Granblue Fantasy Relink INTO DEPTH - AI SBA Team BREAKTHROUGH!

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AI SBA Team BREAKTHROUGH! What's up, guys? This is Darkbblue, a gamer who loves Souls-Like games, looter games, and every game that involves build-making! Do you still think the AI allies in GBFR are merely a worse substitution when you can't go co-op? But no. AIs have their own advantages. Check out this new major breakthrough of AI team composition. Super fast SBA charge and highly controllable 2+2 SBA link. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Now let's dive right into it. This entire solution is comprised of a build, a team composition, and a way to control AIs' SBA behaviour. My method is based on the reference shown now. But I have made important contribution in putting them together in a reasonable and non-trivial manner. Let's first see the build. Key sigils: lvl 45 Uplift to max out SBA charge. Lvl 30 Linked Together, to increase the dmg of SBA link and link time charge because we do 2+2 chain stead of full chain. After the two key sigils are satisfied, you can further have some skill cooldown or Nimble Onslaught for more SBA charge. And don't forget the basic dmg cap and DPS sigils. This build fully exploits the survivability advantage of AIs. AIs can perfect dodge almost everything. You can't. You need to equip more sigils for suvivability, leaving no room for Uplift and Linked Together, which shows why AIs have unique advantages compared to co-op. Next let's talk about team composition. You need characters with Conduction: redistributing one's own SBA gauge to others, granting some additional gauge at the same time. Among all Conduction characters, Lancelot may be the best. He can deal decent dmg and freeze for control. The Captain and Charlotta are your second choices. The Captain has slow for control but deals less dmg and charges SBA gauge slighly more slowly. Charlotta has the opposite features. You can choose according to your own decision. Do you need as many Conductions as possible? No. I suggest two Conductions instead. You can have any character for manual control, two Conduction AIs, and any AI that is generally good. Having two Conduction AIs is able to perfectly create two groups for 2+2 SBA link. Having three Conduction AIs can indeed grant you the best SBA charge speed. But I haven't found when this is really required. As for single Conduction AI, it's a bad choice because this Conduction AI itself will suffer from slow SBA charge. Don't use single Conduction unless you manually control the Conduction character. All in all, I use Eugen, Lancelot and Charlotta. Eugen can do paralysis control. Now finally, it's time for how to control AIs to do 2+2 SBA link. As you may know, you can switch between two SBA strategies through the emotion palatte. But they are not very useful by default You need to go to settings. Change the behavior under reserved to not using SBA at all, and the behavior under auto to using SBA immediately. After these setting chages, now you can halt the use of SBA when switching to reserved. If you switch to auto, AIs will try to use SBA more actively. But they still tend to finish their own combo before doing SBA. So it's better to switch to auto in advance. Don't try to push the limit as it's likely to fail. Now to perform 2+2 SBA link, do SBA yourself and switch to auto. When an AI has done the link, switch back to reserved. After the first 2-chain is finished, switch to auto again to do the second 2-chain. Similarly, you can put your manual character in the second 2-chain or be the second order in one 2-chain. Let's see some combat records to demonstrate the validity of my method. Note that my AIs are not well progressed yet. They only use the weakpoint dmg weapon and many tier V sigils instead of V+ ones. But still, I can achieve impressive results. In this Proto Bahamut record, I pushed him to close to 30% HP before entering the green stage. And I also skipped the entire final DPS check stage. The overal time is only slightly over 5min. In this Automagod fight, I skipped two Overdrive rampage and finished the fight within 5min. If you ask me, I think the most important impact of this team is that it makes every character capable of skipping Overdrive. Normally, you need strong control and the ability of DPS burst to skip Overdrive, which not possessed by every character in this game. But now by 2+2 SBA link, every character can skip Overdrive perfectly. I believe this video and the method can bring the new age of AI teams. AIs have unique advantages. If you like my story or want to join me into depth of games, remember to like and subscribe. Thanks for watching. See you around.
Channel: Darkbblue
Views: 2,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darkbblue, INTO DEPTH, Review, ACT, JRPG, Granblue Fantasy, Granblue Fantasy Relink, ARPG
Id: hVXwC3A6fc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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