FULL EPISODE Grandpa in My Pocket - Poorly Pansy Petunia | Series 5

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was another sunny day in sunny San adapt the mill on the marsh there was great excitement because mr. mentor had invented a new game called pinky ponky boo pinky ponky boo what do I have to do three one two three we all wanted to know what Josh had to do I'm thinking bulky boo told me I have to dance show some cool moves Josh come on up you get just then aunt Joyce came downstairs to change a bed so quickly I'll be expecting a new guest then yes last-minute booking just one single lady shouldn't be too much bother I'm sure we're barely know she's here sounds like her now Uncle CJ open the front door and in cave miss pansy petunia lovely to meet you I'm Jules I don't shake hands you might have germs oh did you have a good journey no the flight was a disaster I'm sure i sat next to a man with germs oh dear sorry to hear that let me take your case to your room come and meet the rest of the family there's grandpa my niece and nephew won't be the dog you have old people children and animals yeah I didn't realize that I couldn't possibly meet them they might have germs so Armijo's took miss pansy petunia into the kitchen instead and gave her team cake that should make you feel better oh not a bit of it I'm feeling very poorly my head is thumping my tummy is gurgling and my water bottle has got cold yes this was what it was like looking after Barney panting petunia auntie Jules had an idea if you're that poorly perhaps you should see a doctor doctors I've seen hundreds of doctors they all say there is nothing the matter with me doctors are usually right not in my case they are old fools [Music] mr. Mensa came to say goodbye I've come to say goodbye when she saw him miss pansy petunia forgot all about feeling poorly is it it can't be surely it is mr. mentor the inventor the most remarkable inventor in the universe so this and you are miss tansy petunia one of your biggest fans don't touch me you might give me germs [Music] well that must be off Cheerios [Music] after all the excitement of meeting mr. mentor I'm feeling very poorly I need to lie down now I'll show you to your room oh it must have a big window and a balcony said the germs can escape do you have a room like that I mean a sitting room so since the sitting room look like this anything else you need yes I want you to disinfect everywhere in case there are any germs I'll get my rubber gloves and this is gone cold leave it with me we'd been sent down to the kitchen without pinky ponky boom game I don't understand it the middle of the marsh is perfectly clean we don't have any germs do we Wolfie do you think that miss pansy petunia is really poorly or is she just a terrible worrier I think she's a terrible worrier she seems perfectly fine to me she's seen hundreds of doctors and they all said there's nothing the matter with her doctors are usually right the only person she seems to like is mr. mental the inventor well if he can invent a machine there told her there's nothing the matter with her it might put her mind at rest CJ that's a brilliant idea I'll vote mr. mentor now and ask him if he can invent one for us ten all help them to uh or my bike see I'm not just a pretty face I think I'll come with you Jason this is a tricky job and the more help mr. mentor gets the better I will if I'm in Jason's pocket [Music] just about everywhere and tides in funny places always go [Music] and the sunnylands train [Music] keep and make mrs. ostrich fly but today he was going in Jason's pockets go grandpa mr. Mendel was starting work straightaway oh I see grandpa's gone for a little lie-down I don't blame him [Music] and soon chastening grandpa at mr. mantis lighthouse this is such fun I've never invented something that can tell you what the matter is I really hope it works if miss pansy petunia can stop thinking she's poorly she can get out and have a nice holiday [Music] mr. doesn't just invent things he meant words to rumba jumped out of Jason's pocket I'm watching no it's just that there are germs everywhere it's making me feel very poorly indeed how are you planning to stay till I feel better and that could take a very long time back at the lighthouse the invention was soon finished I'm going to call it my wizzy Woodill some what's the matter chatter oh now we must test it just now you stand in front of it like so so Jason stood ready I missed her Mendte press the button grandpa was crossing fingers time we had a natter time we did some chatter time for you to tell us if something is the matter here's my bit of chatter there's a lot the matter you have locked up no 0 Z 2 Z itis 0 Z 2 Z itis that sounds very serious oh you poor thing oh no no there's nothing the matter with me that means the adventure is not working properly oh I see oh well that's a relief maybe you need some time to think about it why don't we look out the window I will wait Brittany oh so idea my inventions often stopped working but I'm looking out of the window this was grandpa's chance to help he ran across the floor jumped onto the table and climbed into the invention after a few moments Jason turned round to see if grandpa was ready and he was I think we've waited long enough are you ready to try again absolutely grandpa got right inside so he couldn't be seen and mr. mentor pressed the button on time we had a net time we did some chatter time for you to tell us if something is the matter here's my bit of chatter nothing is the matter which is true Oh ridiculous it works who you were right you just needed a bit of time to think about it thanks mr. mentor but I better begin Potamus plans petunia oh yes you must Oh best of luck and do give up my love so Jason gave miss pansy petunia then what's the matter Chatterer mr. mentor inventive especially for me actually it was my idea you chat to it and it tells you what the matter is if mr. mentor invented it it's bound to be correct he is the most remarkable inventor in the universe yes we know Jason pressed the button time we had NASA time we did some chatter time for you to tell us if something is the matter here's my bit of chatter nothing is the matter are you sure absolutely nothing is the matter with miss pansy petunia and there are no germs at the mill on the marsh germs is that fantastic news no there's nothing the matter with me I'm not feeling better in my life I'm going to go to the lighthouse and thank mr. mentor I'll give you a lift in camp Oh oh yeah she's still wearing her nightie I bet so I'll brushed on two jewels as soon as it was safe grandpa jumped out of the wizzy Buddhism what's the matter chatter ah [Music] we did we did just like old times eh keeper keeper [Music]
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 10,257,557
Rating: 3.7691491 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket full episodes youtube, grandpa shrinking cap, josh and elsie, popular kids tv show, comedy kids tv, popular kids show, funny video kids, cbeebies, cbeebies grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket new episodes, grandpa in my pocket new full episodes, grandpa in my pocket series 5, grandpa in my pocket series 5 full episodes, pansy petunia, grandpa in my pocket series 5 episode 2
Id: 4D08mjFYWhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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