Subjunctive in noun clauses

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all our classes so in this presentation I'm gonna talk to you guys about the present subjunctive so a little bit of a brief description some set of words Reformation constructing the sentence okay and some practice so what is the subjunctive so this subtractive is a bit different of a mood in Spanish so use it's used to express uncertainty doubt emotional reaction or future actions so the subjunctive conjugation of a verb is usually used in the second part of a sentence for example I may say I want you to study you may or may not do it to the word to study would be conjugated in the presence of jumping the subjunctive is the opposite of the indicative mood which has all the tenses that you already know the present indicative of the preterite the imperfect conditional future those are all indicative mood and the indicative mood is used to express what's completely true or false what is clear or what's concrete so I'm just gonna talk to you a little bit of an introduction to the subjunctive yes it's pretty vast but so find this chapter I think you're just doing noun clauses so some of them will set up words that are used in the first clause of a sentence set up the use of the subjunctive in the second clause so what's said after these words may or may not happen so the conjugation of the second verb is not the present tense as you know it so some of these setups are Catan so - one so here to suggest recommend on to recommend insist again to insist esperar to open or colicky hopefully it's hopeful so some of the set of words I may want you to do something but you may not do it I may suggest that you read the rest of us but you know you may not though your parents might recommend that you wash the dishes right away but you might not do it at all and a friend may insist that you go with him but you might not want to go and you might hope that something happens but it may not happen so here's a couple of helpful links that all have really good practice for the subjunctive so they're really good for practicing can your midterms and for future homeworks so to set up the subjunctive there are three things you have to do in a sentence you have to have one of the set of words the word K and then a change of subject so here you can see it's set up so so here Deimos is a set of word we suggest then you have the K the relative clause K that NGOs which is now the subject change because the first subject in the first part was we and now it's a OHS and then you have Blair Munn so this is a subjunctive conjugation they may or may not do it even though we suggest that they do so that's why we're using the subjunctive here's another example so the setup word here is Ave comiendo I recommend then again you have the K that and then you have a subject chain with two so in the first part of this I recommend that you do something and so you have a gas for you do so the subjunctive conjugation you may or may not do it even though I recommend that you do it here's one more a yak pianist or the set up word she wants okay that yo the subject change Viva I live in the subjunctive okay so in the English this would be she wants me to live in Spain in Spanish the infinitive isn't used even though it sounds like it should be so we use the subjunctive instead so don't directly translate from English to Spanish here because it's not gonna work so subjunctive in context so here's a couple o Halak in tiendas bien esta elección hopefully you understand this lesson and sistemas in cable so clothes regular stays at camp oh we insist that you all come back on time we Madra Kiera keep on gamos la mesa my mom my mom wants us to set the table so here is Keo say load a iOS do you suggest that I give it to him Esther I Skelos Browns cannon and insuperable do you guys hope that the Browns win the Super Bowl so forming subjunctive some basics okay so in order to conjugate a verb in the present subjunctive you have to know while the conjugations of the present indicative okay the present you know so you know all those are regulars so use the both yo form of the verb in the present tense hablo coma or vivo and then you're gonna drop that oh okay and then you're gonna add an opposite ending that means for ar verbs you're gonna use the I er endings and for ER and ir verbs you're gonna use the AR endings like you would in the normal present tense the opposite okay so for our hablo or hablar it'd be a veil a coma or Viva so here you go you have the endings for the subjunctive so for a ours it's e as a hemos a stand-in and four years and a Irons it's aa us almost ice and uh so here are some examples of how you form it okay for regular verbs coming on come back to you and come in there okay and then so if it doesn't really matter what the yo form of the president's if there's a stem change or other spelling change in it the change will be seen the subjunctive so consider some of these echo stars that may I quess told me a question this year diga diga divertirse made the vir top man take your time okay and just goes on dormir duermo cause comes dwarma until their entiendo to contend up or near Pongo Wonga etc okay so just be really careful that if there's any irregularity than the present tense indicative those irregularities will be present in the subjunctive president so a are near stem changing verbs still have no stem change for nosotros and vosotros in the present subjunctive but certain iya verbs do poor they employ de way this way that podamos for the nosotros / dice for researchers a casarse a quest a quest is say a quest a knows ASCO ACOs demos okay amplified ian does prefer yara prefieres Provera play theory most guys are just be careful of us again spelling changes pronunciation like I went over and the last one it follows the same as it does for the preterite because of phonetics okay so the guards cars and czars will have them change okay for the gars we'll add a you the cars will become qu and the Czar's turn into a c e okay so here you can see Pagar buggy pocket pocket pagamo spaghettis pocket so instead of in the preterite form it's just in the yo form that the spelling change happens and the subjunctive it happens throughout it here's another one for the cars classy pique does if you guys just be good plus if you came us classy freaking and the Czar's okay so you can see how is possessing so forming the subjunctive so there's a couple just pure regulars in the subjunctive so we're just showing you the yo form here but the other conjugations follow the same pattern is the regular verb so dar joy and the president taken have been in the subjunctive it's day with an accent as far as they stay with an accent abettors i am here's via severe Isetta and sericea so things to keep in mind if there's no subject changed and there's no subjunctive so look at the first one i want to go with you quiero ian contigo okay so there was no subject change it's still me who's wanting to do the going okay so the i but i want you to go with me kid okay vayas con me go so in the second one there's a change of i wanting something and that one something that i want is you to come with me okay so there's a change of subject so be careful of that okay things to keep in mind if there's no subject change there's no subjunctive so but using a phrase with hope and it can be tricky io suspend I get to a gas PN here's a spinning key yo la gab yen so if you want to say they hope that they do well iosef it on a cell via okay there's no future subjunctive so if you want to talk in the future you would just use the present okay and again if there's no subject change don't use the subjunctive okay so one to use the subjunctive and noun clauses I like to use this acronym called weirdo W stands for verbs of wishes and wants easy for verbs of emotion I for verbs of influence are for verbs of recommendation deed for verbs of doubt or denial and all for ojala so W is for wishes or wants or will wishes and want to express by number of words in Spanish but here's some of the most common ones so these are the verbs that would be like your cue words in the first clause that would clue you in to the fact that you want to use the subjunctive in the second clause if there's a subject change and here's just a list of a couple same goes for emotions so here's some emotion verbs alagar say in can't add in rehearsais so plan their tener miedo Cynthia Tammy and Gustav lament ah but you can also use estar and emotion adjectives like esta contento alegre Tristan - to be part of these clues cluepers the I is for impersonal expressions some expert impersonal expressions are formed through the use of sand so you use ser importante es importante que priestess attention s necesario is rather oh okay so again if there's a change of subject with the use of these impersonal sub expressions you're gonna use the subjunctive hours for recommendations so recomienda so here all a profesora diga que hagamos again she's telling you to do a project but her telling you can sort of be a command but it's a suggestion because it doesn't mean you're gonna be doing it or not we don't know D is for doubt and denial so you're doodle niega nope in Samos okay anything that indicates doubter denial you will then use the subjunctive if there is a change of subject and always for alfalla okay oh ha la means I hope by the world literally means by the will of Allah okay it's a bit of a remnant of the Muslim influence in the Spanish language so I need time you use ojala if there's a change of subject you're gonna use the subjunctive and that's it
Channel: Leslie C O'Toole
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Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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