Gran Turismo 7 Has the Strangest AI I've Ever Seen

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the AI in Gran Turismo 7 is not very good [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know quite a hard take and very brave for me to say but the truth is that anyone who's played this game already knows that when it comes to single player racing you're in for a bad time but at the very least a disappointing time but how do we get here the AI in Gran Turismo has been so consistently bad for such a long time that it's honestly kind of impressive in the earlier games they had a tendency to be a bit erratic but they weren't much different from other games around that time so in my view the issues really started to come into focus on Gran Turismo 4 where there's severe lack of awareness started to become a little more noticeable through the PlayStation 3 era they did improve in that respect but something even more worrying began to take hold they got really slow as in getting beaten by a tuned Suzuki gsxl4 in the GT World Championship kind of slow I know this because I managed to do it myself when it came to purely their speed Gran Turismo 6 was for certain than the deer series but here we are with Gran Turismo 7 still dealing with these same old issues however what I think most people don't appreciate is just how ridiculous the AI can get when you really dig into it it's not a case of the AI simply being slow or lacking awareness this is a story of manipulation so extreme that having a decent race is seemingly not possible by Design bizarre decisions and limitations of its stifle any hope of enjoying competitive races how you want to and just incredible inconsistencies that leave you wondering if politically Simply Now hates single player racing and despise the fact that it even needs to be in gt7 oh and on top of all of that I'm going to try and explain why when you dig beneath all of this the AI is actually incredibly good and in some ways the best in the series yeah this is going to be a weird one so to trap yourselves in as we take a deep dive into the offline racing experience of Gran Turismo 7 where it falls down where it pulls itself back up and even a preview into the future of the franchise before we begin I should mention that everything I'm about to state is through the lens of my own speed and ability on gt7 I regard myself as quite a fast driver I don't have too many issues getting gold times in the time trials for example at least when they don't allow tuning but I don't practice every day and I'm nowhere near my Peak as I was back in the early GT Sport days for example so of course your own experience with the game May differ slightly also I always have the AI set to its hardest difficulty so all the footage you see will be based on that with that said there are a few things about this game which are so uniformly agreed on as the computer controlled opponents being absolute trash to race against pick almost any race in the main single player and here's what you'll get you'll start at the back of a long queue of cars Each of which are fair distance away from the Cars directly in front or behind meaning you have a massive deficit to the leader and your goal is to make up that time in the few laps you have available this setup alone means that actual racing is simply not going to happen if you have a 30 second Gap to the leader and five laps to close it down down you don't need a mathematician to tell you that you're going to have to go pretty damn fast so the point where your so-called opponents are just rolling roadblocks and all that matters is your Gap to the leader I mean how can you have a race wherein you need to be at least six seconds a lot faster than all the other cars it's a formula that's destined to produce races which in the best case are tedious and predictable at the worst downright infuriating to play this is nothing new to Gran Turismo pretty much from the start of the seventh generation of consoles polyphony now had the power to put more than six cars on the track at a time and what they did with this newfound power was to have all the cars lined up with a rolling start then they drive around at a cripplingly slow speed and you overtake them one after the other until the race is over in a lot of cases they would drive so slow they would actually become a hazard on the track breaking in the middle of corners for seemingly no reason and just being a general nuisance the goal of this setup is to create a form of what I like to call manufactured difficulty in GT6 in particular the AI was simply not programmed to be fast enough in most scenarios so the developers chose to have all the opponents stretched over a distance meaning that even with their lethargic Pace it still took a few laps to get in front if they'd stuck with the traditional grid starts you couldn't have gotten ahead in a matter of seconds the obvious solution is just to make the first but maybe we were asking for too much there the difference with gt7 is that as you play through a race you'll notice something interesting start to happen the opponents get noticeably faster and it's not quite the same as the traditional rubber banding which is where the AI will suddenly be able to stick with the player once they get in the lead thus not allowing them to get too far ahead the key difference is that this starts to happen long before the player actually gets into the lead and it's not a case of them going faster than they should be able to but instead just closer to their true pace so what I've discovered is that the AI runs on an internal clock which dictates their speed now this clock is informed by the total lead which the leading AI car has over the player so the further behind the player is the slower they will drive and of course the closer behind the player is the faster they will drive and this begs the question if you're capable of making them decently fast why not keep them at the speed to start with and make the grids much closer so we can have a much more competitive race what's worse is that this internal clock is seemingly programmed the same for every AI meaning that you can have races where you as the player are miles behind the leading AI car but there are many other AI drivers just crawling along as well because their internal clock is telling them that they need to drive slow to allow you to catch up even if you might already be ahead of them it's just baffling to think about and something which emphasizes this even more is how so many races in the single player have a ridiculous spread of car performance why have a race with an fa tributo alongside a Dino and then basically everything in between it ends up lapped in what is not a very long race because obviously it does and again begs the question of why why have such a spread which ends up with one or two cars that you're actually competing with and the rest just being placeholders all of this adds up to an experience which doesn't exactly tally with the reality of actual competitive Motorsport whether this be in real life or even just virtual the disconnect between how gt7 views racing in sport mode from just daily races all the way up to the world GT series is in complete contradiction with the racing presented in the single player and to be honest I'm not really sure what they were trying to achieve by doing all of this so you could say that this is to try and accommodate newer players who may struggle with more intense races but if that was what they were trying to do then they completely failed at that as well some of these races are really difficult even for me in some cases you just simply don't have enough laps to pass everyone and sometimes the ai's true pace is actually really good which we'll talk more about later the positive is that you don't need to win to progress in the game but this is a racing game if you're not trying to win then what's the point and this can then lead to player retaliation at least it does for me yeah you can criticize me all you want for my driving here but my point is clear over the course of the race I've been by far the fastest driver I'm not going to lose because the game handicapped Me by starting so far from the lead and then only giving me two laps to overtake everyone if the game is not going to respect me as a player I sure as hell am not respecting it and that takes us neatly back to the contradiction with sport mode and of course the idea of sportsmanship the first rule of having a good race is mutual respect so in this case treating the AI as if they were human players it doesn't help that sometimes the AI follow their fixed paths so rigidly that they end up doing this Suzuka I find is particularly bad for them they seem to just turn into the corners with no regard to where the player actually is with all of this put together the end result is that as a player you just can't respect the AI even if like me you're really into the idea of competitive offline racing you can either be numbed by the TDM of these races or to entertain yourself you might end up doing things that make you look bad thank you [Music] but hey forget about all of that because Gran Turismo 7 has a solution ladies and gentlemen custom race okay that's good you can you can stop now so if you're like me one thing that would have really annoyed you is how the intro to the game shows these interesting races which don't actually exist in the game at least at the moment they use cars which never see the light of day in the actual single player events and also in how they portray the races with cars actually being tightly packed together racing amongst one another look at this a full grid of cars at Trail mountain that doesn't happen in the main events but with custom race we have the option to recreate this ourselves why don't we give it a go [Music] foreign I see the issue this leads us to our next problem the opponents are wildly inconsistent depending on the track and even the car they're driving their pure speed can differ massively they tend to struggle the most with high commitment Corners so the first few turns at trial Mountain detricane at Dragon Trail Seaside places like that they are just abysmal regardless of whether their speed is being manipulated or not oh and at the north schleifer for some reason they just pull off to the side of the track and indicate you past they did this back in GT Sport as well and I still have no clue as to why I guess that's great if you want to make your own tourist and farting session but then just make an option this is custom race we're supposed to be racing here why did they go to the effort of even programming this are they really that committed to never giving you good races with the AI anyway moving on to high speed ring you'll notice that a lot of the time they don't use the banking in the corners and as such they're way slower than they could be but also sometimes they do what's going on here originally it seemed to me as though they wouldn't use the banking in road cars but they would with the racing cars but it's not actually that simple see the Alpine a220 is a racing car but comes with Comfort soft tires even if other racing cars from that era come with racing cards yeah I don't know either the point is that AI drivers in the Alpine won't use the banking and even if you equip them with racing cards they still don't was this supposed to be intentional or just an oversight the fact that you can't really tell anymore speaks volumes about this game I love to show the inverse of this running an AI with a car that normally has racing tires but using sports or even Comfort tires however that leads us to our next point so to demonstrate all of this I've been using a brand new feature of the custom race in gt7 the ability to use the cars that you have in your garage as your AI opponents so not gonna lie here I was pretty hyped when I found out that this was in the game just think of all the possibilities for the different races you could make whether that be imitating Real World Championships events from past GT games or just your own original creation I'm very glad they decided to add this feature but let's just say that it has some quirks firstly if you give an AI a car from your garage they drive it in exactly the same state in which you left it same upgrades same visual customization and identical tuning and that's great except for what happens with the tires you see if you leave the car with the stock tires that it came with Happy Days no issues the AI just uses those tires if you've changed the tires though say from Comfort soft to sports hard they still use the stock tires they drive the car exactly how you make it apart from the tires where they just don't give a at all and then even weirder is that for racing hard tires and racing hard tires only they will use those if you equip them but any other grade of tires and they switch back to the stock set and even if you choose racing mediums or softs they'll default to Racing cards as well it's never simpler with these guys with the return of changeable weather to the series we also have the option to set up our own weather scenarios which again is awesome but again comes with its own set of caveats if you set up a custom race that starts off dry becomes wet and then goes back to dry you'll find something interesting for group 3 Cars For example the AI always use Racing cards in the dry except when changing from wet tires back to dry tires because now they all use racing softs you may be noticing a theme polyphony really seemed to struggle to program their AI to use tires in a way which is consistent and actually makes some sort of sense a very simple fix for all of this would be to just give us the option to set our own Tire restrictions like the career mode Racers have so we can decide which compounds can be used by both the player and the AI but that's not all the rolling start interval option is broken if you try to change it it defaults to the smallest distance and you can't fix it this has been an issue since the game launched and they've still yet to patch it or even recognize it as an issue just inexcusable if you don't want to set up your own custom grid which is understandable since it is fairly time consuming you can let the game choose for you the options are for a random grid a one make race or a specific group of racing cars this is nothing out of the ordinary other than random doesn't mean entirely random since the opponent selected will always be of somewhat similar performance to the car that you drive but even this has its problems if you get in a grouped racing car say a group 4 car if you choose random opponents you just end up with other group 4 cars and sometimes even just the same car which makes this entirely redundant since we already have those as other options so this boils down to how the cars are classed there are basically three sometimes four classes which behind the scenes every car in the game gets filtered into firstly road cars and professionally tuned cars then grouped racing cars so groups one two three four and other cars so by other cars we just mean things like non-grouped racing cars as in classic races single heaters Etc Vision GTS and anything else which is neither conventional racing car or a road car so if you play GT Sport you might know where I'm going with this because this is just group X for those who don't know group X was a way for the developers to put all of the other cars which didn't fit into the normal groups into their own group the reality is that groupex was not actually a group because it was specifically for cars which didn't have a group and if it didn't have a group due to the way GT Sport was designed it meant that the car was effectively useless unless you wanted to have a one-make race there was nothing to do with them with the launch of gt7 I and a lot of other people were under the impression that this would be solved since all the cars would once again be rated under the performance point system meaning if it didn't have a group you could still class it around its performance level and in the main single player it is sort of fixed since you can use many of these group X cars in different events the difficulty is that there just aren't enough events for these types of cars but that's not an issue specific to group X and don't think I've forgotten about this travesty I'm gonna go in depth on this another time just you wait how this relates to custom race is that since the random option only gives opponents within the specific type of car you're driving a road car always ends up with road cars as opponents grouped racing cars always end up with cars in the same group and with a group X car you always end up racing against these oddballs the cars that don't fit anywhere else and have nothing in common I suppose this is better than only having a one make race as the option but still they could have very easily made this so much better here's my proposal there should be an extra option wherein the game still randomly selects the opponent cars but within parameters which you as the player can decide for example there could be a slider option that allows you to set a PP range limit so say you want to race against specifically 550 PP op opponents you can set this limit in the range of 540 to 550 and then the game can also fill the grid based on any car in this Performance Point range then taking this further we could also have options that we can tick such as do you want road cars to appear as opponents what about racing cars or these other group X cars and from there you can mix and match the type of opponents that you want to show up maybe they could even use tags for this and we could filter opponents based on things like doing we want specifically K cards or EVS to appear and again you can mix and match all of that sure we can do all of this manually with the custom grid but again it is time consuming to find all the specific cars you want from your garage and also you need to own all the cars which as we discussed in the last video may not be realistic for most people I've always felt that this would be a great addition but maybe that's just me let me know in the comments now I know this doesn't quite fit with the topic but since we're talking about custom race I would be remiss if I didn't mention the payouts what payouts it's probably what you're thinking yeah it's well known that the prize money for custom races are appallingly low well agree that the payouts shouldn't be quite as high as the main single player races otherwise there will be literally no incentive to actually do them it is still quite shocking using this reset Sardinia as an example which is one of the best money makers remaking it in custom race gives you a max payout of less than nine percent of the original race even if you can beat these group 3 cars with a Fiat 500 it doesn't get much better if we push this to his extreme if you can somehow win a 200 lap race at the Nurburgring 24 hours against Group 1 opponents in the 500 your maximum payout is just over half a mil nice you could buy a few sets of tires with that I better call up the boys and we can start making some easy money guide videos but by far the worst thing about custom race is our old friend the AI manipulation you know back in the November update version 1.26 for some reason they seemingly removed the lap time Tower from replays since then they haven't noted it as a known issue and a few months later it's still absent is this an oversight like we've seen before or possibly something more Sinister you see because of this change making this video has been quite a bit harder as it isn't as easy to demonstrate how their lap times change was that their intention hard to say but what I do know is that unfortunately for them I recorded some excellent footage back in October before the update which really puts things into perspective so this race starts off like most others I can overtake the first few cars with relative ease ending the first lap in 10th and then they gradually get a little bit harder to overtake as we go on but still not really much of a challenge we take the lead on lap 4 and for a few laps nothing really happens until lap 7 where the Magic Begins some of them start to lap faster as you can see my laptops have been fairly consistent and despite not using the catch-up system known as boost the AI seem to be acting as if it were switched on anyway gradually getting faster as I got further and further ahead of them so realizing that I'm completely washed I pull over and let them pass since they've clearly asserted their dominance there's no point in fighting you can probably guess what happened next they became slower again right how much slower 20 seconds a lap slower over what is normally a 90 second lap to put this in perspective I did my final lap using only 7th Gear and still ended up going much faster than them I then got in a stock Mazda RX-8 a car which is just a mere 200 performance points less than the f8 tributo and still lapped noticeably quicker I can understand a little bit of manipulation when it comes to AI lap times but this has no place in a racing game not even the most arcadey casual oriented game should be subject to this and it's not as if I've messed around with the settings to make this happen like I said there's no boost no tire wear or fuel usage or anything really that could influence it to make this happen you would think that Gran Turismo through its 25 years of History would really want to build on the realism in this area they do already with the visuals and handling model so why can't the real driving simulator seem to have realistic racing it easily could they just don't want to instead they want players to have this experience where nothing you do matters where everything is controlled by strings and they just pull them in the direction that they want to to make it seem interesting and exciting it would take them less effort to not do this and just make things more realistic and consistent but they don't anyway you can see how I like to push things to their extremes when it comes to this game so how about we demonstrate all of this in a racing scenario I know I could show you a race against group 3 Cars where I beat them in a group 4 car yeah let's do that no actually I've got a better idea [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah that really just happened so that was the easy part because now after systematically going through every single floor of the AI and the single player racing as a whole I'm now going to try and convince you why Gran Turismo 7 can provide some of the best offline racing in the entire series let me explain so I'd really like to frame this by going back to my first day on the game March 3rd 2022 yeah I pre-order got it a day early so I think a major thing for me was that I was given so much hope for the single player racing on this game by what I experienced on my first day I had won a Mitsubishi GTO from the license test and had it tuned to about 5 30 PP and that's when I came across this event the Clubman cup plus at high speed ring I was a little bit below the pp limit but still thought I could win given what I'd experienced with the previous games but when I went into the race what I found was not what I was expecting firstly it was a grid start where you don't even start right at the back and the AI were actually quite fast and great hard I ended up finishing fifth or something and was completely outclassed sure I was new to the game and still getting used to the handling but I still come away from that race with the feeling of they've done it this is real racing this is what I wanted in total there are four Clubman cup plus races and each of them are somewhat like this I'm gonna focus on three of them the one at high speed ring the one at Tokyo Expressway and the one at sakuba the one I'm missing off is at Goodwood which is a one make race for the Mini Cooper it is still decent but I've spent a lot more time doing the other three because I think they're more interesting so we're gonna leave this out for the moment even if you do get to race against the legend himself hello viewers Super GT here it was pretty much at about this point here that he knew that he was going into the shadow Realm for me the standout of these three is the sakuba race despite starting in fifth with the leader right in front of you it manages to be an incredibly challenging race it definitely helps that sakuba is one of the best tracks for the AI they're always pretty good here and race decently well I'd estimate I've done this race maybe 40 times total and probably only won at about 25 of the time the other two races aren't quite as hard when you get used to them but if you detune your car you can still have a good time another great thing about these races is that the game chooses your opponents from a pool of about 30 different cars starting in a random grid order meaning that every time you do a race you're going to have a different experience unlike a lot of other races in this game which always have the same opponents starting in the same order and as such there's tons of replay value hence why I've done them so many times the funny thing is doing research for this video I found that searching for Clubman cup plus you'll end up finding people just complaining about how difficult it is given my issues with many of the other races in this game I find that somewhat ironic you can't please everyone I guess but they do have a bit of a point I think the fact that so many races in the single player are just you passing AI cars as if they're not even there and then you come to something like this where they actually race you and have decent pace you get a kind of whiplash effect from just how different that is it doesn't help that like many of these comments point out some of the cars you race against seem to be over the Performance Point limit it's particularly evident with the engine swapped cars so this RX7 with the r26b and the 911 powered Beetle they are just absurdly fast on the straights and you don't really have much of a chance or at least they were because after the October version 1.25 update they became clearly slower at sakuba they went from doing High one minute twos to high one minute threes as the ultimate pace and this was the update bear in mind that changed the physics engine to make cars generally faster across the board the crazy part is that even still the scuba races for me by far the best race in the game now you do have to detune your car a bit given the AI Nerf but you can and still have a lot of fun with it the question is then why did they only give us a handful of races like this and then make the rest of them as a sort of cat and mouse Chase again they can very easily do it they just don't want to and since these races are just on the side and not connected with the menu books in any way it's entirely possible that there are people out there who've played the entire game and not even known that these races exist and the worst part is that because you unlock these races so early on in the game obviously you expect there to be more of them because why wouldn't there be they're excellent and that's why I had so much hope after the first day because to me it seemed like they finally understood what we wanted with these races but it ended up just being a carrot dangled in front of us it's a tease of what this game could have been if they actually tried so for all my complaints with how custom race was handled there is some Redemption to be had so do you remember the Boost function from earlier it turns out that if you switch this on it actually has the potential to make things a lot better if you put boost on week it actually reduces the degree to which the AI unmanipulated and as such diminishes this yo-yo effect that it causes it's not perfect but like I said depending on the car and track combination it can sometimes work very well what I tend to find though is that if you're in a scenario where the AI are a little bit faster than you they'll pull away for the first couple of lats then gradually their Pace drops off until you pass them at which point they stick to your rear bumper in classic rubber band fashion if you make a mistake they will overtake again but if you drive clean they just sit behind and nothing really happens the good thing is though that they only slow down to a point you're not going to find them lapping 20 seconds off the pace for example so if you choose a slightly slower car and maybe a lower grade of tires you can actually have a pretty decent race I had to give a shout out here to the custom race thread on GT planet for a lot of this information it really helped to piece it all together these poor Busters are dedicated to making custom race work despite police best efforts to make it as frustrating as possible check them out if you want ideas for your own custom races as there's tons to see such as race replays car setups and even custom some Championship tables they even go to the length of buying several of the same car just so the opponents can drive them with different liveries you've got to respect the grind also putting on tire wear seems to help with some of the tire anomalies I mentioned earlier so give that a go well this is to say that I actually think the AI and gt7 is inherently good with a few exceptions but just completely throttled by all the that's put on them whether that be the manipulation of their actual speed or the bizarre inconsistencies which they are subject to in isolation I've seen the AI race amazingly well make daring overtakes use interesting lines and at times even have incredible raw Pace it's just so rare that you find yourself in a situation where you actually get to see any of this and that's the real tragedy so why do all of this that's the million dollar question I suppose I'm not 100 sure on that in GT5 6 and even sport to a degree it seemed like a way of masking the fact that the AI were just quite slow like we said it's the idea of manufactured difficulty challenge not because the AI have decent pace but because the scenario that you the player are put in leaves you at a massive disadvantage which you need to overcome but as we've seen the opponents in gt7 can give good races when they're allowed to so what was the goal to Simply piss off the fan base even further it's clear that many people have had enough of this even looking at the comments from my previous video which had nothing to do with the actual races there were quite a few people lamenting the fact that this was still happening despite the complaints for well over a decade at this point been instead of responding to that they seem to have doubled down and now it's probably the worst it's ever been in the series so now that we've discussed all the ways the AI has been made deliberately worse than it actually is we need to talk about the AI AI that is quite literally superhuman that's right GT Sophie so to put it briefly GT Sophie is a form of AI which uses machine learning to essentially learn car and track combinations from scratch much in the same way a real person does rather than relying on pre-programmed instructions to drive the car this allows it to effectively have unlimited potential when it comes to Raw speed and also the manner in which it races with other cars to a lot of people this will be the Silver Bullets it doesn't matter that the AI we have now is bad because we've got GT Sophie on the way man I hate to be so negative about this stuff but it doesn't seem that obvious to me think about it this way how will Sophie be implemented in the game as it is now I mean they're not going to rip up all the AI from the single player events we have now and just replace them with Sophie no way that's going to happen from how it's been described as a teacher a student and a friend to race with it seems as though the idea for Sophie is more intimate as in everyone can have their own version of the Sophie AI which they can race with rather than Sophie being a wholesale replacement for the AI we have at present and when you think about it like that it does make sense why would gt7 Implement all of the downgrades to the current AI on purpose just to replace it with a superhuman AI That's as fast as it needs to be but can also race incredibly well why the sudden U-turn more than anything it seems like a trading tool I can definitely see Sophie implemented into sport mode in some way maybe instead of watching videos about sportsmanship and racing etiquette you would have to race with Sophie and those ideas could be demonstrated that way the idea of using Sophie for b-spec has also been floated around as well but if that's just going to be racing against the regular AI we have now then I don't really see much points if it could be a case where we can race our version of Sophie against other peoples sort of like the remote races from GT5 then that could be interesting the key issue though is the limitation of current technology creating Sophie is quite an intensive process and certainly not when a PS5 alone can handle so would it just be a case of the developers uploading a version of Sophie into gt7 once it's learned certain car and track combinations if so that would really limit its usability when it comes to the whole student teacher and friend Dynamic still GT Sophie is for certain the thing I'm looking forward to the most that's coming to gt7 at some point not that it's much of a competition but regardless we are still stuck with the AI and the racing we have at the moment in all of its bizarre self-defeating glory and we just have to make the most of it [Music] thank you hey thanks for watching all the way through I didn't intend for this video to be so long but as I was writing the script I just got more and more ideas gt7 being a complete mess with regards to single player racing meant there was no shortage of material for me to work with I know there will be people saying that the single player is irrelevant and online racing is clearly the focus which in a way is true and may have informed some of polyphony's decision making not saying that they made the offline stuff bad on purpose to feed players into sport mode instead but you can never rule that out to me though it's clear that single player still matters a lot to many people myself obviously included and that's a point for not just Gran Turismo but the video games industry as a whole I've just found that Beyond April last year nobody's really bothered to talk about this sort of thing it's just kind of been accepted you can find endless content creators detailing sport mode and online racing and of course the issues and solutions within that but when it comes to the offline stuff hardly anything again my main impetus for making this was how the public perception of the game differed from the game itself if you ask most people about the AI in gt7 they would just tell you that they're slow and not interesting to race against but as I've shown in this video when you delve into it it's far more complex and absurd than you could ever really imagine with that said thank you so much for the support on my previous video as of writing it's almost at 80 000 views and I have somewhere between 700 and 800 subscribers which for a first attempt at anything like this I find pretty incredible on that note if you enjoyed this then make sure to like the video and subscribe for plenty more the next thing on the chopping block will be about how progression and reward mechanics are handled in gt7 so your roulette tickets the prize money all of that good stuff which we love so dearly about gt7 and much more as well so stick around for that leave a comment below if you'd like to add your thoughts because I do read all of the comments and yeah see ya and have a good one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Roflwaffle
Views: 154,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gran Turismo 7, Gran Turismo, GT7, AI, single player, offline, racing, menu books, career, rubber banding, custom race, rolling starts, clubman cup plus, glitch, GT Sophy, PS5, Sony
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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