Greatest Heroes of the Bible Joseph in Egypt 2 of 2

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well we are changing a crooked politician into an honest Baker he's doing a good job you're still interpreting dreams Joseph God gives men the dreams Bona kept sometimes he allows his poor servant to see the meanings I've had a dream I saw in front of me a a grapevine and suddenly it blossomed and burgeoned with ripe clusters I saw my hand squeezed the grapes into the Pharaohs Cup and then put it in his hand what did that mean I think Pharaoh has come to know the value of your honesty friend the branches signify three days that will pass before he restores you to the honors of your office ha in the name of the God you've taught me to pray to Joseph I hope you're right Kizer Joseph still another winter passes by 13 I was a prisoner nearly 20 years till they made me warden I stopped counting a long time ago you should do we have a saint among my people despair makes a man poor hope costs nothing you hope in vain Joseph it has been two years since Bona kept has been pardoned and returned to the court of the Pharaoh and all that time not a word from surely he's forgotten you perhaps but I don't think so he was my friend fellow jailbirds is what you were when Bona kept was restored to his high office he wanted to forget all that happened to him here they leave me God will not let Bona kept forget me architect I know um hey entirely spent what surround me with imbeciles and comments yourself of course you look tired divine majesty I got no help with the problems milord and less sleep the uprisings continue in the South the river pirates are bolder all the time the Nile is hardly safe to travel we have long had these problems have they worsened so that they know rob you of your sleep no you're right problems are as much a part of life as eating what is destroying the Knights for me good bullet kill these dreams dreams divine what kind of dream three five foolish strange dreams queer they're all all mixed up crazy things and they keep coming back now they're even beginning to intrude on my waking hours have you told these things to your astrologers and magicians yes of course but they're all useless expensive idiots they give me gibberish Francis lie excuses I don't think they can define the meaning of my dreams any more than I can I know one who can divine majesty you he's been disturbed nightly by these dreams and can find no one whose interpretation of me trust I said it's the one mana kept away so that I might question you by myself what sort of magician are you you practice the eastern sorcery making sacrifices and all that mess or are you one of the screeners from Ethiopia leave we're about I think spunk bad smells I have no magician of any kind Majesty you are a diviner of dreams so Bona kept only my viola cast bones sometimes the Lord God reveals to me the hidden meaning of someone's dream sometimes he does not oh I see and which God is this is it to take over horn or is it evil the crocodiles robbed it is none of the Egyptian gods Great King it is he who has no face or formed he you sees all knows all I think that you're a magician I think that you would trick me and lie to me like my own magicians great Farrell tell me your dream if you will perhaps the Lord God will show me the meaning sometimes I see myself standing on the banks of the Nile in this dream and then seven beautiful fat cows come out of the river and I go among the reed grass to eat then after a while seven more cows come out of the river these are ugly animals running one skin and bones and they eat up the fat healthy cows here's the strange part after they eat they are still as skinny and ugly as before forgive me what I must tell you sire God has made the meanings of the dream known to me tell me then hide nothing for the seven years that come now Egypt shall be blessed with an abundance of food but the seven years that follow will see the lantern dry there will be terrible famine worse than any man has ever seen man is nothing against the perfidy of fate the gods will glut us with too much for seven years and then they will kill us with too little for seven more what's to be done what answer is hired to such crisis discover an exceptional man Great Lord of the Nile charged him to appoint overseers let them gather 1/5 of all the crops for the next seven years let these stores be saved and guarded in the cities for time of starvation then Egypt shall be saved yes an exceptional man an honest man send in Lord Bona kept Mustard's Lord Gama kept I called you into witness this investiture you are my exceptional man Joseph from this moment on you will be second only to me in this kingdom Bona kept will guide you through the maze of politics and problems with this ring Joseph will speak for me wherever he goes I would say to each and every one of you that is majesty our most excellent Pharaoh has honoured me with a trust of this high office but I am no less honored by this company my lord Bona kept has selected you as the most noble and trustworthy men of this kingdom and I could not believe less you now know the great job that lies ahead of us and the difficulties we shall encounter be strong be fair be wise this all be true Joseph but hey I mean George what general zoom of a Zen pened ha my thick tongue will never get around that name but the Pharaoh has given me a new name I am still Joseph bless your years Joseph except for you Joseph right it'd still be a filthy wreck wallowing in my own misery cruelty i lured hi deputy I do not know why you have brought me to these honors I'm shamed and fearful I did only evil to you sending you to prison when I knew in my heart you were not guilty of any crime be at ease Potiphar I chose you because of your honesty and ability you are wanted in welcome shall we show you this business now my Lords that way throughout Egypt Joseph's plan was put into effect and by his edict one of each five bags of grain was stored against famine the years passed and Joseph's foresight was to prove correct I don't like it I don't see why you have to go all the way to Egypt to buy grain father they have the nothing but crop failures everywhere for the past two years everyone is going to Egypt to buy grain let me go with my brothers to ijen no please no when Joseph was lost to me I thought I would die I'll go mad I could not live if you two were lost who are you we are brothers my lord Hebrews the sons of Jacob of Canaan those men I talked to outside they are my brothers they are the past that I have ached to catch up with three years now it seems the past has caught up to me those are the same men that sold you to slavery as a boy I'll have them arrested no keep my secrets with me friends they did not recognize me out there let me find out what kind of men they have become architect Binghamton what are you feeling now Joseph rancor bitterness you thinking of revenge it's so strange I really don't know how I feel this moment except curious my oars our net penne our Lord Commissioner three men of the Hebrews beg audience for your petition you are the only sons of this Jacob we are twelve than all muddy Lord we were 12 we three and seven others who are keeping our Burton animals under watch in the city seven and three that's ten you said 12 one the youngest remained behind with our Father in Canaan the others no more are these the same men your soldiers have been following the ones you thought were spies yes yes my lord I'm sure they are the same men gracious Lord twice blessed son of the Nile there's some mistake we only came to buy wheat for our people before they starve nothing more why would we be spies highness how could we be silenced hold your tongues how dare you cry out in my presence oh yes your spies well enough it is written all over you you have come to spy Egypt out we are not fools here we shall see how we treat spies in Egypt gods take these men away we are outside now mark attempt you are an expert in these matters do you think the three days in jail have made things easier or worse for my brothers they are very worried men Joseph they have no idea that you are their brother or what is going to happen to them so far so good then bring them to me My Lord High Commissioner my brothers and I have been locked away in jail these last three days our other brothers who got our animals know nothing of what's happened to us we have been informed they too have been placed under guard it is a terrible experience is it not jail even a good jail but if three days makes you tremble think of 12 years in dread had a spawn prison oh mighty Lord of Egypt how can we prove our innocence - you will do anything you ask us I am told that you are men of the one God - prayed a great deal in prison well I tomb a man who believes so I will give you a chance to prove yourselves to me one of you shall remain in Egypt as a hostage the rest may buy grain and return to your own country so your families do not starve then when you return you shall bring your youngest brother to prove your honesty if you do not the hostage will die I am the hostage Lord find this man take him to the tailor please - take them to the palace guard release I must test the market end I must find out what kind of men they really are now did they regret what they did to me or would they do such again perhaps the pension everything is as you ordered their money is returned to them hidden in the green sacks they won't know it until they empty the green God of Our Fathers have mercy on us o brothers look silver this looks like the silver we use for the purchase of the grain what does it mean brother there was a tear in one of the sacks on my donkey I started to mend it when these fell out the other sacks are the same silver in the bottom of all it's too late to go back we've come too far even now Lord SAFF Nath must think us to be the worst of liars and the worst of thieves what are we going to do we'll be home in two more days that our Father Jacob decide what's to be done no no I won't hear of it why did you do this thing to me why did you tell the Egyptian Lord about me and about Benjamin Father we don't know how or why the silver payment for the grain got into our sacks we didn't steal it but we'll certainly be thought of as thieves here are please you must go to Egypt with the money and with Benjamin no no then Simeon is a dead man father and we will be condemned as treacherous men first my beloved Joseph then Simeon and now you want to take Benjamin from me how many of my sons do you ask give Benjamin into my care you know we're lovin my own sons will I leave with you if I don't bring Benjamin back to you the crimes that you have apparently committed I could send you all to prison for the rest of your lives Great Lord of Egypt lips rubber give us your permission to speak silence I'm out of patience and understanding with you all together but I am a merciful man I want you all to leave Egypt and never come back except to you this young man will remain and be my slave Oh down brothers down to your knees strike your heads to the floor take this great king of Egypt to hear us look down Lord upon 10 cursive men see how God Almighty sends down now upon our sinful spirits his terrible punishment great Lord many years ago all of us except Benjamin sinned against our own blood whose soul our brother Joseph it's a slave how could you do that to your brother you must have hated him a great deal we thought we did great look we were very young very foolish and each of us discovered too late that we had truly loved our Joseph we'd live without sin you must each die with us but not Benjamin great Lord kind master if he's not returned her old father will die bitterly cursing us us who have twice blocked out his heart let Benjamin go home to our father you are no longer cursed brothers Joseph is restored to your family I am Joseph in the standing Shiva tweet that all the others bow down to this dream has been fulfilled my god it is Joseph
Channel: moshod100
Views: 319,486
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Id: PH13F9e7YKE
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Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 31 2014
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