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apparently baldies legs aren't good enough anymore so he calls up his buddy first-prize to help him out way hello everybody I am kindly kid and welcome back to baldies basics another baldies basics mod it's actually been kind of a while since we played ball these basics mods but this one looks pretty pretty interesting I'm kind of excited by Michael does gaming first-prize helps Baldy why does Baldy need a robots help I actually I'm not sure maybe we'll discover the deep lore of this game if we go to how to play this is exactly the same as what it normally is so that's unchanged how about options nope nope credits no no nothing here about the deep story of Baldy and first prize working together collaborating well now we're just gonna have to make up our own lore all these legs are broken and because first prize is such a good dude slash robot he's gonna help his buddy balding in his time of need so there's the story a first price help Baldy let's just play the game here we go story mode bring it on Baldy I'm sorry about your legs [Music] okay so hopefully this doesn't ruin a great story that we've already made around this concept of first prize carrying Baldy around don't mess it up for me Baldy hey I'm on the wall cool all right let's grab our first notebook it's been a while since I've done like real math I actually have to think about it for a second hope they're both negative one so far they're all negative answers that's kind of uncommon I guess all right tell me more Baldy let's listen there you have it now it's not quite Baldy breaking his legs but he had leg surgery and they made his legs not work anymore which seems kind of bad Baldy you might want to switch up your your doctor cuz your leg should should work just just saying you should have working legs anyways let's grab the next notebook and see if Baldy will add any additional insights into into what's going on with his his legs his legs not working five plus two is seven 3 minus 2 is 1 is 12 [Music] we are coming oh gosh I gotta see this oh my gosh okay where are you first-prize Baldy team where are you guys oh wait I hear him I hear him that's the sound of a first prize for sure what does he move the same way that the first prize moves oh there he is oh my gosh what oh you're together it's so adorable you guys are adorable together why is there like bones coming out of first prizes tires oh this is bad this is bad no get in there oh my gosh okay that was incredibly close to dying Wow hey buddy why are you why do you seem so mad why are you so mad dole get near me why are your eyes red dude I don't I don't like how mad you guys are together yeah normally you're just such a nice dude oh no oh no oh no he can say no I'm stuck on the table okay get me out of this nightmare goodness gracious okay I'm leaving I'm leaving oh he's behind me Wow first prize Baldy the duo of the century yay he is okay let's give that another shot I I just I had to see him up close and personal he was he was amazing the team together working together did you see how big at first prize hand was around Baldy he held him with one hand now let's uh let's actually try to defeat the dynamic duo here I don't know if any of the other characters look any different but either way I'm digging this so far I like the premise of Baldy and first prize working together first prize knows where you are all right first prize let's go get that player that's me I'm the player I feel like this might actually be one of those mods that is made easier because of the kind of mechanics that are added to it cuz typically first prize is pretty easy to evade because you can only move in you know one direction whoa what what is going on with your arm dude what happened it's like did someone so your sweater to just like the front of your sweater so you just your arm is like stuck to the side of your your body that okay I mean that must be very uncomfortable also why did I get detention website oh I was in the faculty room of course my bad my bad hole dick they are the team the dream team now I wonder will he start moving faster as I collect more notebooks or will he always move at the same speed I mean first prize always moves at the same speed obviously Baldy on the other hand tends to speed up over time it's very strange not hearing the ruler slams we've played other mods where there are no ruler slaps but it's still just it's a little unnerving know what's going on with principals arm though he just looked really uncomfortable ready or not here he comes but where is he are you in here you're in here okay um I don't like this I don't like this okay don't hurt me do not hurt me stay away from me oh my gosh he can actually move really really well I'm scared I'm so scared no I got the tension and and playtime was was doing cartwheels I think playtime was doing cartwheels she was upside down yeah oh yeah oh yeah she is she is cartwheeling her way through the hallways this is a bully gonna take his arms look funny just like just like the principal it's got weird arms this is also known as the weird arm MOT it's actually totally untrue but I have noticed a theme here most of the characters have weird arms I mean they always have weird arms but especially weird arms got a sweep do you have arms because that would be pretty sweet can we just give God a sweep arms if this is the weird arms mod I feel like a broom with arms pretty weird now if first prize Baldy team finds us in one of these super long hallways we're so dead unless I can push him with soda I actually think that I can push him with soda but if that doesn't work oh my goodness we will get steamrolled just splatted to the ground instantly because that seems like something first prize but do you just splat now I have managed to get five of the seven notebooks without too much competition here so I think it is safe to say that this mod is made easier by the fact that Baldy and first prize are working together but they are much more intimidating I will say that when you see that team making their way down the hallway towards you it's a scary sight and they got red eyes baldies got the angry eyebrows they're mad and also ready or not here he comes oh they're coming there oh yeah there they're coming around the corner this could be bad this actually could be very bad I was messing around with them too much wasn't giving them enough respect and now I might pay the consequences but I hope that the soda protects me so this is kind of scary also which notebook in my missing this is the one in the middle of the school I think it might be the middle one okay what oh there they are there they are the die dad died the dynamic duo okay we got a blast them no not again 40 seconds okay this is fine totally fine no this is very bad oh my goodness oh my oh no ten times I'm dead I'm dead am i dead wait well okay she only made me jump she only made me jump five times even though it said ten it's very confusing I'm getting mixed signals here play time I think that in that very chaotic moment got a sweep pushed baldie and and first prize away from me which is awesome thank you goddess weep not only do I have a principle I also have a group hooking me up did you guys see arts and crafts errs by the way he was like shiny he was he was kind of fluorescent kind of looked like he got dropped in a puddle of oil or something I don't know he had some some rainbowy powers going on okay let's grab our final milk book and listen to what Baldy has to say or maybe it's Baldy and first-prize together they both get on the intercom that would be the fair thing to do they've been a great team together they should both use the intercom [Music] okay well there you have it he says the same exact thing that he says in the normal game okay how are we gonna do this um I did see them down the hallway oh gosh okay they you know they're definitely coming ready or not here he comes great thanks for letting me know Baldy appreciate that I think I'm just gonna go ahead and go to the other side of the school that seems like a good solid strategy of course we need to watch out for oil spill arts and crafts hers and his rainbow powers who knows what he's capable of now that he's so sparkly and shiny first exit there we go is it gonna start making that obnoxious noise I feel like after you get the first one you get the obnoxious noise nothing nothing's happening huh the quiet is is kind of making me uncomfortable I I don't I don't know if I like this got a sweep sweep sweep oh no got a sweep sweep sweep where is he he's sweeping that's for sure he's got a sweep sweep sweep well there's your noise okay yep now I feel right at home also my ears are kind of bleeding okay you all need to go you all need to get out of here and I need to run to the exit please let me out so this terrible sound can just stop get me out of here we've done it whoo it's always uh it's always nice when you you you make that sound stop cuz it's just so so cozy also thanks for crashing my game well I gotta say that was a pretty cool mod I liked it actually before we end this episode I kind of want to see them up close and personal again cuz I love this little team the team dynamic Baldy and first prize it's adorable and kind of terrifying like how he calls me Playa all right where's the team at I hear you guys I hear you I don't see you though various various okay okay hello principal you're in the way actually I didn't even notice the first time a Baldy has his arm on top of first prices head that's actually great I love it oh my goodness these guys are the best and I am probably gonna die here get in the room get in there oh my goodness okay yeah what's it scared I wasn't scared were you scared nah not even for a second no no you're not allowed in here this is my classroom actually now that I'm looking at it it's not just one hand that first prize is holding Baldy in it's both of his hands he's like holding him like this okay that makes sense I love it but there yeah but guys first prize helps Baldy I dig it if you guys want to check out this mod for yourselves link in the description down below but that is gonna do it for this video I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching I'll see you guys next time bye [Music] you know the bride will be pushing me around for the day I'll give you boy [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 861,310
Rating: 4.9121656 out of 5
Keywords: baldi's basics, baldis basics, baldis basics in education and learning, horror game, educational horror game, baldis basics lets play, baldis basics gameplay, baldis basics game, scary game, scary games, kindly keyin, hello neighbor, baldis basics mod, baldis basics update, baldi horror game, baldis basics ending, baldi new character, baldis basics kickstarter demo, baldis basics beans, beans, new character, mrs pomp, baldi mrs pomp, baldi new teacher, baldis basics plus
Id: _I1q9iuVngM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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