Gravity Falls - Pilot (Unaired) [1080p Upscale]

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ah summer break a time for leisure recreation unless you're me my name is dipper the girl about to puke is my sister mabel you're probably wondering what we're doing in a golf cart being chased by a tidal wave of horror well i'll tell you it all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air they sent us up north to gravity falls oregon to stay with our great uncle stan at his museum of mystery since then something unbelievable happens pretty much every day like that fishing trip [Music] or the whole telekinesis incident but this particular story happened just a few days ago good we're sleeping heads we're dead [Music] ah there they are my favorite twins dylan and rowena dipper mabel i'm getting closer though no i don't know i think it's pretty much the opposite as you kids know my mystery shack is home to the world's strangest roadside befuddlements the sas crotch the unicat whatever that thing is but now the whole scale model of london bridge built entirely from freezy pops and just like the real london bridge it's in destruction your kids want to eat 200 freezy pups all right here's a good one what is a ghost's favorite ice cream flavor it's obviously blueberry how's about corpse melon it's blueberry i'm thinking cookies and scream and the answer is well that's weird it's blank blank stick that's a bad omen watch something terrible will happen in three two one you know like like a telephone ring he's here there we go hold it sis who's here well time to spill the beans rope i've been seeing someone well wait wait we've only been in town for a week and you already have a boyfriend what can i say i guess i'm just irresistible this didn't sound good mabel's romances always ended in disaster like the time she fell for the guy on the 10 bill or her crush on the mattress prince come on come on to my kingdom of savings who she dug up this time hey guys i want to introduce you to somebody [Music] what's up hey how's it hanging we met at the cemetery he's really sensitive oh little muscle there that's what a surprise so what's your name uh normal man he means norman are you bleeding norman it's jam i love damn look at this so you want to go hold hands or whatever oh oh my goodness don't wait up grunkle stan did mabel's boyfriend look weird to you yeah teenagers all look like that his skin was falling off that's nothing trust me i've been in the mystery business since you were in diapers don't you wear diapers please please they're called grampers oh come on yep to take my mind off my sister's creepy boyfriend i decided to enjoy some light reading known for their open wounds and poor motor skills these creatures are often mistaken for teenagers beware the nefarious [Applause] zombies you say something was it possible my sister dating the living dead i had to be sure [Music] i'd seen enough mabel we gotta talk norman is not what he seems you think he might be a vampire that would be so awesome guess again sister oh wait i'm sorry a zombie that is not funny dipper i'm not joking it all adds up the vultures the limp he never blinks have you noticed that maybe he's blinking when you're blinking yeah that makes a lot of sense it makes more sense than your zombie fury why can't you just trust me because he's gonna eat your plane zipper listen to me norman and i are going on a date at five o'clock and i'm gonna be adorable and he's gonna be dreaming wait and i'm not gonna let you ruin it with one of your crazy conspiracy what am i gonna do whoo-hoo hoo hey norman how do i look shiny you always know what to say maybe i was seeing something that wasn't there i guess i can be kind of paranoid sometimes and wait [Music] [Applause] i was what oh my gosh oh my gosh go stand stand google stan i need to borrow your golf cart so i can save my sister from a zombie try not to hit any pedestrians [Music] sorry mabel now that we've gotten to know each other there's something i should tell you oh norman you can tell me anything please be a vampire please be a vampire all right just just don't freak out okay just just keep an open mind be cool [Music] is this weird is this too weird do you need to sit down right i'll explain so we're gnomes first off get that one out of the way i'm jeff and here we have carson steve jason and i'm sorry i always forget your name schmeberlock schmebulack yes anyways long story short us gnomes have been looking for a new queen right guys [Music] so what do you say will you join us in holy matrinomi matrimony blah can't talk today look i'm sorry guys you're really sweet but i'm a girl and you're gnomes and it's like what yikes we understand we'll never forget you mabel because we're going to kidnap you huh i'm coming for you mabel what the heck is going on here marvin turned out to be a bunch of gnomes gnomes why not attention gnomes hand over my sister is that all you got [Music] [Applause] [Music] mabel you have to jump i'm tied up use your braces [Music] [Music] thanks mabel don't mention it hey what's that [Music] [Applause] well i think we lost them [Music] my queen the time has come to fulfill your destiny step back man you're all as it is written in the prophecy of schmiezelda go away i will fight you dude the prophecy is ouch all right fine you want it back there's only [Music] riddle me what it's a ghost's favorite ice cream flavor just give up and get out of here blueberry cookies and scream dipper trust me just this once you were wrong about norman so are you [Music] blueberry [Applause] i'm sorry for ignoring your advice you really were just looking out for me oh don't be like that you saved our butts back there i guess i'm just sad that my first boyfriend turned out to be a bunch of gnomes look on the bright side maybe the next one will be a vampire oh you're just saying that awkward sibling hug awkward sibling hug pat pat ah brain freeze [Applause] [Music] brain yeah [Music] all in all it was the least weird day of summer
Channel: House of Good Living
Views: 1,258,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5BrZ4OF-_pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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