Gotta Sweep Helps Baldi WALK AGAIN...

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[Music] yay [Music] hello everybody i am kindly kia and welcome back to baldi's basics this time baldy needs a little help from his friends in this case a broom welcome to gotta sweep helps baldi by michael does gaming i believe that there is a connection between this game and first prize helps baldy that was a mod that we played a little while's back let's go into the menu let's go to how to play baldi went back to the doctor he said that his legs were kinder working to make them work baldy need to move around like cleaning baldy might get got a sweep to help oh noes okay so let me get this straight baldi's legs weren't working but the doctor said if you do activities like sweeping they'll work again okay what about the credits well that clears up any confusion this is the sequel to first prize help spalding i forget what happened to baldi's legs in that one hold up i'm pretty sure i still have that mod installed i found it and to understand the deep lore of god of sweep helps baldi we first need to understand the deep lore of first prize helps baldi i think baldi explains it when you start the game maybe please explain to me what happened your legs [Music] okay if you insist baldi a few moments later please continue your story baldy [Music] a shiny quarter i'll explain what i was saying about earlier basically the first part has to push me around for the day because i had to do leg surgery to test my leg but they said they don't work so the first problem is you know what i know that can push me around i know this won't happen true just go okay so now we understand the deep lore of baldi getting leg surgery so let's return to god a sweep helps baldy oh my gosh that loading screen [Music] it's got a habit of holding out on us until we collect our first notebook just tell me the whole story baldy tell me what's going on with your legs man i need to know anyway whoa just had to let you know that kindly called me a stinky mouth man and baldy loves don't you ever call me that ever again anyway i'll explain how you do the math questions just type okay that was actually terrifying stinky math man i did it i called him it again oh my gosh uh i i hope that he didn't hear that although i mean he almost certainly did because he heard it the first time i said it and i don't even remember that anyways let's uh let's get our prize thank you i'll explain what i was saying earlier basically um i went to the hospital yesterday yet again right and they said my legs are kind of working right for me to make him move again i have to clean like actually clean up so i move around i've got to sleep it's the only one i know that does cleaning true true why you gotta laugh like that dude so this is basically physical therapy for for baldi get his legs working again he's got to do some sweeping i guess that makes sense sort of i gotta say though that was pretty cool that he uh he called me out for calling him a stinky math man very surprising honestly what mod did he say i did that in was it the baldy loves toys one i called him a stinky math man huh maybe you should shower more often baldi just saying anyways let's answer these math problems and then let's make baldi mad [Laughter] i love the way that god asleep sounds oh my gosh what a strange mod i love it all right let's avoid baldy and his physical therapy with gotta sweep hello cool shirt she's wearing a uh that's a pghl films i'm familiar with the channel hello and uh and cool shirt great let's play again sometime soon play time oh i don't like that i do not like the noises that baldi is making he's really getting into the gotta sweep thing oh there he goes there he goes oh my gosh so i guess that baldy moves around like gotta sweep does which is actually terrifying because you cannot outrun [Music] get away from me um like i was saying before weird noises came out of my mouth you can't escape gotta sweep he is way faster than we are so if we see baldy coming after us on top of god asweep we're pretty much dead that's what it boils down to like there's no chance the only way out is to do what i did and shoot him with the soda that's it that's the only chance and uh as you guys know there is a very limited amount of soda that you can have okay i i saw him oh i'm scared does he go into the cafeteria i don't even remember if gotta sweep goes into the cafeteria i don't think he does so this might be a safe zone for us but either way this is very scary just play cool just play cool use the big boots they'll protect you right no absolutely not i am quite scared of these long hallways because you guys know gotta sweep loves hanging out in big hallways let's just pay attention just just yep you gotta listen out for the gotta sweep sweep sweeps i'm still a little confused at how this is helping baldy walk again but i won't question the doctor's advice all right so i have a besota to protect me oh dude that's my buddy brandon frustrated gamer principal's sporting his merch nice oh i'm scared oh i'm scared i hear him i hear him but i don't see oh there he is please don't come this way please please just stay in that corner they seem stuck which is actually amazing for me yeah let's just accept that baldi is now stuck in that corner and everything is awesome i'm surprised at how well this first run is going let's just carry on and hope that he does not break free from that corner now where are the last two notebooks i don't remember which notebooks i haven't gotten actually i think i need this one right around the corner and then i need the other one that's uh right down the hallway let's see yes okay this is definitely one of the notebooks i did not collect yet don't oh no oh no first prize is gonna push me he's gonna he's gonna get us okay okay this is fine because this is kind of where i wanna go oh excuse me bully are you wearing my t-shirt that's okay okay okay i see oh baldi's still in the corner okay uh we did see bully there for a second i'm pretty sure he was wearing my logo i'm flattered bully okay so i think our last notebook is in this room yes it is let's grab the scissors to protect ourselves against playtime which is very scary all right let's see what happens he's he's going to get mad i mean it's it's baldy right okay congratulations [Music] okay okay playtime can you just can you just leave me alone please okay i'm very scared but let's see if baldi's still in this corner over here he's still in the corner okay so we managed to completely break the game i don't know how or why but i love that he's stuck there and principal is stuck there too so like if i run running yeah he's mad at me but uh he can't get me he can't take me to detention i love it this does mean that we have to go the other way though that's okay i'll take the long way if i have to it may be a technicality but i'm pretty sure we're about to beat this mod on our first run which is a huge surprise we just need to keep an eye out for arts and crafters he's our greatest foe right now just watch okay you know what no you know what get out of here all right we got her out of here okay arts and crafters is in here we're clear um however first prize is here so i'm just gonna push him away with that soda and then we just need to get to the cafeteria we've done it we have finished gotta sweep helps baldy what do you got for me the game's gonna crash it's gonna crash yep it crashed i am genuinely surprised uh that we beat this mod on our first go i will say we kind of broke it but it was an accident i didn't mean to get him stuck in the corner i don't know why he got stuck there he really likes that corner or maybe that corner is just super super dirty gotta clean it but i do have to say we got a little glimpse of bully in there i wanna find bully again because i'm pretty sure he was wearing my logo i have to thank him for you know supporting the channel and supporting me that's super cool bully even though you're a bully wow you are smart thanks thanks baldi let's go get the player i love that he calls me player he can run but you certainly cannot hide it's sweet time i love the way they gotta sweep sounds in that recording it's so good oh no we're done we're done oh please save me principal oh no baldi saved me from principal but okay i mean i guess that works too although principal is eventually going to catch up with us and give us detention it's a reality that we must accept there you go great shirt though very very very cool shirt i think we might be safe in detention because i don't think god of sweet goes in here i could be wrong though never really paid attention to be perfectly honest don't like that though oh that's scary okay oh he's turn are you turning around oh i don't like this i don't like this i don't like this you know what i'm just gonna hide in this classroom for for a little bit he's waiting for me please leave i don't think he's leaving are they stuck it's almost like they're pushing each other it's like baldy wants to come this way but first prize wants to go the other way but then if i lure first prize into turning towards me and moving towards me i'm pretty sure baldi will come that way too so maybe if i like stand over on this side of the classroom it'll make them just go somewhere else i hate it i hate it and now playtime's there too great cool this is this is cool i don't know if you guys have heard but you got a sweet sweet sweet okay let's just try to get out we we have to do something we're in a stalemate all right let's just go for it oh he's gonna come towards me okay we just need to get around the corner he caught me he caught me very quickly [Music] got a sweep sweep sweep i love it i love it so much it kind of sounds like cookie monster okay the hunt for bully continues why is it that bully is always the hardest guy to find when you actually want to find him and then in the worst possible situations when you think to yourself man it'd be real bad if bully showed up right now he shows up bully you got to make up your mind you got to be a little bit more consistent man i think i see him i think i see him i saw a little sneak peek through the there he is hey bully you know what um this seems like a strange situation i appreciate that you're not a bully anymore you're now a fan that's that's great very flattering bully i hope you've turned around from your bullying ways and a a kinder person for it here have a soda or scissors that's fine too why are you stuck again baldi what's going on man what is going on no first prize betrayed by first prize i thought that we were friends but there you have it gotta sweep helps baldi i hope that baldi regains control of his legs in the future but either way this was a fun mod if you guys want to try it out for yourselves there will be a link in the description down below but that is gonna do it for this episode if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching see you guys next time to math class just had to let you know that kindly kian called me a stinky mouth man and foggy love toys i'm not that stinky behind me here i take a shower
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 469,745
Rating: 4.9018283 out of 5
Keywords: baldi's basics, baldis basics, baldis basics in education and learning, horror game, educational horror game, baldis basics lets play, baldis basics gameplay, baldis basics game, scary game, scary games, kindly keyin, baldis basics mod, baldis basics update, baldi horror game, baldis basics ending, baldi new character, baldis basics beans, beans, new character, mrs pomp, baldi mrs pomp, baldi new teacher, baldis basics plus, tired baldi, school, baldi can walk
Id: 4u44mHDjVMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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