How to Animate Grass Waving in Maya

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so this is a short video designed to show how to use the paint effects tool in Maya to create the effect of grass and we're going to do four things we're going to create some grass we're gonna animate it so that it waves in the wind then we're going to finally convert the paint effects into polygons and cash that out so that you've actually got polygons moving in Maya we'll get rid of the original paint effects file and then we're gonna do a little bit of lighting and create a movie file so the paint effects tool is a really really powerful tool in Maya you can create all kinds of stuff with it so let's find it so I'm in Maya 2016 here and I'm going to go to a Windows general editors visor and my 26:20 s17 it's got a different name it's called the content browser so visor has become content browser so let's click on that and you see there's all kinds of stuff you can do here now we could animate if we wanted to we could animate flowers waving in the wind we're going to stick to grass just for now but you could just equally easily use this to create a field of flowers up here so there we go grasses and I'm going to select grass clump and then minimize this window so now let's go ahead and create some grass and to create grass all we have to do is do a stroke like that and we will get some grass now we can't see anything yet so we've got to go ahead and turn it on so let's just go back to their standard select tool because we were in the paint tool just then and under show let's make sure that strokes is turned on we need to see strokes and now you can see whoops just close that out now you can see the grass strokes in the perspective view now you'll see that the grass looks a little small so let's go into the attribute editor and fix that we want to be in mm gasps clunk one in this tab here and if I increase global scale I can make the grass much bigger so now I've got some nice tall grass which is much more the effect that I'm looking for now to to animate the grass we've got to have to go and do some digging in the grass clump one tab so if I scroll down until I get to tubes let me open that up and the sub tab behavior takes me to turbulence Maya doesn't like to make this stuff easy for you and let's turn on grass wind and let's take turbulence up - let's try 0.5 and let's just see what that does let me press play there we go so now I've got the grass blowing in the wind so that's probably a little bit too much that's gonna be a pretty breezy day so let me go to 0.25 it's better let's try 0.1 great okay so that's like I sort of kind of normal kind of not insane kind of hurricane strength but still a breezy day now once we've done that of course you can press play and get the simulation to work anytime but what we want to do now is to convert this into polygons so that we can we don't have to make Maya do the simulation every time you press play for something like this it's fine but the more grass you have in your shot the more it will slow down your shot so let's convert it to polygons now so we go to modify convert paint effects to polygons modify convert paint effects to polygons now if we go ahead and look in outliner windows outliner we should see there we go we've got a polygons group we've got the mesh there but we've still got the the paint effect in our outliner and if I press play there you can see it's still blowing away in the breeze if I try and delete this I've lost my animation so I hurt if it said there to get the animation back now if we want to keep the animation but get rid of the simulation what we need to do is go and export a cache so in order to do this we need to do something slightly different so we need to go to cache Alembic cache export selection to olympic actually before we do that we need to make sure we've got the grass selected so with the grass clump selected let's go ahead and do that again so we go cache Alembic cache export selection to Alembic and let's go into options box just make sure we've got everything set properly and yep the whole timeline and now let's go export selection and that's gonna take it to our geocache I hope it now wants us to name it so let's call this grass geocache and export so now if we look in our projects folder so that's documents Maier project graph wave cache Alembic there it is so now we need to import the geo back into the shot so I'm going to go to file import and let's go up one cache Alembic geocache there it is and let's import that so I'm actually just gonna try and doing this one more time because it's a bit of a fiddly process so let's do this again cache Alembic cache export selection to Olympic and let's call this grass - grass geocache 1 export now it should run there we go now it's running through the simulation in the timeline and cashing it out so this should work correctly so let's not go and pull that back into the shot so we go file import and there we go and I think that's the one I just made so let's import that now into the shop-windows outliner and I should have a separate there we go so now I've got a separate grass clump and if I go ahead and get rid of the first one that I created I should have one now which retains there we go so that clump is now going to retain the original and sure I can go modify center pivot and now we don't have any simulation to slow us down and there it is and of course we can if we want to color it we can apply a lambert so a sign you won't be able to see this but I'm going to assign favorite material lambert so let's call this grass material and then we can make it green or we can upload texture whatever we want to do there we go so something like that and there we have it now of course you can't change the properties now because it's been cached out but it won't slow down your shot you can do is you can do this as many times as you want I mean you can keep going and making more grass and keep running simulation and then convert that into geo as well now if we wanted to do some really simple lighting we could let's see let's create a ground plane polygon primatives plane let's make it ice and big scale it up and let's do some really really simple lighting with physical Sun and sky so I need to go into my render settings there we go make sure we're in mental ray go to scene create physical Sun and sky and now if I go back to my perspective view I can do a quick render and I'm gonna have a very very simple but effective lighting setup physical Sun and sky with some grass so we could create multiple layers of this and then we could do a batch render and export it as a movie file so this is a really really quick way of getting animation on grass you as I say you can do this with leaves on trees you can do this with flowers as well and it's one of the many powerful tools of Maya has to get some animation done in a hurry
Channel: Alexander Williams
Views: 12,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grass, 3D Animation, Paint Effects, Maya
Id: tC-yXs3TBbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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