David and Goliath (1960) | Full Movie | Orson Welles | Ivico Pajer | Eleonora Rossi Drago

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[Music] and it came to pass that Israel was smitten in battle and the sacred Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines therefore did the people of Israel believed that God had forsaken below these many years had passed since the prophet Samuel had anointed Saul to be their king but the Spirit of the Lord had departed from soul now once again the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle thirty thousand chariots and six thousand horsemen and foot soldiers and multitude as the sands of the desert whilst in Israel when either swords no Spears only plowshares [Music] really he is Samuel the Prophet an old man in tattered rags is Samuel he is the only man of whom Saul is afraid [Music] your majesty the prophet Samuel is coming into the court [Music] [Applause] Samuel there has been a stranger to our court we bid thee welcome who is that man Iona was madly I'm captain of the host his name his happiness all happy mrs. counselor at court and these are they the sons of solvent Jonathan ishvii ish Buffett his sons his son Saul when I saw the Lord said unto me behold man [Music] Samuel of all in Israel thou art beloved of the Lord we we honor Samuel of course but the last of the great judges of Israel have not called up the whole court of the kingdom only to tell us the old story that all of us know so well all I will tell thee what now does not know I will tell thee what the Lord said to me last night leave us [Music] speaking the glory of Israel is departed from the Ark of God mistake in all of my kingdoms Samuel everyone is aware that the Ark of the Covenant is in the hands of the enemy this was a needful sacrifice not to be avoided in making our peace with the Philistines Saul when the ark was taken from the Lord have read the Kingdom of Israel from the on that day pay no heed to him sire Samuel is old beyond the years of wit old indeed near to death Saul yet last night the word of the Lord came to me again leave us Samuel what said the Lord unto thee the Lord's head it will repenteth me that Saul is king high for he have turned back from following me and have broken my Commandments Rus spake the Lord and it grieved me and I cried to the Lord all night and when he answered me he said how long would a bow warm us all seeing that I have rejected him from reigning over Israel am I not King look what I know is Samuel why not sit here before thee have a throne of Israel the Lord had said I have provided me a king Samuel if I have sinned if I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and I would it is because I feel the people and obeyed their voice Samuel Oh easy who is that man who shall be king in Israel after me the Lord said to me look not upon his height for the Lord seeth not as men see one pure in heart who is he ere I die it hath been given to me to anoint one king who shall be chosen from Bethlehem and the Spirit of the Lord shall be upon him from that day forward I have not come to be with prophecies but to be deep hair well the Lord has departed from thee an evil spirit of me it's Oh Mindy I shall come no more to this all and nevertheless I mourn for thee [Music] I have been awaiting the the last poem does he please me I feel beautiful make him walk no he's too little oh come now let's put it down no David don't don't think he's gonna see how he walks he goes to his mother's very funny curve a banger why how David no question [Music] opening oh it's beautiful like I'm in need of it I thank thee I must try it right away stay here and watch England Ziggler I passed that now I had a very bad dream think of it do not laugh David I dream that I had been taken far from me very far no one could ever separate us beloved and with that what thou sayest were true but Ziggler how should trust me the same way that is the same way that I trust my sling watch this if I do not smite that tree die bad dream will come true [Music] why am I afraid I'm here with me I with my great host shall pass over the land of salt the land of salt our last victory over Israel was not complete because I did not slaughter that old imbecile but our new invasion will be the end of Saul and now both are shall be the new king of Israel remember when old Saul was my captive it was B who asked me to spare his life what did we keep as our spoil that sacred Ark but now I want much more than that now I will have all Saul's behind each one IG shall rule over the land he will have conquered Jas Kings monarchs governing by our laws and rituals he shall command absolute obedience receive tribute and pass judgment yet none of you shall ever forget that I shall remain your king [Music] the king ping [Music] [Applause] [Music] these few days of faster swiftly dated I turned to flower will patch with glitter and I will think of eggless so ascus me that I shall be without the crystal [Music] that was frayed no David with bean and in a storm if I were not with thee I should be afraid but I should run to thee wherever I were surely I eggless truly and if it were raining very hard even where it to be another flood now I still continue David [Applause] McDavid Emma's gone free thank Allah wait here it rains death I must not tarry too late don't go [Applause] [Music] why my lord [Music] I hope is a vain one father I know better what I do than one who attacks innocence and slated without just cause David the Lord alone knows the scope of his own deeds on earth and there remains naught else for us to do save yield to his will but the death of my Ziggler this has destroyed my life father God by this deed has only destroyed thy mortal love David but yet also rendered thy love more beautiful for he makes of it a spiritual thing thou shalt love another time thou shalt see and then this will indeed comfort thee it will company to think of regular pardon me Father tis of the Lord that thou shalt stars pardon not of me and I pray to the Lord that he will give the epod King the agility and power of the Persian chariots have inspired this model the chariot is drawn by four horses and is entirely armored with leather and bronze here and here these lances will revolve like so many sides and wreak havoc in the enemy infantry then now thank us we are invincible oh there is no question my lord but the most powerful weapon that I know is an enormous man one whom Nature has endowed with inhuman strength he is not like other men he dwelleth in the caves beyond the town of Gath refusing all commerce with the world a human weapon that would so fearsome panic in the enemy ranks when he's unleashed he cannot be stopped and who is this man his name is Goliath who is able to enroll such a monster in my ranks a petty cut first a rascal named Creve he is waiting without my lord show him in [Music] glory to be O king of a Philistine art thou craft io flaming torch of my life flaming paragon of all our virtues now our most powerful the most generous and the most in our dust are no Goliath he's my friend he does all that I didn't do I want me to bring him here bring him to the Feast of the God Dagon if he is as my captain says I shall give thee thy weight in gold oh but I'm very heavy as heavy as a camel out with him [Music] [Music] Goliath it's crap [Music] [Laughter] what does our friend my brother and friend friend and brother at last bike CV again after all these months breathing's Danita liar from my humble servant how many times I have thought of thee I have jealously cherished in my soul the recollection of my affection for me and now at long last I stand before thee now I can reach the earth but blaming Paragon of my life the only comfort of my tormented existence the shining guidance of my wretched fate oh how can I thank the Goliath first of all allow my slave to fate tribute to thee with a tiny word of modest praise that invincible Goliath everyone knows our earth the strongest man in the world oh please no don't kill me don't snap out the wretched existence of my only friend I not always brought the gold and wait till I'll seize the gold I will get this time enough to fill I gave I will always be my best friend Goliath but I'd better tell me the reason why I came here to see thee King Ashdod sent me to see V he's mustering men for a Great War if our Greece to fight for him he will give me all the gold our desires high and that's not all there's more they will also be the kings and beautiful girls in finish dear see that thou wilt Goliath I must beautiful girls [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I have bigger liar [Music] [Music] bring the rock of Samson well I have this stone has never been lifted aloft by one man since the distant days when Samson himself lifted it this will be the true test of my strength [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the Lord said unto Samuel fill van horn with oil and go I will send me to Jesse the Bethlehem ight or I have provided me a king among his sons to save Israel out of the hand of the Philistines [Music] I greet the wife of Jesse the Lord have chosen one from amongst my sons and I am come to find him the Lord shall name unto me this is Elia our firstborn son the Lord said look not upon his height nor his countenance for the Lord seeth not as man seein if the foreordained of the Lord is here it could only be this I've been to top neither is he the one the lord of the chosen nor have you chosen any of these oh it's certain that thou hast here all of the children of Jesse blessed be thou Samuel Jesse thou hast here all my children all say my youngest son here he is David i this is he [Music] David son of Jesse the Lord hath appointed thee to be Prince over his inheritance our troubled in my heart Daisy tis true I am troubled it is written who knows what is good for a man in his life in all the days of his earthly life which he spend it as a shadow for who can tell a man what shall be art to him under the Sun I we know that thou art a prophet Samuel that witches have been already and everything to be has already been and God seeketh again that which is passed away it is also written far better or poor but why is youth than an old and foolish King if thou speakest us about me Samuel it is true I am indeed poor but wise I shall come to thee again for the LORD hath told me that I am to anoint thee King sets down chain hey Jesse it is not a son of Saul but your son David who shall be called by God to reign as king in Israel but of the great events which await thee in the future David thou must not ever speak to any man these things must all be kept secret forget it not [Music] go thy way eat thy bread with joy for God have already accepted my works the Spirit of the Lord shall be upon thee from this day forward [Music] thy will be done a lot my servant has left his loved ones that he may devote his life to serving his people Israel may thy servant prove worthy of this mission with my help many trials await d-david but with I faith thou shalt be strong by departure will in days to come bring great joy by loved ones in three days and nights now shalt have reached Jerusalem [Music] ladies for sale slaves from lower than shiitake shadow in the field a couple clouds better than oxen but you can feed them for much less they're cheap giving them away I'm Shepard what says now I unhook them quickly give them to him [Music] [Applause] go you're free Tobias needs to set them free touch them either [Music] why are these men being punished because they have rebelled against those captain I've known were condemned to die in this place at first there are my son in three days they've not had a drop of water then let them die like this how can the Lord [Music] [Applause] on it look at that what it gives me oh they will but oh please no drink do not be afraid [Music] Julian gulanite Jerusalemites why are you the curse of your own people we are afraid to godlessness wickedness and cowardice he hath trampled our laws underfoot and destroyed the foundations of our faith why why the spirit of evil is in ye but the spirits of evil is get stronger and those who govern you Saul Saul power to blame for it [Applause] by corruption and perverted ways of living have made the an evil man and have destroyed the good life in us rise against the false liberties which the tyrants of Israel have given to you I say that she will remain prisoners of your evil spirits if you do not find in your hearts the strength to rebel and to redeem yourselves dance shall ye be that still remain in the bottomless chasm of sin I come to arrest this man this man is under our protection come Shepard into the house of God [Applause] telling people to rise against their king father - it's not threat too much overall this nor exaggerate the importance of it exaggerated I'll say it yes a shepherd dares to accuse the king of Israel and moreover receives the protection of our own High Priest the mouth of God are we to attach no importance today have y'all forgot have you all so soon forgot the last prophecy if Samuel for he did not speak of you my sons he did not say if one of you naughty should be not this was it but not even Jonathan hair I died he said and I died it will be given to me to anoint one King your majesty 1 Samuel anointed the King but first to reign in Israel he chose a warrior a mighty man of arms this David is a mere boy wants him brought to me but this is impossible father he's in the priests care I the high priests protect protective from water I want this David brought to me how shall we do it father my four have commanded you to do as I leave this matter to me no if I leave it to the Abner how long now shall leave him with all the other thieves criminals feed the vultures no first time I see him alive I would talk with this Shepherd bring him to me hi father may well be right this young shepherd should have things of interest to tell us what does thou think Abner what I may think is not thy concern I apologize for having put a question to the captain of our host there is far too much stirring among the people now I would not have this David so more trouble in the soul of thy father already fixed by the prophecy of Samuel so though to fear is this David I fear no man in their app but I am her off at the evil spirit of these false prophets where I only king of Israel now thou shalt be oh she'll sit on this throne one day [Music] [Applause] I tell thee it is no desire of mine to advocate rebellion against royal authority I am not at odds with the laws of Israel nor the rule of my king the style suggest perhaps that it is no longer permissible to speak one's own mine by stirring up the people now it's gone against the supreme authority of Israel I have seen fight some corruption rife everywhere wherefore I said that which I said the influence of this Shepherd is an affront to the court oh I think not me Rab boy has not David made clear the reasons why he behaved the way he did I believe that we should hear David's further unless of course it does displease you I would have an opinion on one matter from this wise Shepherd this is ridiculous to seek the counsel of a Shepherd indeed one might as well seek the judgment of the people this wretched Shepherd is not here to judge us but to be judged as one of the respected counselors of Israel Benjamin of GABA is fully entitled to speak here so if it please D - I'd put that question to David I thank thee princess McCall there is one clause in a piece which we made with the Philistines putting a limit on the making of weapons and stating that only our officers and palace guards may bear arms David son of Jesse but thinkest bow of these limitations my prince to my mind there is but one way to solve that bit is shameful to ask a shepherd to solve riddles which concern only rulers we will hear this Shepherd leave us leave us I say [Music] just I believe in omens there above our head sits the bird of night that bird is an evil omen David of Bethlehem [Music] David offend [Music] as grievously offended me in public I'm aware of it not much of hearts speak of our peace with the Philistines majesty the treaty limits the use of weapons to the officers of our host and guard of the palace it is true that only my officers of God's may bear weapons so then but the treaty has put no limit whatever on the number of officers and guard which thou mayst have david us to sharp wits I've heard much of thy sharp wit yet I cannot hate thee come come nearer to me um David of Bethlehem drink I am NOT first day okay well mayor's choose either cup and I will drink from the other no I will drink from both they are not poisoned I've sent out my service to the markets into the countryside I have inquired about the David of Bethlehem I hear that a wily hunter and of cunning hands for music without play for me David let us stay and sing my songs to make my spirit well again David I shall obey thee O king thou shalt obey me I shall stay in my palace I shall remain with me David of Bethlehem [Music] [Music] the sway of David over thy father waxes greater every day we shall find a way to make him powerless ere long I hope so but I'm troubled most of all by the ways of my sister I think you saw that Miko might cause a speck sation what David to fall in love with her yes oh I have a watchful eye Abner a cursed Shepherd now the people praise him to the skies whilst he remains that caught our plans will surely be in danger some days it's been clear to me what David covets what is that the throne of Israel me up now forgets the prophecy of Samuel this spell is already on my system the cow and on that brethren not on me not on me Mary Tom died south Abner calm 800 the apprehensions are excessive bow so now who were the victorious hero of a hundred battles now had suffered by first defeat why because thou art no longer the soul of yesteryear the soul who was beloved of all the people of Israel the Saul who was feared by his enemies the Saul of who my father Jesse so often spoke [Music] oh lord help him forsake him not and defer that day when he will no longer be king restore to him his wisdom and thy protection I beg of thee David [Music] but what I've got doing all alone here in the throne room nothing my princess nothing I was seeking me David my father awaited me in his quarters he is weary and would hear thy songs again I shall go forth with [ __ ] my name is Mikkel I frankly Meiko I rejoice that thou has made my father calmer in spirit my sweet presence and my counsel are a very great help to him were it not that it had made its way into the minds of the wise my counsel would be gone on the wings of the wind very true but thou wert also able to do more thou hast made thy way into our hearts when i said the wise the one I truly had in mind was the Big O good even my father awaits me [Music] well done well done Jonathan line arm is the strong and steady walk like unto the arm of Saul hi he was a great King in his time but ages upon him and with his wits he had also lost his strength he knows not in what dire straits Israel is now look at me I am compelled to hurl darts at mirror images of the foe instead of bearing arms so as to rest the sacred Ark from those accursed Philistines yes fair enough Jonathan I tell thee the day will indeed come and that day is not far removed either the day will come when the people of Israel will be once more as they wave at our speakers as a prophet long have I ceased to hope anymore thou art wrong Jonathan I have not spoken as a prophet but as a man as a man who has faith in divine justice and is ready to serve its cause even by main force if tis needed I I would even use force and this how does it survey this is the weapon of the Prophet I shall show thee in thy hands rests the fate of Israel Benjamin of GABA soul trusts our wisdom and hence F made the emissary to redeem the authority of the king the sacred art must be returned to Jerusalem thou knowest a bitter unrest that now grips our and I shall try not to receive his state even where it to cost us all of the gold in Israel whatever is demanded by the Philistines promised it I will do is they'll say it Abner listen carefully laser the Israelites are ready to pay whatever thou wouldst provided thou returnest their sacred Ark Abner the captain of their hosts who is my lord also will send Benjamin of GABA as emissary to thee although this emissary is a wise man and speaks with the silver tone thou needst up listen tis my lord Abner who asks me to tell thee that thou shalt never hear him okay the madness of this all he dares asked for the ark I shall take the Arctic arose in the morning when I have slain old salt then go I up to the Oasis of goth to lion ambush for the emissary and it is because of her that thou must always carry this with you [Music] she beautiful I meet Kyle a man seeks an ideal in a woman's love in my eyes a glow was everything she was true perfection the presence alone gladden my heart and soul so with such a memory is this thou wilt not love another woman easily I know not me come before I thought this was true but now now I'm not certain the murder of Benjamin of GABA is indeed a hard blow my king Israel will long mourn him he was one of Israel's greatest men miss mishap may stir up the feeling that we need a new king a new king to restore the good name of a crown now scorned but this peril could be easily avoided and how making David my emissary to the Philistine King ash dr. David Nye David is the only man who has a chance of succeeding in this mission he hath already given sufficient proof of his wisdom and cunning thou has been helpful to my father the king and thou art helpful to me I thank you very much I am no more the sad and lonely girl that I once was no I I'm happy but how long will it mask me cow [Music] it can last forever it's ours Mieke David son of Jesse king Saul would see thee Samuel is dead and all his real mourns they buried him in Rama in his birthplace but the Philistines gathering themselves together the Philistines I've seen them I've seen the hosts of them now I'm afraid and my heart is greatly troubled when I inquired of the Lord the Lord answered me not neither bled prophecies nor like greens I the Philistines gather their armies to battle there goes out a champion from their camp named Goliath Goliath who gotthe Goliath whose height his six cubits are to spare he has a helmet of brass upon his head in his arm with a coat of mail and the weight of the coat he's five thousand shekels of brass the staff of his spear is like a Weaver's beam and his Spears head weighs 600 shekels of iron and this man hath said I defy the armies of Israel give me a man we might fight together [Music] [Music] am I [Music] now has the great confusion in my heart David but thou must have no fear tis the world God that guided me he will give these strengths of the promised return to his chosen people the sacred hawk the symbol of Israel's faith go thy way David son of Jesse and tremble not in thine heart [Music] [Applause] we of israel have done not to bring about this grievous event the mercenaries of Ashdod have invaded our land they have already destroyed our outermost cities and slaughtered our people there the new moon rises they will be at the very gates of Jerusalem the eyes of Ashdod will never come near enough to see the city of King Saul it's for us to attack them [Music] host of Israel O king this is madness we're for it it's down at state Jonathan to defend Jerusalem David my place is here we should attempt the impossible to stem the Philistines but to suicide to hold them the impossible is forgot to perform I shall go alone to Ashdod and speak with him as I did once with saw [Music] who art thou David son of Jesse David son of Jesse the shepherd David [Music] [Laughter] the renown of thy wisdom hath spread far and wide but it is useless use for stupid wisdom so it is envy that the Israelites trust thou art the one who calms down that old fools all for what does thou want I tell thee in the name of the Lord to return to us the sacred Ark and not to pass with I host on the Land of Israel thou Shepherd thy insolence hath no limits the ein Israelites have armed anew despite the peace which we made with them at God and thou asketh me to keep my hosts out of our land I do not ask thee to keep it out but God wills it so such as God's law thou canst not destroy of people that is defeated such as God's law my only god is gold my only law is Goliath defeat Goliath and I shall not destroy Israel David son of Jesse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] look at the sky Goliath the vulture doggerel for thee [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can I sit up and wave [Music] [Applause] [Music] I beg of you do not do this but this now we must smite him for it may well prove to be our last chance the people favor David they will ride and father my father has agreed I'll knowest how he fears David when we finished with him the people will bow down to the will of the king no do not do this entrust the task to others I must not never I will not have it go wrong I must do it myself listen let us forego all this little flee from here how do not do this I beg of you do not do it let me go me Robert no time to lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now my father thou art free now Aslam thy evil spirit no yes slain Abner he has played Abner and the evil spirit in soul is still living it will perish only with his death I know my destiny mara I know also the destiny of my people Israel take him away why to David here o Israel long live Saul king of Israel I have seen David admit I wanted to be harm but on this date I soul is precious to mine eyes Nikola take thou my daughter her will I give thee to wife be thou valium for Israel to fight the Lord's battles blessed be thou my son David thou shalt do great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 842,433
Rating: 4.6727219 out of 5
Keywords: christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, EncourageTV, Jesus, trailers, movies, Movie, God, Orson Welles, Ivico Pajer, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Umberto Scarpelli, Gino Mangini, Ambrogio Molteni, Emimmo Salvi, Ferdinando Baldi, Richard Pottier, David and Goliath: Bible Classics Full Movie, David and Goliath: Bible Classics Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 22sec (4342 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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