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hi everyone I'm KES and welcome back to rcd skylines 2 playthrough and this is episode seven I believe so just sit back relax and enjoy and if you do enjoy it do smack the like button and I mean it smack it like your life depended on it use your grandma dog cat hamster whatever just smack it no I'm just kidding you can't use your Gramma nor dog nor cat hamsters a little bit debatable is a little bit of a disposable pet I mean it dies you just buy a new one and nobody notices right I just joking a kid a kid just use your mouse no don't don't use your mice if you have mice don't use them just press the like button and I have some feedback to be asked straight off okay and this is very important so please please please do let me know okay as you can see over here it is it is October but it's still summer and you might be oh wow but but why C that is because oh hello everybody what's oh Poo as well Bad Boys Bad Boys yeah but it's currently still summer because I am using developer mode to get rid of spring and fall don't do like those Seasons but the rain like I I can hardly play with the rain on and like my computer just tanks the frames tank and the game doesn't become enjoyable at all so are you guys fine me using developer mode to get rid of of spring and fall and the rain like I don't mind winter we can have winter but the rain it just just kills my mood and kills my frames and pretty much kills my computer as well so please let me know in the comment section like what you guys think are you cool with this or maybe not I like let me know but in the previous episode of City skylines with Cales we've made a new industrial district which we added like those like specialized industry uh we have the the oil business over here and we have the the or mining facilities over here and you guys told me like if you make in bigger like like a huge footprint CU now we have like small cells of those because I was like yeah beautiful roads and bushes in between might not be the way to go but at least we have them over here like but yeah if you make them bigger you get like bigger machinery like I think somebody told me like is it like what is that German machine like the German Cal mining machine is it a badger I don't know but that pops up so well obviously I haven't done it here but I think we will do it somewhere else because I'm not destroying this beautiful beautiful Road layout and also you guys told me about these over here because power-wise we're on the verge like it's not terrible it's not great but these over here those bad boys they come with upgrades I didn't know about that so we have a solar assist in power output during daytime like I mean why not we have the advanced Roto system upgrade system allows to significant increase power output yes please and then we have a little battery extension that is about 4 megawatts this is cheap power and it and it's it's semi green power as well right so why not cuz currently they have and somebody told me L if you move them on top of a mountain you get better like electricity production I don't think you do because I think five megawatts is the max let me just see here here is pretty much red so it's like super windy but it's only 5 megawatts so I do believe like 5 megawatts is the default Max per wind turbine so I don't think I don't think this is bad so thank you so much for telling me so now those should be producing this is nine so it's almost a double production rate on those and they're still fairly cheap well if cheap and cheap I guess I mean 9 megawatts compared to a Coal Power Plant how much is that so that is about 23 megaw for 70k so okay so the core power plant is a little bit cheaper but uh these over here they don't pollute you guys are small Geniuses you and in between episodes I have done some tweaks to the great entrance to calville the only entrance to the city which is over here so as everybody wanted to reach the newly created industrial district in the far end the traffic here was an absolute nightmare it was so clogged up all the way to about over here somewhere so I had to do tweaks so I did little offramp which goes underneath here goes all the way into the roundabout and into the City and look at this I I love this like the game the game samtime is is beautiful there's something about the lights and the Shadows I don't know just just pop so much the game feels so alive sometime but anyhows so yeah then we have this onramp which is a little bit wonky we do have some dangerous obstacles on the way uh but as long as nobody crashes into that we should be fine would that be allowed in real life I don't think so but anys I have been watching this for quite some time and so far no traffic congestion imagine sitting here drinking your morning coffee at least they have a waterfront property I guess so that's something also based on suggestions I have zoned out different districts this one we had before briwood Acres but now we also have briwood craft we have Brook bird and we have mulbury Springs and I remember the Awkward season one of SE Sky one don't get me wrong this is awkward as well but back in the day w super awkward every single District was named by you guys so please leave some suggestions in the comment section and Brianwood Acres will be something different for the next one okay perfect I've been fluffing about for about five minutes I have done nothing but I have a huge list like a huge to-do list based on suggestions from the comment section and we're going to be tending to those for a few episodes all right we're going to make this a perfect City it's not a perfect City but it's going to be a little bit better right for the people living here what what what do they like high crime well they don't like high crime they do have high crime high taxes can't fix that I can't fix those no no no high noise pollution don't care about that high crime we can maybe attend to but let's go through everything let's see here Roads Maintenance is quite decent besides this one oh wow they can't attend to that they can't reach that road because off Fram goes off yeah that they can't reach that we need to fix that not in today's episode though traffic wise I think we're fairly okay there's a lot of stuff happening downtown but there's like parking lots people go out and into there's buses driving there's no congestion so I mean unless it's congestions and super bad we're not going to attend to that at all electricity everybody should be having cuz we just upgraded those guys water supply this is fairly decent still Healthcare super green don't look at that nobody cares uh garbage management super green so I kind of like that as well fire and rescue okay there's a little bit of Hazard over here on the oil fields but that is maybe because by default it's kind of flammable let let's not worry about that now and then we have disaster control non-existent I would say but at least we can see the road layout quite nicely ooh yeah okay I know there's a lot of grid but like most like big cities like downtown areas or city centers are like filled with grids and I think like as we progress outwards we can make like more organic suburbs and shapes and I don't know Farm fields and whatever but uh I don't dislike this I not by any means police coverage fairly decent no that's not we need to get how much is that by the way I'm not going to unlock it yet but how much is that Police Headquarters to that will also give us the prison for four or welfare office you know I mean am I a bad mayor not having this I I am right okay so that's something we need to tend to Crime needs to be fought in today's episode maybe Administration I don't have I didn't I don't even have a city hall yet 25,000 people and not a city hall but I'm not in a rush education that is something you guys pointed out that was like the top priority so next up would be building a University Technical University and a medical one oh baby is that something you unlock like unlock unlock let me see here so that is a university should we don't do it do it done it and then we can go for those as well like everything else in this game this is ginormous it can also be upgraded with an extension Wing a library and a beautiful Park which means this footprint will be even bigger kind look like it has of parks already okay how do we want to go about this I have been thinking cuz I did mention a few episodes ago that I want to have a train station over here so let's say let's say we would put down the university can this be squeezed in over here so close but yet so far away I guess if we demolish this road over here we could squee this guy in one and a half million ion but we are making money so I guess that's something let me see well this is not a Shabby looking building by any means however it does come with tons of parks already huh so why does it have a separate even electric car charging those brats is that a clock maybe that's supposed to be a clock but if we click it and check it this out so extension Wing okay so that's like an in-house thingy so no bigger foodprint please be too big it's too big why so big and that is what the University Library okay I wish more stuff like this was like on on the same lot per se because now look at that so we click the park it's huge and then we got the library and I kind of wish I landscaped this area before we pooped it down but I guess okay I'm going to close my eyes we we will have this fully upgraded to please the the viewers in the comment section we're going to go education ladies Gentlemen We that's actually a cool okay so that oh okay so it doesn't look wonky at all I love it I love the bits and then the park should we add that as well I mean obviously I can't do it in the back I could do it on the side over here but I'm still thinking about squeezing a train station in the far end and I'm not even sure that's going to squeeze in so let's me check that first let's check ourselves be before we wreck ourselves uh I guess I could do this over here but that means the train station exit will be from the wrong side so what if sinking with K sinking with KES uh can I do okay I'm not worri about the grid if they're like misplaced or whatever okay so that would be a possibility I would maybe steal a little bit of the space needed for those guys put it down yeah yeah yeah yeah okay testing purposes ladies gentlemen so we need to make this nicer somehow that's going to go in it's not okay it's going to be a bit wonky so we need to kind of change a route this whole train track all it doesn't have to be like that but it will be like that so that's going to be moved a little bit or maybe the train is going to be moved a bit but let's see can we still squee in the park over here yes we can and do we have room for okay let me let h don't worry everybody we've got this this is don't worry don't worry this is I'm just testing this out okay we can always revert on changes boom so let's say that would be like that huh oh Twain but but if we have it like this can we have it like that you can have it like that I can have it like that so the tra would be coming in then leaving in the far end and this is really temporary I think I think this this could work so but this basically means we could have a train as somebody suggested like we should have like inner city trains or outer city trains so we have a train starting over here it goes all the way through the university area stops over here goes all the way to the main train station over here goes all the way to the industrial Zone and then carries on to the other city and back and forth back and forth I think that is the way I think that is the way but now I just need to figure this out I need to make it pry so this was going to be working here we will have bus stops so maybe we could temporarily add one on the other side as well so if I would put down this here and then I guess we can just drag that in drag it in like that so we have a bus up just outside we will have a bus stop just on the train station we can make it like one of those those little like ending points roundabouts over here maybe a little bit further in make beautiful paths all the way around this yeah we got this I think I'm going to you know what I'm going to do I'm gonna think I'm going to demolish those train tracks what what I think we will do we will keep those two over here they're going to be the main ones and this one will be merging into this somehow cuz I don't think we need three of them it doesn't look really nice now does it and obviously this is like temporar because we haven't bought those tiles yet so let's just let me just think about this let me make that AIT bit more pry so what do we need we need oh oh I guess this could be a thing still right cuz if I demolish that I could have grabbed that elevation I'm going to take this out like that somehow maybe even make that deeper and then have the road going over the train tracks so if we would have three two of them will be merg into one and they will be following that bridge to the other side and then this one over here would be merging with this train track and with the middle one never be the middle piece never if you haven't watched the movie don't do it disgusting yeah like I mean a little bit of landscaping and we got this I mean this elevation is not not pretty at all so this this needs to go down and that needs to be straight and biry so yeah I think we can do this let let me let me just play around with this a little it and I'm going to get back to you guys ASAP we are getting there and believe me when I say this I have been placing bushes and paths for the past one and a half hours and it's not even done but it is getting there and I'm loving it I'm I really am but you know what I wish I wish I was a bit taller I wish I was a baller I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat no I wish like once placed like this over here right I wish you could replace those bits like why is this like a thing why can't I just okay I want to have it on this side instead and just move it no you have to delete the whole thing waste all that cash to replace it so I've been going back and forth and now we're back on the same configuration but much poorer which sucks tremendously but I think like it's a thing it's it's a thing the downside is building stuff on elevations like an elevated map it just gets so wonky so I triy to do a little path here in the back which goes all the way here we can go across this bridge over here we have a beautiful gas station not sure demolish that later on but yeah so this path continues all the way along those pretty much just hide away all the ugliness in between and I think like once the trees and bushes they grow up I think it's going to look really nice it's a dog park or a guildy park I'm not sure what you call them but that goes down underneath and this path pretty much just continues stuff like this you know like it just takes so much time so I'm kind of like cing them out because I don't know I don't think you got to want to CB one and a half hour placing paths all over the place you might be but but but one and a half hours for some paths no I tweaked them as well cuz why once I started doing bendy paths over here I was like I'm going to do bendy PS all over the place so I've been doing bendy PS all over the place but we are getting there oo you know what I might do even though this is like front row properties of like C Properties I think I might like how is this working out for you guys it's so steep but but looks amazing inh uh I think I will maybe demolish those front row all the way here like all those get beautiful paths like those here in the back going with some bushes and trees all the way alongside over here what you guys think about that I mean it's an idea might not be the best idea but an idea it is and over here I built some paths added some roads I did tweak the train tracks I'm not sure I'm liking them but uh but yeah it is what it is and this I'm not sure anybody's going to be using it it's it looks amazing that's the thing but but yeah it's it's far away to walk just to reach the other side but then again how would they do that uh public transportation cars cuz this is the closest ways in oh by the way bus stops I did not do those so let's maybe do one on this side and one on that side or maybe everybody's going to be coming out using the roundabout and out again no we could we could I think we could just do B on each side so boom and then I guess we can drag this is going that way so that would be used by this one that goes in drops off people rounds it oh no you know what doesn't really matter maybe even I think one should be enough can I drag that to the other side instead there we go perfect and then the other one would be coming in here dropping off people going out again into uni and around and around around the world I think this is going to work out and how many people are attending this let's see over 200 200 people and the Train F are not even connected yet we've got a winner I'm going to say goodbyes to the Dum Dums but also you guys being tra girls trams are amazing give them a lick they taste just like Rises oh that's dirty the thing is no I can afford them but but no I'm going to be spending the next 5 hours tweaking my roads to fit them so I'm going to wait with them but I will unlock the police headquarters because we can just to realize that we can even afford this because I have just moved University 100 times so that is 2.1 H upkeep is 310k is going to bring us a lot of security in the city right how much do the basic one cost that is 38k we have how many Jil cells that is 25 we might not even need that to be honest but I kind of want it and that is mainly because I want to fill up this polluted area first I was afraid I was petrified first I wanted to have all the suburbs here but this pollution it's taking its time it is definitely taking some time to to disappear dang it we have huge regrets I mean I don't I don't think like buildings like that would would complain by the way would the poor people complain about this let me just low rent housing such a terrible person let's see here will those guys move in we'll see cuz if they move in this could be an area for those guys temporarily and then we're going to move them to fancy places later on but uh nevertheless let's get this show on the road shall we so un is here we're going to connect the train tracks very very soon are do a zone out this over here could be should it be yes it will be let's maybe add a little bit of those beeps that's a lot of Peeps and then they will be happy because they've been complaining for about six episodes and I've been waiting for this to clear for the last three and it's not clearing that fast oh should that be a thing as well cuz maybe maybe not maybe just have a little bit smaller houses on this side maybe some bushes in the back CU I'm not sure they're going to be loving the highway in the back there but but but who cares I mean I am the captain though or the mayor it's not being used as of now but eventually it will be so those is going to be moving in I'm going to leave some space for this maybe some bushes oh always forget about that we have those sound barriers right so we can totally get those in maybe even all can you use them on the Rams no you can't so that would be going something like a so maybe to about here for the moment and then should we have them on both sides on the other side yeah yeah yeah so I'm not sure like I'm not really sure how much sound they would block um but but time will tell something like this and like that and on this one as well how is this looking I guess we could add like it looks kind of cool looks like a like an F1 track a racetrack but or a NASCAR for you Americans uh let me see where was those those was here just having it like there and I believe what we're going to do we're going to take those guys into a tunnel in the far end and then take it up somewhere the highway that is cuz I like the idea of having having Bridges just going go going across them like that not even tweaking them it's just like across that's perfect okay so those guys are building up let them let them be on the front side over here I think we will add a little bit of commercial properties maybe even over here I'm sorry I know I just zoned you guys but but you have to move there we go I'm ter terribly sorry terribly sorry but I will add a few extra over here the thing about those I'm not sure that the bug has been fixed and I'm not even sure if if it was a bug or not but they have been complaining quite quite a bit about um not having enough customers why is it so dark oh it's a cloud um and that's just high rent oh Behave this guy's complaining this is one of those like signature buildings fatty bite is that the only building in town complaining well in this part of town it is well then we have the fancy people or their fancy buildings over here which are complaining a little bit they've been moaning for so many episodes you know what yeah I yeah I decide can you be bigger you be bigger you be bigger bigger no that's that's fine we'll see we'll see what happens because it might be you just need to demolish them and they come back pop up again and the bug is gone or it fixes itself cuz that is the only guy and there's been a lot of guys here who has been complaining we'll see we'll see and this is the thing that there are so many cool buildings in this category which I haven't really spent time checking out film actor Mansion so what do need for that media gets produced going to take a while painter mansion that's like Bob Ross living here that's something we need to have what do we need for this that is just some low build low density housing building buildings we are it Rubik Apartments Gate House residence Vista Building did we have no oh they're kind of similar those two co10 condos wanabi Tower s oh there's so much to it and there's just the small ones then we have those as well we have this there's some fancy stuff over here got the chemical plant last episode fuel plants switch tune Pharma buildings old ref Refinery Paper Factory D diary house Dairy house deer diarrhea ground Earth vehicle Factory there is just so much to it but uh let those guys build up over here and while they do let's move over here cuz they're going to be it's going to take some time okay um I want to plan this out a little bit over here cuz I want to be expanding look at how the everything just shooting through the roof this is the best road map ever I'm not going to add any disaster control buildings at all so let's say that this would be okay just thinking with kis so that is kind of like a road that goes over here we continue on goes back into that it could be forking out straight up so that's kind of like a main road for for the whole city would that be a possibility if I would a with k commences hello everybody let's see here let me just get this across this it's not perfect but it's an idea we could make this a key and take that road over the other road that might look really nice actually like if this goes over that you know what let's delete that don't need them now don't need them now if I would don't do it cross if I would delete this over here then I would take out a road going yeah this is just for testing purposes I think we're going to go like this this might look really nice so let's say this would going like that that would be pretty much like a hangman hangman figure do you call him hangman no Stickman maybe you know what I mean like a little hangman the legs oh you have a dirty mind I don't have a dirty mind something like this no it's a hung man sorry sorry sorry take it back but something like this I want to keep it interesting right so that would be going into this roundabout somewhere so those buildings going to be going this way they we have buildings going this way and in between buildings going different directions I think it's going to work out because Envision this okay we're going to take this up at a key is that a key that is a key elevation wise almost Picture Perfect 1.3 I can take that I mean it's not too shabby then that going to be going straight we're going to make this nicer with some bushes and hide away all the ugliness we might do the same here in the far end and have this is a little sunen Park of some type let me just play around with this somebody has just achieved a large city Milestone and I have unlocked the tourist attractions which I can't afford to be honest but I also made stuff pretty like I know this is pointless this is super pointless but I've made paths over here and I've made a little bit of a of a layout I'm not sure this is going to be be here to stay but that is that idea like buildings over here going that way buildings over here going that way and then we can have this area over here as a huge park or just placed super oversized buildings but what goes for the tourist attractions I like them but 3.2 million for Aspire which is well kind of kind of f in in the park I guess then we have a bronze statue a little bit smaller that could be on this a little Statue of Liberty over whatever it is well it's not really but but but you know what I mean water park 800,000 bucks that is plus 25 for summer season Recreation and a medieval castle oh okay okay we might do cool stuff with this maybe even like a little European town somewhere in the mountain and having this in there in the future that is but yeah so we will see how this goes okay but I kind of like this whole idea like having this sunken this goes over in the future that goes over this goes over and how about those guys over here have you guys moved in mhm okay I might feel a little bit bad for those people over here can you just imagine living under this underpass or whatever it is oh that would be terrible just imagine the noise coming from that and this guy just laying about reading your book and just hearing all okay there's not nothing here at the moment because this highway is not connected but it will be eventually and you know what looking at this I'm not sure the sound barrier is going to help that much maybe some bushes will do the trick but but sound barrier I guess I I don't know we will see everybody we'll see so what is the plan we need to connect that get the trains going to the university area we also need to zone out a little bit over here by the way did I place tiny offices over here H oh no let me just see here oh I did okay that's not intentional let me zone out with big boys over here this is going to be like a CBD Central business district and I think like it's going to looks absolutely fabulous you have to have faith in this project okay it's going to take a while but it's going to look nice I didn't really anticipate the amount of traffic in people using this this is this is going to be like a Shibuya Crossing in in in Tokyo Japan there's going to be so many people over here I can watch stuff like this all day long and I know I've said it before but there something about it which is super intriguing oh my goodness look at M people over here okay we might need better public transportation within the Zone trams would actually do it cuz there's a lot of people coming in and out but anyhow you know what before we do that or do anything with Transportation Let's Zone this area out a little bit so we have high demand well not offices for the moment cuz stuff has already been built up over here but we do have quite a bit of demand for commercial industry H Wonder did kind I zone out this Zone yep why not let's add a little bit extra of that for those guys so all the way like so and here I'm thinking maybe commercial on the big streets so it would be commercial all the way here maybe even some offices and then residential in the middle maybe some parking lots by the way how much was that cuz we still have one parking thing which we have unlocked eight points automated parking building like I'm I'm just worried about the size cuz everything in this game has been very oversized and eight points this might be worth it well I've done it now there's no going back SE how big is that please please be smaller why is it so huge can't even squee it in over here in this huge tile I should have known I should have known where do I can I want poop it down just to kind of check it out how much is this 1.6 million bucks for a parking garage what is it made of diamonds uh like would be waste putting in here most of the cars and vehicles are going to be situated somewhere over here I guess if I would remove this we can move it I've done it everybody's happy and nobody's going to be using it of course they will it it's it's huge I want to see inside of it it has space for 46 Vehicles aqual Foy I don't believe that is space for 200 upkeep cost is 7,000 per month so why on Earth is this 160k okay not no no no no this is going to be for the rich and fancy we need to double the parking fees at least hopefully somebody's going to be using it okay let's just Zone this out so let's start with the commercial buildings cuz we do have a demand for it and let's maybe have different sizes so this is going to be a big one then this is going to be a little bit tit smaller like like a so and then a big one again and then a huge one don't want to be the guy but we have three people using the world's most expensive parking garage maybe four oh be behave this is a money maker so I guess epka five people maybe you should up the parking fees even more see if somebody come going yeah oh wow oh wow 40 bucks well now you cons you might now I wonder if they leave if the parking fee go goes up let's go 50 we need to make our 1.6 million back whatever it was how how how much was this guy oh this is one time only thing maigi so 1.6 million and people are going crazy this is like a tourist attraction over here I'm loving it and you just zoned out well that's not huge buildings I thought we were building some skyscrapers over here you just build those tiny ones is this the biggest commercial they have not that impressive I guess okay so let me just track those guys so do they go across here and they follow that path and then and then what it's better than yours so I guess maybe yeah like this is this is stuff this is stuff I like you know what I should be doing I should be Li stre in this game cuz seeing those walkabouts and that makes me think like oh there's a beautiful path over here but that path should be here instead cuz they're going to be leaving the parking garage oh no this is going to cost so much traffic isn't it maybe they're having this like a oneway street look at the everybody's going crazy it's like a yellow car reunion over here this is pure desperation 125 using it and it goes up it is 50 bucks I want more of those because this will be making us money and I'm thinking like if I would change that to 50 bucks would people be using that as well cuz I believe let me just see here I believe every single District have parking roadside parking fee well there's not much in that zone Gales yeah I think every s single zone has it so it's either parking on the streets and paying or in a expensive parking garage we're going to be tracking how is there 2002 cars out of 200 what's happening stop it what on Earth are you guys going for the parking garage where is oh wow oh wow okay where are you guys coming from what a caravan and all a caravan for me mom oh okay so that is people coming into the city through the the highway thingy and that is the only way at the moment cuz we haven't really added any okay I see I see I spy with my L Li uh not optimal not optimal by any means um let me just do this is just a temp job okay this is rough this is rough but this is just a temp job there are some low Rend Apartments as well which has popped up Don't Judge Me Oh okay something is not right here you guys no you can't you can't be doing a left turn over here don't be cray cray ban that there we go huh okay so this is just to see if that actually helps the cloggage over here I think I think we have done it and this over here is almost full house for 50 bucks okay we are changing every single parking lot in town to 50 bucks cuz we going to be making money we are making money look at the income well it's not only from parking I guess but Office Buildings are pupping up left and right um yeah having those two yeah maybe not next to each other but I'm going to keep it for out I'm going to keep it for now so we also need to Zone more offices so let's do maybe a few here in the far end like that that will be perfect more commercial zones cuz why not on the Main Street baboom and then even more residential and let's do them small a little bit smaller so we get a little bit of different shapes of them but then he kind of like kind of feels like wasting the space doing them small I think that is not a bad idea cuing some of those medium density here as well like just here in the back for example just here and I might be but K don't B me we can make an office building here as well just to make it look nice and then maybe a big building here oh that is good perfect now this is this is one of my favorite parts of the game pretty much just kind of shaping out the skyline and we have tons of those humongous same same buildings and yeah I'm not a big fan not a big fan I I guess like some of them will be gone cuz now we have like four in a row over here which is like yeah let's let's see here can I pa the game can I Zone this differently like if I would Zone this instead we'll see what happens but at least there's going to be another building here okay I guess maybe less people is using it because of the price but I I don't care I mean having this full house for 10 bucks or having it almost full for 50 what would you pick so obviously we we've made the right choice and let's see here how we doing over here yeah okay so this helps tremendously so if we make this a little bit nicer later on by the way have you seen have you seen how beautiful the cem looks when all the trees have grown up like when I first popped it down I was like not a big fan but now seeing it fully grown up Lush it's perfect why is all the dogs over here I mean I know there's bones and such but that's a little bit dark even even for Paradox may I I'm not judging you guys are judging I'm not sure I'm a big fan of these buildings like don't get me wrong I know they're commercial buildings I'm not complaining but they're just so clouded in Billboards but that's maybe how how they look in big cities like commercial buildings I don't know I live in a tiny town so um it's shaping up like the skyine itself will take quite a bit of time to scallop it like those buildings over here just next to each other like yeah we to kind of change that it's pretty much like deleting resoning deleting rezoning oh no it's happening again and now it's pretty much because of something over here is is that just because everybody's going to the most expensive parking garage in the world it's almost full house as well for 50 bucks I'm so happy we did that if anybody watching this just boost that price to 50 everybody's going to be using it still and making tons of money for it yeah you know what I think it is I think it's pretty much all the people coming in to this area because obviously like as soon as they can of pop up the buildings they need to move in so they bring their little cars and such and come in oh this is going to be looking nice so I'm thinking like having those Office Buildings over here it's going to pretty much like engulf the whole train station in the future it's going to be like encased in all the skyscrappers Within so the whole plan is pretty much having the park here skyscrapers and bigger buildings over here skyscrapers and bigger buildings over here and then kind of fade it out cuz the thing we could do for example like we still have a little bit Demand on the medium ones so so let's say we would okay don't we might we might revert on this change but let's say not not European let's do na medium let's say I would do one of over here maybe getting one over here and one just here no no no no no no no that's not maybe one here or here yeah let's do that cuz CU changing doing cheru and building like those medium ones here is going to do a little pop in the whole Skyline it's not going to change dramatically but but it's going to be a little bit of bigger buildings amongst the the tiny ones pretty much like we have over here just a little bit of elevation difference at the end of the day I'm super happy okay we need to do the trains as well and at the city connections so that's something we going to be doing but yeah we need to kind of fix this issue over here those guys are coming in but I I just you know what I just think it there people moving in can you change uh as F can you change those sidewalks to bigger on those streets as well or is that a no-o Zone me see can I nope nope nope nope okay I can do it over here so let's do it over here and on this side same goes for this and this oh my goodness look at all those people okay so it's clearing up in the roundabout so let's not worry about that see now I've been fluffing about for a few minutes I I have done nothing but did it's it's super intriguing just watching those people there's a lot of space over here do we have any demand for anything well pretty much everything oh this is shaping up oh I think cuz some of those buildings over here like those small ones they were built here as well and now they have changed so I guess as land value goes up a little bit or they just level up They do change interesting let's put an office don't do office building her is going to be oh it's going to be devastating for the for the traffic you just don't worry about this we've got this and maybe this just next to it perfect like the the funny thing is that just a second ago there was nothing here and now it's pretty much filled up with stuff oh yeah how how do they look see this what I mean it's just a subtle change it just breaks off the whole thing just of those small tiny houses and we can have them a little bit like all all over the place like maybe I hope we can call having somewhere over here like here for example yeah yeah yeah yeah let's just do a few of them as well I know it's a shoppy but shoppy goes bye-bye and maybe one here as well I know I know what you're thinking can that be placed differently I don't care let's see how that looks and I guess doing that will also stop those guys from complaining about high rent because there's going to be a little bit of higher density buildings within their Zone not sure that's going to be the case but we'll see those guys need a school as well is this filled up by the way nope that is perfect but that's is pretty much just Brook burn should we maybe change operating distance to briwood craft or craft because I think this is filled up ooh baby yes it is all I can say is that we are making we're making money aqual Foley I don't believe it's not much from the parking fees it's just 30k education fees is that what's bringing oh that looks nice see it's not a big change it's not a big change but you can see there's a little bit of bigger building might be even a commercial building that is something we could maybe do but then again it might be a skyscraper I'm not sure can you stop them from upgrading no that was a mon mod in in cs1 I guess there was a mod which could stop the building from upgrading so they kind of stayed that way you like them but but but but but but but but no buts how much is this guy making education fees it's not even filled up it's not even filled up and I think that might be because I mean do they take education fees for elementary school of course they do this is us nothing is freaking us right Canada maybe us H so I guess that might be the case oh we we need so much more of everything but at least is shaping up people are dying but let's let's not care about that let's enjoy the the beauty of this not them dying just the skyline itself and how about how about okay let's check this again H this is actually disappear quite a bit so I'm thinking that maybe no I mean somebody told me like the bushes do to the trick but then again we have bushes over here and nothing has happened but that has been a few episodes yeah we'll see but nevertheless ladies and gentlemen we have four and a half million so before we do the trains which I want to do I want to poop down maybe even over here let's do one beautiful Police Headquarters just over here car yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do it do it do it I mean why not there's two main streets over here so let's just do it here and let's see how this looks it is it is huge it is huge it's going to be super costly it has 20 police vehicles inside of it and 100 jail cells it could be upgraded with more jail cells garage extension and a helipad I do like helicopter poppers so let's see can we see will that be a hel poer no no no no stop it it is here if I said I'm a simple man don't mind the low frame rates a this is amazing so he's got the little camera over here is that a flood light in the back okay this's ha is now so cool people might be dying in the city everybody people might be dying I simply don't care cuz we have a police helicopter on the way to the industrial district oopsie Daisy what is happening over here okay battery depleted does that mean we need more power we are on the verge of not having but we still have some battery charge in that guys so let's not worry about that in today's episode but the next one we might build a harbor where we're going to add the what you going to call it what was that that was called the the gas power plants so we will see love it okay not a big fan like this over here I think we need to make this a little bit smaller like yeah maybe yeah no no maybe like that yeah but it's not a huge change but a change in the in the skyline it is maybe having some of the low rent in the back maybe even some of the those guys over here what was the roow houses I'm kind of thinking like why is nobody moving in over here that's a little bit bizarre cuz it is zoned not with that CR it is Zone with the roow houses and all same goes with this if I would delete those no no sorry sorry okay now they move in okay so they move in here but not here it has to do something with with the Lance terraform right so if I pick this and cannot Zone this out will they move in now they really hate this place and I'm thinking like why do they hate the place cuz it is zoned out those guys are moving straight back in so so there's got to be something with it right yeah I don't know anyhows let's go over here and let's just think about this little train scenario cuz we need to connect those autter trains going through the IND uh through the university into the main city over to the industrial Zone and out of the city that way or the map that is so let's maybe invest in some tiles over here go big go home okay that's going to look redonkulous uh this is just temporarily caral this you don't have to worry about this I'm going to buy a few more tiles okay don't don't ask any questions we need to make it a little bit nicer than it is let's go straight to about here this is just for showcase purposes and then we bend it and connect it up like so well not perfect but it's better than it was I had to make it like this for the moment but yes so that goes out that goes in this will be left untouch this is going to be working off going that direction and one of those as well okay so let's do this uh oh wow oh it's a cloud H Let's do let's delete our current trains might regret this moment but if we delete so we have that okay that is going to the industrial district so I'm going to keep that for the moment 451 passengers my goodness okay delete this yes delete that yes and then no know and then and then what we do stop the game for a moment we will start over here from this we will go all the way to the uni station we're going to go all the way to the main station let me see okay maybe this platform over here closest to the exit then we go all the way through here to the industrial Zone stop maybe on this plat form and then we go out to here and you might be but but but what happens next girl as well we go back so it's going to revert come back from there going to stop on this platform it's going to go all the way okay this is see how can how can people focus on stuff in this game I can't I'm all over the place it's going to be added over here over here and then all the way to here and that is our routs so pretty much from here all the way through our own stations over here and to that City to pen rff I think it was right that was pen rff and then back and back and back and back again for the same stations currently we have four dogs on board and 20 passengers there's something about CS2 and dogs it's better than hamsters much better than hamsters there's a little bit of wonk here I'm going to fix that it goes in over here and I guess we won't be able to see it because it's going to leave the map but that is the plan so it hopefully comes back I'm not sure can can you track how many passengers that's going to have let me just drop down over here like that is that one more of those nope that's the industrial train so I mean already there's five trains on that line is a super long line 4 1 42 kilm almost but we will see what happens cuz cuz what I'm hoping that this will do is that this will bring in extra peeps to the university region I mean we do have the buses which I guess do the same thing and people inside of this for 597 so I guess people are attending makes me a little bit happy me see St B body coming from with those trains who po po well notay but somebody's using it what's happening over here anybody's going to UNI oh they're going to work obviously and that is where is that yeah look at that I'm kind of loving this this is so cool but I can be spending so much time time just dping about ladies and gentlemen I've been all over the place once again but we've made progress we have a university we've expanded upon this and just a little quick check on pollution ground pollution disappearing disappearing it's almost thee over here I believe there where was this where the landfill was yeah I think so so we are definitely on top of things and how about the popper H paper where about are you look at that even the flood light is on you know what let me just see here cuz I know that it's well it's not nighttime per se it's well 5:00 a.m. it is let's see if I can go over here I will change that to Daylight visuals can I do that even okay perfect do you can we see the flood light thingy look at that so he's even got that little flood light it Miss uh light light I guess that is so neat but it actually has a purpose and works well this is going to be costly if he's going to be out doing this all day and all night long this is just beautiful like I always forget about the the the whole night scenario ladies and gentlemen as I said I've been all over the place but we've made a little bit of progress slow progress but good progress and this is coming along very very nicely should we just check the the people amount over at the train station no it's actually quite decent well maybe not absolutely amazing So yeah thank you so so so much for watching I will see you guys in the next episode OB City skylines with me KES don't forget to hit the like button and leave some feedback in the comment section and I'll see you hopefully in a day or two I wish there was games on those such a bummer bye everybody
Channel: Keralis
Views: 206,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines, cities skylines gameplay, let's play, lets play, simcity, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines trailer, cities skylines review, cities skylines release date, cities skylines simulation, cities skylines let's play, tutorial, keralis, cheats, cities skylines mods, big city, huge city, cities skylines II, cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines II gameplay, city skylines 2, trains, part 7, episode 7, ep7, ep.7
Id: iNpwBoMDZ5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 42sec (3402 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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