How to use Screencast-o-matic. Quick & Clear tutorial #screencast-o-matic #screenrecorder

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hi as Russell spanner from teacher training videos calm this is a really quick video that's going to take you through screencast-o-matic screencast-o-matic again it's a free screen capture tool that's great if you want to produce videos where you're talking over your powerpoints or talking over images or talking over documents and turn them into videos I'm going to quickly take you through all the key functionality in screencast-o-matic and let's get started so I've just written the word screencast-o-matic into Google and there it is on the screen click on the button here and there's this one of the really good things about screencast-o-matic is that you don't even need to sign up you can actually just use the recorder so what we're going to do now is click on start recording and what's going to happen is it brings me to another page and I simply click on launch recorder now what will happen is a very small app will be downloaded onto your computer there it is and I will need to click on yes to launch it and now I kind of app will open up on the screen that will allow me to record and you can see that app has now opened onto the screen now one thing that a lot of people have problems with when they use screencast-o-matic is that they don't understand if you minimize the page this recorder will still be available the recorder is literally like a separate window and here I'm resizing it so if I just come up here and minimize my page you'll see that the recorder still stays on the screen what I'm going to do now is open up a PowerPoint presentation and let's imagine that we just wanted to record this PowerPoint slide well what I can do now is just simply Mark out the area that I want to record so I'm just going to do this as an area just make it one fit nicely and then I can start recording so now with the settings here now one of the things that you can also do is include a webcam and we'll come back and look at that but let's look first of all at doing a basic recording it's also important to make sure that you've got connected to the correct microphone that you want to use so I'm going to be using my webcam microphone for this okay and just checking that it's working and that's fine and then all I need to do is click on this button here and start recording so what are the key benefits of emailing well I'm going to talk about the emailing system that I use and talk about three really key benefits of working with a emailing system okay I'll stop there obviously I could carry on obviously I could click on another slide now and just carry on the recording so you're not really restricted to just simply recording one slide I'm just trying to demo how easy is to use this technology and if I click on done now and I can actually play that recording back and there you can see that it's ready so what are the key benefits of emailing well I'm going to talk about okay and so you can just see how easy it is to make a recording now the quality of that recording wasn't very good because I was using the microphone on my webcam obviously screencast-o-matic is a free tool so this not super high quality but it's not bad at all for a free technology and the great thing is I could now save that recording on to my desktop so I just click here and then choose the name and I'm just going to call it test recording T TV so I'm just going to write test recording t TV and I'm going to save it onto my desktop I can change that if I want to and click on publish and that recording is now being saved onto my desktop now if I was to quickly to go to the desktop of my computer it's just gonna close a few windows down there is that recording let's click on it it opens up as an mp4 file I can play it straight away in Windows and there it is so you can see how see how useful screencast-o-matic is now let's start to look at some of the other options when working with it now I'm going to take you through the process of doing another screen capture recording using screencast-o-matic so I'm going to click here on the button launch recorder this time what I'm going to do is I'm going to talk over a map so I'm going to imagine a different context rather than doing a PowerPoint presentation I'm going to want to describe some information in a map what we're going to do this time though is we're going to look at the settings in the recorder and we're actually going to choose as you notice here you got screen webcam or both so you can use screencast-o-matic just to record you webcam or you can just record the screen of your computer or you can do both now when you do both you have various options I'm gonna choose this one here where the webcam will be down in the right-hand corner now just like before I'm going to minimize the screen and open up an image so I've got this map here just gonna resize the recorder so that it fits nicely around that map okay that will do and because I know that the webcams gonna appear in the right-hand corner here I'm just gonna make that a little bit of space and now I'm gonna click on the record button and hopefully it should start recording one little tip when you click just like you checked your audio make sure that you click on your webcam and choose the webcam that you're using so I'm going to click on here Logitech and use that now click on the record button and just going to do a little bit of a presentation here we have a map of Italy to the North Italy borders with France and Switzerland it also shares a border with Austria and another border with Slovenia ok just very quickly finished ok so I'm going to click on done and we can see that recording straight away you can see here that I'm down in the right hand corner so when you're recording the screen you need to think about obviously where you're gonna place the recording and again what I'm going to do is just save that on my computer so I click on save in fact this just before we do that let's just play the recording to make sure it's working here we have a map of Italy to the mall ok so that's absolutely fine no problem there so we're going to publish it we'll give it a file name so we're going to call this T TV test2 and we're gonna save that again on the desktop so just gonna simply keep that in the same place as the other file don't forget you can browse and put it into another folder if you want I'm then going to click on publish and again the video will be published and let's play that video back and see how it's worked so we got a second test on our screen here just click on it and let's see how that video plays Italy - the more and you can see that I'm on the webcam and the video is here there are limitations it's a free tool I've already talked about obviously the quality of the recordings not being quite as good as if you paid for a paid tool and obviously you haven't got the option for example to manipulate where the webcam is on the screen you have some options but those are very limited when you're actually setting the recording up but you can see then it if you want to do a recording include yourself on the webcam one tip to keep in mind is to try to remember to give yourself some space on the right-hand side of the screen when you're doing the recording because that way the webcam won't cover the actual screen capture okay so let's look at one final example so again we're going to launch the recorder what we're going to do this time is talk over a table so this time because obviously we can talk over PDF files and images and PowerPoint presentations and basically anything that's on the screen of our computer what I'm going to do in this particular example is imagine that I'm doing a teacher training course so I've got an image here which is all about Bloom's taxonomy so I'm going to just minimize the screen capture or screencast-o-matic and I'm just gonna again just mark the area now I'm going to turn the webcam or for this and simply just do the screen and gonna mark this area here again just gonna make sure that I've got the sizes right so just bring that down a little bit and do the same here I'm gonna just bring that up a little bit and then just bring that down I mean that sure that that all fits together good okay that will do for the screen so this time I'm just gonna click on record here we have an image of Bloom's taxonomy and when we talk about Bloom's Act taxonomy we normally talk about lower order thinking skills and higher order thinking skills the lower order thinking skills blah-blah-blah-blah-blah okay now I'm just gonna stop click on done this time know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna save that video onto YouTube so I'm going to click on upload to YouTube now I need to add my YouTube account but I've actually done this so if you click here you'll notice that my teacher training videos account is already connected but I can click on add account and then add a new account I would have to launch the browser and simply put in the gmail account because every gmail account has a YouTube channel and of course my password now I've already done that so I won't do that but it would be that simple simply just add your Gmail and add your password I'm going to click here and I'm simply going to publish that to my YouTube channel and because my YouTube channel is already connected to screencast-o-matic in other words I've already put those details in immediately that is done and I can actually click here and click on copy link now that's great because if I now opened up my Google Chrome or any browser and simply paste it in that link that I've just copied it will actually take me to that video that's already been uploaded onto YouTube now it may take a few seconds then I salute your Bloom's taxonomy and let me talk about blooms act taxonomy we normally talk about lower order thinking skills so you can see how easy it is to upload a video that you've created in screencast-o-matic and share it on to your YouTube channel now there are just one or two additional features to keep in mind I'm not going to show you this I've showed you the most important things is that you can record your screen use it for webcam use it for both you can save the videos on to your computer or you can save your videos on to YouTube you can also save your videos on to what is called screencast-o-matic own server where they allow you to save those videos I'm presuming that in that case you'll be limited to a certain number of videos that you can save in that space and the way that would work would be exactly the same as YouTube you would need to obviously add in your details connect your video to your screencast-o-matic space that's available to you and then save your videos up there obviously in most cases most people would either want to save their videos on to their own computer or save the videos onto YouTube really hope you found that those videos useful that was working with screencast-o-matic please come to teacher 20 videos com if you want more free videos with lots of videos on different technologies you can sign up to the newsletter that gives you updates and all the new videos I've added up or any free webinars or webinars or courses I'm running software etc if you're not interested just click on the cross you've got all this content here a couple of really popular sections first of all the top 12 videos shows you the most common or the videos that are the most popular on the website Russell's five-minute blog is very short videos that just show you a few key technologies and how you can use those in your teaching and learning and if you click on any of the videos all you need to do is when you come down click on the video and obviously click to watch it full screen it's a much more enjoyable experience finally if you really want to keep up with my work then please follow me on YouTube because I put lots of videos onto YouTube that you won't find in the website thank you very much
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 8,913
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: screencast-o-matic tutorial, screencast-o-matic, screencast, screencastomatic, screen recording, video editor, screencasting, screencast-o-matic tutorial 2020, screencast-o-matic screen recorder, screencast omatic video editor, how to use screencast-o-matic with powerpoint, how to use screencast o matic in phone, how to use screencast o matic on ipad, how to use screencast o matic, screen recording windows 10, video editor for youtube, screen recording software for windows 10
Id: xBepCJbNBTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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