Great tools for ONLINE TEACHING -Snagit 2020-5 teaching examples

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hi this is Russell standing from teacher training videos calm today's videos about perhaps one of the most important technologies in education at the moment it's everywhere it's in all the blended learning courses all the flipped learning courses that you see all the online courses that you see they're all using this technology it's called screen capture technology and we're going to focus on the one that I particularly like which is Snagit 2020 I'm gonna take you through five great examples of how we can use Snagit in education if you're a teacher and you watch these videos almost straight from the start you'll realize ah so that is the technology that is producing all that content so I'm gonna show you five lovely examples so really hope you find this video useful but get straight into it and as always please like the video please share the video please comment on the video and please join my channel so in this first example I'm going to turn off the webcam and you'll see why in a minute let's imagine that you're a teacher and you want to record yourself perhaps doing a PowerPoint presentation or talking over some grammar or presenting some pictures one of the things that you can do with screen capture technologies that you can record yourself talking over a PowerPoint slide it will record your voice it will also in allow you to introduce yourself on your webcam and then to talk over the PowerPoint slides and everything will come out and then you can of course put that on to your blended learning course or your fully online course or your flip learning course so if we for example open up Snagit and what we're gonna do is we'll click on the capture button here and then simply all we need to do is once the capture button open this motion we should click on video and we can do quite something interests as well we can actually start with the webcam on so we can start by introducing ourselves and then go to recording the actual screen so for example if I click around here and then just Mark out that area and then just you'll see on a minute the webcam will come on first so I could start by doing a quick introduction introduction I'll just click on this button here and start talking hi this is russell standard and today we're going to do a presentation about the use of technology in assessment I can then just click on the pause button and then I can do something jump here now and just switch over so that now we're talking about the slide so I could start talking about the slides so today we're going to look on the impact of technology or particularly on the area of assessment my name is Russell style from teacher training videos comm click on pause come to the next slide just to give you a little bit information about my teaching career blah blah blah blah blah then click on the next slide and see all of that comes out in a video bla bla bla bla bla bla so I've talked about one to three slides let's stop that whole recording and we can play that back hi this is russell Salado and today we're going to do a presentation about the use of technology in assessment I can in this so today we're going to look on the impact of technology or particular year of assessment my name is russell style from teacher training videos comm just to give you a little bit basic about my teaching career so you can see that i can just talk through the slides and my voices included and then the great thing about that is that then i could share that in all different ways i could upload that onto youtube i could just save that on my computer and then upload it so i'm click on save as for example and just save that onto my desktop Snagit five examples video and then simply click on save and now that video if we come on to the desktop and there is that video we can just click on it and it will play straight away hi this is russell Salado and today we're going to do a present noticed that I don't even have to go full screen it really doesn't make any difference from if you remember when I did the recording there I only simply opened up and worked sorry been wrong on there worked with this area here but it was enough when you actually played a video back it's a lot bigger so that's one obvious example of how you could use screen capture because if you want to record yourself talking over a video or over some pictures we could do the same thing with pictures as well now the second example I think it's going to really interest a lot of teachers a lot of us want to produce learning assets where perhaps we're talking over pictures perhaps it's talking over some maps or perhaps it's talking over some architectural pictures I'm gonna do an example in history so I've got three images here as my just click on the first one we've got Henry the eighth that's Jane Seymour and then that is Elizabeth the first so these are all shooters are connected to the Tudor dynasty so I'm gonna click now on screen capture notice that I don't need to go full screen this is always a mistake that teachers make when you play that video back it's still going to be really big so let's imagine now that I want to sort of produce a very quick learning video where I'm talking about these tutors so I'm gonna click here and say ok so this is a picture of Henry the eighth Henry the eighth is famous because he married six times but also because he broke with the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England here we have a picture of Jane Seymour James Seymour was one of the wives of Henry the eighth and here we have a picture of Elizabeth the first Elizabeth the first was actually the daughter of Henry the eighth and Henry's second wife and belen I'll just stop that there but you get the idea that I can be moving through the pictures and talking about more than one picture at the same time ok so this is a picture of Henry the 8th Henry the 8th is famous because he ok so we got the video and of course we can play go through we've got three examples now I'm going to just save that video so I'm going to click on save as I'm gonna save that onto my desktop and then I'm gonna open it up and play it back and you'll see how big it is so we call this Tudor video 3 since there were three people that I spoke about in the video now I'm gonna quickly jump to my desk so here I am on my desktop I've got the video here I'm gonna click on that video ok so this and you can notice and see it's lovely and big it doesn't come out small when you play it back in mp4 so keep that in mind and just you know absolute quick way of producing learning content and of course I could have shared that on YouTube as well and just shared the link one thing to keep in mind is if you're going to work with pictures make sure that the pictures that you use are pictures that you can legally use if you decide to put something on to YouTube very quickly I'm just gonna give you a tip so if you freak I search for on Google Tudors but then I went to the tools and I chose labeled for non-commercial reuse with modification so that I know that I can actually reuse these video images and modify them and these are the pictures that come up so it's a good idea to use that little button when you're working with videos that you're going to put onto YouTube if you're going to make them public okay just to make sure that you are using pictures that people of legally giving you permission to make use of one really important thing about Snagit is the way that we can distribute the videos if we click here we're already seeing that we can save the videos and save them onto our computer but if we click here noticed I could save the videos in to my Google Drive we'll put them into my Dropbox in fact one of the things that I do is I put them onto YouTube I can click and simply add a video up straight into YouTube now I'm already connected to my YouTube account and to do that all I needed to do was to put in my gmail account and my password now if I wanted to put this video straight up on to my YouTube account and then share the link with the students all I need to do is you do need to put in at least a title or description and one tag we could set it to unlisted which means that nobody can find this video by searching it in YouTube they can simply only access the video if they have the link so that's really good if you want to keep it private and this is the grooc useful button and notice it says copy to clipboard so what's going to happen is when this video is sent up to youtube automatically it's gonna copy the address of the link to the video into my clipboard as if I've kind of selected it and copied it it's automatic so if I upload that video you'll see that the video has been uploaded there and I can see it's actually being uploaded and it literally just takes a few seconds so the video is now uploaded and if I was to open up say a browser like Google Chrome so we've got Google Chrome on the screen remember that I told you that it's automatically saved the link to the video into my clipboard so if I right click and click on paste you see that that video actually is already there I didn't need to save it or copy it and then save it it simply is automatic and if I click on enter there is the video interesting ok so you can see how easily I can basically take a video and upload it directly into my YouTube account and this is something that I do all the time and I set the videos as unlisted so the only people who have the link can actually watch the video one thing that I use Snagit for a lot is giving feedback to students on their work and it was actually this idea that helped me to win some of the awards that I've got if I for example again I have let's imagine that this is a student's work ok this is actually just an article that I I wrote about screen capture technology but let's just imagine that this is a student's work and I'm reading through the work and I notice that there's a few things I'm I need to kind of talk about some let's say there's a bit of a problem here and maybe there's a bit of a problem say here and then perhaps there's a bit of a problem let's imagine there's another problem here let's just keep it very simple ok so you've read the students work and you've noted three things that you want to talk about then you can open up the screen capture technology go to the capture button and this time again you don't have to mark full screen as you've seen it doesn't it's not that important and you can then start the video again we won't start with me in fact what we can do and I'll just show you this when you make it recording and just turn the webcam off and then it doesn't come on the tool so if I just click on the button again mark the area and now what I'm going to do is just start recording let's imagine that the students called Tony hi Tony just want to give you some feedback on your work the first thing here you mentioned that also records your voice too can you just explain very quickly how the screen capture technology records your voice because you're not making that very clear so I'm going to pause and I'm going to scroll down to the next point yeah let's imagine it's this one here Tony the other thing is can you explain how you put the videos online so once you've made a recording how do you actually upload those videos onto YouTube then I come down to the next one yeah can you just give us a bit more information about the sort of things that you can present using screen capture technology blah blah blah blah blah so I could carry on giving feedback on on the work I then click on stop I've now got literally like a live recording of me giving feedback to the student hi Tony you just want to give you some feedback on and of course the video just goes through now what can I do with that video well I could I mean save that onto my onto my computer then upload it onto Moodle if I can want to give the feedback to the student on Moodle or I want to give the feedback to the student perhaps on their it models site or I could upload it to YouTube and set it as private and then just send the student the link and that's actually what I do a lot so I would normally just click on share click on YouTube send that feedback to Tony I'm doing this literally every day with all this particularly with my online students so Tony feedback sorry and just copy that and paste that in and paste that in so and then upload it and it's going to automatically remember once the videos uploaded is going to automatically send me the link to the video remember it's just like as if you copy something is almost as if I sort of click and copy something and then click on it and right-click and copy it remember you can do that well as soon as the video is sent to you if we now just click on and open up a new page and again I'm just gonna paste you'll see that that video is already up onto YouTube now Tony just want to give you some feedback on your work it's another great way that you can work with screen capture technology the next example I want to show you is actually where I'm not going to use video I'm going to use image we can also capture images using screen capture technology using Snagit so I'm going to click on image and I'm going to just basically image capture this picture so I'm just gonna mark out the area there that will do that do absolutely find and that will bring that image in now what I'm going to do is with this image now is I'm gonna click on this button here and go to steps and I'm gonna mark various things on this screen so we're gonna say that's gonna be the boot of the car it's gonna be the door it's gonna be the windscreen it's gonna be the wheel it's gonna be the headlight that's gonna be the grille what else could we do now that should do it let's do this one here window screen wipers for example this is just click on that so I've got all these different things that I've numbered in the picture and all I did to do that was just a click and go to steps and now all I need to do is click on this button here copy all now I'm going to paste that image now with with the numbers included into a document so we've got this document here on the screen I'm just gonna paste that image in remember I copied it so I'm just gonna paste it in and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put site down here name these parts one two three four number five I'm really simply I was so she did more than I did seven things sorry now I've literally kind of created some sort of worksheet where the students could be really good for language learning for example where I've got the students to name these objects on the screen and you can see how quickly I did that now Snagit has hundreds of these little tools I'm going to show you another example in a minute but loads of different tools that we can use to kind of take an image and then add to it and highlight it and even write text on it if we want - so we're not limited to just you know adding numbers we can write on the screen and do all sorts as well so it's a great kind of editing tools what I'm going to show you a couple of really interesting examples now of how we can use Snagit image capture now I'm going to highlight at one of the new features in Snagit which is to 2020 version and I love it it's this ability to produce leaflets and handouts now I have to confess I haven't used this yet I will be using it in a couple of weeks when I go out to Turkey to do some work but it really is useful and it's super quick and I've been playing around with it and it's just lovely the first thing I'm doing for do for this example it's just something to just open up an import from my images three pictures of different places in London okay and now all I need to do is to come to create and we're going to image from template and we'll choose one with three images and some place to write the text so I'm going to click on this I'm going to call this one London at the top and I can put a subtitle if I want here and say my favorite three places for example now this could be anything I'm doing an example here with working with images of London but this could be again geography history it could be all sorts of things languages I have information I'm just gonna simply drag the pictures in so that would be like Big Ben that one's gonna be for the London Eye sorry did that wrong just drag that in there and then this last one click on it that's gonna be again so I'm clicking on it there just drag it that's it what you need to do now I'm just going to add a caption that I could write any information I wanted to hear about Big Ben so this could be like an information leaflet with some information about Big Ben underneath it and then maybe I'm going to have to do the same one here I'm gonna have the London Eye and again I could then do some information and of course I can use the fonts here to put a nice title on everything and we're gonna put here a tower or that's actually Tower Bridge so tower bridge and you can see again how quickly I can make I hand out so for example if I'm doing a presentation in Turkey and I want to highlight the technology so I'm going to be talking about in my presentation and I can obviously put in quick images of the technologies and then some information here this could be maps with some information so this could be used in loads of different ways and of course then you just save it and print it out so I love this feature and if you click on create and I went from images from template you'll see that there's absolutely masses of these options so you can play around with all these different ones and make use of them something that as I said I haven't used it yet but definitely gonna be using it this is gonna save me a lot of time and I love this feature okay really hope you liked that video if you've come to teacher training videos com there's a special section on Snagit with lots more videos about Snagit including the latest Snagit 2020 I'm also look out for my course I do have an offer to buy Snagit and to get a course along with that literally takes you through everything in Snagit if you'd like to follow my work keep up with all my videos my blog my webinars my online courses etc then the best thing that you can do is to sign up to the newsletter and that way you'll be updated with everything the other thing you can do is to join me on my youtube channel I think we've nearly reached now about 10,000 subscribers so that's doing pretty well and if you're looking for any training and that can either be me coming over to your organization and doing a workshop or doing a a presentation or for example if you want to do that online I have a great virtual classroom one to many or one to one then please contact me as I do run those types of courses and thank you very much
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 8,819
Rating: 4.9504132 out of 5
Keywords: Snagit 2020 tutorial, Snagit 2020 new features, Video tutorial on Snagit, Learn Techsmith Snagit 2020, Real educational examples in Snagit, snagit video capture tutorial, snagit 2020, snagit tutorial, Learn snagit, Great teacher tech, screen recording software, screen recording, techsmith snagit, snagit scrolling capture, screen capture software for youtube, screen capture software for pc, snagit 2020 review, teaching online, teaching online english, online classes tips
Id: mNXzXWgUnTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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