Grant Imahara's Animatronic Grogu Replica

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DaffyDuckOnLSD 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
more complex than the animatronics is a  bjorn i had babies well here you go okay   i don't put it on i don't remember okay so  i think it's is there a connector over here   wait how does this maggie over here ah i  see it's it's a whole feeling it's a little   feeling it's a whole feeling it's also feeling  this little hairs on my chin right right this is   a completely tactile experience hey everybody  uh adam savage uh here from tessa and i am in   grant imahara's shop with lauren markland who  collaborated with grant on this beautiful child um   oh my god he actually vibrates a little so it  feels like it feels like he's you know really   there like there's something going on uh all right  so talk to me about this collaboration how long   let's just start at the beginning uh three months  which is that sounds like a crazy short period of   time it was a crazy three months uh we got the  model from project 842 okay um and then from   there we you know sort of altered it a little  bit we ended up i know he does fall asleep he'll   fall asleep in the baby bjorn it's we would  work on this and then just both be like oh   because it was so cute right that's like zooming  in and zooming out and so because i can see in   your face like this is your child it really is uh  it was it was three months of sweat and tears uh   no blood luckily yeah good good uh oh maybe a  little bit but uh it was you know it was a lot   of hard work over a short span of time uh and it  was a lot of new things for both of us interesting   grant was really working hard on learning like  maya and and working with rhino and things   like that to both make the interior structures  and also sort of um uh alter his face a little   bit because we wanted to make a little bit more  cute right and so when we're talking about this   we're talking about a silicon a silicon casting  that goes over a hard shell under mechanics and   all of this has to be married to within you know  thousands of an inch it is incredibly precise work   i've seen some early 3d prints up there i see size  tests over here the scale was actually i would say   probably the most tested thing really done yeah  because we wanted to make sure the size was right   so we printed a lot of heads we printed a lot  of uh cardboard mock-ups and did did grant   just like hold these mock-ups and he did oh you  did okay so we would we would print one out and   paste on some cardboard cut it out and then hold  it and this doesn't feel quite right and then   make it a little bit smaller not quite right  and then we finally got to the right size and we   we did want it to be you know holdable or or put  because again he was the intention was to bring   it to kids hospitals right so you know making  sure that it had like a little carrier that it   could fit in and and things like that that's  really integral can we see some of the boxes   yeah of course this is a small one yeah so again  project 842 i believe did all of our 3d models   that's lovely really nice and posable and so you  see we started pretty small and then eventually   we've got a lot of parts in here and this is  just a print a solid print of the whole thing   this isn't taking into account the silicone and  the under mechanics it's just scale testing yep   the ears are so huge because they are huge  and those are actually separate pieces as well   right right they're seamed on um in the silicone  i appreciate the commitment to also printing it in   the neon green yeah he you know how he is he  everything had to be very particular and you   know he really wanted to to get that effect even  when you looked at just the print you know okay so   tell me once you guys decided upon the size then  it's time to design the mechanics to that size   and also figure out how the silicone goes right  so he essentially extrapolated a skull from the   from the original uh a model okay so that whole  thing looks i don't like a horror show uh yes   you can sort of see some of the pieces here  that's part of the skull oh wow we've got some   of the eye mechanisms here for the lids oh wow  look at that it's so pretty oh and this fits in   i think that's the coolest they might  not be mine might not be the same   there we go wow right i know for some people this  is nightmare fuel for me it's just like super it's   actually really cute yeah he's quite cute with  and without skin which is a weird thing to say   but it really is true especially  when he gets the the eyes fully in it   it looks like a little gremlin which i'm into  i love that so it sounds like within the three   months slug of like burning through to get this  done there's also like all these moments of like   i can't believe how cute it is yeah oh yeah 100  all right so once you've got the underskull and   the mechanics and these all sort of are playing  well together there's still the huge problem   of getting them to work with silicone yes  so from there we we essentially had a core   and a a mold so we did this a lot we did it with  a um a silicone we we uh a syringe so we injected   everything oh okay so we actually had 3d printed  i don't know if we have any of the cores here   um 3d printed molds we did do 3d  printing molds oh that's beautiful so you can sort of see on the interior  his face here and this is sla incredible   so there would be a so these two pieces would go  together and a core would go inside and the core   is precisely the shape of the mating  surfaces for all the mechanics yep   so what a great oh and a guitar base  as well so we would inject through this way oh right so it's really specific so you'd  inject through a port at the bottom these four yes   okay wow oh my god lauren that is brilliant  is this a process you guys have tried before   this is the first time grant and i had tried  this process together so it was very much a uh   a learning process yeah you know like i've made a  lot of different kinds of molds never 3d printed   molds is sort of the first four right into that  but yeah it was it was the first time for like   this first time for for a lot of things for both  of us for him it was more on the 3d printing side   or 3d modeling side rather with brian rhino and  for me it was um and and doing molds and things   like that yeah and doing all of that in a computer  because he was so used to doing it physically   right you know yeah um and for me it was first  time working with silicone and doing hair punching   of this scale you know casting it with a with  this kind of mold and then doing the painting and   all of 10 hours of hair punching 10 hours straight  his little history oh my god i mean the fact that   you got to this point in three months when it  was the first time for both of you trying all   these processes is absolutely astounding to me  it is an incredible achievement it was long days   a lot of long days i can feel his battery has  worn out yeah he's tired he's he does get sleepy   normally he does his cycle he's got one animation  cycle right now where he sort of will wake up   and then get sleepy he'll get excited to see you  and then he'll sort of fall asleep again it's   i know it's a lot to handle because there's  so much love in that in that arc of like the   interaction i just really dig it we had the whole  the whole conversation of airbrush use because   it's all airbrushed silicone so we used a lot of  naphtha to thin it out essentially we use psycho   paint in different tones and and you kind of have  to think of it in translucent layers as opposed   to regular painting it must change your whole  mindset about color getting the color balance   it's really reverse you have to think in sort of  filters wow so he's got a lot of different tones   on him you can see if you look close he's got a  lot of like blue and his wrinkles and his skin is   quite translucent we wanted to make sure if he has  like light coming behind it you can see through   the ears so it really does feel that sort of  like fleshy cartilaginous yeah structure you know   it sounds uh it sounds dumb to say i'm impressed  but like when i tackle a project uh that's even   close to this kind of complexity i still don't  end up doing near the amount of iteration that   you guys did and it's like it's a fully sort of  like almost film studio level of iteration that   you guys did with all these pings and the painting  tests and everything and the the fact that you did   in three months i'm still a little like it makes  me tired just thinking about it uh yeah were you   also working a full-time job at the time no i was  working fully for granted okay so a lot of uh you   know actually we had met through working here at  faunco and uh you know it was grant coming to me   after an already long day and uh and saying hey do  you want to help me build a darth vader cowboy hat   he he really i'm so thankful for every for just  everything that we did together and you know like   one of the things that if i could pass on  what he taught me was even if you don't   have confidence in yourself if this is a new  thing you're trying if you're making something   if you're just getting into into the industry  or just making this as a hobby you know like   believe in yourself because somebody  else does the people that care about you   will believe in you no matter what and  that's kind of all you need sometimes   that's lovely a lot of what we did was for other  people you know is to either help them with with   the performance or make them happy or or you know  bb was for kids and and grow group was for kids   and you know a lot of that so much of what we did  and so much of what grant really loved doing was   incorporating steam so you know science technology  art robotics and math to you know really put   a lot of whimsy into people's lives and that  was so important to him through these wonderful   creations that we got to make and i'm like it  still feels like a dream really yeah and so   to have spent the time making these things yeah  so i mean i feel the whimsy even from here right   like it's just i remember seeing that first  video that he put up of this and i was just   absolutely gobsmacked there's so much um emotion  and and and not humanity personality personality   like on one level a lot of what we do in film is  we make stuff look like it's real but it's totally   the farthest thing from real imaginable but with  the bb-8 and with this guy you guys really sought   to make something that both looked real on camera  but also looked real when you were standing right   in front of it touching it and putting your hands  on it and that's a level that film rarely gets to   and it's a whole nother level of engineering but  i really appreciate the the engineering for the   experience oh for sure well we don't have a  you know a a whole post-production crew to do   it for us right right you know when we take when  you know the plan was to take these things out   to see people in person that experience really  has to sell yeah and and incorporating all of   the the things tactile make sure the the  programming is just so subtle uh that you   get that like sort of slow fall back asleep  and like like a puppy you know when you see a   puppy that's too tired it's sort of its head is a  little bit too heavy and it it falls over like it   takes my guard goes down watching it watching this  child do that and then i'm just like i'm along for   the ride it's an actual thing in the room okay  i just lauren it's so beautiful the paint job   is so subtle and i can't even tell you guys how  cute these little hands feel it's a masterpiece   thank you i can't believe you let me wear this  thank you it feels great my loads feels great you
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 335,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby yoda, grant imahara, the mandalorian, star wars, the child, grant imahara mythbusters, animatronic baby yoda, adam savage, adam savage tested, adam savage grant imahara, lauren markland, grant imahara the child, animatronic baby yoda video, baby yoda replica, the child replica, grogu replica, grant imahara baby yoda, grant imahara grogu, grant imahara robot, mandalorian props, mandalorian prop replicas, baby yoda robot
Id: nfYBlBNreCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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