Gradient Typography in DaVinci Resolve | DaVinci Resolve Tutorial | No Plugins

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hey guys, once again welcome back to the new video   in this video we are going to create  an awesome looking gradient typography   kind of motion graphics inside of DaVinci  Resolve without using any third-party plugins   my name is Vikash, and without any further  ado let's take a new project and get started. All right, so here we are in Davinci Resolve 17  edit page and before we get started we have to   do some basic setting as usual so click on this  setting button in the corner and set the size   of this project 1920 by 1080 you can select 4K  resolution as well from here and now we have to   select a frame rate so in this case i am using  this 30 frame per second which is good enough   but you can select any frame rate that you like  according to you and then click on save now let's   take a new fusion composition because i want to  create this animation inside of this fusion page   so just go to this media pool by clicking on  this button right click on this media pool and   here we have the new fusion composition option  so just click on this new fusion composition and   let's create a new composition you can call it  anything and duration make it five second long   which is good enough you can increase or decrease  the duration from here and then click on create   now just drag this fusion composition on this  timeline just like that and then you can go to the   fusion page and here we have this media out node  so just drag this media out to the side for now   and we need only one viewer for this animation  so you can click on this single viewer now let's   start by creating a background so this is  the background button let's drag and drop   on this floor window drag this background  to the viewer i'm going to create a gradient   background so it's very simple just go to this  inspector window and here we have the type   so let's change this to gradient and here we have  two different color let's make it black first and this is the first color just click on this  point and let's select a dark blue color just   like this and you can change the gradient type  maybe radial and now lets down the color value   and set the value maybe 0.25 in blue color value  all right and you can set the graph just like this now we have the perfect background all right  after that let's create animated pattern   so it's very simple you have to click  on this background and let's take a new   solid color you can select the white color and  we have to attach any shape layer so this is the   rectangular shape the ellipse tool and the polygon  tool but i'm going to use this ellipse tool for   this so let's drag and drop on this flow window  attach this ellipse with this background and we   will get something like this now here we have  some properties so here we have the body width   let's uncheck the solid and make it uh  like this you can increase the border width   i'm gonna set the value 0.02 like this now you can  adjust the size of this so select the ellipse here   we have the width and height so i'm going to set  the width value maybe 0.25 and height value 0.25   now i'm going to animate the circle so just go  to on frame number 30 which is equal to 1 second   according to 30 frame per second and let's  animate the size so right click on this width   click on animate right click on this height  click on animate and lock the value as it is   go to very first frame of this animation and let's  set the width value 0 height value 0 and then   we have the linear animation but we have to  make this animation smoother so what we have   to do let's go to spline window here we have the  ellipse so hit f4 on the keyboard to full screen   check this option ellipse one and let's select  one by one so for the first time let's check this   width click on fit here we have both the keyframes  select these uh keyframes hit h to smooth set the   cti at very beginning of this animation may be on  frame number zero hold this handle and create a   nice and simple smooth curve just like this hold  the second handle and paste it over here maybe   now we have to do the same thing with this height  so uncheck this width check the height click   on fit button select both the keyframes hit s to  smooth or you can also click on this smooth button   hold this first handle let's set it like this  hold the second handle and set it like this   and then you can close the spline window now  we have to animate the position of the circle   so just go to the end of this animation  let's set the circle right over here   set the center x value maybe 0.25 and center  y value 0.45 just like this all right and then   you can click on this diamond button to create  a keyframe at the end of this animation or you   can also right click and click on animate alright  and then go to very first frame of this animation   and now you can change the center x value and  set it 0.75 and leave the center y value as it   is and now you will get this type of animation  is looking nice all right and now let's create   the pattern so select the background hit F2 on  the keyboard to rename you can call it circle select the circle hit control plus a  space bar for search box and search for   displays so this is the displaced node select  this one hit add button drag this displays to   the viewer and now we have to create animated  noise so hit control plus a space bar for search   box and search for fast noise so this is the fast  noise hit add button let's uh attach the output of   this fast noise with the displace one just like  this now select the fast noise you can click on   this double viewer just drag the fast noise  in the first viewer now select the fast noise   go to the inspector window go to the color tab  and here we have the alpha let's turn on the alpha   just like this now you can go to the noise let's  do some setting so here we have the details   let's set the details maybe one contrast set  it to five brightness leave it as it is let's   uh down the scale value and set it maybe 10.  all right and now we have to animate the seat   so let's go to the end of this animation  set the seat value 3 to right-click on seat   click on animate go to the very first  frame and let's set the seat value 0 and now we will get this type of animated noise  all right and here we get the effect you can   click on the single viewer now select the displays  and here we have the refraction strength you can   increase and decrease the value so I'm going to  set the value may be 0.15 all right or maybe 0.12   and we will get something like this after that  select this displays hit control plus a spacebar   for search box and search for a duplicate  so this is the duplicate node hit add button   drag this duplicate to the viewer select the  node and go to the inspector window and here   we have the copies so I'm going to set the number  of copies maybe 25 and let's set the size 1.025 and set the angle maybe 5 degree we will get something like this which is  looking nice and now we have to feel the   color inside of this pattern so it's very  simple we have to take a new background node   so this is the background button let's  drag and drop a background node over here   and now we have to take a new merge node i'm going  to use this output as a background and this one   as a foreground and here we have four  different point inside of this merge node   so this is the yellow point for background  green point for foreground and this is the   output and this is the effect mask so we have  to connect the yellow background point with this   duplicate one output and the foreground point  with this background and now just drag this merge   one to the viewer and we will get something like  this so select the merge node and here we have the   operator let's change this over to in and  we will get the color inside of this pattern   now select the background hit f2 on the  keyboard you can call it color hit enter   select the color node go to inspector window  let's change the type solid color to for corner   and here we have the top left corner let's select  the yellow color second top right corner maybe this color now select the third color  maybe orange and fourth color maybe   purple hit okay and now we will get this type  of gradient color just select the color hit ctrl   space bar for search box and search for cc it  means color character add one more node hit f2   you can call it cc in the sort form select the  node and go to inspector window you can increase   the saturation value so i'm going to set the value  maybe 1.4 and you can switch the color from here   just like this after that we have to add the glow  effect so select the final output merge one hit   ctrl space bar for search box and search for glow  this is the glow effect hit add button drag it to   the viewer now you can increase the glow so here  we have the value 0.8 now let's set the value 0.85   after that let's merge this output with  the background so it's very simple again   you have to take a new merge node and   i'm going to use this background as a  background this output as a foreground   just drag this merge to to the viewer and we will  get something like this which is looking very nice all right and now we have to add a text right over  here so it's very simple let's take a text node   drag it on this flow window let's take a new  merge node hold shift on the keyboard and   attach this merge node right over here just like  this and then we will get the screen point let's   connect the green point with the text now select  the text one and type anything whatever you like   just like this now you can select any different  phone style whatever you want so in this case i'm   using my favorite phone style century gothic  let's set it to regular you can increase the   size so i'm going to set the value maybe 0.13 all  right and we have to animate the text as well so   just right click on this sub preview window go to  guide and turn on the guide now let's set the text   in the center just like this after that we have to  animate the text so just go to on one second maybe   on frame number 30 right click on size click on  animate go to very first frame of this animation   set the size 0 and we will get this type of  scale animation now go to the end of this   animation let's set the tracking value 1.4 maybe  and right click on this tracking click on animate   go to very first frame of this animation  and then you can set it to default so   we will get this type of text animation you  can click on fit button select the text go to   spline window hit F4 to full screen now you can  minimize all the nodes and check the text only open the text here we have the size and character  spacing so let's check the size first click on fit   select both the keyframes hit edge to smooth  hold this handle and create a nice smooth curve   just like this hold the second handle and  set it like this close the spline window   and then go to very first frame and here  we will get this type of awesome animation   now let's do one more thing just create a  gap over here and i'm going to create mask   over here so let's take a new background node hit  F2 you can call it matte select an ellipse mask   and attach this ellipse with this matte now you  can create a mask around the text just like this   after that we have to attach this  matte with this pattern animation so   just de-attach this connection first let's take  a new merge node i'm gonna use this matte as a   background and this output as a foreground so  connect the yellow background point with this   matte green foreground point with this  glow output now you can create a space   and then you can drag and drop this merge four  to the viewer after that select this merge   and change this over to in now select the ellipse  and here we have the invert option so check this   option inward now you can increase the softness as  is so i'm going to set the value 0.8 or 0.1 maybe like this and then you can connect  the yellow point with this merge 4   and finally, you will get the output perfect and now we have to connect the media out with the  main output so this is the media out and here we   have the main output let's connect this with the  media out and then you can go to the edit page   and here we will get the final animation which  is looking nice now let me show you how you can   customize these animations so it's very simple to  select the fusion composition hit Ctrl C to copy   place the CTI at the end of this hit Ctrl V to  paste and this is the second composition now you   can place the CTI on the second composition go to  the fusion page and here you can change the text   so this is the text node and you  can type anything whatever you want just like this, you can change the colors  so here we have the color corrector   let's change the hue value you can change  the patterns so so here we have the displace   option select the displace and you can change  the value so I'm going to set the value maybe 0.2   and if you will get a different pattern you can  change the value 0.25 maybe all right and we will   get a different pattern or you can also replace  the ellipse tool so you can replace with the   rectangular shape or any triangular or any kind  of polygon shapes now you can go to the edit page   and here we will get another animation which  is looking awesome all right now just turn on   the loop button go to very first frame hit  Ctrl F to full screen and let's have a look   all right so it's looking awesome and that's  all for this tutorial I hope you guys like it   if you like it then hit the subscribe  button turn on the bell notification for   more interesting videos my name is Vikash and I  will see you in the next one till then bye-bye.
Channel: Skyline Motions
Views: 9,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve Tutorial, Motion Graphics, Animated Background, Gradient Background, Gradient typography, creative trendy intro, modern design, latest tutorial, how to, davinci fusion tutorial, tutorial for begineer, animated pattern, VFX, YouTube Intro, Channel Intro, Text Animation
Id: D8mpzmZAWDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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