Monster Mud Reaper

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all right guys we're into September starting to gear up for Halloween I wasn't gonna do anyhow new Halloween projects this year but just because I was so busy doing other stuff but then everybody started making me feel guilty so I was looking around on the internet and I found a project I should say my wife found a project on Pinterest and it was called a mud monster mud Reaper and I gotta give credit to Phantom Hollow that's all one word if you want to look him up on YouTube because this was his project and I took it on to see if I could recreate it I guess right now I have I have a base made out of 2x2 plywood then I had a metal flange floor flange that was inch and a half then I got a inch and a half piece of pipe that's about four inches long and I gave me a good solid base for people that don't know I take these and set them up at our local state campground and so they have to be portable they're gonna be on a trailer they're gonna travel about a half hour then I gotta set everything back up so I liked his idea how he made this good solid base and then I'm probably gonna drill holes so I can stake it to the ground and then I use chicken wire to form the body and then I wasn't gonna use these metal braces but then the weight of everything on it flex this PVC pipe too much so I ended up putting the braces on theirs is gonna be his head I got the hood all formed out with chicken wire so the next step I gotta do is I'm gonna lay out the burlap cut it to length see how he looks then I'm gonna Mott him up and I'll see then when I'm mixing up the mud I also have to say everybody was giving me slack because I wouldn't put my Halloween projects on YouTube just because when I show up at the campground I want my projects to be a surprise now like friends that go camping with this they obviously know because I might have to ask for hey do you know who has this I need an old stool I need an old kerosene lantern or an oil lantern they usually help me out with finding that stuff but my UPS Freight driver old Phil he started making me feel guilty because he's been bragging up my projects and nobody gets to see them unless they go camping with us so I'm gonna throughout the next 30 days I'm gonna have to say I'll show you how I make this guy but then I'll show you what I'm up are setting it up all the other projects that I've done and then for halftime I'll try and show you what I'm how I make what my paper mache pumpkin heads so other than that I'll catch you on the next step okay I got them all covered up that I'm gonna spray-paint that pole in there black once I got it all mudded up and I want a real Lantern here I think a real flickering flame would look really good after I get them mudded up and this stuff starts laying because it's heavy I'll take the scissors and cut this up so it's not anywhere near that same width around his head this will all like laid down sorry for my camera work because I don't have my tripod so I'm filming it with my phone so other than that beside this face closing up look something like that I'll get some wrinkles and stuff in them once I got some monster mud on the burlap okay when you're mixing up your monster mud it's a four to one ratio so you need four parts of the joint compound and I use the lightweight joint compound it's thinner then you need your exterior latex paint and I use black because we're gonna be putting it in two white joint compound and that'll it'll make it more of a grey so whatever you want to use to measure scoop out four scoops of joint compound one of these four latex paint all right when I get mixing I'll show you there I got about half the joint compound about half of the gallon of paint and in this bucket no I'm gonna start mixing it [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] all right I didn't know me dip in the stuff in monster mud because when I was going to the first sheet that I picked up I had it spread out in front of me and I walked right into the face first into the the arm of them and I got mud all over me I walked right into that all right so the only thing I have left to do see if I can get an angle is put the Kate up over his head and drape it down over the front I'm gonna try and set this up maybe you can see me what I go through to dip it hopefully there's enough left in the bucket trying to wring it out now making sure everything is nice and coated since it's such a big piece I'm dropping it on this cardboard all right so now I got to go back and mix more mud monster mud does stain so we're in close now I'm going to unfold this try to figure out let me go wash my hands over the camera all right I'm back dipping that burlap is harder I think then dipping a sheet it just it soaks into all the little pores it probably weighs 50 pounds when I take it out of there all right it's already set you up here closer I promise next time I'll have my tripod and GoPro doing that's what the funds for the birth [Music] we'll just add in a little bit of extra mud for texture and detail don't know if it'll actually do anything but hey it doesn't hurt to experiment now I let it dry and now use drylock concrete sealer I guess is what it is and all that was a total of I have six hours in this dude so I think he's one of my quickest creatures that I did your monster mud cuz the rim gets kinda this is what your bucket of monster mud looks like I'll take your rag and I'll wipe this rim off it then the piece of plastic it comes in the joint compound I'll put that back in then your monster mud will last a good while there is the finished man
Channel: RAI Adventures
Views: 35,144
Rating: 4.7663717 out of 5
Keywords: Halloween Project, Monster Mud, Grim Reaper
Id: c99QYrTAfJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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