We Were Told To Leave The National Forest In Arizona - First Time In 3 Years As A Nomad

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everyone good morning just waking up making some coffee we're going to be pulling out of here today and going to a new location there's kind of a story about why i was not planning on leaving here for another couple few weeks but we have to go we've been told we have to leave i'm gonna take a lot of flack for this video but i'm gonna i'm gonna post it because this is for me it's a unique situation what happened here and i want to share it with everyone load of coffee smells good [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all right well we're pulling out because we've been told to leave okay here we go here we go oh buddy i didn't think about that he's sitting right in front of y'all i'm gonna have to move the position of the camera make it lefty proof well this kind of stinks um so we're going to be driving over this is the kaibab national forest we're going to go to the coconino national forest which is right down the road it's just saying to dottie and tara it took us it took me longer to pack the truck up than it's going to take for us to drive to the new camp okay that's a little better so let me tell you the story about why we're why we're leaving here so we've been to this area this is the fourth time that we've camped in this area in this exact area and the other three times we stayed uh had no contact with any of the the forest rangers um now this time we came and we were here we we got here on a saturday and a week in two days on monday so we had been here nine days this ranger pulled up to me and just so happened that a guy jim uh that i know a friend from the channel he had stopped by and him and i were standing outside chatting and this ranger pulled up and said that they were going around to everyone to make sure that everybody was aware of the 14-day stay policy and i said yes i am and he said so where are you planning on going next and i said i really don't know maybe utah i don't really have any plans and he said so he goes when did you get here and i said seven days ago and he said really you sure about that and i said wait a second what's today monday said i said no nine days ago he goes you sure about that because we've got video of you i said no i'm absolutely positive of that i have it in my calendar i was i came here a week ago saturday and he said uh so okay well i'll take your word for it and while we're talking he's getting communications over his radio and you know talking to his little mic there on the shoulder and he's got bulletproof vest on and he's you know he's geared up here and the ranger never talked to me now until this ranger pulled up and talked to me i have never i've never had a conversation with a forest ranger or a blm i'm not sure what they're called their titles but i've never had anyone come up and talk to us about our camping not even to just chit chat i've never i've never had any contact with with any of those personnel so this guy like i said he talked to me after i'd been here nine days told me that i had a clean camp and he wasn't going to bother me yesterday he pulled up i was outside i was cleaning the air filter on the bike and he pulled up and he said didn't i talk to you the other day and i'm like oh yeah early last week you talked to me he goes didn't i tell you about the 14 day policy and i said yeah he said well what do you why are you still here and i was i was dumbfounded because i'm here because you told me you weren't going to bother me if i stayed long and i said i'm don't really have any plans to go anywhere else i'm waiting for weather to improve in other places uh before i move on and so he went on to inform me that i was breaking a federal law and it was it was an arrestable offense staying over 14 days and i said i said really i did not know that and i i didn't again in three years almost three years of traveling i've never had contact with any of the the rangers he told me that i could be arrested for what i'm doing and cattle guard and so he i could hear on his radio that he had called in my license plate and she was uh the the woman on the other end of the radio was to i heard my name and it's a no 2002 ford and you know so he was running my plates then he wanted my id and you know i just i have not yet gotten to the point where i immediately go and grab a camera when this kind of stuff happens and i know i need to get better about that uh the picture that i have dottie took it from their camp over next to us so i don't have any camera footage or audio unfortunately and i really wish i did i wish i had audio of the first meeting with him where he said he wasn't gonna bother me you know definitely i was over two weeks i was uh i was two weeks and five days yesterday so absolutely i was over two weeks but just going on historical i've never been bothered i've never been bothered on the last three visits here i've already spent about but uh four or five hundred bucks in town between grocery shopping and diesel and showers and water and and i would continue to do that if i was still camped here so he got my id ran all that i'm not you know wanted or anything so he came back and gave it back to me he laid it on the chair because he didn't want to come around near where left he was because lefty was raising holy heck um he said well he goes well you you look like a decent guy here's what uh here's what i can do for you he said i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do anything other than i'm gonna give you 24 hours to leave the kaibab forest and i said done deal so that was at 1 pm yesterday it's 10 am the next day we're leaving the kaibab forest we're going to go 27 miles down the road to the coconino national forest and we're going to camp there i it just really surprised me the whole thing really surprised me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well there we are and we want to end up over there and this used to be the road but they have it all torn up so they've got this little detour here i don't know that it shows up the angles and everything but it's quite a steep dip right here and then okay and then a really off camber climb back up onto the road and then it continues on so just this little section right here is uh the challenge i don't like the high center because it's so built up in the center if there was no people around i'd grab my shovel and clear that but there's a bunch of people around construction over this way looks like somebody already scraped and broke something here see this pile this mound in the middle i wish that wasn't there all right let's do it what the heck what are we gonna do they're probably watching me thinking you know what kind of wackadoodle is this guy over here trying to clear the road come on buddy let's do it come on i wouldn't be surprised if we do a little bit of scraping you know okay sugar i'm putting it in gear we're gonna do this all right wish us luck good luck i'll talk to you soon sugar i love you bye easy [Music] yeah we dragged i knew it it's okay i thought we're just gonna pull over and check some stuff okay hold on oh yeah we dragged the uh trailer hedge not a big deal it was soft dirt i knew it was going to happen i could get out there with a shovel and flatten that out a lot of rocks right here you've arrived so here's our new camp so this area 20 about 27 miles from where we just were it's definitely drier here um the ground is drier you know where we were it was there was a lot of very rich loamy earth and this is just dryer so a lot of pine obviously i don't see anyone else where we are i didn't i saw one group that was camped like right as we came into this area like right at the beginning of it uh and then that's it i haven't seen anyone else so thanks for coming along on this little trip and hearing the story about my encounter with the forest ranger [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Campulance Man
Views: 304,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, rv life, nomad, rv living, full time, tiny house, full time rving, rv living full time, travel, rv travel, campervan, overland, minimalism, rv camping, camper, lifestyle, camper van, fulltime, truck camper, vanlife, tiny camper, nomadic fanatic, boondocking, free camping, cheaprvliving, ultimate MX hauler, cheap rv living, ambulance conversion, ambulance rv, klx250, solar, RV solar, off grid, ford, powerstroke, GPX Moto, TSE250, vancity, solar air conditioning, foresty forest
Id: xnXfrOKAmcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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