divided opinions are the Hebrew Masons believed that the stone may have been given to work with us of inferior quality they think that column will not support the weight of the capstone they fear for their lives sire a thousand bodies gracious Majesty but your Minister Daniel has seen fit to put my costly new wagon down there Lord mallomars overseers believe that Hebrew masons are shirking should be given the lunch what is your solution Gaia the Masons are willing to set the capstone to risk their safety if my lord malamar is willing to risk his precious wagon below them well that is preposterous surely your Minister has gone too far no no I think not Daniel is famous for being in just an honourable man here's the column sound or is it not of course it is your majesty but these Hebrews would rather complain than work in that case there should be no objection to the old version law of equal test both sides it's time to lose something precious but fair is fair your majesty certainly my costly new wagon is worth more than a dozen Hebrew lives carry out the test what is the meaning of this enemy I cannot be sure your majesty but I will find out when I have all the facts I will bring them to you for your judgement this is unfortunate your majesty most unfortunate but it's only a temporary setback what I mean I do hope it doesn't it appears a little celebration I'm off the walls celebration Lourdes huh what celebration your loyal ministers and the satraps from the provinces we'd like to present you with a gift we had wanted to make it a surprise surprise but I like surprise come we must all ten me in my pavilion Daniel I beg your Majesty's permission to continue my inspection I should like to go up to the heel camp I'm disappointed Daniel your Majesty knows that Daniel is your most devoted servant whatever Daniel feels he must do must be of great importance I'm sure and you have my permission Daniel gamma Lords I'm anxious for your surprise thought of our deep love and respect for you mighty king dairy that on this the anniversary of the kingdom we might honor you with this great new law this is all very flattering very amusing but hahaha we beg your Majesty let us make this honor than your name accept this petition naughty King is the last of your great laws and the world will know are we your princes and ministers you honor you above all Kings for all time read this log and aside from this moment and for 30 days hence no man woman or child shall pray to or petition any God or King but Darius for 30 days on pain of high treason this shall be the tenth high law of the Empire and it may not be recall we the princes and sat traps of the Empire do beg it to be so let it be carved in the law posts of every city and village in the Empire that the whole world may know the greatness of Gary king of the Medes and Persians yes indeed yes indeed never has such an honor than conferred upon a king by his nobles by this law would make me God for a mere 30 days your glorious majesty we beseech you to sign our loving petition into law what does Daniel think of this honor that you would confer upon me why Daniel is the very reason that this petition is presented yes without Daniel we would never have thought of it you know there is no honor Daniel would deny you his love for you no no bomb and you would never agree upon anything it was neither just a good this and this long wall agree all of your heart your divine majesty may I have your permission to take this great new law to the scribes so it can be proclaimed immediately triumph my friends and this evening when Daniel kneels in his window facing Jerusalem and called upon his God he'll be signing his own death warrant now is everything ready the witnesses where are your soldiers malamar they're in hiding waiting my signal 20 pairs of eyes shall see him be the proclamation I had posted 20 pairs of ears shall hear and break the law I wish this were our there's so much that could go wrong what could go wrong three times every day Daniel kneels in that window and prays to his God yes but suppose he reads the new law and decides to obey it I'm not praying we all know very well that Daniel would never put a man-made law before the law does Hebrew God it's true that's true isn't it amusing to the very God that he worship so will be the cause of his death if it comes now let's not be seen what oh well thank you all right he's gone into the house now to mine get your witnesses into position now Lamar come and see how nicely the Fox is falling into the trap quickly now malamar go to your soldiers and when you eros cry out bring them immediately Oh Lord here Oh Lord fakir Oh Lord attack I treat your mother what a fount of all righteousness the world speaks of mercy forgiveness here not the prayers of your children help me quiet - right the wrong make us strong in your spirit that we may accept the penance of your sins but give us hope dang good nope will be lifted from our shoulders yeah what is always treason my lord First Minister yes you tell me about treason two men as you have committed treason Daniel it is you who have broken the new high law stand of water make awaits the Kings Minister stand back there your excellency what has happened these good people are angered noble prince they have seen and heard Daniel commit treason by breaking the new high law there must be some mistake the honourable First Minister would never break a high law unless of course he didn't know of it no I knew it someone took great pain to see me that I knew of it how fortunate the King's soldiers would close by to keep the peace or to enforce an arrest I make no resistance honorable citizens follow behind us to the palace your testimony is witnesses may be needed and so my most honorable king all the witnesses have been heard and all the testimony has been taken down it's been proven even Daniel freely admits out of his own mouth that he did pray to and petition his Hebrew God in open contempt and spiteful violation of a sacred law sacred law stupid and foolish Proclamation that can slash me in deciding but your glorious majesty by putting your seal upon it you made it a high law and therefore a sacred one then I unmake this high law not even the King can remove a high law sire this is well known this is my praying each day three times equally well known Daniel admits he prayed to another God that stream high treason let the punishment fit the crime great king you tricked me into making this High law but you're not used to destroy my truest friend and the most honest man in this kingdom are we not all bound by the same laws your glorious majesty the same that made you and preserve you as our King and the same that provide the justice of equal trial I will not deliver Daniel into the Lions Den not for 12 hours not for one a thousand pardons your majesty but Daniel is guilty of high treason before the law send this proud and stiff-necked Hebrew to the Lions and if after the 12 hours of night Daniel is still alive among the Lions then we your three loyal ministers will take his place in the lion's den you have no choice higher you're as much a victim of the law as I am Daniel I would have done anything to preserve you have destroyed you with my vanity I am sick I cannot believe this is happening it has happened they had to destroy our Daniel he was too good and my spirit is soiled and dirty was gone I gave him I thought he served only himself and his Persian masters what can I do broke pray for Daniel for what and pray for us without him were alone in this desert of misery hey stop hey stop come on quickly the Hebrew captives are coming see them perhaps to kill us don't be such an idiot they're just coming to pray for Daniel you must worry you should worry about them Jordans country Sat rats are still fiercely loyal Daniel let us hope that this expensive feast we are setting out wins them over to us expensive did you say expensive how much did it cost us my fat little prince sometimes I don't know which is the greater your cowardice or your greed excellent servants noble Darius I proclaim I am innocent of all but serving my god and my king to the fullest measure beware of all evil laws such as this that condemns me and suspect the men that make them my Hebrew promise pray for me think of me kindly if you can and if you cannot forgive me tell me the sniffing God you have searched so well so faithfully will save you from the horrors but it can if it pleases is will in purpose but if I am destroyed by the Lions then that too farewell Mikey Lord into your hands I commend my life the B soul and I Daniel each in our own way serve your Holy Name Majesty we have casks of Lydian wine and roast meats and music join us honor us I hope your wine in your music would bring you many friends this night is are forever certainly need them against the mortal enemy you have made of me take that away I told you I would not touch food or drink this night take it away I will remember this Oh God Daniel helped me to endure the hours display nothing's going right in spite of all our expense we haven't made one new friend you the liens haven't made a sound for hours on your feet little prince even now the dawn is ending the night the 12 hours of night have passed and your deal is over you have been upright and steadfast in your love therefore we saved the mouths of the Lions had been closed so that through your faith all men may know the Lord is God your deliverance is in his long Daniel my friend as your God delivered you from the Lions Daniel are you alive your gracious majesty I live as I am innocent before you and my god I dangling alive can you help me deliver to the lion the Lord sent an angel and the fierce Lions became as gentle lambs majesty merci and have mercy Daniel three tourists Amos Lee's a terrible mistake is being silenced I cannot help you Daniel cannot help you condemned yourselves out of your own mouth my king would you have me put myself above the law for them I would not do it I've seen the wonder of your God while I rumor at the breath - me I should claim his holy name - all my dominions fall to the first great King now even greater Daniel through his faith in God had triumphed and King Darius have been made to see the dangers of his vanity together they spread God's Word throughout the kingdom
Channel: moshod100
Views: 525,979
Rating: 4.6360316 out of 5
Id: vsEyPihVIrQ
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Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2016
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