Grass Collision using Maya Paint Effects - Tutorial

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hi guys my name is Calvin bacon and today I'm going to be showing you how to create some grass collisions in Maya with paint effects as you can see here so to start what we're going to do is create a plane it's going to scale that up then go to generate while selecting the plane and go to make paintable then back to generate get brush and select a brush that we like now on some grass so I'm going to go to grasses select the grass clump which I quite like press B left click and scale up and start painting now once I've filled the ground plane I'm gonna let go it'll create a clump as you can see left and what I'll do next is create a sphere scale a sphere up move it to my location let me just there we go now I'm going to just start animating it straight away so I'm going to go back to frame 1 press s to set a keyframe then go to frame 100 move the ball to the right and it will automatically set a keyframe as I have Auto key set now what I'm going to do next is select the stroke with my sphere together go to generate and make collide now you might have seen something happen around the ball now collisions are activated so if I move to a different frame where the balls moved you can see the grass move around the sphere and voila lovely so let's just undo that to get rid of the keyframe and you can see it's taking a very long time to calculate everything so we're going to just create an Alembic cache to do that we're just gonna press the sphere select the stroke go to cache Alembic cache export selection to Alembic so I've already created an Olympic cache to speed things up so I'm just gonna create my objects hide them by pressing ctrl H going to cache Alembic cache import Alembic select my lambic import and voila now we will have Oh some things left over let me just hide that now we have a perfect smooth animation with the grass collisions to get a great shader all you really need to do is select your grass assign material what you saw earlier was done with that in redshift but at the moment I've got Arnold which is just great as well so create static surface for the base color we're just gonna create a nice green not too green something between yellow there we go bit darker maybe more yellowish there we go beautiful go to our transmission tab bring that's like naught point three four now color we want a nice bright green when the Sun shines through maybe not that bright there we go lovely that's fine for now and let's just give that a test obviously you want to spend a bit more time this was a test I did earlier as you can see when I'm just gonna let this shot render right now of course there is nothing to see because we haven't created a light yet so we're just going to do that quickly while going to the Arnold tab lights and create a quick sky dome lovely now let's give that another shot and voila beautiful and that's it thank you very much and I hope you see you next video goodbye
Channel: Moove
Views: 7,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maya, Paint Effects, Tutorial, Calvin Bacon, Redshift, Arnold, Grass, Collisions, How to, Autodesk, Paint, Effects, Plants, Make Collide
Id: 0i-pdmmT8Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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