India’s FIVE Levels of Curry!! #4 Almost Ended Me!!

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in this episode we're uncovering south India's take on this country's Liquid Gold wo that is delicious including one restaurant who's pumping out over 250 gallons of the stuff every single day but first let's back [Music] up welcome to Corella the viron jewel of India's Southwest earning its title as the land of spices the state's tropical climate nurtures an array of spices like black pepper Ginger and turmeric key ingredients for the dish India is perhaps most well known for I'm talking about Curry okay o this Liquid Gold comes in hundreds of varieties throughout the country pork curry is like my new favorite and here in Corella they have their own twists on this Legendary Classic coconut milk will be much evident in the dish and it will be less spicy with Tangy flavor of tomato like this sambar cooked in such huge batches they must measure it by by the gallon it includes around 25 to 30 varieties of vegetables or this 2,000-year-old curry recipe that comes right here from Corella the traditionally culturally significant dish that is made in these Christian household prepare to indulge in the ultimate curry tour in South India right here in coochi carella before we dive into the world of spice let's clarify something for our non-indian friends watching Masala is basically a spice mix that forms the sole a lot of Indian recipes and Curry well it's that spice blend's cooler more popular cousin you know that cousin that helped you pick your first tattoo when you were 12 the flavorful start to our Curry journey in carella begins with a dish so dry it could be considered a choking hazard say hello to a chicken slow roasted in a symphony of earthy spices chicken perin is actually a tomato based chicken roast in a Kerala style it's a medium spicy everyone can eat chicken paralin is a easy recipe so for the breakfast all it's a um's easy trick to make a small dish but it's really tasty chicken curry is like the ultimate bonding agent it brings folks from Southeast Asia the Caribbean and even North America together they've all got their unique chicken curry spin but it all began in India here in carella we have a dish called chicken Patu to make it start the party with a splash of mustard oil in a hot pan then invite the whole crew mustard seeds Ginger strips diced garlic fresh gream chilies dry red chilies Curry leaves red onions and cashew nuts let them dance and mingle like a party for people who are over 40 and [Music] divorced next sprinkle in salt turmeric powder red chili powder coriander powder fennel powder and black pepper add tomato puree and let it cook for 10 to 15 minutes to create a thick paste now now give a warm welcome to the boiled chicken add a splash of water for that paste Chicken Connection and let it simmer until the gravy becomes dry top it off with more curry leaves and serve whether you are a rice Enthusiast or more of a non-believer get it a non-believer come on guys there's a riter strike chicken Patu is the perfect protein pairing for either one the dry golden exterior creates a satis flying spicy shell that coats every nook and cranny of the chicken when you bite through it you're met with the burst of delicious spicy flavors that will melt your heart and possibly your taste buds [Music] too picture this you've got a lightning fast layover in India but your appetite isn't overdrive the Tali comes to the rescue a flavor packed Extravaganza in one sharable dish but if you're lucky enough to land in Corella you can swap that t out for the ultimate food Marathon the [Music] S get ready for a feast featuring not five not 10 but a whopping 30 to 60 Delights and yes they are all vegetarian but with so many options to choose from surely we're going to find something good is typically vegetable fish it includes around 25 to 30 varieties of vegetabl it includes some Savory dishes some pickles and some paroil rice and some seds also this is the major ingredients of the sadya and we have to serve it in a Banana Leaf that's why we call S sadya now usually I'd be against vegetables vegetarianism and veganism in general oh it's so gross but I always make an exception for India I didn't eat any animals today typically this Corella born treat is rolled out during big events weddings religious gatherings or you know those eaty feelings kind of days to assemble the sadya first lay down a leaf and prepare three glasses carry goly a spiced detox drink buttermilk for that creamy goodness and Rasam a zesty South Indian soup sprinkle a bit of salt then add the crunchy Essentials banana chips sundried bitter gourd and a zingy cur [Music] chili now for the pickles Ginger JY mango lime cucumber beetroot and two soups Ola a white G soup and Kalan a mix of raw bananas and yam add a crispy papad and a ripe banana lining up next to the Crown Jewel rice topped with melted butter ah see it's not vegan after all just look at that delicious cow juice no no no no no now it's time to bring the heat the veggie Curry koutu Cati takes Center Stage followed by ariser a coconut and pumpkin dish Tor the coconut cabbage mix and aval the star combo of 13 veggies closing acts are lentil dishes kti paru and sambar and finally murari a blend of yogurt and cucumbers sadya is a dining experience where every bite is an orchestra of spices from the spicy curries to the Tangy pickles and Chutney and the creamy lentil curries bringing in that smooth Rich Harmony it's meant to be shared but if you find yourself dining solo just pretend you're a royal king feasting in splendid Solitude that's what I [Music] do Curry is actually a term that was coined by colonizers in India used to lump together various unfamiliar dishes as these recipes were carried worldwide they morphed to match local pallets hence Curry has become a global sensation with different versions claiming their own Origins but let's get real the heart of Curry lies in India you grew up with cooking like this that's amazing our next stop a restaurant whipping up such an insanely delicious Curry that they managed to sell a staggering 250 gallons every single day this is somar a popular Indian stew that was created back in the 15th century Legend has it that a marata ruler decided to play Chef while his cook took an unexpected break from the kitchen lo and behold his lentil experiment turned into a masterpiece or maybe he's just taking credit for the chef's work we'll never know cuz the chef was put to death just kidding but you did this for what why not why why not why though the dish was so good he named it after himself so humble fast forward to today and this food spot once a tiny stall in '98 now turns out a crazy 250 gallons of this legendary stew daily they've turned a princely kitchen mishap into a thriving Curry Empire so how do they do it start by washing a mix of vegetables that have been cut into pieces okra carrots red onions radish Tomatoes potatoes and bitter gorg strain and set aside in a giant pan fry mustard seeds fenugreek seeds red chilies Curry leaves and add the vegetable mixture add turmeric powder salt mango powder coriander powder and red chili powder now the star of the show Ural doll or lentils boiled for 5 hours or overnight transfer the seasoned veggie mixture into a giant pan with the doll then add diced tomato vigorously stir for 30 minutes until all the flavors mangled [Music] together finish with fresh coriander and serve SAR is the ultimate flavor conductor dishing out a symphony of tastes Savory Spicy Sweet Tangy and with a hint of nuttiness all mingling together better than a group of 40-year-old divorcees at a speed dating party pair it up with Crispy Dosa or warm Breads and you've got yourself s a culinary adventure and inevitably a food [Music] coma soon we will show you a curry that's almost 2,000 years old but before that brace yourself for a famous curry that uses corellis staple protein today we have used King Fish as per taste we can change the fish to Pearl spot or whatever fish is available at this point meet mean moly the story of this dish dates back to Colonial times when Portuguese Sailors exploring carella encountered a fiery local dish that was far too spicy for their European palet to cool things down a local woman named Molly added coconut milk taming the spice and delighting the sailors coconut milk will be much evident in the dish and it will be less spicy with Tangy flavor of tomato impressed by her concoction they named it after her giving birth to the iconic fish delicacy our restaurant is is one among the best seafood restaurants in Ken that's why people visit us to make it sauté fresh ginger red onions a handful of green chilies and Curry leaves in a pot with coconut oil add turmeric tomatoes and thicken with that flavorful coconut milk and a dash of salt introduce a slice of Kingfish to the pot and allow it to cook for 20 minutes serve on Nature's plate the Banana Leaf the rich coconut milk Sops up the spice without taking away from the incredible flavor the fish flavor shines through maintaining a firm texture amidst all that gravy goodness when I say I want to go swimming inside a pool of this gravy is exactly what I have in [Music] mind did you know there's a 2,000-year-old curry from Corella made by the Syrian Christian Community it's been around longer than my oldest pair of underwear and I'm guessing it's way tastier too as we wrap up our Curry Journey throughout coochi carella let's explore the time- tested dish that's seasoned with a dash of History ever since St Thomas set foot in India back in 52 ad the Christian Community began to grow in Corella among their culinary Treasures lies aachi py a dish composed of two flavorful components the chicken curry fondly called pedium kium and the mini rice batter pancakes known as py think of them as distant cousins to Italian Yoki in both preparation and texture this dish I used to have when I was much younger with my father there used to be a small restaurant in koi that used to serve it after that I've have not had it in this Gap because not a very common dish it's a home dish that is very popular amongst the Syrian Christian population of kotm Pala District of K it's a traditionally culturally significant dish that is made in this Christian household so it consists of two parts there is the pidy which is rice dumplings in coconut milk and there is Cori Curry typically it's so these two are combined in quantity as preferred by whoever wants to eat so if someone wants it more spicy they take more curry if someone wants it more creamy they take more PE so it's a all in all one pot dish to whip this up start with the chicken curry pour in a ladle full of coconut oil in the pan and Fry cumin seeds diced onions garlic and ginger Stir It All Around until the aroma envelops the entire kitchen add turmeric powder coriander powder red chili powder a few slices of tomato pieces of raw chicken and salt pour in water cook for 5 to 7 minutes finish with coconut milk and let it [Music] simmer next the pey blend together grated coconut with red onions add that to the pan and add more grated coconut rice flour coconut milk and knead it together to form a dough mold it into tiny ovals and steam them finally create a sauce by boiling coconut milk with water salt and fig Greek powder add our steamed py and cook for 10 minutes before serving with the curry it was a lot of steps but you know what guys we finally got there imagine an Italian Yoki walting down the aisle with a spicy chicken curry the pey soft juicy and infused with bold coconut flavors it melts beautifully with the fiery yet heartwarming Curry it's like a match made in culinary heaven or it's like meeting your second soulmate at a party for 40-year-old divorcees [Music] after exploring cooch's most beloved curry dishes it's time to pick the one that warmed my soul the most was it the dry roasted chicken Patu the grand Feast of sadya the historical favorite arachi pey the coconut Rich fish Moi or the unexpected Masterpiece sambar today my favorite was the irachi pey this dish has been around for 2,000 years for a good reason its flavors are as enticing as its interesting origin story now which one of these will become your goto cry let us know downstairs in the comments below what you think and for more indulgent feasts for your senses be sure to subscribe to best ever food India thanks bye elevate your style with our brand new clothing collection rock out in our threads feel the thrill of culinary adventures and celebrate with us in style head on over to beers. shop today
Channel: Best Ever Food India ( w/ Sonny Side )
Views: 363,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cf6a-4fA0a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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