Baldi LOVES Potato Chips... And its weird... | Baldi's Basics

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salty savory crunchy delicious Lay's classic potato chips apparently Baldy loves them and I kind of hate it [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Qian and welcome to Aldi loves chips in fact I think I'll let Baldy kind of explain to you guys the premise and the deep lore of this mod here that's it he likes chip this is a mod by rappa rep and I have no idea what I'm getting myself into apparently Baldy has become infatuated with classic Lay's potato chips and I mean at one point in our lives haven't we all maybe some of us never stops being infatuated with them they are pretty delicious although if I had to pick I'd probably go with barbecue instead of classic just personal opinion outside of that I have no idea what this mod is like so let's start and play here we go ah seems that I can't really get these chips open can you help me soon you want me to help you open a bag of chips apparently the only thing Baldy can do with his hands is slap rulers can't open chips okay all right I'll help you out Baldy so if I know anything about Bal these basics does that mean that we have to answer math problems in order to help ball the open a bag of Lay's potato chips I have no idea all right let's go into our first classroom and answer a potato chip opening bag [Music] basically listen I get it sometimes it's hard to open up these little bags you don't know where to begin maybe your fingers are slowly there's a little grease on your fingers you've been eating too much pizza maybe you just put chapstick on your lips you know your fingers are getting kind of kind of slippery maybe your hands were dry you had to lotion them up and then they're getting all slippery goodness gracious we need to save Baldy and his bag of chips by answering math problems let's use the you can open chips machine 1 plus 0 is 1 1 minus 9 is negative not 89 but just negative 8 is good 6 plus 6 is 12 get that bag of chips Baldy you earned it he looks so confused look I hope this thing don't hurt yourself Baldy don't don't hurt yourself be very upset I get it just put your put your legs into it or something I don't know Oh Dee open it he can't he can't do it he is incapable of opening those chips I'm so sorry Baldy I mean he could just get scissors and just cut him open but let's not ruin the fun for Baldy clearly he wants to force us to do math or something I don't know let's answer some math problems and then get the last one wrong is that what's gonna happen 1 minus 2 is negative 1 3 plus 9 is 12 I don't know what that was but it hurt my brain all right oh goodness oh it's really got good grasp on those Lay's potato chips oh gosh oh he's a big dumb mouth oh man so apparently the the anger of us being unable to answer his math problem fueled his power to open up that bag of Lay's potato chips cuz he's eating them right I want to get it I want to get closer but I'm scared you know I mean he's still bald yeah he's eating potato chips he is eating what appears to be an endless bag of potato chips to be perfectly honest with you what is what what is happening to bully bully are you oh my gosh bully is moving what in the world bully can can move what he was moving like playtime that was kind of creepy and actually pretty awesome what is that noise oh goodness what is that someone drilling over here or something what is happening no no no no no you don't you don't see me what is he doing I don't quite understand what bully is up to he might be using a jackhammer somewhere I don't know maybe he's digging a tunnel I'm not here to judge so why are we answering these math problems now if Baldy got his chips open why do we need to do anything honestly here I'm gonna give you those boots there you go enjoy that I don't I still don't quite understand what those do oh noes please creepy in this mod straight up and Baldy is just continuing to eat potato chips which is great good for him how does he keep such a slim figure with all the trans fat Baldy you got to tell me your secret dude I want to know all right we got another you can open chips machine I don't I don't even know what we're collecting I mean we're collecting notebooks but are we really oh hello principal hi so I suspect that bully has replaced first price does that seem right he kind of is moving the same way his first prize which is kind of cool we've certainly never seen a mob that does this they replaced Baldy with first prize remember wheelchair Baldy it's terrifying but never bully with first prize bully is now mobile you can move around don't mess around with a mobile bully it's what I've always said oh there's Baldy again he doesn't really seem to be going faster even though I've collected several of the notebooks no no I'm gonna shoot him down the hallway just because I have so much extra soda oh don't get me I'm not in the mood right now I'm doing so well things are going so good Oh things were going good but now we have to jump rope I've been eating too many potato chips this is exhausting me five jumps enough jumps for food for the week please let me go oh my goodness sweeping time so angry who made this broom so angry I'm gonna grab some scissors in the event that you know I need to open a bag of potato chips make it a lot easier okay that's six of seven we only have one more to get baldies been kind of going easy on us I guess because he finally opened up his potato chips he's just he's just content and happy with his life at this point and if that's all it takes is a bag of potato chips to make Baldy happy that makes me happy maybe I should have been collecting potato chips instead of notebooks for Baldy this whole time probably was saved us from a lot of hurt all right 9 minus 4 is 5 this is the last one 4 plus 2 is 6 12 I hear every door you open let's see what he has to say about that we got all the notebooks you go say something he's Baldy Baldy are you you're not gonna say anything is this is really how how this whole thing's gonna end can i no no no no no get away from me away from me okay let's you know oh gosh oh this is bad okay you know what do this okay and then and then play it cool here and you know what let's just shoot him away and then let's get our first exit here and I don't know what to do at this point because I'm pretty sure that the arts and crafts errs is gonna mess things up for us I don't know maybe I can maybe I can play it cool maybe I can survive I will survive no don't look at me oh gosh oh man oh it's over it's there's no escape maybe maybe maybe go go go go go go go oh my gosh I can't believe that I escaped I actually got away from Baldy but now I can't get away from playtime please hurry please jump faster please please please what's sweeping time to hero we've all been waiting for oh my gosh he just swept principal and ballsy completely out of sight oh that was unbelievable so we only have two more exits to get we might be able to pull this off we might actually be able to pull this off I don't know where Baldy is right now but I don't care I certainly can't hear the crunching of chips anymore because this noise is soul out and the screen is so red it's making my eyes hurt oh there's Pauly he's just hanging out over there I think I saw Baldy I think I saw a little green over there will you make this happen we can make this happen right now oh I hear the crunch I hear the crunch no we did it we've done it no one's here [Music] this is hurting my eyes and then the game's gonna crash but we get to enjoy one we escape from Baldy and his bag of chips bully on the other hand he's an interesting combination of bully in first prize I kind of want to interact with him again I just want to see what he does when we actually get caught by him so let's go back in the story mode say hello to Baldy who can't open his bag of chips let's just move along I really like the sound cues that were put into the game it's always a nice touch when people do their own little voice acting it's actually really really good I love the whole premise of Baldy being unable to open a bag of potato chips and then using his rage to open a bag of potato chips all right let's go find everybody's favorite bully I think his full name is this is a bully I think that's what it says on his birth certificate that's his given name from his parents maybe his parents family name a bully he was destined to be a bully and steal our lunch money or our lunches altogether there he is the man the myth the legend himself he's turning and then he's gonna push us right gosh that boys wait did he take anything from me did he I don't think he took anything from me but goodness gracious the noises that he makes when he's turning around or chasing us are something else what is that what is that noise I have no idea gosh okay he sounds like a jackhammer when he's turning around it's absurd oh all right I think this is where I meet my end hello Baldy he's gonna push us right into it him and his bag of potato chips YUM so a big thanks to Frito Lays Inc for sponsoring this obviously it's not sponsored by Frito Lays but you guys make a fine product that even insane Bob math teachers enjoy congratulations but that is gonna do it for this video guys I hope that you enjoyed it there will be a link in the description down below and if you want to check out this mod for yourselves pretty cool mod I love it when people do their own voices this it just it adds so much more to it and it's just it's a great mod and I'm happy to hear that Baldy is happy with his bag of chips and has discovered how to open them if you guys did enjoy this video be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time good bye good okay
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 7,419,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldis basics chaos edition, Baldi, baldis basics, family friendly, no cursing, no swearing, baldis basics in education and learning, kindly keyin, baldi is dead, weird games, education games, baldis basics ending, i killed baldi, baldi horror game, baldis basics update, baldis basics game, horror game, family friendly gaming, baldis basics lets play, real life baldi, baldi loves chips, potato, potato chips, lays potato chips
Id: XI1EcPuqNl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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