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ladies and gentlemen major system if you if you are anything like me and I know you are hey look hey it's what happens if I turn my camera off oh it's okay it's a little different I mean it's the same anyway close enough I if you're like me and I know you are I know what dream you had last night you dreamt like I did of finding a beautiful beautiful beautiful man like absolutely stunning he's got white hair he's a little balding he looks good he looks real good and you dreamt that he came up to you sweetly gently with the little run he ran at you and when he got to you he said and then he took your weapon and ran away if you had the same dream which I know you did you also were dreaming of Uri aka the Pentagon the-- and that's right we are we are playing a map with the Pentagon thief this is a brand new map by my boy killjoy absolutely love him he's made the salt maps he's made so many good custom zombie maps over the years hello story line no story line in there and he's back at it again with a brand a zoom map and this time we are we are playing in kill house 20:55 so you know how there's like nuketown 2055 this is kill house 20:55 but it's complete with a full easter egg it's complete with a kind of like boss rush type thing where there's like 18 different bosses on DS it's real excited it's real exciting actually and it's complete with just a fun map and also coca cola and Mountain Dew which are actually fun fact owned by the same company it turns out that almost everything that exists in our world is all owned whether it be news of media food everything is owned by like basically the same for corporations and that's not concerning at all anyway okay wait this is one of those little computer things 2 out of 5 computers clock okay so we're definitely gonna have to collect some pluck some computadoras that's probably the first step of the this here Easter egg and high price Siri Siri just started defining Easter egg and a mod menu got pulled up excuse me i i i don't take i don't take any sort of responsibility for anything that just happened there nothing at all nothing at all yeah actually actually do i i pretty much always play with my menu in case something glitches out like i need a certain weapon to complete the Easter Egg and English is out I can't get it stuff like that or if I kill all these guys wait hey hey I know you I know you oh oh you shouldn't have you shouldn't have what is this I can't get in there I don't know what that is [Music] all the perk machines like weird like this let's turn on the power okay we need to turn on the power when you gonna find those computers dude okay I promise I promise I wasn't scared of the voice I'm serious don't ever think that that was because of the voice I had to answer a phone call because Martina as you know if you follow her on Twitter at Martina days four five six she she she just got her wisdom teeth out and we're trying to get her some oh another new computer we're trying to get her some some more medicine because she's an she's in a lot of pain right now it's really sad about the dollar to be born [Music] oh gosh oh wait hold the phone hold it but I actually started tearing up a little bit my fake honestly I could probably win an Academy Award now but no but yeah I'm trying to sort out getting her some more medicine so I'm on the phone with doctors and stuff like that anyway um we need to content oh dude we're flying through these computers about four out of five watch this last one's gonna be like impossible distant incident incident - I swear this is like what's the college repair main computer don't know where a main computer is the nicer life he comes oh gosh I hate him oh gosh I hate him so much I truly truly hate him dude that did not sound like where he was at all I swear the sound was like backwards on where he actually is I don't know why I'm bothering to try to take him out he's he's like always basically invincible I mean I could try it like like you try to like get a deaf machine or something if I got like a death machine the the regen I can probably take them out marry ugly big ugly oh wait that actually work what you can do for your gun this works and there's another wall bar right here by this okay I need to actually wait up there's nothing run over there go go go go go go go ah this opened up turn on the power first okay how do we how do we turn on the power okay Oh powers up here wait wait wait Wow right in time mr. death machine right in time extra points don't mind that in the slightest they're brothers you don't mind that in the slightest others Perkin there I was this jug in here oh well I need to get the freaking power on first it's over here there's no nothing on that side see is there another door there is double points not bad objectives kill Yuri before he takes a weapon obtain the golden shovel kill three simp Simula knobs space monkeys so killed three space monkeys find and repair the missing computer cars for power oh so that's power survive a complete round 22 so I know what I need to do here hello was that a space monkey wait but actually low-key without a space monkey okay I need to I need to repair the main computer oh you know what that's probably that's probably where we spawned that's probably where he's fine that's what I would guess okay so we need to get a golden shovel so we just need to keep digging stuff up now goodness me all right got quick revive already from Zeke quick revive machine so what is this it's super fast sprint infinite ammo and I don't know what else seems like the guns still do the same damage okay where am I going for this I don't even know what / it's purple so maybe PhD is that one's the curve its victim we love the cam turn on the power first this media that's not where's that where the F is the computer start power be dainty dainty oh I probably get extra help as well I would guess usually those things come up that come along with like either extra health or invincibility dude I'm oh is it is it in there there's a staircase there [Music] can maybe try to DEFCON 2 what's the DEF CON me to sit under the crate of bananas hello under the creative bananas is that a computer oh there is so confused I found the space monkey I thought it was gonna be one of the little ones Oh correct I thought it was gonna be one of the little ones okay well there's one out of three dead could be like one of the ones that goes to your points and stuff nope it's a bigan all right we really need to find this computer it might be upstairs in this thing nothing there death machine is this door open a bowl no near dude this let's see let's see just reminded me of a Oh [Music] prepare power still hog champion dude we did it we did it reddit we did it and play nice I wouldn't happen oh my god my goal in the shovel big nice Oh big big nice okay well now we can buy purse we repaired power carpenter literally haven't seen one single literally haven't seen one single repairable window in here but that's fine okay oh so does it oh I see the power wasn't up here the power was within us all along [Music] that's a pretty good first box full I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty happy with that yes the mp5 it's only natural it's only natural for playing kill house the cola and the jug was over here in the Navy for years stuff mr6 I accidentally almost grab that okay we actually got our gold shovel I don't know what the golden shovel actually what are our objectives again what are our objectives kill Yuri before he takes a weapon kill three space monkeys and then surviving completely round 22 okay we're making we're making some pretty some pretty decent progress right now which is slang for decent dude I really think if we can get this Raygun for Yuri he won't stand a chance I wonder in plain sight works on because for some reason I got this in plain sight gobblegum Shiva that's one of the explore these armies if you couldn't tell by the way it was exploding that was one of the exploding zombies alright let's see what we got here what does this perk in here perk soda ah yes the fabled perk soda mm-hmm mm-hmm yep passed down through generations yes yes yes double tap or root beer I'm gonna I'm gonna bias I don't know what maybe it's like the Wonder fizz oh it is I just got tombstone unsolo I hate my life I am sad starpower what-o is the tip is the DEF CON that we're in when URI comes to monitoring will remain that's right Yuri the p90 oh I actually really want to upgrade that I can't afford anything why does this bonfire still is half off right bonfire sale is half off right go go go go or is it a thousand points I don't know it's a thousand times [Applause] oh that was hot this camel looks so good it's so much better than Damascus dude oh now we're playing now we're playing sobs I gotta say we are truly plans on now so star power worked out pretty darn well we've got a microphone OMG we need to finish getting perked up what are what are other objectives I feel like we need to get to around 22 and kill a couple space monkeys yeah so I need to do box will fix your picture points interesting interesting sit back fools oh okay this guy can teleport you okay that's pretty cool he also takes the purse so that's less cool then I thought it was they teleport see up top I'm just gonna use that as a quick getaway method oh look a little is wine Hey phone trying to listen to important things okay I just took my jug okay let's okay let's let's have a little let's have a little less fun with them I'm gonna save them though why what does happen [Music] [Applause] what just happened dude what axes just okay I'm getting I'm getting all these turrets except for the one except for the ones that I want I need jug desperately we won't take that all day and all night stay back stay back devil dog dang it stop giving me perks I don't want to [ __ ] we'll wrap the boss fight arena oh yeah yeah you'll be fine get in there champ all right well on the bright side I literally can't get anything else besides good so I just gonna survive I mean I have a lot of purse right now I'm kind of I'm kind of beefy you know what I'm saying I got that big it's like this gorilla about to go down to mine the micro LMG melts don't hit my shield that's one-of-a-kind and all that comes out of the box okay where is that thing where's that crate with the thing stay back faith man stay back evil space man here we go and Chuck what the f is that what the Axl [Music] that is not jug that is decidedly not okay well on the bright side the next one will hundred percent have to be wait no that means next one does not does not 100% have to be it these peepers I could just literally walk around like this this this is cheating this is actually chica did I I bet I gotta watch out man about this about to get me drafted for World War three right here that was fun that was really fun actually I thoroughly enjoyed that now I can afford to more Hertz so 100% oh you actually kidding me how many person I have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve perks by the way twelve perks and not one single one I actually really don't want them to take my stay down he took my good gun I like that gun I like that guy freakin who I truly truly hate him so much I see ours pretty good we'll probably keep the ICR what else is in here a lot of a lot of cool guns actually a bowie knife is just tip it your typical mystery box things oh yeah why this dere sound so weird this work I feel like we got to get the Scorpion just for the culture we got to get the Scorpion just with it dude the ICR sounds dope it's like it's like lower-quality finally oh my god what what would that power up with that was that the weird zombie looking one but I have no idea what it does I need to save up all the dig up spots for right before the urea around see if I can't get a star power okay now we are perked out I literally got it from my very last perk and now pack a punch is closed up again so we have to wait a little bit easy claps one one more space monkey to go and I need 10 K points need 10 K points basically to get ready to get ready for the next dude aside from the magazine size to 14 kind of class which is of course the 100% main problem with it [Applause] okay I'm glad that was good I have no idea what drop I just picked up but that could have been very bad that could have been very very bad they have an augen here I really want the odd [Music] it's the vo for one though okay got him just chug double your health sounds like thank you French the box will write your points Oh not pick your points pack a punch it wide it actually just wide oh well I got one I got one free pack but I'm sorry I heard until the music stops and I'm very sure that the music there was actually no music but the the alert was still going all right beautiful stuff red red fiend bowl rfb RBF we got the RBF we got the core tight get the micro LMG oh boy here we go not again gamers that's it and pro and I don't like those at all no no no no no they're so ugly Oh [Applause] it's a note from me dog what are they they're napalm zombies basically no I don't like that all right next round we have URI and that'll be our last time to face URI okay here's my oh yeah I actually needed this one more space really goodbye space gorilla oh crap oh crap let me make sure everything is crossed off on my list make sure let me make sure I'm not shooting the wrong space monkey here although I mean could you even call those things Facebook here's the thing we just bought yeah we just need to get the round 22 round 22 it's not a fun part down Wow I sure like having bonfire sales boy oh boy is it great to have a bonfire sale [Music] initiate security [Music] [Applause] for you oh my gosh I hate him he's dying for sure for absolute certain you are dying yeah there was there was there was actually no way you were making out of that my friends actually no way that you were gonna make it out of there [Music] turn fake this is exactly exactly what I was looking for right here I think these things can give you bad stuff so I'm a little cautious to it pick it up nice a random purse you shouldn't have see this new score she has mad fun to use I don't know what this little circles in the middle of the screen I don't know if it's supposed to be like a little Amos sister or what one more rounded one more round oh wait we have to beat this round and then we have to beat next round so as long as we don't horrendously die in the next round [Music] you have like a whole rain effect you guys like little rain effect out of that in myself thought I thought it add to the sadness you know if it was raining on me while I was happening front we might need to turn start digging up for Samantha [Applause] mystery Bunch that's what you say as I would say mystery I didn't realize there was an actual boss fight [Music] I hate you I hate you so much I just play zombies in space plan to and I still hate you mom is this the Bible ending where's the Bible ending [Applause] actually you alien I'm completely out of ammo and everything I'm actually completely out of ammo and everything where is the Bible ending oh my gosh let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out dude how am i how am i possibly out of ammo and actually everything also where's the Bible in it how much is it could I just escape alright I'm gonna do something a little little risky frisky right now oh it's probably in here seven point go away like the President of the United States and the President of the United States of America I need set 7.2 75k I mean that 7.50 that would be nice good now telling you man unpack punch weapons or the wave I can't believe there was an alien boss fight on this he was a large chunk of - he was very very large okay well this is the part where I ran out of ammo again okay max ammo carpenter awesome you know what great time absolutely perfect maybe I was just [ __ ] there we go there we go that's a little bit better I must say that's a little bit better it's stolen I can't most annoying there we go would 61k we're almost there we are almost there ladies this is this has been a crazy map there's been a really fun way for how small this map it's like a little killing off map there it is that's the big gun [Music] five Kate more points 5k more okay that's you know what that's fine do we have to fight freaking Yuri one more time I swear if I hear [Music] initiate security I actually got this he was coming that was this was this was this was worthwhile how much is it to double pack when you bonfire sale 500 oh my god oh my god [Music] these Rams I've actually gotten pretty hard that being said it is time for us to get out of here ladies don't let hope you have enjoyed this map if you have please by all means leave a like on the video it would mean the world to me I love you all I appreciate you all look we're gonna we're gonna just have a party in here we're just gonna party in here come on zombies look guys party in the Bible ending room 55 you win 25 rounds just under a thousand kills awesome app by killjoy as always if you guys did enjoy this video please leave a like on the video subscribe if you haven't already I know a bunch of you guys who watch these videos aren't actually subscribed you just get it through recommendations but make sure you subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one peace everyone bye bye
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 209,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima, revelations, spongebob zombies
Id: SQkPSg9VkdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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