GOROD KROVI... IN 2020?!

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yo we're actually about to play garage crow B in almost 2020 all realize us how where did where did we go wrong to boot up this map in the year of our Lord 2020 disappointed all of our life choices to this moment has been a huge mistake [Laughter] except for JC JC's having having a blast right now cuz it was a oh my god this map is beautiful services for you I've never thought would clap in my life Micah rod carew be key graft guys we officially made it less than a minute this video is my game laggy even girl but I put the the best gumball setup for this so I better catch none of you slipping during the challenges cuz I'm gonna make getting ez mode on all you whoa has anyone ever actually done the challenges on this map like the little challenge board I think that's the one thing that nobody plays with oh oh [Music] literally fought mercy just came out of the sky who's running running he's running he's running the other day I forgot we weren't playing uh default I was making ready for just a normal game scariest they all just came down like angels at the same spot you know it's crazy as well it's like when I played a version of this mod those are not the enemies that I was expecting there's something else too yeah dude it's like the nine gauntlet invaded this map for the rest of the entire game yeah this is mod where it makes the entire game much harder difficulty wise oh this gun back there oh dude they keep dropping Hans behind to the barrier oh I really some reason I had a feeling that I was gonna get the regen mark too but it just can we get the ridge please wait dude it's actually my favorite thing is the rinse the speed run I never really did yeah let's go go go go go go go go go nuyk nuyk nuyk we can do it we can do it my gosh she just wasted the double points for an effing wrench dog Wow oh we didn't even win one more round wait you have to beat this round in like six minutes wait it's a job what happened when you you had the thing that changed her weapons constantly yeah basically I would just kill zombies and my gun would just get chained to get trade it out yeah it's fine it's fine it's fine what guys oh my god I really want the wrench oh you have 30 seconds get the wrench get the wrench get the wrench I'm killing the zombies I'm kill the thumbs double red 15 seconds 15 seconds 7 seconds wait yeah how do you have a sword yes I got it from a drop ok I'm actually the last zombie just didn't want to spawn he was just out there for JC yeah go close that go for that power on dude I can already tell during the challenges we're going to lose yeah [Music] [Laughter] Chronos you type in ice oh my god guys are on the bunker throw on the bunker I'm going I'm going with the guard of fat here is whoa got two of them can you kill us I need a shield I got one of them yep no kidding Oh where's Chuck on this map dude I wouldn't get past it it's the very first birthday pass did you cancel broke have wait have we gotten a coach Bobby I mean we have uh we have the blue coat someone's calling in one of the Dragons it's the blue one is the it's just a normal one right before rain don't worry guys I have the Crenn Orion pulled up when we get to that step oh yeah no you just actually spam and spam square X on it oh yeah whoa guys guys protect where is it I don't know it's a how do you not know the Groff menthe know what WAP module will start getting fire sales now let's see what what's the over-under is failing this boss fight is a boss fight let me get that weevil okay I got the first black ops 3 is already going off what are you like saying people like the shadows evil song yeah sing a weevil at that part of the boss fight it makes me sound like I'm was a cold name Pizza video Samantha's video oh my god that's the most it's a double top this next one can't can when he'll cover I'm getting this trophy yeah what are the odds chat what are the yeah dude this map hey listen you have a lot of responsibility for these Easter Egg steps 10 ridiculous because it's a one-shot revival on anyone oh yeah it's true you wanna swap yeah [Laughter] I'm like my frame rate yeah I'll call it II I talked to Matt bloody JC what happened to that yeah maybe was trying to test me will weird flex dude weird flex with the fly frame right there wait what excuse me yeah wait this is this is definitely a different model we promote it yes totally different graph mantle already activist do you think the other boss is still here do you think this is the replacement I don't know I think because via the old one was that JC remember the the guy from B with the veil free campaign like spooky he was like he was like the manifestation of that thing from the campaign you know what I mean like the ghost guy it was basically the main zone at the end of the beauty campaign yeah guys ever fly around exactly that was the dragon command Regan yes oh did you did you put in the dragon at this time I don't remember these are wonderfully it's a pure by the bone I summon the dragon right here the dragon the dragon oh it's I don't know why my framerate is dying i I don't understand I really don't get it all right we're about to write dragon everyone come to Dragon what's cool let's go guys everybody come to Dragon dad you are required that dragon command hey this lockdown is gonna be poopoo oh yeah this is gonna be fun bosses get ready for anything oh I really thought it was gonna be JC JC I'm so proud of you yeah we need some we need a little help down here oh wait come on dragon do we already get the Mangler out on the Drake what the I'm on the drag great wait wait oh don't even wait okay go to another dragon command station and fly from that one so we can get the the dragon wings yeah I had two dude I had to make sure the boys had a safe takeoff there man I sacrificed myself I just have a loading bar in the very middle my screen thing the dragon sink I hope that's not per oh it might be stuck there for the rest of your game no Noah no I can yeah yep that's this can be there the whole time [Music] lol we have to have all four players to do this don't we I don't yeah we do give me a sec LOL yeah to break oblivion is everything else we can loot here ah the egg oh that's that's done nothing else downstairs from grab my own money alright I'm on my way lol yeah well so how many trophies do we have I got two of them hello I will it let me let me go down the toilet chop don't go into the drink I'm gonna go down the sink he's already on his they're not just one hear me yes yeah I got the toilet one I got one Noah Noah do you know that creature you ride on in the fall in order isn't just like the garage Kirby cutscene yeah a little bit yeah yeah like I was playing last time I go this is bring him over here we already up deck need to shock the generator oh yeah yeah oh you know we could have done as well as we could done the dragon challenge is for Eve think I got it come here I'm here now by the way we gotta wait for a likes to come back come yeah I'm coming hey boy I'm gonna go on the other dragon so he gets to work I don't know if the don't shoot we let's do a dragon defense or strike defense dude why are we actually good at these Easter eggs I'm really completes in arms bones at this point man wait I'm not getting an option - oh it's cuz we have one of these rounds yeah oh wait wait I know why oh okay I think we have to have enough is because it's Valkyrie that make sense suck your own yeah stop is so good dude the later I don't know well I know I know some of us have attempted to do high rounds on this map later Valkyrie rounds whenever whenever they start spawning in the like electric zombies those really wild just don't y'all remember when they go memory you like you could just stay in the bunker and the Valkyries can fly in there the good old days did we do we already have like all the helmets we have two helmets already and I think we need to take one more dragon to have the last element yeah I'm trying to take that last one it says consoles cooling down though something like Sarah can't hit this button okay wait wait Lex don't know yeah we can we got a mean likes to do it as well yeah we need lice here it likes don't take it just actually before we do the lockdown here let's get the words out of the way so we need we need to get fire kills right like napalm kills know what all right yes so yeah what you do is get napalm kills for the first dragon egg challenge and then do the rest of the zombie kills like at the same time as we're doing the dragon strike controller you know what I mean okay so the last one is a double top right the dragon yes I think so so it's my napalm kills then penetration kills then melee kill yeah yeah so the dragons gonna be on one one of us this round so I'm trying to figure out who it's on whoever it is will need a like combo have already placed the egg we have the egg now so names for challenges yeah we have to place it well now we have to put now we should be like what you go do the defense cuz we're gonna have to wait yeah we're gonna have to it's gonna have to get fire and then we have to wait like a full round so basically two rounds so okay which dragon strike coming out done yet let's just take it it's over here it's a double set yeah that's all let's all take it and then I took the one that dragon yeah I mean I took that one okay yeah here by the bridge let's be the only men ever to buy the bridge the bridge the most useless feature of this map Oh a [Music] but to leave the loud ones - okay press just press that faster oh man last lecture your worst mics why don't you what the FAMAS are you good that's the real ones this is most silent weapon in the game just air alright do oh we already got this trophy wow we are on the ball alright year all right dragons landing you will because you go ahead and bite quick revive - you know just has you die is this really gonna be here the whole game yeah dude the thing is as well when we do the last step before you're the boss fight you'll have like 2 loading bars Thank You tarik very cool it's perfect this is where the Star Wars music starts playing and there's dragons we have all these additional things so let's close on Lexus package punching alright is so cool JC you don't grab that ammo JC uh Europe oh my god why did you grab the ammo you idiot CC you're not to carry most of this our three baby is the loudest it's so loud for some reason we have to allow this weapon and the flying dude it it's just trying to get on the loud ones podcast we need to like cut we need a copyright thing listen but it's a podcast but with terrible my quality I'm gonna eat this up did this sound makes me feel like I'm getting punched in the stomach or something like a way too much really you know when you have like a greasy burger at like oh that's what that sound is I'm trapped alright everybody in this corner right here okay they're the elite strats I had six bullets left fellas so uh why is your outlet sharing like on my screen were you physically earn money oh I get a nice block likes nice hated I'm proud of you hey dude I Love You Man Hey look at us Hey look at us 2020 and we're playing Black Hawk the loud ones podcast we'll just say that line but it'll just be really loud Hey look at us mate I've literally there's so many more do you love me I just can't even see anything oh boy I'm just yeowch all see the new trailer for the new Chris for Nolan movie okay I thought actually somebody would Sam dude holy crap how long is this locked out oh there's another swagger Souls outside it's collecting it or something huh did you need to see that trailer why have you seen that trailers no dude I don't like watching movie trailers for movies that I know I'm gonna see Junie a crisp new Star Wars I haven't watched any of the trailers 400 and the Black Widow didn't watch that one I haven't watched an MCU trailer and like all right I am fresh out of everything and I can't know who we're actually fighting with Raven Lords dude nobody wait nobody picks on my example okay so that how we picture that point tonight yes you can literally I got work thank you only the first thing that we did okay okay I'll do the I'll do the valve Stubbs I'll do the package camels more epic on here I know different it's not a big game it is you know epic a year yeah pack-a-punch camo JC backfire epic game store thank you bro that's the next step I met the Wonder fizzes you may only carry two perks did I have all of them so I don't know did you it did you Papa Papa burka God I sold a film baby can't get this money off my screen hey dude you don't want to relax dude I want so much money from the profit sharing we just appreciate my million-dollar idea streamer pack-a-punch camels you say that but like I could see that happening actually listen it's the most revolutionary idea I think anyone's ever come up with it's the best thing since sliced bread yeah you rack a bunch of bunch of kids you pack a punch my god it's just damn cheese cube right there Oh God hey buddy there's another helmet dude these freaking guys we did turn on the generator right there's nothing else you have to do after that well the generator will turn off if you don't use it in time you have to do it again oh okay we got to do that yeah well did you guys grab the I think from the toilet and I realize that trophy maker no hey I got oh wait did I I think I grabbed okay thank you we need to we need to shoot another Valkyrie next to the wanna what it sucks oh my god oh my god holy Sh ah are you good dog oh my oh there was like there's all the Raven Lords everybody gangsta til the Raven Lords rolos that's entire those the entire temple art force everybody was here yes streamer gobble gums streamer gum balls dude that's next level killing time just becomes pizza time this is just yet we need to also like check the eggs is the eggs still yeah yeah it's saying it's cool okay - any other around streamer eggs yes I can see it being a collectible you all think I remember did you did you get a million of them dude there were so many I killed I killed most of them okay another oh don't pick up that gun like literally eight thousand spawn upwards that was horrifying oh my I don't know why I tried they like the only coordinate the blasts - yeah angle Huachuca it won't I just picked up the rk5 from here yeah it's Sara give me my racks back even my wax gives me my racks or give me death there's only one market right the only the only teacher I missed from black ops 4 is the carpenter repairing shield it's the only thing I would want in this game mm-hmm max ammo refill the max ammo update is good to know I almost like that like you have to coordinate this I don't know maybe maybe I'm oh don't kill oh don't kill us no see don't kill the Vaccari oh wait a minute oh we order napalm kills don't we so we're good there I think I don't know everyone should come to Dragon command so we can take the dragon so we can't use the Valkyrie its napalm the first one chop it is right guys guys Inhumans - why'd they they just used their left arm cannon I wasn't even near the money just bet I'd oh my god guys are 10,000 guys your shield is insane at these I'm gonna I'm gonna put on the Mangler helmet I think is what I'm gonna yeah honestly a great call I'm gonna go do that as well don't kill the Valkyrie yeah yeah I'm gonna try to get him to come over to the generator where's the Mangler helmet again is a second floor oh yeah it's in here oh I found it equipment it's nice a nice it's on it's on the same for his jug it's like it's in the back corner of that room I'm one of the little things right yeah yeah it's on the mannequin okay ah crystal life there's an entire Armada again dude I think like I think they just have constant spawns from now yeah Oh a sermon eight oh I thought oh god oh god you can just hold that to start generator uh does anyone have a sniper or a shotgun that we can do a penetration about 6.8 billion of the my yes thank you oh I missed the action dude I'm holding a dragon strike and they just didn't care they just ate it I'm getting a fatal contraction for the next okay lots we got to do the penetration kills so get like an artist rate you that wasn't even an innuendo okay hold on don't don't kill these GC okay let me know if you see of the pink cylinder or the dragon the pink cylinder over green light keep there one of those in there I'm trying to do these yeah grab an Argus if you want to do these as well they're terrifying Hilda Valkyrie dude this is not going nearly as smoothly as de no not really the Panzers had like less health somebody come near me you just have to come near me yeah I got you good exists in my vicinity okay she's here right yeah it is Patricia okay I think we see the tongue cuz four players has any oh that's green light okay so green valve is in dragon commander good light can you check the double check one double tap yeah oh yeah give me a sec I think it's there okay I've never had my humor connect with your soul oh my god red light green light okay I'm missing the cylinder somewhere can someone can someone check supply well that's spawn here we check spawn I'll go check spine I'll check supply check Sophia yeah I think so but why it is not cylinder okay it's a it's gonna be Department then supply yeah alright Department I mean okay um whoever's next to dragon command set that to one oh she just calm out and I'll get him um armory to to supply depot to to tank station to one infirmary to one okay dragon you said jargon command on one yeah I'm going to infirmary what's armory armory is to okay what's the thing factory tank tank station is one now here armory - yep what's supply oh my gosh what do you have a supply of Samson wanna okay he said and he said armory was - as well yeah I feel like everyone forgets there's just a giant fortune robot in this map all of them would you it's actually not from origins store big storyline here could tell you that yeah Sora and what we got going on here I mean they technically made them unlike I don't like exam B's for the story that's literally everyone what are you talking well you know what you won't all right I wonder what about other words you can fill out this I remember we're trying to figure this out and people are like put zombie in it zombie dude how was this like was it just actually just figured out my tone yeah was I was just guessing stuff that my chat put in and we put in Cronus and it was it how does cross and he's gonna do it at this map I can you tell me I don't know if I call you storyline we need penetration kills yeah I've been working on it we have to be close and then after that when you need just chill kills just like convincing commencing phase one fight every time I click I just randomly pick up an rk5 I have no clue what's going yeah that's what it was it was like whenever you press the interact button you get a new it's annoying I just lost my man o'war for RK 5 we got nice yeah whoa okay I got an SVG should I pack punch this row this is time for everybody wait like some killers guessed right exists and you have to run at me in the same light and I'll try line them up for you chop dude are we sure we're doing this right I think so it's probably just a lot cuz we have four players let me let me triple check the easiest way to get penetration kills is the mg42 at the house Oh big strats flex row huge strats why would you get the nuke you [ __ ] cuz I'm going to the mg42 everybody knows when you go to the new wait wait wait wait 42 one of you guys come with me I've near death like even if I can just just exist please yeah so I'm gonna go exist with Lex all keep working it here that's basically my life what do we still need napalm kills wow I just got a quadruple collapse Oh like maybe we so need napalm kills I don't know this is like playing chess a who still need napalm oh my god we still need that bomb okay all right well that means everyone come back cuz the dragons gonna be on someone this road I'm gonna keep these Ami's alive here we're existing here just a couple dudes no phone in sight just existing just oh it's on me it's on me I'm gonna get liens on you okay five cut here I have a ton down here are you guys sure okay I think it's napalm oh yeah let's lay these out not a phone in sight just my mx3 a triangular helmet my ray gun and my roam of Eros good what do I feel depressed every time you play zombies Jason it's fine I can just exist exist I could just exist it's okay I'm okay existing is there any way no it'll stay on you the whole round there's like you can stay here and it'll come back wait why are we even trying to get collaterals like weights to the dragon locks on oh they just like it just players each I planted somewhere okay yeah you ran through there so it okay so yeah yeah you're gonna stay by stamina this a lot zombies we have over the round I'm not the old Medusa's over there sure come on are you I'm in yellow Medusa what are y'all are y'all out of zombies over there the all-stars Ami's you have nothing so maybe we should stand around no it's coming back I think I knew this can pass the challenge oh boy we get this we will see come back and eat the wagon come to me dragon wanna buy my way is a wife all my ways he knows I'm alright yeah that's weird love with you like how many uh I mean your death experience gumballs do you have you have enough to exist enough to I'm six Oh F ik keep it keep them coming so where we were gonna get through this yo you better take that Lexie where the gods go to the other side it may not come to the same place torn X yeah we can go to a courtyard out here let's you absolutely fast to me she didn't take the L for seed because I don't like destroying my own now come on the wagon Julie oh sure yo chef up here and I'm just watching this thing you won't only run again anything make it one well I just see take that okay now let's go to courtyard yeah yeah should we just I feel like if she's just in the round now we have like zombies yeah well let's just let's just show your know everybody just hang on courtyard this mine just cuz yeah the Dragons which players this round so everyone come before yard yeah whoa what was that what oh this is where dr. machi just comes in out of nowhere no I didn't watch oh yeah okay to get a ton in the middle here I just you gotta help me I just lost the mark 3x in 53 nice bro Oh can somebody I'm gonna go exist I'm existing I'm existing good existing good good looks good looks you're good dude you broke yeah I think the guns breaking like switches players as well it's part of the hardcore mod part of the experience very so basically what I've learned in this modest keep your poopoo gun out until you need to use your good guns yeah much perfect time for penetrating multi kills in my right gamers haha we're done you know it's melee okay melee oh it's in stucco okay okay okay my green light red light oh okay we did it yeah do my I just got the mark threes instantly out of the box oh my god why does this map just one view more than anything wait does someone even exist Oh God Noah durin I remember Jersey WC I traded them on accident I got them back got the little ray gun on the de Persia that that's like one in a million I have yet to see it happen ever in my game ever did I was so baffled when the heavens I almost lost you still man did you get I got a date did ya I got like 22 or something miles okay okay so we need to get the gauntlet now which means you go to spawn I've believed to get it right oh we need to go in key bits of thing I'm gonna go incubate it but dad yo incubate your yep you never incubated me dad no no what get bad dog or good dog good dog where's good dog where's good dog did you upload that yet people are watching this is probably up so they know what we're talking about everyone watching on JC and chop stream yeah yeah yeah I do we all have to be Sheila's idiots do we have an incubator um that just sounds very arousing I I mean dog Zoey answer yeah come down here not one person can do it okay I'm looking over this stupid man where does the manga there it is the Mangler helmet no no I just got trapped why do I always get trapped every time we play I think you got trapped in the better space my move no fear my friend what's called yet this round yes you ever made our manglers have we got our manglers yet I haven't seen them so we're like as soon as this incubation is done we're probably gonna get 18 million call just thrown that up alright so next step after this is going to be we have to get the last trophy and then we do the trophies did I love burning that's just a great feeling what the hell is wrong with you pyromaniac over here okay okay it should be almost done you'll incubate faster dragon we're all got bills to pay Dre report to dragon commander I got bills to pay I got mouths bro what if what if they had a G came on but Sofia is Snoop Dogg yeah well you imagine can you imagine I mean hey they did do a stupid re voice pack that's what I'm saying they dude that was a different time could happen that's also the the same game where we had Samantha cross all right incubations done y'all can dip so now we're gonna get the challenge Toombs lasted did I bet you they're waiting well we do do we grab the eggs oh no nobody grab the eggs oh my effing kidding JC Dolly's coming out who's gonna be anywhere here pop it yeah level level one by the way level one in clusters by the way the universes oh you guys what you get pounders treat me through the walls don't say that just do well I hear back there I'm going far away so you guys alright I'll go I'll go get the eggs since everyone's a big this dr. Monty guy is calling us clowns bro I killed you with a lamp and toddler toll where's the mangoes got that is a glorified lamp the lamp is there more mangoes uh-oh I hear there's one yeah I've just been a boy oh here's one you're getting smarter eyes I'm gonna head out wait are you actually heading out I got this man I'm about to head out I'm enjoying my M are you actually on my way to ditch me hey I saw the egg and I just ran away though hey at least you can still exist [Laughter] Thank You America very cool very cool alright do we do I never understood do we jump from here or like oh I forgot my dragon strike controller as well very important yeah in the puddle yes already a puddle I think I think I got all this unless one we need yeah okay cool dragon egg must cool in the round Oh looks like it did that you exist exist III only have our musics come on come on make excuses go just don't say anything Mike's got Samantha IRL when y'all played zns bro he actually did yeah I said get away all your games literally no idea what kind of black magic you put on my something happened to grab the egg okay Noah nope nomura creepy honest I remember the banging right here yeah yeah oh gosh terrify I'm not in the round the Hamaker is so good for this this mountain it actually should try this new gun I have is called mr6 nice I hear some wicked things about that bro pretty big things about it yeah it's a pretty pretty big gun do you need help like do you need points nineteen kid points you just take it away from Lex cuz its poor player man poor player is a while alright we have the egg oh I got monkeys no other all right so fun Jesse you lost the mark three I hope I have it I hope they're all on the other side of this I got it right back remember scheme loves me did you actually yeah I got it on first baby let's go oh you can't exist okay oh my gosh that's a lot of Angels oh right II said you'll pop it off down here oh right there aisle four C's baby get it you know you want it I'm trying it's too it's too tall this is wild oh they're spawning the electric boys now honey a shield all right y'all ready for some challenges yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because oh wait CeCe so yeah I need to keep that mark three for the Gir step because otherwise we're gonna fail it yeah yeah Lex got the mr6 we're good we're good yeah guys I'm full all right everybody come to Dragon command the wagon well mine Billy well mod what you buy again okay Sophia what did you just say he gets rid of Sophia it just looks like this are we ready for foam which was better than expected brother just think that's the face that kills the shadow men right there Thanks okay everybody come to console yeah no we cannot about karate I don't think oh yeah that's what it is um who's got uh your performance was better than expected brother retreat cold cylinder we need to get Gersh into my systems right now thank you put him into my systems I don't really know how this computer doohickey works but we're gonna give to go catch a ride all right fire this thing up watch it's gonna be bombs first okay doctor everyone's fun ever miss pond here no this is easy class food just don't shoot the Valkyrie and we're siege I guess I got Mike not monkeys yeah you should probably just not shoot you hey someone just be on patrol for the big guys when we get there well what is this oh that was like a sword I don't know what that was okay he's funny so as soon as you eat I'm not mother monkey diva said his first term emo is my favorite is new character boy useless Nemo has got to be like the most useless Disney character cuz even Disney about Pixar okay uh there's hey guys is it this Hey Disney Pixar I'm pretty sure wait is this Pixar Disney yeah I'd like when you what it really boils down to it like the entirety of the world is owned by like four companies so I'm gonna say yes you know facts I hear a lot of them it's I'm worried go I should not get around him right might a monkey I'm reviving you through the floor don't worry max ammo yeah the profitsystem for those remain a Mangler part of a harder there's a lot of flashes now your neighbor will be fine I just died in the car yeah we captured an email boys yo yo how are you doing bombs by the way do and you like record it on snapchat or something yeah you record it on snapchat premium you throw that baby hold on a second dragon infirmary armory Department tank supply dragon is first I get dragon okay what was it it was infirmary next right Oh dragon okay infirmary then it was on the other side I'm pretty sure what's next like phanie armory arm receptor infirmary right yes armory yeah I don't want to take an old man tank is tank his second to last before Department I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like someone get the bomb I got III don't I don't know where they are I can't remember Oh clucks do you have exists on no no it does JC did you get it no I'm training the zombies it's on the other side we're looking for our armories near the wonderful machine yeah and it's downstairs I'm staying away upon these bombs chat yeah as long as you're good you're good get it get away get away guys okay it's fine we'll just record on snapchat next time no we had it just know what no one went to the other 100 I was try to remember where they are by don't trust myself on this what's up Sophia nice yeah are we doing are we running it back with Sophia oh yeah we have to end the round now yeah so what's what's this what's this trash we just spread out because you have a significantly less time to get the bombs I just don't remember they are here yeah okay I'll give you one bomb I shall give you two so you can get these I know the one that I learned that stairs like Norris so right here that armory right here okay yeah and you'll you'll be charge of armory and then come over here and supply okay is this one so I'm right why bomb is right here okay that's okay why don't you get you get these two I'll get I'll get dragon and infirmary okay no if you want to get like tank and department or something this is our marine supply here chop you get dragon you get dragon and what's it called and firm or okay so your get yeah and just dart over there right after yeah sure so that was armory and supply yeah armory is the first one I showed you by the wonderful machine supply is the one in the library okay here do I have so much racks any attendees yeah you have so much just banking brother just banking it's not a phone in sight just been sight alright everybody kill zombies get through this round okay who is dying down low hello hello you call yes yes tis I yes yes shouldn't put on a round robin for this Easter Egg where's the zombie I hear he's on me okay yeah yeah yeah alright so I've never Magister what this is the coming of Christ yeah I need a word mega punch they don't work I don't have the I don't have the thing anymore sick fire-sale baby alright everybody get ready I'm gonna activate the challenge okay what just I just got the shadow applause and my hand maker is gone I hate everything literally hate everything hardcore mod just hardcore okay this is a hard video game alright let's play here we go here's the order dragon infirmary at armory department supply tank dragon I'll get dragon I'll get dragon all right and four ways every Oh Lex get infirmary I'll be by department you're good for infirmary hit infirmary okay what's next armory armory I got it then department got it got it I'm on department hold on a second oh my god okay Department done and then it's I don't remember the order to supply it which one is it supplier tank next I think supplies why I'm dead though I got JC someone get the bomb yeah I'll get supply you'll get supplies okay I'm going to tank I'm going to say I really hope that's the order yeah supplies right I'm going to tank how much time do we have enough I think you're good I think you're good ten go okay thank you for preventing our destruction No thank you for our destruction y'all I'm proud to heaven you know we get that alright next challenge is the sex my favorite dragon command defend you see this is you this is you right I'm coming I'm coming coming oh I forgot my dragon strike so someone a throw one out there someone put a dragon strike down if you can uh-huh yeah with my MX garand oh my god it's not going for it all all right I'm throwing monkeys because yeah they actually aren't oh right you can't use block there we got wow we got we're gonna need everybody shooting we're gonna need to everybody because it took my weapon hardcore mod by the way sick I'm I actually might use the L for siege might have been better for that actually I think I'll for stage is pretty good yeah wait I'm gonna put a portal out and then switch to your siege and then you know go back yeah I think but the portal goes away so fast in this I'll know if it's the mod but I swear it's gonna way faster I just got a lag all over all I want to see it again maybe well we gotta end around again everybody feels on B's it's going so well it's going just the best dude just wait until revelation there's no Mike I think I think I think Rev would be easier jewel do you know the thing with though with Rev oh yeah 100% not gonna be easier wait which without it on it so you know how we could get like a lot of extra zombies like bosses here it's not that but it's similar the one with red is gonna be nuts like absolutely insane okay I'm really excited for it actually really furious is it like oh god no it's bad let's dragon my server once you do this stuff it won't be too much longer we got Gersh and then Gersh and then oh god new stuff during my dragon where's my uber at dog breeds on zombies a dragon is gone it says it's on its way to platform I caught it like 20 minutes ago yeah sorry I call it a flat for me Oh like I'm just make a 9 and 3/4 joke who's that Harry Potter reference does anybody have near death side down no we're not existing they missed a gumball I ran out of exists so yeah it's uh I got him I got a little bit of a hit that scootch button my way yes plane rough day - yeah I think so oh he's got to shopping freezing around thank you very cool we need to beat this before 4 p.m. if I'm gonna rub it completely real to cheat oh but that speedrun long wait we need we need to focus on ending this round you exist yeah the portal does look a little faster JC yeah it does we want JC I don't know why the mechanics and we're gonna go to courtyard everybody give the courtyard go team on the same okay you have death machines for this I have death machines Oh beautiful Oh oh hell yeah everybody got our bed done that will get ya get ready to go somewhere tank tank tank oh god go go just gonna light that thing up JC and we need death machines you know you who's who a dg2 a dg2 can you know move I can't I can't see with this death machine whoever it's been going on yeah my bad boys I'm really just seduce Gorgan it just trade it to me for all wrench the wrench is back dude it took away my actual gun though you don't know how disaster is this is well I'm shooting an unpacked punch board I think you're fine go dragon dragon retrieve thank you for Zi package good dragon someone getting exist gumball this why did this start to exist Russia stopped shooting this l4 seat at my feet alright actually doesn't probably gonna be Mangler I think it actually has to be yeah but we haven't been Kirsch's after oh yeah also gosh oh yeah Sophia wants this in her little trigger finger it could be cursed too right oh yeah we have editors well done brother brown partner oh yeah I got my god if I can do this yeah you know if he's up here let me just take him and just keep keep the zombies away from me if he's not up here yeah yeah like Sanjay see y'all y'all go start training oh wait actually how will we know which is the right one because they belong oh oh God start walking away if he's the one yeah yeah yeah sure okay this is gonna be difficult not for the reasons you might expect let's see if we can find him I'm checking uh I'm going to spawn he's easy too yeah you check spawn I'll check supply I think that weight is missing that's him that's a 100% I said okay okay hey come here pal wait why is he turned around turn around he's on a who's on me he's on me okay don't shoot his arm because they removed the arm model yes it doesn't break I'm a thermo key please I don't have one monkey someone does it max III don't do I do my I'm two monkeys okay come over here this is so much easier you break his arm but we just can't risk it okay go Oh exist sign exist exist its own shelf else no come come keep the zombies off he's he's on me y'all kill zombies you might burn zombie he's trying to kill him you'll turn zombies turn zombie no good I think that's supposed to happen yeah well we got past this part weren't sure if it was gonna work because it was modded so nice yes good guy Gersh good Geiger's let's kill on all right everybody is spread out that's a Gersh okay all right this is all you JC Cougars where is he where is he let me add on here oh he's going to a tank Factory but he's brought I can get him in like two seconds you say what see when I see him I see okay keep going in the middle he's going through middle I think I know where he you should be able to lock him down I didn't get a ground okay see no no he's still going he's not here he's not no he's on he's on me go bunker he's underneath and bunker no no he's actually no he's on that on me right here go to armory just above wonderf is all right lock it lock him down here JC where is he right here up there oh no you need upgraded you need to upgrade those there upgraded oh they're not oh my god cuz I lost them oh my god guys you can't you good Geiger co kzc just yeah yeah uh he's going to Dragon come in we're have to sell for CJ no no he's uh take back to hear him back to tank I hit him Paisley was he going I know that the huge comes to this spot sometimes I'm almost out of packing much anyway you can use your dragons flame as wall and your specialists to do this if you need but through Lexus got collapse sort of JC's a simple man okay Jesse can you know oh my gosh my ears smooth did you lose your mark 308 lost his mark 3 this is so sad this is so sad this is so hardcore am i right guys Gershwin swords 10 a supply he's about to come back then bro I need I think we need more ammo actually I got my I got it I got the second one where is he I'm with you lot talking right now he's about to go toward tank or middle okay yeah he's going back to her dude this is so much harder without a ray gun okay he's back at tank Factory yeah you don't have anything now gotta move I'm naked is that all of it moving yet he's not he's very close he's really really close someone check supply I'm sad okay got him yeah I think that's what do what you want my boy wouldn't you a lot me fool wait he's under the rest of his speech exist come from you from the Cosmodrome Thank You Sophia very good oh I got dude I woke you last second baby nice oh I thought I just got Samantha no I was gonna cry I got a dingo ah okay last step was all right everybody everybody come to Dragon command you come to Dragon why because we're going to do those we have to do the last epic step wait did you grab the keycard screams hey you got that dumb bear keycard brother let's go dragons up here away we go everybody row I literally only have a dingo that's my I don't know if it's coming are you good I got it I haven't gotten the gauntlet dude where is the dragon yeah where is dragon I don't know I called it a long time ago and it never arrived so you might have to fly there with the wings there's a way to fly there with no ace yeah wait what yeah so what you have to turn out your manga wear helmet come get the wings they're top floor never heard of this alright no Jay fight you know where do you get the gauntlet I can't remember its basement fridge wait okay I have wings suppose down here oh no no no no you get a program is to go back to Noah and then there's a like a light on the side and then it should say teleport to hatchery I never seen that I need to get more ammo and more better Oh God hello this that's the bottom but I'm gonna make this easy on us when we get there as well we're just gonna we're just gonna vibe it out we're gonna vibe it out I was right about you you get the gauntlet piece or something from the safe though right yeah that was forever again I know I was going down there to get the gauntlet like I just thought was just sitting there all right everybody get your wings and let's go teleport you've got that much in this place I need something bro yo y'all get everything yeah we get I can ask for people to dragon command if we need to I'm already here all right let's go everybody gamers huh no no wait wait what are y'all doing come on what are you possibly doing right now evil JC I swear if you're spinning the Box again I'm gonna dice is spinning the box isn't it he's literally I literally see more one more spin them Oh Mike I'm literally gonna do this mine's the dick actually addicted by the way he's addicted to the spins alright let's go off dude these zombies are know I'm I blamed casino you can't make this up you can't make this up you honestly can't to guess what wouldn't have happened if we just wave to the doggies what about me yeah happen if we just went to the dragon dude that'll happen it would absolutely still happen this is just a depressed group group of gamers I don't know what's true nice get nice Easter guys we made it to the boss fight you boys wait why do you take away my purse oh that's cuz I hit it spamming too hard ah oh oh where is it bro look at that that's sick where's the one that makes them go up into the sky what color is that one excuse me oh we can put on um we can put on exist yes yes yes there we go perfect okay garnet Fafnir sure sure I'll take a hatchet in ya bro that would be I got us let's do it yo you'll first-ever fury song boss fight whistle wait there's two oh there's a dubstep monkeys as well oh yeah yeah oh yeah gauntlet dragon strike gotta do it to him what is a dub primate oh I didn't get it good you all know I'm gonna get the drink on to the best gun in the game that really zoomed me all right so I'm ready hold on a second wait is there no uh upgraded versions they're right here pack punch oh the Baja mood Wow great great Easter Egg everyone really is crazy look at that no downs across the board no if we're actually nutty at the game we actually did without killing anything hey that's crazy yo that's epic I love the dubstep monkeys dude he's fightin no cell phone in sight Oh [Music] actually kill you on this part of the but like when you're fighting the dragon he can actually kill you nicolai can float to the sky some way up a gobble gum where is that just a glitch that's a gum I know but who has it I do oh by zombies hope you find your dad yo I got a smile complete okay boys I want to see no down from the boys in this entire fight okay if we don't do this flawlessly then I truly have no hope for us and we've all have to retire down right now and we we don't deserve love all right he's shooting the neck shoot the hair I'm worn it well we're still makam yeah that's real fast they forget to spit fire you did nice I just watched Nikolaj shoes zombie the zombie just goes up it's so good oh boy no take a cashier the manglers are normal ah it's time to get to play the swagger souls at least for a bit got it wow that was instantaneous we're just nuts I'm gonna grab this fun maximum immune ish all right neck oh I'm probably hold on you guys have to get this one actually maybe I get it from here if my aim is proud for seeds baby wait what are you hitting it with chop to instantly kill it mark three oh really the mark three oversized yeah get this dragon boy you Dan look at that head newts my piece is still on fire it's kind of said they never got better than this boss fight true you know if you never peaked what's that Oh help or see he's lighting me up yeah it's okay no I'm gonna exist I'm gonna exist thank you for existing I appreciate your existence aggressive like this boss mate is supposed to be like like attacking defense well everything is exploding I forgot to get brass and everything and he did he's Jam is bust it out oh no GG boys that was a hard battle yeah really really hardly hardly oh yeah actually they're horribly fought we barely had to do anything I like it we're all watching this like man like the cat cuz was an actually good mouth it's crazy crazy what an animated cutscene can do you know the passive aggression is just like taking sips of water just going sorry everybody everybody let's just count some numbers and and we'll feel better okay just take a deep breath black ops 1 black up black ops 3 that's weird we stopped on three more two there's also that part of this cutscene where he already has the bullet hole in his armor before this cutscene him in place so I had that as like a theory of the cycle yeah or maybe wait Wyatt why are my textures worse on PC than they're on my console are y'all seeing that as well no what's fun to me my textures are garbage right now how did this how does this game look so good on PC I'm so sure the only thing that's missing is the anime cutscene with the anti girls well I just saw something float up into the sky that was not them I'm really confused that was us finally existing more I'm Monty wait revelations didn't come up on the thing yeah thank you wait when they patched it do they take that out no no no it happens here doesn't it no it happens right at the end of the cuts are spawning too early for to see it okay let's finish to the last my mud we finished GK before the hour that means you have to play Revelations time to play rap let's go boy we play around I don't even know what do you think are we running it up one more time are you gonna run it up one more times in 2020
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 835,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima
Id: wV-4obmkmGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 3sec (5403 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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