Sins | FULL MOVIE | Action, Thriller | Danny Glover

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what do you say what do you say what are you waiting for kill me bastard that's what you want today than you [ __ ] money [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] ohe [Music] foreign get fore fore fore [Music] fore foree speee fig [ __ ] [ __ ] don't waste good curses on Little Things oh nobody usually pays attention thank you you speak English not uh very well you're uh American uh s franisco oh love the minut it father Leonard are you sure I I just recently been ordained I'm not right really used to the uh idea yet you just uh uh you just become a a priest uh and now you're not you're uh do you like it no no don't don't don't misunderstand had to do this I mean I want to serve Christ it's it's just that uh in the past my life is full of uh torment and and brutal ity so it it sometimes it I I wonder who am I to act so so right upright and high and mighty and Pious and thinking that everything I do is devoted to good what are you in Italy Leonard is is the is the tormented the past I wasn't a good Christian in San Francisco I wasn't a good person at all my entire life was spent mugging stealing bullying vandalizing I was a tough guy thought that violence was the only way to obtain what I wanted but something happened I had done something terrible ran to church to hide out and then the f came all of a sudden I was overcome by this wish to leave everything behind and become a priest in a completely born country oh here I am but are you alone no I started off and gang safety by numbers you know and I became older more powerful I could do no wrong I became leader so how long were you living in Rome 2 years and very left two years this a American woman SS several seats in front of us a husband was murdered in front of her many years ago and she still hasn't find Moment's Peace I ran into her in Rome I knew she was looking for me and in a way I was looking for her she's followed me since as if I could provide answers we all haunted fire [Music] [Music] pass [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] oh my God wasn't that amazing I mean he's he's so romantic and Antonio looks really good I mean you know really should get back to Italy again well well we can you know William and his brother used to go every summer time and time again to spend time with his father's family there in Tuscany didn't you sweetheart mhm and you would fly in every other weekend every two weekends or so spent a couple days with Dad and then you zip off to Milano for shopping well but darling your father inherited his money I had to go work for mine oh that's true by the way that's really true she's a hard acte to follow you know that she was a cocktail waitress when she met him on a business trip here of course he immediately fell for her look at that face and then uh he loaned her the money to start up his the the accessory company that she started you know which featured a very very popular handbag clever handbag came on the redge she got featured in Vogue magazine Donna Karen was a fan anyway he made his money back in 6 months and then he figured he better marry the girl smart guy and then uh I guess she ended up making more money than he did well now listen not really no he was my anchor there's a saying that behind every great woman there was a great man yeah it's true wait a minute it's the other way around isn't that me it works both ways it works both ways see that's why because I have two exceptional women in my life that's why I'm so lucky and business I'll be back I got to go to the John and uh you guys go to the concession and I'll meet you back here oh dear don't forget where we are no no no [Music] another stimulating anything with your socialite mother and your ambitious wife okay you leave them of this they have no interest in my business okay your mother's on board of that museum you could have easily move this stuff through her High fluen friends let me explain something to you everything that we did under the past all those fun and games that's exactly what it is it's in the past now my mother has always been too busy working she never kept track of what I did so I helped you so we made a a lot of money I don't feel good about it and my wife Deborah whoa she's all over this I mean she's way too smart and asks a lot of questions and she's been bugging me forever about that boat and what am I supposed to do tell her the truth that you swindled some guy that you that that you that you manipulated and blackmailed a guy to get out of that huh hey [ __ ] I got that ship out of Italy out of Egypt hey you say cool don't worry it'll disappear we'll make a fortune now you got the right connections even your mother hell your mother might buy it I paid a lot of people off you're going to make me hold the bag okay okay we we got to go back in okay what you you probably don't even have a ticket what are you doing here anyway come on man this is never going to work for us never listen my life's changed everything is traceable now it's not like the old days where that there was no internet man I can be exposed and I can't risk that my dad's dead and God remember he was the only one who could protect me and you and us if anything went wrong but now he's gone I got to run the family business and my wife my wife she's a smart cookie man she's all over this she wants to run for political office and there's no stopping her I'm a change man I have to be I told you that's why I told you to not to make that's why I told you to marry a dumb young chick then you wouldn't have to worry about your wife and what she has to say Hey you cannot tell me what to do don't tell me what to do you always doing that you're going to tell me who to marry huh you're going to tell me who what mother I should have why don't you go and get yourself alive and get out of my life please please stop following me around showing up every everywhere and and and stalking me like some weed that like refuses to be exterminated he [ __ ] maybe you're the one who needs to be exterminated here okay you were just wonderful just wonderful oh would you know I could always count on you to take care of my husband to keep him for being a bad boy a bad boy oh I hope that doesn't run in the family dear you know we're going to be back in Italy again soon have to come visit us yeah soon enough soon enough but we should let him get dressed we should go on to the party yeah cuz this guest of honor can't be late to your own party right right wonderful you were just wonderful so all right girls I know that the Italians like to eat LS but yeah you know that my digestion doesn't sit well with that okay but we have to let the ladies have a little bit of fun James I want you to meet me here at one o00 okay turn around so I can see your face what no no no I don't know it if I have what she's looking for is there a fair answer I know but all sins can be forgiven [Music] [Music] fore fore [Music] spee [Laughter] [Music] foree [Music] foree fore [Music] foree resistance of fore fore spee okay fore spe for my boy see for [Laughter] [Music] foree Fore foreo [Music] [Music] for for no this spee I know you wouldn't disappoint me what are you talking about how you Kidd me man you see this beautiful country look at that I'm blessed I can't believe that I am from this country it's mine I promised my mama I would bring her back one day but not before I cleaned it up and then those [ __ ] those sons of [ __ ] came to Chicago the hush me I me up I me up S years that's right sir 7 years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 what' they get nothing what will they get nothing they don't deserve it I deserve it my family deserves it what are they going to do challenge me okay okay pow pow pow po okay take a shot take a shot you know why because they're weak and stupid their men are up for grabs their businesses are suffering they don't hesitate to shoot my guys they were smart they would have shot me right thank you never disappointed me ever so what do you want us to do I want you to get me back my city that's what I want time is now you Infiltrate The cellos okay it's like a bed bug sleep with them [ __ ] with them [ __ ] them find out what they like to eat who they hate who they love who they cherish what they think or they [ __ ] you find their weakness remember uh Troy the horsey very smart that's what I need a gift horse or that [ __ ] out and when we find that weakness I the end you understand absolutely clear sir perfect Shia Smoky bad for you kill us all Africa okay okay okay okay fore foreign for fore [Music] fore fore foreign forign speech for foree for speee fore foree [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well it's always good to clear the mine and frankly I couldn't bear this train ride but I'd have someone to chat with [Music] well she's looking at me Carlo where you from Belo ah [ __ ] my father went through there in the second world war under General Patton they liberated poo went on to massina Kat agento Syracuse all through Sicily and as kids they brought us there on vacation we retraced his steps I never had so much fun I loved Syracuse I loved Sicily I think Sicily is the most beautiful place in the world you think I've I've exaggerated you know who felt the same way was gir said the same thing as I did [Music] got that's right the writer philosopher scientist one of the greatest minds of all time you know what he said he said you can come to see Italy but if you haven't seen Sicily then you haven't seen Italy because Sicily Sicily is the clue for everything he studied the Arts the Antiques the architecture went through poo and researched the perfect archetypes of plants and flowers and God do I ramble I'm father Carl you are David canol it well you know what I think I don't think you're going to have any trouble staying here I think you're going to like it you can Leave the World Behind you'll find peace of mind here I only ask that you trust me you couldn't find a safer place in the world here in the arms of San Sebastiano and with me you'll have my ear always anytime you feel like talking and if you choose to take confession I'm a curious person I I've always found people to be fascinating and my feelings are that you are a sincere and honest man May maybe just got a little unlucky but here you be safe you'll find peace and we have a lot of work to do I think you're going to manage notice we need to paint up here if you in my shoes what do you think you've done well I started to fish in the San Francisco Bay because I was [Laughter] hung and did you do this before or after you ruined my life I said did you start to fish before or after what what are you saying what about the money for the boat where'd you get it deah wait a minute how dare you don't you ever call me by my name Mrs is Lewis I'm the Widow Lewis remember cuz you always thought you were right you never right you never will be now look at this he you like that running away please please go don't V dear God please forgive me you feel the coward of a man you recognized me you knew full well who I was you still didn't have the nerve to come up and talk to me where you guts [ __ ] come on you know we know you have plenty of guts you have plenty of guts to kill another human being especially when the money was good so come on do it again do it come on do it do it do it do it much did you get where's the watch did you sell that watch the watch I gave him did you sell it father now he's praying now you're praying does he listen to you is God there listening to you why wasn't he there when I needed him [Music] [Music] what what do you want me to do please please say say something what what what do you want of me what can I do what what do you expect of me you be damned and may be God's will I don't understand I want you to do something good with your life I want you to make his death something of significance what you doing now I want you to earn his [Music] forgiveness you're going to be scourged I swear to you I'm going to dare you aart with my own [Music] [Music] hands [Music] have you anything more to say priest I have nothing more to say I I understand everything [Music] we I realize we're all looking for the same [Music] thing [Music] [Music] show is over oh Gra yes I did that poor woman well you know my story that beat I can say that it's been a fruitful Journey uh but I have only one regret you know what I won't be able to listen to your story for foree K people don't like fore spee spech fore fore speech foreign foree DAV oh Shane fore spe spe fore okay no problem l l l joh out John Jo Jo sh about okay yes Su CH spee spee [Music] for Fore [Music] for foreign foreign fore foreign foreign forign speech [Music] foreign foreign foreign fore spee fore [Music] fore I can speech foreign speech [Laughter] spee speee fore fore fore to [Music] very for fore spe spee fore spee [Laughter] forell no no [Music] for okaye [Music] okay spe yor foree for you need something what do you want you want a drink no all right this Roberto he's a good man my name is John manino remember that that is Luigi he works with me he's kind of a spy that's his job he's very good at it he goes out and finds out things I need to know he's been checking up on some of your new friends at tellos yeah he finds out what they think and where they go and whom they trust and whom they don't and things like that he comes back back and he tells me and I listen and I listen and I listen and and then sometimes I go H what's the word for it a discrepancy yeah that's it discrepancy so you see there's this woman and she's been hanging around all the time with them showing up here in there for no reason being very friendly and she introduced herself by a different name she calls herself Adele and I'm wondering who is this woman why is she doing that how did she get there because it's not easy to get in with a people like that a bunch like that then I find out cuz little secrets are easy her real name not the one she introduced herself by is Maria yes I'm Maria okay so then we find out that Maria has had a terrible tragedy something horrible her husband murdered so I wonder why is she hanging around with these people hanging around these people being so friendly and nice and being around them and all the time showing up at all their parties and this and that and then him he's very clever he says what if those people are the ones that murdered her husband I said well then why would she hang around with killers and murderers these people did this terrible thing my goodness why that's what you want well you know Luigi is very very clever he kind of figured that anyway inen don't you worry okay cuz it's all right Luigi wants a flower but he can't have one for [Music] you [Music] for spee fore for Fore for spee Mar listen I'm not a man who menes words I'm not in a gener generous mood and I'm not the giftgiving type okay so here it is everything I do I expect reciprocation and I'll give you what you need for your revenge okay together we'll Wipe Out the cortell family from in the face of the map right now there's one problem you're a woman I'm not inclined to have a woman do what I'm asking you to do because quite frankly girls are kind of emotional so if you're going to do this from this point on don't consider yourself a woman anymore you can be a mother when you want to be when you're not with me when you're with me you have no lovers your lover is a gun and you're my weapon and I can use that however right please whenever right please and return your son and you will never want for anything ever again I promise but they don't want your son to know anything about it okay said that get done [Music] [Laughter] [Music] for [Music] [Music] see Mig oh Miguel spee foreign foreign [Music] fore spee spee for for [Music] okaye [Music] look at they on one foree spee speee foreign speee come for foree foreign but you really she she there good see the welcome been a long time very nice to see you I don't think there's any this understanding at all I don't think I've ever pointed a gun at you have I fact I know that hasn't happened I just um I'm happy to see you I've been looking for you for 2 years now you're here and you you look great and I need some help how do you think somebody's going to kill you I just have a few things I need cleaned up and I was thinking you were going to help me do that and you know that's all I'm asking I just have an old score to settle and you don't have anything to do with them anymore right you know what you so jumpy about he's so nervous about excited and scared and nervous and sitting over there what do you think someone I invited to my house we're having drinks we're having a conversation we're just talking about things and I need you to help me with something and not a single time since we've been here have you ever once said to me hey John nice to see you good to see you how have you been that's just rude why do you want to be rude [ __ ] [ __ ] you didn't kill anybody I know the real story you and your guys you pointed your guns and you point your gun the other way you guys were going to shoot him in the head and you didn't do it I don't know how why cuz you didn't do your job but you didn't pull the trigger you didn't kill him so how can I be mad at you in fact I'm now I'm I'm indebted I'm de it to you no no no no you think I'm joking you thinking you think you here to joke around you say you say you okay okay all right get up see how easy it was all I [Laughter] wanted a simple equation just a little friendship okay you go and you look after Maria okay like a like a bodyguard I need you to do that between the two of us you got to look after her and make sure that she's doing the thing that I told her to do right you trust me yeah you see okay okay all right I got to go through some [ __ ] all right for speech fore spee spee for spe spe speech foreign speech foreign fore spee spee spee oh oh we s have you always been you know where did you leave Kat it's always on your mind you don't even know my story true but I can see your Agony like the woman's I our pain prevents us from becoming all who we can be I'm about to get off well we're coming into minina and you still have a long way to go to Kat for and in the end [Music] somehow our pass is similar I was wondering do you think you you'll be able toate your [Music] s what do you mean by that [Music] but I couldn't sleep what brings you here curious curious for God you have God now yeah you you're a free man now you can go back to your life you don't want to stay here with a boring priest you've done your work break back work in the hot sun you don't have to stay here anymore go back to that life Mena men God sets us free he works a mysterious ways sometimes we don't understand always but we have to keep the faith and trust in [Music] him David you pounded on my door in the middle of the night and and I thought it was urgent but there's another reason isn't there David David are you going to kill me David [Music] how much time do I [Music] have you're here to do it yourself David why are you [Music] why what we said was in the manner of confession it's the secrecy of a [Music] priest but if it weren't you would be someone else am I right and if you don't do it then they'll kill you it's all right my son I understand you have a future ahead of you I've already served my purpose you made a decision and you have to you have to do what you need to do you're a good man [Music] David you're a good man man he'll surely be given God's forgiveness in any case I give you mine in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost dear God be with this man and give him the strength and the courage to carry on and may thy will not our be done always here take this my brother for no oh God D pleaseed don't lose heart Redemption is is in the reach of everyone sometimes you have to pay dearly for it but I feel you're ready for it I'm speaking for experience believe me Miracles are possible Kat is ready to forgive you I know the woman you love is also ready to forgive you whatever she is [Music] sh for fore [Music] fore foree [Music] for [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 10,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, danny glover, full movie, free movie on youtube, danny glover movies, free full movie, free movie on youtube full movie, sins movie, sins full movie, sins danny glover, sins 2012, sins 2012 full movie, 2012 sins, action movie
Id: nqFKzohbL3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 55sec (5035 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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