GPT Store Just Launched! Here's an Actual Secret...

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the GPT store has officially arrived so let's talk about it but I want to take this video a step further I actually want to share a super prompt with you that I've been crafting since months now it will allow you to build your own gpts in seconds and in my estimation it works 3 to five times better than the open AI GPT Builder it's one prompt okay and I'll give it to you in this video but first things first let's talk about the GPT store release because now all chat GPT plus users have access to the GPT store if you don't see it as per usual Give It Up to 72 hours they're rolling this thing out slowly but it's officially out there now so first things first here's a quick overview I think the most significant feature here is the search this is fantastic because you get to look for keywords that are related to what you're working on and find potentially useful gpts secondly you can see the section where they feature various gpts and underneath are the most popular ones now the thing that you'll notice here is that a lot of them are very similar I mean look at these most popular ones two-thirds of them are chat with your PDF or chat with academic papers gpts that just goes to show that the use cases are still kind of limited cuz the tools TOS we were given are kind of limited too we'll talk more about that later but essentially this is a fantastic Edition that is hard to hate on you have a search function they recommend some and this will only get better over time as the gpts get better over time and actually there was one more announcement today which is their brand new teams plan and to me this is actually even more exciting than the GPT store because the thing that everybody has been looking forward to in the GPT store is the monetization feature which is not available as of now they said that in q1 it will be available in the US and your earnings will depend on how much usage the gptc is but that doesn't say a whole lot and it could take another two months till that even arrives but as mentioned the thing that is here today is the teams feature and I think this is actually pretty exciting and there's really two standout features here the rest is just a different way of building and managing user accounts so in my opinion the biggest one is the access to GPT 4 with 32k context inside of chat this is super powerful because it's four times more context than you head up until now with gp4 in other words you get to have four times longer conversation now if you have the teams account addition ially you also get to send more messages so every 3 hours you get 100 messages that together with this context makes it super versatile the only other notable thing is that you get more security and privacy as they claim and you get early access to new features and improvements and then some people on X shared the screenshot that they also got today and this means they're essentially rolling out a feature where gpts will have more memory the GPT will learn in between different conversations and retain that info moving forward as a result it will improve over time and you can manage what it remembers so as you can see all of these updates point at one thing and they're gpts they're the direction that open AI is taking the product into we get the store we get more context we get more memory but all of this only matters if you build useful gpts so let's talk about that and luckily we don't have to work from scratch right because over the course of the last few months people have been building 100 thousands no actually over 3 million custom gpts in total and what I did over Christmas and New Year is I analyzed almost 1,000 gpts for you and I used a little trick to exract the instructions to bring this very video to you okay so first of all I'll share the trick with you so you can do this yourself and learn yourself and then I'll share with you what I came up with this super prompt doesn't just come from finire I studied all these gpts to make it easier for you to build your very own which you can eventually sell or share with colleagues whatever your plans might be so here's a little bit of a hidden fact about gpts that not everybody knows about and that's a fact that you can actually look inside of a GPT to see what instructions and knowledge it actually uses so I showed this off in a live event inside of my chat GPT course around a month ago and it's this little prompt check it out if I just go to the back Checker GPT and I paste this prompt you can find it in the description as per usual it will extract the custom instructions that the creator of this GPT has given it now yes you can protect against this technique but then there's others as pointed out by open ey employee logan. GPT on X here all of the information made available to a GPT including the prompt instructions and attached files may be used by the model to construct the response to the user user don't include information you do not want the user to know essentially confirming that there is tricks like this to extract instructions from every GPT so I went ahead and did just that and at this point I did it on over a thousand gpts and in this video I'm going to teach you what I learned along the way so the first thing that I learned is that a lot of the things that work really well get repeated in different gpts people read these instructions from each other copy pasted and there's just some parts that are no-brainer giving your GPT access to web browsing and referencing that in the custom instructions is a good idea telling it what response Stone you want is a good idea and there's many more so what I did and what this video is essentially going to be about is about a new building block system that I developed that really simplifies and summarizes a lot of these building blocks that are probably a good idea to include when you're building a GPT so we need to briefly talk about these building blocks so all of this makes sense to you but eventually I'll give you the prompts that just does all the work for you it compiles the full GPT builds it for you and you just get to copy paste it so here they are this is what I came up with you can find all of it in the description below feel free to use it I won't go into all of this in depth in this video but essentially these are just simplified versions of what works so by no means are the best gpts built just with these but if you're just starting out feel free to stick to just these and you'll be just fine or maybe you have gpts already well you might want to take a building block from here and add it to that again this is meant as a starting point for beginners and essentially these compete with the open AI GPT Builder and in the last part of this video I'll actually prove this because I'll build a GPT with my system and with the GPT Builder and you can judge yourself which one performs better but before we do that let's address the elephant in the room because I'm talking about the instructions part of the GPT here right and you probably know that there's also the knowledge part where you can upload files and it uses them as context and then there's these actions well so the knowledge part is super good but it's just additional context you could add more than just an instructions like one of the most common things I see here is a tutorial file you can include a tutorial. txd or a readme.txt and then you include this tutorial accessibility building block that I have here and the the user will be able to access the tutorial that you include in this knowledge BCE so it will make it really friendly for your newcomers but honestly this feature is not a GameChanger it's good to add context you can add some relevant data a tutorial but that's about it I haven't seen like a revolutionary use case of this feature but then there are the actions right many people are saying that actions are the true Game Changer here well there's a problem with them and it's significant they're super inconsistent and with inconsistent I mean no matter how you set them up how well you prompt them from within the instructions a lot of times they just fail and they don't get used for whatever reason they're just inconsistent by Design I'm sure this will change over time there's some fun ones there's some cool ones but again no game changers maybe I just haven't looked at the right ones not even the canva GPT in my opinion is a worthy action I'd rather just use canva itself and hey maybe I haven't seen it all feel free to enlighten me in the comments but as of today that's my take on actions okay so back to the GPT building block system and the instructions here what I use this inspiration is the GPT Builder system prompt that my team managed to extract from the GPT Builder so this is what open AI uses in the background I will link to this notion site also in the description but basically here you can study how they build their GPT Builder the problem is they're relying upon this Gizmo editor action in the background and this thing just doesn't work as well as I would like it to that's why I had to go back and redo the whole thing and that's what I did with these building blocks so you can mix and match multiple of these to create your very own gpts and certain parts here I just copy pasted from their own tool for example this browser tool this is a great implementation and this works perfectly because it references the exact functions that the browser tool has but beyond that in most cases you'll be better off mixing and matching your own GPT and using this as a starting point and before we get into actually building a GPT and then comparing that to the open AI Builder I want to address one last thing and that is to some of the loyal followers of the AI Advantage the question might pop up eigor what is the difference between this building blocks approach and the other building blocks approach you head for the custom instructions and your business blueprint product for anybody who's the familiar if you sign up to our Weekly Newsletter you get a free template here there's a lot okay there's prompts Styles follow-ups but mainly there's these assistants here and under the assistant there's a tab which says gpts and you get these GPT instructions here okay so the difference here is the following these are assistants so if you're a web designer and you want a web designer AI assistant you will get more specialized answers and dialed in preferences from a web designer if you use this preset what I'm showing you here with this building blocks is more what gpts were meant to be and that is Agents what that means is versions of chat GPT that are designed to act to do stuff so yes if the actions worked flawlessly then this is the preferable approach if you have a specific goal in mind like creating a high performance coach for your specific career then this approach is better if you want just a general purpose assistance in your career then this assistance approach is better if you have a specific goal you want to achieve you want the agent GPT if you just want a general purpose assistant for your work you want the assistant GPT and both of these approaches are very simplified and can and should be extended but they're the best starting point I found for people that are just getting into building these and more advanced folks can take these and extend their existing gpts with some parts that they might have forgotten all right so with all that said let's actually get into building one of these and comparing it to what open AI would do for you by default so this is my brand new teams account and what I'm going to do I'm just and what I'm going to do is very simple I'm going to copy this super prompt it's gigantic it's ginormous and I won't be going into it all you have to know is that it's enough to just copy paste this in here and hit enter okay so the GPT building process begins now it's going to greet you with a message and all you need to do is is follow these two steps I've set this up so a 10-year-old could do this okay so it says welcome to the AI Advantage custom GPT Builder start by clearly defining your chatbots intended purpose tip detail is key for instance resolve Financial disputes with my female partner is more helpful than just resolve conflicts with my partner with that being said you can keep it super simple what I'm going to do in this case I'm going to build a GPT that was actually helpful to me over the past few months and that is one to manage my emotions while playing computer games I don't play a lot but I do enjoy hyper competitive games and sometimes when people mess up and emotions get high and it's good to have an assistant to talk about that also it makes a great example and you could adapt this to whatever emotions you might be facing in your everyday life because this is going to be a personalized coach just for you not bad right so I'll just say help me manage my emotions while gaming that's how simple this can be just State the goal that you're looking for help with and what I set this up to do is now it's going to ask some clarifying questions now look if you don't want to answer these included the option at the end that if I just say Auto it will automatically answer all of these and give me the finished GPT that I can now copy paste and it's ready to go but I'll actually take a second to personalize this to make this my very own right because I want a hyper personalized coach that fits my very own needs if you want to be using this for your team or even sell these gpts strongly recommend you do that too okay so short and sweet answers to all of these if you want to make it more precise feel free to do that it's also going to make the GPT more precise but there we go it's already building it so it called it the game sense Guru all right not bad for a name and here it begins this is where the GPT begins so starting with communication sequence you're going to copy paste this entire part that it's generating here and I'm not going to go into depth on how this is set up and how to customize it that's why I have my course we have live events in a community where we do that we actually launch the GPT building challenge where the entire Community is building their own version of a mental health coach to help themselves or people in their environment and then we post them in the community and me and the team and the other community members feedback them to make them as good as possible so if you want to go more in depth you can find a link in the description to that below by the way I'll be closing enrollment to the course and the community with that on January 19th and then reopening it sometimes in March or April just because I want to focus on doing more with the people that are there instead of always onboarding new members okay and this finished generating so again what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy the communication sequence this is how the GPT will interact with the user and instructions this is how the GPT is supposed to behave and that's it our GPT is ready to go now I can customize this as I use it but basically I just go to explore create a GPT I'm going to enter the name the game sense Guru I actually like that name and there you go I could save this and it's ready to go and you know what I'm actually going to include some conversational starters AK some prompts and the way we're going to do this is by utilizing the business blueprint which is another product we developed and here I'm going to look for and here I'm going to search for a therapist actually I'm going to go with the psychiatric nurse by the way we now have over a thousand different characters like this with 30 matching prompts each and I'm just going to pick one of these how about this one formulate compassionate response so I'm going to build in a feature here where my GPT is actually going to formulate compassionate responses to my teammates let's just customize this how can I construct empathetic responses to patients just going to change this to players expressing specific concerns delusions expressing toxic Behavior right Supply examples adhering to therapeutic response models love it and there we go I'm just going to go ahead and save this and you could totally add additional files and actions to this as you go and over time you'll be developing this making it more specific and all that good stuff but basically I could go in now and share my emotions and it's going to guide me through the process I'm feeling angry after lost game and then my game sense G replies with game gam slang but it does act as a coach showing understanding and asking you clarifying questions about the situation and as mentioned you can always go in here and personalize this right maybe I want to customize the welcome sequence or I could test my preset prompt just by clicking it this is powerful stuff and the cool thing is you can really customize this to whatever problems you are facing and if enough other people face the same problems you have now with the GPD store they get to use it too eventually might be even able to monetize it and trust me if I tell you this will only get better we got a lot of features today but this is just the beginning eventually you'll be able to select multiple gpts let them work together these actions will become way easier and way more reliable and the number one thing I'm hoping for is that they will actually make these accessible to everyone not just chat gbt plus users I would love to share this with the whole internet and not just people that are paying for the subscription so yeah there you go I hope that was valuable to you and here's another video about building assistant gpts that you'll probably enjoy if you watch this far all right good luck out there with all the gpts that are available now
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 43,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, gpt-4, openai, ai advantage, igor
Id: ETs6ozEubzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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