Gothic II Review | Classic German Roleplaying™

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Hey hey people, Sseth here. Today, I'll be covering a game loved by many. A game where you go from nothing to being the most powerful being on the entire continent you can fight, die, craft, beat up the poor perform alchemy, perform intercourse with women and even distribute sausages to monks, which is great. You have one sausage too many anyway namely the one for you. And what's a sausage among friends? I'm talking of course about Gothic 2 - the quintessential single hero RPG This games got everything, except a good combat system. Many have played and enjoyed this game, but few understand for real way to play Gothic 2 - it's all about picking turnips for Lobart the farmer and destroying his relationship with his wife. Every day, she feeds me, every day she slaves over a hot stove to make me soup and every day, her hot juices pour into my stomach Lobart. You don't even eat her soup, she told me - you haven't eaten it for years Lobart - mark my words, you keep ignoring her like that and in time it'll be my hot juices pouring inside her stomach. Story, following the events of Gothic 1 you play as an undocumented Polish migrant who's just escaped from an all-male polish death camp after a health and safety Incident involving giant termites went sour. With a promise of adventure and a competitive European black-market wage you set out to the German city of Karina's, where you will spend the majority of your time smoking water pipes and showing German women the meaning of modesty. Much like in real life, the border guards accept European ID cards, or if you don't have that simply a drawing of your passport. Once inside you might be reminded that there's an overarching plot involving dragons and how they're going to attack Germany sooner or later But who really cares. The dragons are, more of a metaphorical plot device, questioning the very nature of what it means to be a Polish migrant worker. As at one point in a story, you can willingly return to the valley of coal mines - a literary reference to the barren wastelands of Poland - and the moment you do so Dragons will assault Karina and burn your memories to the ground. Despair will fill your character at this point and you'll be left questioning your motives. Why did I go back? Why didn't I stay? Sure, Lubart only paid me five euros for picking 20 turnips, but that was enough for me to buy my Zywiec™ and my Camel™ cigarettes. I was content, I was happy now now I'll be lucky to live to thirties. Most don't even last that long, down here in the popcorn mines. Hopefully I'll be instantly caramelized by hitting a sugar vein. Some, don't have that luxury, they instead get buried alive their lungs choking on a mountain of popcorn kernals. The story is shit. Kill some dragons, ignore it and never leave the first map. My name, is Abuyin ibn Djadir ibn Omar Kalid ben Hadji al Sharidi. Now that we've got that aside, I can tell you about the real story of Gothic 2. Gothic 2 is really a game that's entirely about becoming unionized. No matter which choices you make or which side you pick you will inevitably have to join a workers union with all the perks Benefits and downsides that come with it but darker aspects of unions holding a monopoly on labor also comes into play for example The majors of fire hold complete monopoly on the teaching of magic manipulating hundreds of young men to undergo year-long unpaid apprenticeships with a promise of obtaining union membership during which time they work 60 hour long weeks without Compensation only to be chewed out at the end of their apprenticeship because they don't meet the high standards The mages dictate which are entirely arbitrary Zardoz a magician who's not unionized with the circle of fire is Branded an illegal practitioner of magic because he refuses to pay extortion at guild fees Which won't ever be used to serve him or defend his rights in a court of law but instead to economically in frol the market and prevent any competition similarly the militia and paladin's of Karina's hold a monopoly on force any Significant weaponry is seized any appropriate means of defending yourself from the hordes of orcs just across the valley is an exclusive Privilege afforded to you solely through membership of its despotic union by their nature They don't produce any goods So they forcibly take through and supplies from the townspeople and the surrounding farmlands, of course The farmers lacked any means to resist their demand that was until the magic barrier holding in the prisoners from your polish death camp Exploded many of the armed convicts fled north spotting an opportunity to antagonize de paladins union owner one of the major Landowners and Karina's hired the escaped men as mercenaries and broke away from Karina's all trade was shut down No food would come to the city and if a paladins dared try to collect they'd be sent home in body bags So own AR and his mercenaries formed the third and final union They have a means to defend themselves but they also Expand aggressively coercing of her farmers to join him or risk having their livestock killed and crops burnt in a series of unfortunate Accidents demonstrating the price of not being unionized for if they successfully absorb four remaining farmers They will hold a complete monopoly on food And then all they have to do is wait while the rival unions starve to death inside their own walls Video games gameplay gothic 2 uses high octane adrenaline fuelled design choices to bring you hard-hitting Visceral combat that requires you to click at the right times to continue the combo you'll need a seat belt for this Experience because you're gonna think of hanging yourself an awful lot on the plus side You have an infinite inventory because you'll need all that space for the turnips You'll be picking this German RPG came out at a much simpler more innocent time in gaming. Now. Look how far we've come There are several ways of travelling in this game one involves using your atrophied stumps They call legs to travel at a snail's crawl through dirt and dogshit or you can use the most Efficient method of travel T posing naturally T posing is the optimal shape for reducing your air resistance Allowing temporary flight and propulsion. This is well documented in the Dead Sea Scrolls. One thing. I really enjoyed in this game is that anyone in the shitty part of town can be attacked and anyone's lunch money and life savings can be taken from them if They fail to square up and defend themselves naturally Attacking the elderly the disabled and women who are also part of the disabled makes for an effective strategy to make money early on Karina's is a magical place where you can attack somebody's wife with a club and rob her Unconscious while her husband cheers for her main quest you'll need to become a citizen of Karina's by signing on with one of a different craftsman masters of the city, however, no matter of a play fruit I find myself repeatedly signing on with a blacksmith just so I can abuse the game's mechanics By beating the absolute shit out of some guy running a bootleg smithy You see whenever a character performs an animation with an object They automatically spawned that object in their inventory or several of them in the case of his unfortunate man After I beat the shit out of him and robbed him of all the steel he has he'll slowly Get back up and start beating a red-hot steel again at which point I shank him and take this new freshly Materialized steel for myself. I will repeat this process Endlessly until I Forge literally hundreds of swords and sold them all to the blacksmith and made enough money to buy out the entire town truly hardcore PC gaming What do you owe? Unto anyone saying gothic 2 is a game for only true seasoned veterans of RPGs You can buy a scroll within 20 minutes of starting a new play for even less you Transform into an invincible dragon Raptor that has a duration of several years and lets you clear out the entire First map in a single day and reach half of a total level cap So yes Please don't buy those girls from Ignasi Alchemist and Karina's here's houses right next to the shitty Blacksmith around the corner to the right because that will negatively impact your experience. They cost two hundred gold life away You get the one for dragon snapper and shadow beast The game is generally pretty great the atmosphere and sound work are Fantastic and make you feel like you've really entered the German woods or some shit as expected The German woods are filled with giant rats giant birds giant velociraptors and worst of all Germans and while the sound design is pretty good an immersive the voice acting is Absolute fuckin garbage at least in the English copy half of the people you talk to can barely even read their lines or speak human Ilex, but I guess that's part of the aesthetic olive gothics Dialogue is just one hallucinogenic porn movie days where all the actors sound like They're half a line away from either sucking you off or mugging you. Are you the one who runs this place? I am bro Moore. This is my house and these are my girls I like my girls and if you like my guns - then you'll pay for it 50 gold pieces Most of the quests are pretty interesting and we'll take a fuck ton of time to finish my advice if you're ever feeling frustrated It's the tipos away from danger swallow your pride and read the damn wiki because trying to honestly find some of those Microscopic quest objects will dust a belies your emotional well-being and physical health I know this because it happened in real life in high school. One of my friends marathon gothic for a week straight he came back with carpal tunnel and Botulism because he didn't have time to clean the mold growing on his dinner plate and when I asked him about it He said it was completely worth it final score I'm a respected citizen of Corinna's. Let me pass you are the dirt under my fingernails Make yourself scarce. I honestly never even leave a starting area. I just smoked water pipes and beat up for working class I'm not even qualified to review this game thoroughly recommended ten polygons out of ten a warm Thank you to the many members of the merchants guild generously funding these videos and thank you for your patience It's been pretty busy now if you'll excuse me There is black mold growing in my shower
Channel: SsethTzeentach
Views: 3,783,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothic II, gothic 2, gothic 2 review, ssethtzeentach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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