ChatGPT Just Got An Upgrade | What Is GPT4? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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and now let's talk about the world of artificial intelligence or AI it's moving at lightning speed and its hero just acquired a new superpower what are we talking about chat GPT it can now see its parent company open AI has released gpt4 it is the latest version of the super hit AI chatbot think of it as an update just like our phones get a software update chat GPT has got an update too but before we talk about this update that's Making Waves let's understand once again what chat GPT is this chat bot was launched in November last year it has been used by millions of people since in fact it added 100 million users new users in just two months after its launch and this is the fastest ever growth no other app or software has grown its user base at this speed and what does it do it can answer questions using human-like language it can also mimic writing styles it has cracked college level entrance exams and written poems it is also written code and suggested marketing copy where does it get this information to do all of this it culls data from the internet its database has information up to 2021 so a bit outdated but useful nonetheless and gpt4 the new version will take all of this to the next level it has learned to be more precise and accurate it can now respond to images look at this visual you will see how it analyzes an image and gives paragraphs of description similarly if you show it a picture of ingredients and ask for a recipe option it will tell you this feature can be useful for visually impaired people it can also process up to 25 000 words this is eight times as many as the previous model used by Chad GPT it also has more advanced reasoning skills think of it as an engine that can power chat Bots search engines and even online tutors and who can use this who can use gpt4 as of now it's available to chat GPT users with a premium subscription that's 20 dollars a month it's already powering Microsoft's Bing search engine Morgan Stanley wealth management is using it to build an information system an online education company will use it to build an automated tutor and open AI does not plan to stop here in the long term it wants the system to juggle between different media like sound video text and images as you can tell the update is clearly an improvement and it also comes with the same baggage as chat GPT but it also comes with the same baggage as chat GPT open AI spent six months on the safety features of gpt4 but it can still not be trusted completely it might hallucinate which is Tech language for AI inventing facts or making errors and gpt4 is is an expert on some subjects but it completely lacks knowledge about others it can also offer precise medical knowledge while it makes errors in basic math but company is part of the AI chatbot race will have to put up with this imprecision simply because of the way they have bet their future on this technology like Microsoft that has invested 10 billion dollars in open AI another reason is the speed at which AI is developing it has made the world unpredictable experts are calling it a tectonic shift almost as crucial as the creation of web browsers in the 1990s and open AI is not alone in the shift Tech giants like Google and meta are also working towards the school they're building their own chat Bots and AI technology this technology is at the cusp of changing work as we know it it's exciting it's also scary is AI coming for our jobs there is disruption for sure some jobs might go others might be created hopefully we don't have to worry because even the most impressive technology complements workers but there are other risks too this phase is seeing extremely powerful technology and if you can learn one thing from history it is that Tech will be used for both good and evil ultimately which direction this goes in lies in the hands of the companies that are developing it so are they being transparent in where they get their information from are they policing the sources what about the government will they be able to move quickly and establish legal guardrails for this kind of development looking at the government's experience with social media policies gives us an idea and it's not very encouraging but this can be seen as a cautionary tale so we do better this time because the worst risks could be the ones we can't even anticipate yet of course the world does not have all the solutions right now but one thing is Undisputed gpt4 is a big step forward every short and accurate response by the technology is a giant leap for mankind
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: Vantage, Vantage live, Vantage Palki Sharma, Palki Sharma firstpost, Palki Sharma Vantage, Palki Sharma news, firstpost, chatgpt 4, chat gpt, chatgpt how to use, chat gpt explained, chatgpt 4 demo, chat gpt download, gpt 4, gpt4 demo, gpt4 news, gpt4 image input, openai, open ai, open ai chatgpt, chatgpt vs gpt4, chatgpt gpt 4, chatbot gpt 4 reddit, chatgpt gpt4 images, chat gpt vs gpt 4
Id: TQ5PDm3fgDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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