DESCENT... in 2021?!

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here we go it's been a long time coming we today are playing the confirmed unbiased fifth best zombie map of all time yes this is the trident resort we [Music] fun i'm excited i'm gonna be honest i've not done this egg since 2015. legit i've done this once and that's it so this is gonna be throughout like seventh grade fun fact the the last time i played this map i played with milo and jc jc spent the entire hour and a half trying to get the blunderbuss out of the box never got it milo died so many times that he stopped speaking and quit the game so and we never beat it says everything you need to know it was the last map out of exo zombies and we never beat it ladies and gentlemen this is literally it the last and final countdown until call of duty champs happening this weekend i literally had to go out to the countryside to mentally prepare to to reset and get ready for this upcoming weekend because it is going to be one of the most insane weekends in call of duty history now there's two ways to watch number one is come out to the co-stream on friday saturday and sunday champs last thursday through sunday we're going to be streaming the last three days of it with you guys are going to be reacting to all of it seeing all the favorite teams all the top eight teams vibe for a spot and then finally reacting to cod champs on sunday but if you want an even better experience than watching it on my stream which is hard to do trust me it's hard to beat the experience of watching my stream but you can still get tickets to go see in person you can get a playoff ticket which is going to be thursday through saturday or you can get a championship day ticket for sunday to see who's gonna be crowned this year's cdl championship winner link is down below in the description to pick up tickets if you have not done so just yet but if you would like to watch online make sure that you link your activision account to the cdl youtube channel so you can get all the in-game drops all the in-game rewards including a really really cool xm4 skin for the blueprints this weekend is gonna be absolutely incredible whether you're watching online or in person but make sure you stay tuned because i i i don't know who's gonna win man i want it to be la thieves i don't know who it's gonna win let me know in the comments down below who you guys think are gonna win and pick up tickets if you haven't already thank you to call of duty league let's get on with the video what's your top five favorite zombies map honestly dude i loved it i loved it it's a big top five let me let me just say before we started doing this noah j held me against my will and made me purchase advanced warfare for this very occasion so if you're if you're not interested as well 120 i kid you not so if you're not entertained it's on me it's on my tab dude dang that's true let's go oh my god we do be retreating right now dude oh i'm opening up to the oh i can't afford it so so so the first step the first thing we need to do is we need to get to the big spiral staircase y'all remember that at the end of the map oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i remember that you got the power power generator individual power switches yo infinite warfare copy next to zombies what it's true all right uh when you have two or someone with 2k points you want to open up the galleria 1000 points holy moly right now that type of woman listen this is this is one of those maps where we we got to be honest it's a great map but the easter egg is difficult we got to like be on it be staying low rounds et cetera et cetera you know so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm about to say that ain't happening generally i know what i'm doing for the most part when it comes to the point i i have zero clue what the easter egg steps are on this map so i'm gonna be here [Music] like we were about to explode there you can't have a tense music sequence like that if you just don't die at the end i forgot we need to go to the reception and check our trophies i see i see two no sc3 over there that's right i remember okay what we got stuck on for like an hour was the simon says step in that room i remember last time we played we got oh hit the box we gotta get wonder weapons we gotta you know we gotta get lucky would you like one person right like in the in the video game i think i think everyone can have a blunderbuss oh let's go jc backfire except for gc oh i forgot there was like more than an hour and a half to get that special enemy yo boys the kill streaks are up there we got to get exo suits come back up yes sir oh damn uh your boy sentinel's up there is that what that is like you pull on the squad i think that's the squad that you call it i remember the green one i know is brax i know that yeah 20 tier pack punches [Laughter] boys i'm opening up the title generator so first step of the map is that we need to shoot all these valves until they are in the correct position y'all remember oh yeah yeah absolutely cool how could i forget it wait y'all really don't this was an iconic step dude no no there you go good good good do we know when they're in the right position it'll light up it'll light up a certain color oh jesus that's why 20 tier pack punch exists brother all right hey guys exo health up here we should save a zombie at the end of the round oh god i just bought the worst gun in the game i just bought the mr9 i made a fatal mistake oh god i forgot the aor which one's the amr it's over we got like a really small idea it's over it's like no it's like oh i remember it and it's it's pain it's just it's pain that's a pretty bad gun you are correct uh does anyone have a zombie uh there's a couple down here quite a few oh god there's an emz who remembers those monkey i'm looking dead right at him right oh he's dead okay okay i have a zombie down here last time he's at the bottom last time he at the bottom yeah okay okay actually there's one more i'm mailing this one and all right i forgot what it was okay yeah but no no no i got a zombie and very careful come on valve light up no wait we have to shoot it individually there we go there we go so now that's gonna open up a door up here and this is all coming back it's all coming back i need to grab back so i can't afford it unbelievable where where's the door isn't it like first floor oh it's right here it's right here yeah yeah yeah you're right i forgot how does this coming over how do we open it work do you tell it to open by the magic open assist me it takes a lot of bowls keep shooting until the active continue upstairs enter a hallway through the door that's just open oh there's another valve down here there's another valve oh there it is [Music] that was epic okay now we activate this hey let's go oh my god damn she sounds cute i will admit now that the end part of the easter egg is actually kind of cool actually it's coming back i'm remembering we have to press we have to press f twice [Music] access tonight until we until they explode buddy okay now we need to enter the lounge and look for a locked door leading out to the ocean it's yellow room with a glass around like an air lock the door right next to one of the 3d printers hold down the action button to uh slowly fill a depressurizing meter you won't be able to shoot or fight while attempting this to take a long time to depressurize uh so we i think we can go now actually if you want to yeah yeah i remember this died out because uh spoiler alert oh oz is taking control daddy check on your boy i'm your daddy oh i forgot about this oh oh shoot i am not ready i am not ready did we fight him i think this is yeah just do nothing it's all good dj oz walked so that we could get spaceland ah this is this is true okay um so we need to go find the depressurized thing i think i remember it's all coming back to me i've never seen this whale up here before ever yeah no i'm not i think it's i think it's this yeah this lounge once yeah there it is there it is broke though oh yeah yeah how do we how do we get in there oh i just turned on the power nice uh uh so this is the room hold on the air lock button to slowly fill the depressurizing meter um is this the trash spread this might be a trash spreadsheet the hbr is right here shout out nate shots don't have enough ammo for that either i'm gonna hit the box where is the box i think it's i think it's in like that moonfall room over here no i think you're gonna open another door yeah yeah yeah yeah is it not here in the spa it's above where the trophies are you know remember uh yeah i'm gonna open up promenade so you can come from this side it's 750 point door not too bad i ever got it i love the movement in this game i'm sorry i i will apologize to no one it's so fun zipping around hey uh yeah it's that's good oh stay here stay here buddy money thing money thing stand here stand here money wait wait wait oh it went away oh whoa whoa oh my gosh it's my dad guys look look at him go oh emily is beefy yeah he's a big man all right let me play the easter egg tutorial something i bought another door because there's money over here that was a bad return on investment look at all these trophies there's like none it really is the depressurizing thing this is the uh uh simon says computers right here yeah yeah yeah i remember these so these are gonna be a big part later on my head is so bad anyone's gonna have to uh let me check the door one more time where is that door i think it was over here right yeah yeah i oh yeah i'm depressurizing i'm depressurizing it yeah you can't go without the suit yet right yeah we can just depressurize it and then we bring the suit here oh i remember this because this step sucks solo because you literally have to do it bit by bit yeah it takes forever that's a no-go i'm getting the camouflage up here brother treat yourself doesn't that take like a thousand years to do i'm just gonna watch this whole time i'm gonna stare into your eyes right there dude i'm gonna i'm gonna look right there it is [Music] activated a trap i thought it was the one that gives you points whoops all right so now we need to get the big uh machine thing yeah yes that's just that comes out of a drop right like uh on the roof okay how are guns so bad on round seven oh wait i got it you gotta be in this network i got the repulsor let's go okay what did you get the repulsor i remember it's like the super hands you just press it and all the zombies fly away from me i need to make sure it's on the right button i'm gonna upgrade the nade shotgun yeah me too i'm going for the hbo let's do it hey the chain on the movement is ridiculous like you can literally fly so it's fun i don't know why people hate this game it's it's it's okay but like these maps aren't built for you to do that the ceilings are too low to like it'd be so easy everything you get blocked by everything you're trying to like move creatively oh i see the thing you gotta fix dude we can watch noah jay in this room it'll be exciting dude you just do slide to double jump boost boost are you kidding me that's not fun i'm sorry i don't know i don't know no no oh come to this room yeah everybody make your way to the moon pool yeah yeah yep oh my god can someone buy this for me i can't afford to get rid of curing my infection [Music] oh the goliath is on the roof can we save one can we save one no i think we can as long as it doesn't hit us yeah yeah you can just keep training okay i think we're on left that's right there we go there we go there's a regular zombie perfect perfect save the regular save the regular what it kinda is so bad okay are we down the lap there's another regular as well they just don't stop spawning i need to go grab a new gun other than the links what is the nade shotgun i need to get ammo um it's like right outside where you're at right outside the spot is it this one you're right by it now 750 for ammo that's like half of what i made [Laughter] yeah it might be time to start upgrading maybe it's time to start don't have any points it's hey i spent 120 bucks in this i better get i better i better be able to watch this this year better get the reclining seats yeah yeah is it so uh do i get food service as well oh yes oh man right no french on youtube uh yeah i think you just need to walk in there with it yeah yeah i think you just i'm coming yo tell me if you see the homie manta ray out there he's showing right oh yeah he's right there he's right there oh my god dude this is this is a creature oh my god look at that coming hello i can't believe this is zombies oh dude ladies and gentlemen call of duty all right bop that guy you know what yeah he go you go you literally look like you're in the avengers and it doesn't make any sense easter egg is sick i love this easter egg i can't get this dude i think you just have to press it right i think so and then you just hop yeah okay you're back noah jay you push the button good job [Music] can you see me look to your right i it literally turns so slow hello hello hello [Laughter] oh okay so then the next one is the is the uh treasure or the uh round hello boys so look at your character this is okay okay so at the start of the next round oz gives the team a challenge there are five flying treasure drones you'll need to destroy it in a fixed amount of time fail to destroy them quick enough and you'll need to wait till the next round to try again okay so we need to literally just destroy them like spread out and destroy them uh we can write i'm going back to the moon pool see ya [Laughter] uh i'm gonna go back to the power room because someone someone should go up once in power room here i will spawn did you kill her i'm still i'm shooting it we going okay next one spawn next one's fine i think there is one at a time yeah yeah they do they do another one another one right here you don't see the one my weight dude i shot it so much chop i got it okay nice all right next one's up i don't see this next one it's not spawn i don't think nope not spawn try jumping down lex pardon me wants to say they're all in here yeah i think they might there's no challenge failed bro what wait what is it because the ground ended the dna bomb i think that's all oh yeah yeah so we we should just leave one uh this next round oh i got the i got the uh i tried it i got the wonder weapon oh nice walls i have perfect rng i always get the wind weapon every time oh right here right right here right in front of me okay got it that's too dense yeah yeah yeah okay oh that's going to be useful oh my god the issue can you find it i broke the mystery box that's what i got nice nice dude yeah brother i love that um uh i'm i'm going this way looks i'm going i'm i'm going up to chuck spa okay i found it i found it it's in the lounge it's uh where you you walked out the map with the exo the big mech it's going to the mystery box oh [Music] [Applause] up john that wasn't in the budget okay listen this is a low budget zombies game and it's still this good i will die on this hill this one could be spawn yeah you want to go lex i'm going to go the opposite side like the other way that's up oh it's over here over here okay i'm coming i have no ammo and also if anyone sees contact grenades we need those for like the next step those are absolutely yeah they're on the wall at the top of the other side not spawn but that other one top of the wall the other side oh i found the next drone on the next round over here so destroy them quick enough uh these drones okay we did that return to the gallery you'll find some strange new machines near the broken aquarium with the first secret song mandatory these devices have meters and numbers you need to make reach a hundred there's only one oh yeah oh basically double jump away from emz's when you're standing next to this is the idea okay so we got no idea right away i got contact grenades so we're huge oh yeah where are those we should all go we should all get those for the grenade challenge oh yeah where are they where are where are they top um going to the pool room it's like in the back yeah we need contact grenades for grenade challenge later on back to the room on the thing i got a room back of the bus i can't even okay uh should we should we put one person on on this generator thing because like this is actually really we should have like a bunch of people training and then uh and then one person getting the kids there's actually a teleport grenade somewhere on the map i just got some you can use those and they would help uh i don't know i think contact grenades are the best grenade for the grenade challenge if i remember correctly you you need to kill them right or do you yeah you just need to do an entire round with grenades only you have unlimited grenades but you only have grenades that's that's actually the next step after the charging the generators okay i'll do this how many charges is it uh so uh i don't it's until it hits 100 so you just have 54. each so eight i don't know um if you let the emcs hit you it'll explode i think also if you jump away it'll shock it and do and fill it up yeah okay let's go go next i guess do it yes yes i couldn't even afford that absolutely nothing i have no perks go get exo health dude yeah dude all right i'm we should just have one person in there max okay all right i'm i'm i'm dipping i'm just gonna hoard some zombies in the moon pool i'm i'm gonna work the exosuit area i haven't hang on i haven't seen a single emg oh me oh oh i'm gonna die oh this boy is zooming okay mz is doing scary i'm i'm gonna bring him down so i have to kill him right no you have to let him no not kill him you have to let him either hit you or like jump away and have him do his little burst of electricity next to that thing yeah he's behind you yeah yeah yeah yeah i got him i'm hurting for y'all i've got i've got another one i've got another one i'm dead oh that one worked though but i'm just dead yeah if we just save like one or two emc's and we just kill the rest of them and just farm them over and over again so it doesn't take a lot it doesn't take a lot it's only a few seconds thank you yeah there's just that cooler there yeah okay okay let's let's call the regular zombies and we'll save the emcs um and do at the end of the round i haven't even seen here we only have a sniper yeah oh huge yeah let's go yeah i got it the emc is here this crawler emzy what is this boy put that boy to good use oh i'm gonna die don't don't sprint around the nz zero so you won't get broken oh emc crawler i think died but we got it i got one i go under here looks like we got up to 25. oh okay no no we can't farm when they die they died when you fill them up by me so i'm gonna try to farm all the normal zombies no i'll pull one off you yeah got another yeah i got one okay yeah it's it's oh it's just above 25 now nice yeah yeah so he's dead okay okay i haven't got any more diseases i have one by me i'm going to bring him over bring him over yeah all right yeah honestly i think what would be better is if we literally just all camped here because i don't think so i don't think so no we'll die i'm training little okay we're at yeah know where the box is does anyone know if we get ammo back for upgrading yes you do yeah that's the only reason that's the only thing i'm doing why would you ever buy ammo for 750 when you can just get free ammo and upgrade for 2500. i don't know it doesn't make any sense it's rain um does anyone know oh here's the dog yeah can we use the dogs you can oh this is genius huge it's actually this is actually literally the best thing we could have gotten right here dunked on hang on get hit there we go there it is if you if you double jump away it also works yeah i'll protect okay bring him over here's almost all right let's take the dog save a dog um so oz gives you the grenade challenge at the start of the following round the challenge is pretty straightforward you have unlimited grenades but you cannot use your primary or secondary grade all the round switch to contact grenades to make this easier throw as many as you want all you have to do is survive and uh to complete the round okay brother you know easy last dog yeah yeah let's go well as i miss my trident shot and it bounces everywhere but the dog where is speed cola uh it's it's very close it's up you're actually really close to a shop um it's right by lex right by lex right now oh right right here right here shop okay okay oh okay who can speak who can speak baby that's that's a that's a bargain minor adjustments and everything is working oh he's he's gonna tell you us oh no i don't think he's no ten oh oh he is oh no oh he is he's counting down his boss fight this one if it is happening all wait so we just uh only use nades no no no no we just got a weird unfortunate thing here keep it that way oh yeah we have to do something here i can't remember i i i think when he spawns he's going to go our max my fault all right blaster boys when he spawns we've got to get him in the middle and activate the decontamination zone and then we can put damage in him yeah where is this boy that i think that's on the next fight actually that's when he's like actually a thing and we kill him on like round 16 or 20 or something he's more of like a presence each time right yeah yeah the third fight is the big one where you actually like kill him don't even bother jumping the turrets yep the sentry guns [Laughter] get off the floor boys [Music] uh i don't know about that i feel like a more controlled advanced movement but this i mean it's a good start i i think i do prefer the v03 mp right here but oh you get contaminated oh the third third oh there's another one back dude i'm gonna go grab the uh hearthstone are you where's your boy at uh i need i need a disinfectant i'm gonna hit it the gang the power oh we're not so i just feel so stupid oh watch your turret oh my god dude yeah i got it your friend in this game that's something that's definitely your first okay there's one more window and then he's on yeah this is the last space i'm gonna grab that ammo are we looking for turrets or something infected cleanses in the middle whoever's infected oh my god turrets turrets oh my god might go down again jesus christ this is so rough without perks the five more seconds on the other show where's your boy gonna spawn at oh turret below you gotta hand it to those eight holes they make some damn stuff a full boss right a boss fight at round 13. that's crazy innovation oh my god my trident is not hitting very much anymore no my guns are literally shooters all right i think this might be it grab that ammo or bad a thousand points in this not 9.50 so i actually can't buy the box points in here yeah watch out for the infected oh i've been there that lungs out [Music] oh my god the points dang they let you grab a bunch oh i did not grab that one yes wow all right wait what does exo soldier do i have no idea no it gives you an extra movement thing yeah i know and it also lets you do the exercise oh yeah okay okay so get into an area where you can jump a lot get into an area where you can jump a lot for grenade challenge contact grenades also don't hurt you you can shoot them at your feet i'm literally just getting jug yeah you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna come over there with that exhaust bro yeah i need it oh we got we got so many points from that i can't believe how many points we got that was like the most i've gotten the whole game oh the step after this is the jump puzzles let's go okay this is what i'm this is what i'm excited for bro i'm here real fart advanced repulsion tyre i'm gonna take that yeah i'm activating some of these dude oh actually i can't right now yeah you can't do anything right now i just jumped out the map wait what i did i just saw you sweating oh my god i was just jumping up and i just looked i just jumped backwards and i just jumped off the edge oh my god you should not be able to do that in a zombies man how many points do y'all have i literally just bought that wait how did you lose some of your points so i thought it was team based i thought i was helping out the team damn this game really is grenades are the best thing ever we're playing halo right now yeah yes sir i really want the blunderbuss but i'm not going to pull a jc and put all my points into it that was that's a very not smart thing to do investing in the boxes yeah very bearish non-financial advice seriously uh down for the long term no i'm not investing in your future when you do that you know all right did we do it that's it i'm sure i'm back oh he's back i got guns brother hey shout out nate shot brother hbr all right so next one go to the spa room oh that's the that's already there i'm already there oh this is is this the move challenge this is the this is the uh floating jump puzzle challenge does every player have to do it well i think only one player has to do it i want to do it i think i think we all can do it at the same time well yo um okay go to the spa room step out on the balcony overlooking the ocean once the grenade challenge is complete you should see it bloating floating blue neon square do what mario would do and get to jumping all right that you didn't need a nail now hey that's cringe why did you put that in your guide youtuber i'm unsubbing yeah come on bro i hit the teleport and down oh this is sadness oh my god i didn't even lose any perk thank you exo's wait are y'all doing the jump poster right now uh now at the moment i'm trying to survive how to get there i'm calling in the boys that's it i'm calling in the squad dude calling the boys yeah the boys are on the stairs i just i just called in luna in electronic form look at this guy dude the boys are getting points oh my gosh i just saw you do that dude this is literally the best easter egg stamp ever i can't afford to teleport to spawn oh my gosh there it is i might as well just die again wait can we all do it at the same time yeah wait no oh no we didn't okay hold on ammo good job oh i fell on the first one oh thank god it puts you back yeah okay we're gonna have to do something here i get to play oh i'm so close all right careful let's go into front end don't kill him don't kill zombie don't kill zombie don't kill zombie don't kill somebody hold on hold the hold the boy oh no i'm not doing this i'm not gonna be here for a little while i think i think i think i can get this one maybe try and slide right at the very end that's what i'm trying it's here i have a choice let's see if we can do it lock this facility down there's no oh i remember i remember how to do it i remember how to do it actually it was so close i got it on this one you got it no it's so close oh my gosh dude i was like literally touching it okay i'm gonna try it again hold on ah you see you can't click him too fast you have to like do it literally perfectly no man this is cool that's actually really cool that's it i'm calling in the boys every time man is there stamina in this game i'm so close not available i think you that is sadness okay hold on hold on oh my god this is crazy this is hard yeah how how close you guys are getting i'm gonna try it no no that's not it yeah you have to hit the slide you have to hit the slide dude that's a hundred percent you have to hit literally the perfect slide i got you oh no that's not it yeah i can't remember i have a teleport grenade so i could see if i could just maybe that could be what you actually have to do yeah i think i need to slide jump i'm like i'm going to try it no you're like touching it is there something that we're missing here um dude like it's gotta be like a specific set of movement yeah did i like look this bit up i i have my i have my tutorial pulled up i can just watch how yeah but john you want to look it up yeah i'll look it up okay you definitely can't you have to somehow work john can you hold this zombie you don't mind i'm dead [Music] me when i'm playing descent try jump shifting first or something maybe that could work i feel like the puzzle jumps might actually randomize oh i'm back and i still can't get up to you guys that boy died that's great are we on the next round yeah that's not good i'm setting up up here bro that's all i'm doing yo i have a genius idea advance propulsion turret literally right here they can't get us easy hell yeah easy i just need the box dude please oh my gosh oh my god you are so close you are so close i think i didn't get it hang on oh man oh wait i know how to do it i think hang on we're getting so close we're obviously i'm obviously not remembering something about this oh wait i did it wrong what is it what is the chain movement that we're not getting here i literally i know i know it is i have to execute it turrets are gone by the way oh my god [Music] like dude it feels like i should have another jump i know like right at the end you know yeah so weird i got this why is this so difficult i don't i don't remember this being so difficult i'm coming john what are the purple teleporters i have no clue oh my god he did that that's it i'm calling on the voice okay i think i know what you need to do you need to slide right there activate your seconds you got this oh no i want to do it that time i need so slide and don't activate your exo when you jump and then you you should get it um ammo yes please okay i've got these i think distraction drones oh i just need points it's like the my only problem with this game yeah this is this is last time we played milo got into a death loop and literally just yeah yeah exactly but i've got an lmg i was so close i think you wanted oh i'm coming back john i just need two thousand five hundred points that's all i just throw but we're lost like the third jump puzzle but how many have you done correct i know this one is the hardest one once you get past this one it's not that difficult i think it's like a slide-off delay you know you can thank me later baby christ say turn off my exo man you have to hit the perfect slide yeah i think it's all about the slide yeah it's literally you have to hit the perfect slide off the ledge six good stuff i can finally get jog let's go 16 rounds later we made it yeah the ammo and the points are like the hardest part about this game for sure oh my god lil tell me you're up for this tell me you're all ready okay finally bro i was there it's so hard i i remember there being one like really difficult one all right i think we're on last time i think we're on last zombie another round the round has changed oh no that's the way it works oh my gosh this will get a max ammo at least we can hold a dog though dude how are we all just so bad dude we're probably absolute garbage i'm genuinely shocked okay i'm killing the emc please do i jump too early i'm going to try to pull this dog away and make sure we have only one dog hold me back yo i can kill all the dogs over there times that i have heard i know how to do it all right we're on the last dog it's not emzy do not kill this dog we got like three okay there's more dogs over here oh i was on it they saw that you were like if you mantle that if you had mantle you would have got it okay kill dogs over there kill all your dogs over there okay emzy go bye bye okay are all the dogs dead over there uh yes okay we're on last dog i don't think exo slam makes a difference i'm going to figure out where that person that's it i'm going to be so pissed i need no stockpile oh no where is axel slam gotta make these last ones count where are thou slammed that's bad there's a treasure treasure drone that could be coming your way with a nuke so just watch out okay i need some more rounds is this excellent i tried it just like from what i saw it looks like it just phases right through dude what how do you i've been defeated by one puzzle i i actually think this is the hardest one though is anyone playing on the sticks i'm on the sticks yeah i mean okay so it's not a control issue then i'm okay i've got exo slam i'm gonna see let's see dude i think it is because you can gain forward momentum with it hold on miss that one i'm gonna i'm gonna come up there dude how how do you get them this is the hardest thing yeah okay [ __ ] no no he's still alive but hmm bro i i i legitimately don't need excel either i like it i i think i get it it's just really like like timing is so strict yeah the timing is really really strict oh round ended okay hold on i'm going to try something here oh yeah jay you need to get more height or something i don't know oh i got a second boost off that was the first time i've got a second forward boost off yeah that might that might be it [Music] oh my god i'm so annoyed let me through yeah it seems like you should be able to double jump like double jump boost but it doesn't happen i think oh i i think i think it's literally just a double jump four boost forward i think that's it but you just have to do it right on the edge are we trash are we trash players i think we're just bad or this is literally the hardest easter egg ever created do we need to look up a tutorial we might dude i just clicked through my old one and i don't see this this specific puzzle in it and if you look at like the zombies jump puzzle maybe it'll be on there is dude this is the actual descent into madness right here oh my god please is there anything else you could think of to get height uh dude i'm like literally there yeah i i literally i have no clue i am i yeah perplexed we just don't know the actual movement bro we don't know the combos like dude yeah if i could get a [ __ ] boost there it would instantly work yeah it's like you only get a certain amount of boost dude i'm on it can you upgrade the axo suit at all i need to go upgrade my trident amount of ammo [Music] oh i just need to not look at that stupid jump for a second now the teleport goes right through the platform i just tried it again so you have to jump it yeah this this like pad needs to not go away wait a second hold on wait i believe i believe oh okay okay i think i know what i was doing wrong you have to double tap w if you're on the keys well i i've been using the sprint button to get forward i don't know it's an extra one that you can do by double tapping w solely oh god it's always gonna teleport us again oh no why why you do this hurry speed run before us shows up dude i am on it okay hold on hold on uh bruh you need to like literally jump at the last second okay i'm stuck in the map oh i had it but i messed up did i just put it that would have been it i'd probably use a move i'm gonna lose my mind dude this is actually ridiculous i cannot believe none of us have gotten it out yet we are truly non-excellent don't kill the zombie don't kill the zombie don't kill the zombie don't kill the zombies i i legitimately can't believe that we're we haven't been able to get it yet okay hold on hold on it's the hardest easter egg ever oh my god oh my god it's so like it's so buggy as well hold on oh bro you can see where the next uh platform is going to be after that one yeah and the water yeah christ oh my gosh this is a emz how did this zombie get on the platform oh my god that's the closest i've been like what are you doing are you like sliding up the ledge i i tried i'm still sliding yeah no man come on [Music] okay now the rest are easy like this one's just happening you just have to go around it like that zombie on here with me pain oh i'm dead oh i'm camouflaged so i'm gonna pop it here holy i almost died oh go trouble go ahead go go that's all you hey we got it yeah all right we are gaming we are indeed gaming we are finally gaming okay here's the next one after after millennia we are finally getting god dude i'm so bad at this i'm so bad at this one oh the axle bro it can't be as hard as the one all right next up we got the move challenge after this i'm glad i'm glad we waited for round 19 to get to the move challenge the move to the big ones can move okay um wait are the jump pops are still going yeah they're still going we need i need a double how do you get back up to spawn quick highlight spy jug uh oh my god got more gamers down i'm coming yes i will get john thank you very much i will do this jump puzzle yeah i'm coming i'm coming i'm gonna join in dude wow i i'm so bad at that puzzle i remember it being pretty easy back in the day dude i don't know what it was about that that was so hard i got this one i swear this game just does not want me alive i've just jumped off the side again and died i boosted thinking i was going on the puzzle and it boosted me on the like right side it's fine i i i'm fine i rather blocked oh my god why do i keep dropping in the middle of your brother miss that one i missed that trying to kill a zombie here shooting me in the head yeah it's all the height you have to literally do it all at once with the height i got blocked yeah low on ammo oh this isn't even the move challenge missed out let me go imagine doing this on solo i think i just want to rip my hair around let's all right let me get this one unless they like patched it or something because like i don't remember being this difficult yes first time oh man they're making you soar to the top oh dude sometimes on the keyboard you just accidentally boost in directions you don't want to boost yeah it's a little oh wait this doesn't give us where's our platform thanks my guy no oh the middle one's not that we gotta wait for all the platforms to respond wait this is just teasing you now okay oh no oh about my head how did you do that last one like the one where you're like you just have to you just have to double jump super late and like hang out to the oh god keep accidentally boosting wait for it why don't these just stay spawned in i don't get it zombie died out zombie died out oh got a tombstone oh yeah what let's go because when did they have that in exos oh we're going we're going oh no let me upgrade quick going to oz we're going to oz oh forgot i don't even have an exo suit yeah yeah oh boy all right let's get it let's get the gamers oh wait oh it's this one oh yeah oh yeah power up the sides we have to do the generator yeah yeah oh yeah yeah can you upgrade in here like is there a pipe yeah yeah right here yeah there is let's go i i need that ammo i have two two bullets to my name can we shoot him now get him on the d camp get him down oh yeah i forgot about this oh there's ammo yeah you got it all right oh my god all's is just he's just okay bring that boy [Music] so make sure when you decontaminate everyone who needs to decant him does it at once yeah yeah yeah because that we have to power it up each time we do it where is it where's wait where'd he go in my dreams oh he just came home oh my gosh no we have to do it again we have to do it again oh okay look at his health ball just zoomed all right powering up again uh someone could grab that ammo maybe oh i just got smashed did he heal or did we was that where his health actually was yeah that was half yeah so it goes by quarters he's he's he stops every quarter oh i got the blunderbuss that's literally the best gun that boy nice power power numbers doing numbers yeah power to boys up oh my god i down thank you okay are we ready that boy shoot down the other damn brother ah one more one more we're literally right there i need this oh i do need this animal oh we're like all respected we gotta like oh my god this is just constantly slapping me oh my god can you come to middle come the middle come the middle come the middle there's one if there's any on the ground please please can i have yeah yeah yeah i can't even exo boost up even if i wanted to yeah here if they're not near john spot him again i need all the points i can get grab oh four more oh i got one all right we're back in jump puzzles [Music] dude we have got to beat the shot puzzle man i'm grabbing exo health that's a top priority uh-huh i did i did it i did i did it what okay okay boys so you need to spend all of your points now our next challenge is the move challenge aka whenever you move you lose points well that's great because i don't have any to start with i am so bad hi i'm oh my god i'm crawling towards you i'm gonna end to the goliath i do like that it gives you an actual counter that's so nice yeah okay again at the end of this round our points go bye-bye if you are if you move at all which is going to be literally all of us okay all right where is exo stockpile by the way uh it's near the spa i think i think you're right wow my god absolutely nothing oh my god i'm coming live i'm coming i can revive him i got him one guy where do i get myself because i need to buy perks make sure you again do it quickly oh my gosh oh wait if your points reach zero you lose the challenge you must start over next round oh my god we're all going to need to group up and just play off my trident honestly what do we get where do i get my guns back when i come back in i don't know it should be a tombstone there's a tombstone but i died off the map it'll be at swan if it's there oh grab that grab that okay i need to get perks so bad oh my goodness holy ghost yes this hbr is so bad okay so at the beginning of next round honestly chop no because if you get i think if you get hit nothing happens just if you move chop honestly we might you might need to be a sacrificial lamb for the next round because we literally have to go through another round if we fail this challenge oh no so like if you don't spawn next to us chomp you just need to take take the l and die like just don't move i know i know how it feels don't worry ladies and gentlemen what have you known this man being paid hundred and twenty dollars for this experience hey dude your map i so everybody who's set up or like if you don't want to die the people who are going to actually try to stay alive come to the spa come to spa that's gonna be our hold up yeah yeah that's a good idea okay i i can't live for three seconds he'll come and he can't live for three seconds actually we should we should do the top by where jug is we're literally going to be standing completely still we cannot go to zero points if anyone goes to zero points we lose the challenge okay i'm gonna buy drugs so chop whenever you spawn in you're gonna have to just stand there and die i'm sorry if you don't spawn with us this is sadness 120 shots just remember 120 by the way this is true okay everyone say we're standing on this platform and we're literally not moving from it okay yeah yeah i have i have a drone as well do you guys have any things i have literally no killstreaks you can take the teleporter and grab that one over there if that one's literally gonna be life changing don't kill a zombie yeah i don't 500 nevermind i to go all the way around hold on oh i don't either actually no no because we don't want you to get down to zero points so come back come back oh okay okay all right you can't uh just end round then i guess so close to the end all right if we if we go below zero points we lose the challenge i have to here all right all right top i'm sorry where's my stuff i'm in spawn if it's there it's there if it's not there it might not be there as soon as you see move challenge chop you just have to stand still okay don't move i'm gonna go make food i'm so scared this is the descent this is the descent into madness this is what everyone wants to see here we go oh my met dude zombies i can't see them he just got infected oh we should spawn because if we get infected we're doneski oh this is good this is a special round though we can do this easily we can do this easily okay okay okay we cannot let them touch us do not let them touch us well they go they've got to climb up on here so literally we just yeah yeah yeah yeah this is actually the best round we could have got this on you could put the drone out let's be fair because it sounds like they're stuck i don't have it i think chop those oh they're chops thing is killing stuff over there they're about to start rushing once he dies once he dies they're going to rush us yeah don't move don't move left i'm going to move here we go i'm just wondering if they're stuck down there yeah it sounded like when i get infected by okay oh no wait do i die if i no no no no no yeah you've got 40 seconds actually i have no clue i might i i have points you might have to go i'm going for a point if i get close to zero i'm just going to take the l and die no if you just keep killing whilst you're moving yeah yeah you should be fine because your points have actually gone up yeah yeah okay y'all hold the line i'm going i'm gonna go disinfect oh my god that was the best round we could have got that on i don't think it worked though oh okay let's go okay next next step next step simon says this is where we lost the descent oh boy okay friendly fire is activated during the start of the following round uh once simon says oh don't down any of your own teammates the next challenge is friendly fire around just don't kill your teammates wait what okay oh no that's after this one that's after simon says that's after simon says chop is still got okay i'm going for chop oh you have to teleport for him he's up there isn't he i paid 120 to not be able to move i'm with the boy i'm with the mans wait did you get top yeah he's he's down though because i have nothing to help i got him i got him again yeah i i think he's afk [Laughter] oh god oh my god right now we just need to get down to one zombie we have to get to one zombie oh my gosh oh i can get chopped he has four seconds i think he's dead no sir oh oh nice oh i can't protect him forever yeah i'm going to come over i'm going to hell over the comment would open i could actually be usable we have to get one zombie at the end of this it's like impossible to do this if we don't get one zombie okay they're still spawning though uh well what i'll try and do is try and save a zombie you can just keep killing i'll try and save one yeah we might need a fresh revive on chop soon yeah comment yep i got i got quick revive so i can i can rest oh my gosh i have to pack once again i'm literally out of ammo [Music] the exo suit area i have no ammo i have the melee or something what's going on oh my god there's like six emz's okay do not really just don't [ __ ] you're gonna see his mind i i died with it so i don't have it okay yeah all right we just need to we just need to get to the end of the round we can do this boys this is the run i literally need like points to pack run oh some zombies run through some zombies if you need to just don't hit around just around yeah i think we're towards the end i'm running back out here i think we're yeah maybe uh still a few still responding yeah actually [Music] oh my god where'd they all come from okay i've got two all right i have more okay yeah now now i've got more there's a double point so i literally just could not grab it for the life of me i needed that double point so bad this is sadness oh no oh there's points up there i'm going like that this round is just never ending yeah it's around 23 on exos which is pretty high yeah look to tell to tell you how it went last time we played this map my highest round was round 27 on this map before we eventually died like i'm shooting for you one zombie i'm shooting for you i lost shot but i gotta go get some more ammo yeah me too i'm coming back oh no i'm at max weapon level no i can't pack the bus for ammo anymore okay i'm i'm going for him i think i got him i should be okay yeah he's chilling all right john you have a zombie right yes sir oh my goodness swap that was an experience right there now we need okay so john you're not holding in the simon says area right no no no okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go do simon says i'm gonna get my notepad out i literally have prepared for this moment and should i watch chop or should i i should just leave him here right uh uh he should be fine can you write down and call out for me as well just so yeah hold on hold on hold on let's go i just gotta i'm gonna be watching but from a distance so the zombie won't come in okay two uh so wait wait sorry right what down two tip oh shoot there's a pattern see okay uh you're just right now when i write one down what i tell you and then read it off okay four yeah four uh uh four or two so four two is the only thing on there yeah there it is exo zombies game chat four two four okay [Music] four two four two [Music] four two four two four [Music] four two four two four two oh my god what four two four two four two is that the code yeah it's going in there okay okay one at the end of that [Music] four two four two four two one two four two two one two four two four two four two one two [Music] okay you have to keep going though you have to keep going yeah yeah um experimental weapon upgrade station online we know you all got balls oh i think we've got i think we're gonna see i think we've done it yeah that was the code four two four two four two one two next up is friendly fire challenge at the start of the following round when simon said it's completed all you have to do is complete the round without downing any of your own teammates if you're playing solo or without a full team ai bots will spawn and help out these bots can shoot you so watch out okay so basically don't i think we can go down just don't down someone else uh uh and if chopper's not here we're just sacrificing them to the zombies also also don't be near noah james yeah i have to try this i will f you up you will die you will die a terrible terrible death yeah okay um yeah you train over there i'm going to train above the exo suit room i'm gonna let chop i'm gonna i'm gonna stay in the uh the pool room moon pool all right oh damn that was my spot let's find my phone that's interesting i literally do not remember this at all okay so after this one did we just end the round uh yeah we literally just have to survive the round hopefully it doesn't kill like [ __ ] lose when chop dies i don't think it did i don't think it does technically we didn't kill him those are zombies so we're about to find out no i um okay so once we do this the next round return of the title room generator check the wall that left the terminal you will activate uh you activate it in step one there's not a board filled with numbers the top numbers stay the same but the bottom numbers change depending on the actions in the map um the goal here is to make the bottom row of the numbers oh i remember this match the top row bottom row numbers correspond to these actions first number exo boost slams player jumps grenade purchases uh zombies killed complete uh complete the indicated actions above to the bottom row matches the top row after uh pushing a number over nine it will reset to one yeah okay so that this one is just it's going to take a little bit of a little bit of coordination but it's pretty easy it sounds easy enough yeah basically i'll i'll just buy excess where is texas slam lex uh it's by the exosuit area it's uh it's like in between the exosuit area and axle health [Music] oh my gosh bro aw's movement is so fun i really like this game dude i just like i don't know what is up with the gun damage in this like it's just no gun that does anything i think you guys have all the zombies i have like none over here i'm literally like a whole horde i cannot kill like what at all okay maybe i should swap with one of y'all because i have a gun that actually comes to the axle suit area because you also should come here and get exo slam so i have an invisible max ammo okay oh my god oh my god yep i'm fully dead remember don't shoot each other yeah oh john is oh i'm i'm good i'm good there is a lot that was running behind me so oh watch out john just keep running just keep running i'll go get like yeah yeah i'll crawl over if you kill me again it doesn't really matter okay yeah no i'll go to spa you you come to the exosuit area here you go you got some zombies so hold on yes people forget how hard exo zombies is dude yeah this is god so i i actually looked at the round 100 records for the whole game and there's only like four people that have gotten to round 100 on any of the maps like it's so hard wow their time is like 18 hours it's like something ridiculously long oh did we unlock the experimental weapon upgrade oh yeah we did yeah yeah yeah we did so that that takes it to 25 right yep i can get my trident to level 25 when i need ammo it's so expensive at the moment i i went to buy a contact grenade and it only let me buy one for 500 points 500 points for one that's just disgusting john i'm ready oh here this will help us in the round uh it's the little star thing through run through boys oh this is literally what we needed yeah this this board right here so almost pulling inside okay for this next step uh y'all are just gonna need to train in an area where you don't have to shoot zombies like just live somewhere yeah okay power surge what does this even do is this a fire fire sale yeah oh i'm mad i'm gonna get that i hit that boy up oh i got like the best gun in this game no i got the s12 and i couldn't pick it up oh paint again careful about killing each other yeah yeah i have a atlas 45 it's okay oh my god the coolest yeah i think that's the end though unless there's more behind you oh there's some more so nice having the blunderbuss dude the blunderbuss it really is like there are wonder weapons that are weapons and then there's everything else yeah i'll open faces i can actually kill zombies just need to get to the end of the round okay okay um someone go with points go to the grenade wall by room i'm gonna tell you how many grenades you need to buy uh where is the room and the spot in the spa friendly fire okay um going to the spawn now here we go dude uh grenade purchases third number you need to buy nine grenades dear lord nine dude how come every time we played a set somebody just said okay literally every time you do this someone is just afk there's always somebody that's just not here oh my god okay so i bought grenades but you can only hold four use them i'll just use them yeah like you need to buy more like like you need to keep using them until hello this is the only thing i'll actually get kills in this big ass suit okay that's okay cool five six let me check the scoreboard seven eight nine okay and then i got a max i got a three more i don't know if they didn't someone didn't count or whatever but you need to buy three more okay is it just buying or is it using um yeah whatever you just did we got one okay that was me buying so let me buy is that is that it done now uh let me see yeah you're good okay okay we're good on that incredible gun right now you boost up in the air and you get emz you're just praying to god that you don't drop into a horde of zombies okay i got a bunch of crawlers so yeah can y'all just train for yeah i got a bunch of crawlers so if you need them they're they're right here yeah because we're gonna need to time like a certain number of zombie kills i need some more boost slams though first oh my goodness good old exo slam the only a crawler can jump at you like this oh my gosh that range arranges ow my gosh as too many zombies i need to clear clear some of this out oh my gosh oh my god no i boosted too many seth oh my god dude yeah i'm coming to get down i'm at the exosuit area dude those emz's are room for split they don't mess around bro they are utterly ruthless i got a man just double slapped me like it was his business bro oh i'm dead again oh this game is genuinely hard it's a difficult game i'm getting crying yeah get out of trying to get out of there get out of there i'm going to come i'm going to crawl up the stairs let's just do these arms oh i got [Music] okay um i'm gonna kill some and then i'll i'll make my way yeah yeah just just stay alive right now i i have a really finicky and annoying exos like slam requirement i need to hit right now oh god okay i'll go 15 seconds no yep oh no no mr dallas jd hello like literally i don't know it kills zombies like my gun just doesn't kill oh i'm i'm crying no all right wait is there a boss at the end of this i can't remember i don't think there is it's just like a cool memory segment oh i yeah i remember that okay oh yeah jesus is this easter egg so much work it's just so hard on a high round man poor chop this man has been just gone oh my god 120 to not play this is sadness okay please b8 please okay all right we did it we did it we did it we did it yes oh my god i'm just trying to live i don't know what we're doing dude okay we did the matching the codes my mouse is out of batteries i got to plug it in put it on the recharge mat okay oh match the codes you're almost there once the numbers match up and at the start of when you're out roz gives the rocket challenge this time you get the mayhem launcher with unlimited rockets no access to standard rapid like the grenade you just have to survive the ground with infinite rockets that's what we love to hear i end it on a fun one i like it that's the final odds challenge there's so one last step now you need to give the blue terminal air in the title room generator activated teleport to unique area oz's memories okay we just need to finish this round and finish this next round and then it's easy it's smooth sailing we're a smooth sailor and the next round is easy because we've got infinite literally pocket launchers it doesn't get any easier than that wow i managed to get this thing to almost your 20-pack once that's i'm impressed absolutely disgusting i just look down like mark 18 jesus 18 h bar that is absolutely disgusting this thing is the repulsor did nothing there i will actually need a max i think oh yo we need to call in those sentinels that's what we need to do the boys kill streak yeah oh god no exo gaming get me out of this okay yeah i'm gonna call in these boys right now so we can head around yeah go for it yeah go for it [Music] look at these boys yeah i know i'm coming over now i actually have some firepower i i dude i need to upgrade my gun but i can't i can't get a moment away from the zombies i'm coming over i'm coming over with him i'll bring in the sentinel squad yes sir yeah where are the boys oh here they are hello i just want to upgrade my gun oh they're actually doing work he's doing work oh man yeah we got it open here no come on bring him back here and then all uh yeah yeah there we go that's it all right let's go baby sentinel squad oh no i've got my tombstone yes nice okay let me upgrade before we get rockets what the hell is this okay okay you made him my gold mark this is good this is good come to the infected room come on come to the pool chop is dead chop his chop is dead he's just gone job is literally not in this game this is like i just need to get jug and i'm so close to getting jug yeah that you can't hurt yourself with this rocket by the way yeah no phd oh can we keep this yeah i want this it's actually a good gun i can actually kill some rocket challenge yeah so basically once we get to the memory we just have to we basically just have to survive like that's it easy oh that's beauty if only i have this thing yeah right can we take this in come on bro please i haven't tried it but i just ran out of ammo with this so fast i would have preferred oh let's go oh there we go now all right i'm gonna go blue terminal next to the title generator room yeah get set up and then we can go yeah cover me while i reload please let me keep this [ __ ] don't take it away little bit more points i just need speed color as well and then i'm good enough should we should we go in okay i have i have literally no perks uh can we go without chop i think so lounge where's the title generator room again um it's um where we've done the first step oh lord oh lord oh oh lord oh my god oh my god it's like the exact same thing this is the case give me a speed collar terminal oh yeah yeah the original terminal okay i got it yeah yeah all right how are y'all feeling should i send it oh my gosh i need speed i just need speed now another yeah yeah yeah yeah you might as well just hit it as soon as you got speed cola oh yeah should i teleport us john do you have it uh uh can teleport us and rez i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it just yeah just do it oh god i hit the terminal there are so many zombies behind me i'm i'm coming over if guys 10 seconds i think i'm dead here i'm coming legs crawl i'm crawling i'm at the bottom at the bottom of the exosuit yeah yeah easy let's go oh oh no i think all players have to uh press the no shot at hopefully he doesn't have to get him alive all right i'm going to terminal john come down okay hold up i'm just getting uh just getting a turret that should help us out i literally can't live for four seconds for floors i can't i i'm gonna jump down come down [Music] hey siri hello siri hey siri call sam chopper oh my goodness for the last he's coming he's coming he's coming yes yes okay we have to end this round though because he's dead yeah the prophecy has been foretold [Music] oh my god oh my god i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm just getting constantly hit by emz's oh my god you had a lot of them on youtube yeah that's you you're up here thank you i lost my speed cola oh no we need a thousand points that's the last step as well just literally just go up click a button how how has it been dude it's been rough very hectic yeah i believe it yeah okay i need to i'm literally leveling up the bowel just to have another gun that has ammo in it oh my god it was almost over for me there i almost dropped in the waterway mr daly jd right there oh that is not what you want to do oh no no no okay the one thing i want exo health okay i think this is toward the end okay so we need to escort chop to the let me get speed wait are we going into a boss fight no it's kind of a bot it's not like we have to kill a boss it's literally just like survive yeah i would oh my god okay i the next thing i'm gonna try and get is uh a gun very cool yeah very very helpful i'm mark 20 with the yeah mark 20 uh optic nerve shot can y'all can y'all spawn me by the exo suit i i don't think we can try it yeah it seems like it spawns you in the same spot every time where's the where's the printer um no idea is it yeah it's right here yeah i got it [Music] i don't have enough okay okay okay oh this oh i have enough now oh no stop the mz's listen everyone's gonna roast because this map is so hard but i legitimately have the most fun on this map i love playing this map yeah this has been a great experience let me just say very cool this has been a really really good experience to be honest this is like probably one of the most a tier maps i've ever played maybe even s tier very cool very cool best map i've ever played at least minimum oh that's an understatement i have the pie take who remembers the pie take is that nmg yeah this thing is rough absolutely rough right now shoot some pellets okay any other perks i need could i spawn in mid-round at all because i john did that earlier right no that wasn't around when he was fine oh fast uh yeah i have all the zombies and if you have a mark 20 gun you can upgrade to 25 yeah i think it is too john uh can someone uh assist your boy over here i'm at a speed cola i'm coming i have literally no means of defeating these enemies i'm gonna go buy some nades before the next round as well we're gonna need a goodness me 3d printer goodbye 3d printer this is unbelievable never a bad thing all right all right boys this is it the final run chop we are going up to where exo health is is halfway up yeah i know i know where that is john you have the monkey bomb drones right i just got some too that's like i don't have them anymore okay i have something useful okay we should all group up by where lexus right now because i think that's where chop's going to be able to drop down from i mean we can escort them all right here we go chop reload oh he's over there spun somewhere else okay get the top we go straight to button yeah the goal suit that you'll pass it on the way there keep going yeah yeah yeah let's go let's go let's go i got this all right we're going to the button halfway up shop in the in the original room that we opened up by shooting the things all the way it's definitely lex maybe you could throw a distraction drone right now let's go everyone's spamming on the thing i'm stuck in the door i'm stuck in the door all right go go go press and press and press it press it i'm pressing it i'm throwing in another one we're going we're doing it oh my gosh wow holy moly there's a weapon upgrade right here i just upgraded my atlas literally just live that's all we have to do here actually just live easier than done i have no ammo hey guys we're playing can we fall off this uh no somehow spawn underneath what is this yeah okay no this is literally all you um yeah i'm not even gonna shoot a bullet i have literally no means of killing live just exists i tried it it's so bad here because it just bounces around out of bounds i'm existing i'm existing my blunderbuss is only mark 10 so it's is i but it's not it's not great yeah i like asked me to kill one thing i couldn't literally could not just live just we're so close now i i like i can only be useful once someone gets a max that's it like i'm fully fully out dude i'm literally killing like one one zombie with my trident because my bullet just goes out about this is so sad you're delirious and you khan you're an old toothless shark that's why atlas hung you out to dry [ __ ] you decker you never made the regular army because you couldn't don't make me laugh how the [ __ ] does he know about that oh thank you you're no saint i'm the worst of us i'm the [ __ ] monster in this story it all begins and ends with me whole day you're going to see that one coming in you're enjoying this they want me and they want you you're one strand one mutation away from becoming one of these things you hear me i hear you someone shut him up one oh no oh my god in one shot hit that boost hit that exo jump oh my god i actually almost died there that was so scary oh my god there's like exploding zombies now are we getting drops in here at all i need to go oh we're getting points though i need [Music] i would have knew known because at least i would we would be able to beat it does anyone here have exo slam no i got nothing brother i i literally have nine bullets in my trident left and then i'm completely out of everything oh that's all i got that's all i got all right like the little okay we're about to do it yeah this is it there's two punches that point that boy supply and demand baby supply and demand economics economics i [ __ ] hate those atlas [ __ ] [Music] oh did we do it is this it yeah [Music] oh wow guys that's so crazy y'all want to see my double feature whoa watch this my double feature is crazy hey guys hey guys look at this look at this feature of mine right here dude you see it we're so good wow in 2021 the year of our lord we just beat dissent the full easter egg and that's something to clap it up about honestly that's that's crazy it's crazy all right well there it is everybody i hope you all enjoyed there it is descent in 2021 never thought i'd see the day where we actually did it but i told you we would do it and we did we'll see in the next one peace
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 629,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noahj456, noah, noahj, gaming
Id: 8wwVenLvGGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 8sec (7448 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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