GPT-4: Here's how you can use this disruptive, artificial intelligence platform | This World

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so what is GPT all about and more importantly what are some of the things that people have already started doing with it in just two days the things that people are doing with it now what's unique about gpt4 is the number one the platform is multi-modal means it doesn't only accept text inputs but also images for example you can upload a photograph or a diagram or a screenshot and ask GPT to describe it or solve a mystery the makers tested the model by uploading these photos on gpt4 and asked it to point out what was funny in these images gpt4 did not disappoint it replied saying the humor in this image comes from the absurdity of plugging a large outdated VGA connector into small modern smartphone charging ports gpt4 was on point and all of this by the way just illustrates how ridiculous it is that we are still trying to prevent robots from getting onto something saying captcha can you interpret it this image look what gpt4 can do but it goes on gbt4 has the ability to process up to 25 000 Words which is around eight times more than chat GPT also GPT 4 can turn your ideas into reality this engineer for example uploaded a handwritten note of a dummy website that you wanted to create gpt4 turned it into a legit website there and then he then uploaded the photos of a few ingredients flour egg butter and ask GPT for what can you make with these ingredients look at gpt4's reply pancakes or waffles Crepes French toast omelettes it then goes on to give other recipe ideas adding these are just a few examples but the possibilities are endless but that is just the starting point in the last two or three days the things that people have done with it well here it is one of the threads that for example breaks it down to you I want to give you just a few examples like we showed you you can turn your scribbles into Apps and websites at Famous example of I wrote something on a napkin and then I had to program it write something on a napkin jpt Vulcan convert it into a website for you here's another practical example what somebody did you can ask gpt4 to build a video game for you and voila you no longer need a coder take a look at this gpt4 built a pong game in minutes you can use gpt4 to add context to your story say you're struggling with the caption of your next Instagram post upload the photo on gpt4 ask it to describe the photo for you it's going to oblige something else that you can do ask gp24 to type a lawsuit for you like this man did a telemarketer calling you up instant lawsuit in less than a few seconds and it can go to the person well you're basically saving legal costs out here but then again of course none of this is foolproof so you may want to pay someone to proofread it once for you you can also ask gpt4 to help you with daily chores like coming up with party ideas or helping you write a letter a resume or covering it to anything you see the possibilities are essentially endless you just need to start exploring this and figuring out the best way that you can do it and sometimes as in my case I actually asked GPT for how do I use you to help me with ABC and it did it it did it in a matter of seconds but for me some of the most fascinating examples have been even more open-ended than that many people have said that oh all these generative models in these large language models like GPT are essentially just auto complete on steroids it's just completing stuff doesn't really have any intelligence but some people have been doing things that are way more open-ended there's a famous example many exciting examples actually running on hustle GPT they're calling in Hustle GPT web people are saying here you are gpt4 here's I have a hundred dollars help me make this into a business and gpt4 is doing everything coming up with the idea coming up with how to Market it coming up with the logo coming up with what they should do next everything is being done by gpt4 and this is really making people think you're now moving more and more towards human level intelligence and human level performance open AI by the way actually believes that this platform exhibits human level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks gpt4 for example has taken language tests it's got 85.5 in English 73.2 in Bengali 62 percent in Marathi in good and and Telugu respectively open AI made GPT 4 take practice papers or a whole range of exams look at the results it got 88 percentile in the GRE quantitative 99 percentile in GRE verbal it also passed the our exam earlier this week open ai's Chief Executives I am open tweeted about gpt4 saying it still flowed still limited but it still seems more impressive on first use than it does after you spend more time with it the open AI blog makes this point too it says and I'm quoting again despite its capabilities gpt4 has similar limitations as earlier GPT models most importantly it is still not fully reliable as it hallucinates facts and makes reasoning errors it is not perfect but the big question that you need to keep in mind is this technology like all other Technologies is getting better with time and it will continue to do so remember what happened with the iPhone that first phone the first mobile phone compare it to what you have right now don't think about GPT 4 has think about GPT 6 will be like or GPT 10 or GPT 40. till then yes there will be answers that are misleading of course there will be misinformation but like every problem out there in this case also solutions could follow could be sooner could be later could be wrong and perhaps far from Solutions coming up some big existential problems are going to come up and I'm going to be talking to you about that in just a couple of months but what I can tell you is this world is changing and this world is changing forever so please pay attention to all of this meet arthi prabhakar she's the director of the White House's office of Science and Technology policy earlier this week she was part of a panel at a conference where she said and I quote what we are all seeing is the emergence of this extremely powerful technology one of our panelists replied saying if in six months you are not completely freaked out then I will buy you dinner this co-panelist was Austin Carlson the founder of seed AI world is changing pay attention to it please do it how can you by the way use GPT for well for starters you need to get a premium version you need to pay for it unlike gpt3 this sort of version requires you to buy tokens or be part of a plus campaign each token costs a certain amount of money that's the starting point but Microsoft has now said it's building GPT into Word and Excel which means it's going to be everywhere everywhere and that's another reason you need to think about this NP series attention because of you're not paying attention the person next to you could be and he or she will then have an advantage that you cannot match this is something that is going to be affecting your education your work and your life very very drastically foreign
Channel: WION
Views: 26,596
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Keywords: openai chat, chat openai, what is open ai, openai chatgpt, open ai chat gpt, open ai chat gtp, openai chatbot, chatgpt openai, chatbot openai, chat gpt open ai, chat gpt openai, open ai chatgpt, openai chat gpt, open ai chatbot, chat gpt - openai, openai chatbot gpt, how to open chatgpt, el chatbot de openai, daniel penin chat gpt, chat, openai chatgpt example, new chatgpt from openai, chatgpt openai dans excel, chatgpt content, openai, open ai, ai chat
Id: qrIjd-vIYvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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