Great Roadkill Fails | Roadkill

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oh hey are we gonna get gas at any time oh yeah we should probably do that I'm guessing it's bad - all of a sudden lose power in traffic on one of these this would look good I pulled in trying to do a brake stand in the gas right here but I'm doing the brake stand I've burned through the gas that it hooks up it does the full wheelie it was really hard while I'm in the wheelie to concentrate on turning the gas the wrong way it was fun I rely on you you know to constantly show me what not to do get a minibike don't see that and what's the best way to fix a beat-up Datsun or horsepower we decided to turbo this thing there's your guy off a power stroke of some kind normal people they call up a manufacturer and have them to recommend the right turbo for their engines but this is roadkill we buy whatever junk is laying around so our turbo came from a 7.3 liter Ford Super Duty diesel but that is the right turbo because it cost two hundred and fifty dollars which is the theory that holds up until you realize that that costs about three hundred dollars and we have two of them and the blow-off valve lipstick on a pig in the alternate world of a roadkill time our mind told us that we were gonna be able to get this turbo installed in about two days that turned into about two weeks didn't get it ended up having to spend a couple days working on this thing by himself most of which was spent just running around town picking up all the little nickel and dime stuff that kills you it slows it down but he also got a lot of things fabricated like the exhaust side and all there too I have created the world's first Datsun 240z two Chevy v6 turbo header oh I just did that okay we were cruising down the highway at the end of the day of getting passed by every car and I'm even falling asleep so I pulled over to hand the keys to Finnegan what does he do gets us stuck immediately on flat ground how pathetic that a jeep is stuck here it's Jeep sucks see this is why the jeep broad concept is completely wrong because you remove the front axle you make it two wheel drive you take all the jeep Ness out of the Jeep and then you get it stuck at the side of the road because we didn't fix the shifter earlier today we're gonna fix it now with a cotter pin and a zip tie to connect the linkage back together and here comes someone offering to help [Music] we're gonna strap his car to our car with an extension cord that's right an extension cord that's what's gonna get us out of this mess we just traded four gallons of gas for a three-foot tow with an extension cord you turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is efficient yeah it's not our parking lot yeah this is pretty bad Oh we'll clean it up flawlessly [Music] things were going really well except for the bolts in the bell housing they just aren't going to come out we're gashing ourselves on sheet metal screws coming through the firewall we're smashing our fingers we're cursing and it's slowing us down quite a bit and I've already spent about 20 minutes doing what finnegans doing here and maybe if he spends another 20 minutes on it then we'll be able to take a break and spend another 20 or 30 minutes a drift and it's now stripped so that will turn into roughly two and a half hours okay if we could point this downwards and you could somehow leverage it will I hold it up top we could probably get this out I'm in a bad mood so I'm just gonna open up this so I can at least see the new motor that'll cheer me up a little it's beautiful it's a lot better than that piece of crap we're ripping out but I'm staring at it realizing we need even more parts now that makes you think this piece of crap is coming out I got faith in you get the bolt out it's only one bolt come on is it technically a bolt when the head is like perfectly machined round I'm getting that bolt out I promise you you are not gonna get that bolt out I'm Way too angry not to get it there's no way that you are getting that bolt out at all because it's in my hand your hitch dumbass let me get back in the car [Music] once we found the right property the first thing we did is both hopped in the Crown Vic to go and plot a racetrack this trunk is garbage dump on it nope I got no seat belt Oh [Laughter] Wow we're gonna get stuck out here eventually there's bushes that aren't too dense and we'd be able to drive these cars around 3 or 4 times and make our own track that's gonna be so fun and it was gonna connect to a high-speed straight section that at some point the power company had graded to put in power poles all right let's get both cars okay [Music] for the Caprice I had found these really cool BFG mud terrains in a small size that would fit the passenger car and I got them because they were tough and I thought we're gonna be dealing with a rocky terrain it turned out to be pure silt [Music] stocke knew that was gonna happen and he goes out there with his big old honkin mud terrain tires that are way too skinny these things are pizza cutters and he goes out there and I've kind of rutted up the course already and he gets stuck right out in the middle of it nowhere near flat hard ground I'm not feeling so good about those new tires now are ya [Music] this is the part where I get stuck it's gonna need some snap you might want to give it more distance than that I'm not even a Ford guy but really there's no denying the Crown Victoria is kicking the crap out of the capiche she's so far out in the course that when I Drive out I have to leave the safety of flat hard packed dirt and go onto the silty stuff to try and yank him out [Music] I give it a decent yank he starts coming up over this berm when he crests the berm my car gets high Center them and we're both stuck in the dirt now the next morning we had our first disaster we had installed a block heater which is a heating element that replaces a freeze plug in the side of the engine block and it didn't fit perfectly and it was puking coolant everywhere oh yeah that's all half of it no it made me feel much better about that yeah that's it by this time it was about zero degrees out I slammed the car door and the passenger side window exploded into like a billion pieces the window had come off the track a little bit on the passenger side of the Ranchero and I told Finnegan dude be careful because the window comes off the track he didn't put two and two together that that meant that the glass was going to hit the roof of the car if you shut the door of the wrong way and he shut the door the wrong way and I'm looking the other way and all I hear is glass hitting the pavement it's like oh then we're going into freezing weather wouldn't know [Music] [Music] that's pretty 15:35 that's bigger than he thought it would be really slow though [Music] [Music] Shh oh no Freiburger just puked all over the track this is the part where everybody hates us because now there's no cleaning up and it's got it's hot and it's gotten slower I believe myself for that I had a feeling it was gonna get hot after just one lap and probably start puking probably should have told him to stop it wasn't even hot when I left it was hot enough was it puking right when I pulled up because the gauge was way low when you took off all the way down the track oh yeah I've never done that in my life they hate us right now I'm sure oh we're done it's not gonna go any faster and you know it's not that you slow down like almost three tents on that one well we Came we thought we failed we did what we intended to do which was drag race the Jaguar if there was any doubt yesterday as to the problem with Finnegan's Hemi it was removed when we woke up this morning drained the oil out of it and half the engine was full of water so we're gonna tear the whole thing apart right now and we're either gonna find a blown head gasket or something far worse than that so ripping it apart starting now you ready for the header to come off sure this is one of my favorite parts of the car even if you know like you said Ray Charles welded it with his feet are you good yeah channeling my inner Tony Angelo yeah this is really bad check it out there's water and oil in the intake not a good sign [Music] lots of coolant in the lifter Valley Oh [Music] what just happened did you drop something down the engine I pulled the lifter in the guts of it I can't believe we're taking an oil pan off now it's the week the wheel is still here how did the this is what happened I lifted it up it got about this far yeah it fall how does it come out as I'm lifting it up and go down it's a solid lifter why does it have moving parts oh that just added four hours I have never seen anything like that Oh talk about straight above really now you think so yeah it's hitting the firewall I think if we get the gasket [Music] so next up we're gonna have to rotate the engine move the piston down and look in that cylinder and see if there's a crack in a block there oh no really when you wipe the cooling off it just starts spring back in oh oh man no doubt the block is broken cherry picker yep I think the only chance you have is find a machine shop that could put a sleeve in that hole that's extra bad worst-case scenario just been realized
Channel: MotorTrend Channel
Views: 289,140
Rating: 4.6634388 out of 5
Keywords: motor trend, motortrend, roadkill, roadkill fail, david freiburger, mike finnegan, roadkill crash, roadkill fails
Id: Y0LXolhf8d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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