BETTER THAN TAKEOUT - Singapore Noodles Recipe

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hi everyone welcome to souped up recipes. I'm mandy today we are making  Singapore noodles at home and I'm going to show you how to cook  it better than your local takeout. Despite being named after Singapore this recipe  was actually born in hong kong in the 1960s the time when hong kong was a British colony The history behind it is very interesting  which I have included in the pinned comment. Go check it out. Rice noodle is what you  want to use for this recipe. It is also labeled as rice  vermicelli noodles or "Mifen." You will find 3 different levels of thickness  on the market mainly. They usually don’t   label the thickness but the package is  translucent so you can see through it.   My favorite one is this regular thick  because it doesn’t take too long to cook.   It doesn’t break easily and doesn’t tangle  too much. It works like a magic in the wok. This one is very thin, it is labeled as angle  hair. It works for this recipe and the taste   will come out the same but you will have to cook  it for a shorter time. It does break easily. It   likes to tangle with each other so when you  fluff it in the wok, it flies everywhere.   However, I found this one widely available in big  supermarkets in the USA, such as Walmart, Target,   and Publix. That’s why I want to bring up this  option to you even though it is not the best. This one is extra thick, I normally  use it to make noodle soup, so didn’t   test it in this recipe. But you can definitely  give it a go if that is your only option. You   just have to adjust the cooking time  and heat based on your own judgment.   If you did try, leave a comment  below and let me know how it goes. By the way, it really doesn’t  matter what brand you use,   because I have tried many  and I never had any issues. I will be using 200 grams of dried rice noodles,  which are 2 servings. To prepare the noodles,   you just bring 8 cups of water  to a boil and turn off the heat.   Drop the noodles right in there. Let it soak for  about 5 minutes. If you are using the angle hair,   you will soak for only 2 minutes. We  don’t want to overcook them, otherwise,   they will turn mushy when you stir fry them.   You can give it a bite to test it. The noodles  should be a little bit chewy at the center. Take them out and spread them on a cooling  rack. Let the heat help to evaporate the excess   moisture. This is the key to avoiding clumpy and  sticky noodles. I know a lot of recipes will tell   you to rinse the noodles with cold water. I don’t  recommend this because it will bring in too much   moisture, which is the number one enemy of this  dish; it makes the noodles stick to the wok badly. While waiting, we can go through the rest of  the ingredients. Although you can use any kind   of meat in your stir fry, roasted pork is what  makes this dish Cantonese. To be specific, not   just regular roasted pork, it is Char siu, which  is also known as Chinese BBQ pork and it is so   popular in HK that it became the characteristic  ingredient for a lot of HK style dishes,   such as egg foo young, char siu fried rice,  char siu noodle soup, and char siu steam bun...   If you are not living in HK, and you want to make  it authentic, you’ll just have to either buy it   from china town or bake it yourself. I do have  a recipe; you can click here to watch the video.   If you don’t have char siu and you  don’t want to spend time making it,   the closest replacement will  be some sweet-savory BBQ meat. Here is 150 grams of peeled and deveined  shrimp. Simply season it with a pinch of   salt and some black pepper to taste. If  you don’t eat shrimp, that is all right.   Singapore noodles can also be made with Firm  tofu, marinated chicken, or pork slices. Crack 2 eggs and beat them well until  you don’t see any obvious egg white.   Set it aside. Next, we will talk about vegetables. There  are no restrictions because you can throw   almost anything into your stir fry, but I want  to show you what Cantonese restaurants will use. Some thinly julienned carrots 1/4 of a medium onion,   I sliced it lengthwise into thin strips. Some bell pepper strips. I used green and   red colors so the dish will look nicer.  If you don’t care about the presentation,   you can use just one color. Some Bean sprouts. This is 2   cloves of garlic that I thinly sliced. A little bit of garlic chives is called   Jiu Cai. If you don’t have it, green onions  will do just fine. Cut them 1.5 inches long. Next, we will put all the seasonings together. 1 tbsp of soy sauce 1 tbsp of fish sauce  2 tsp of oyster sauce  1 tsp of sugar 1-2 tsp of curry   powder depending on your taste. Although you  can use any type of curry powder that you have,   the brand does affect the final taste. You can  experiment with a few and pick your favorite one.   Some people also use curry paste, which works  but you will have to adjust the seasoning because   every brand of curry paste has a different level  of sodium, sugar, and spiciness. For example,   I have used this lee kum kee curry paste, it is so  mild and sweet compared to the curry powder that   I am using today so I will have to omit the  sugar and add some chili powder to boost up   the spiciness. This is the key ingredient that  gives Singapore noodles its signature flavor. 1 tsp of turmeric powder. Mix thoroughly  to combine all the ingredients.   Turmeric is optional because curry powder already  contains turmeric. But the brand that I am using   is not giving the dish that bright yellow color  so I will have to add a little extra turmeric   to make the noodles appealing. You may  not need it depending on what you use. Ok, I think we have everything ready, let’s  start cooking. As a classic Cantonese stir fry,   wok hay is the key to bringing out the spirit of  this recipe and making it better than take out.   The trick for home cooking to reach the wok  hay effect is to pre-heat your wok until it is   smoking hot before adding any ingredients.  For those of you who don’t know about it,   wok hay is also known as the breath of the  wok; it refers to a complex smoky aroma   and taste that is created by properly cooking  the food in a well-seasoned carbon steel wok over   extremely high heat. That is key to making your  Singapore noodle taste better than taking out. I see my wok is lightly smoking  now, let’s add a few tbsp of oil.   Swirl it around to create a nonstick layer.  Pour in the egg and wait for it to set.   Then break the egg into big pieces like that.  Push the egg to the side so you have room to   toss the shrimp. The wok is super hot, it only  takes 20 seconds for the shrimp to turn pink.   Now push the shrimp to the side and toss in the  char siu because this is leftover meat. I want   to stir it for 10-15 seconds over high heat to  reactivate the flavor. Of course, if you are using   freshly baked char siu or bbq meat, you can add  it to the wok at the end to complete the dish. Take all the proteins out and set them aside.   The wok looks a bit dry, I  will add 1 more tbsp of oil.   Throw in the garlic, and carrot because carrot  takes longer to cook. Give them a quick stir   then add the noodles. Switch the spatula to  tongs as they work great at fluffing noodles.   Make sure the heat is on high the whole time.  Not only does it ensure the wok hay effect,   but also it prevents the noodles from sticking to  the wok. A lot of people don't know about this,   so their food always sticks to  the cookware. When this happens,   people tend to add more oil to save the dish,  but then your noodles will come out extra oily. I think this looks good. Let’s add the sauce,   along with the vegetables except for the garlic  chives. Introduce the protein back into the wok.   I prefer my veggies to be fresh and crunchy.  So, I add them now which is quite late.   If you want to cook them more, you can add  them to the wok earlier, not a problem at all.   Quickly stir to make sure  the flavor is well combined.   A large wok is necessary, so your noodles  don’t fly everywhere onto your countertop.   Turmeric is a useful reference parameter, you  just go with the color. Once you don’t see any   white rice noodles, add the garlic chives  and give it a final toss. You are done. Before serving, always give it a taste to  adjust the flavor. As I mentioned before,   different brands of curry powder, curry paste,  and even soy sauce may vary in sodium level.   This tastes so good. The noodles are thoroughly  tossed in the wok, very fluffy and slightly   toasty. The curry powder is pleasantly invasive  because it works so good on these spindly rice   noodles. Every string is packed with complex  flavors. This is a very interesting dish and   it shows how multicultural Cantonese cooking  could be. I hope you give this a try soon. I hope you give this a try soon as always you  can click the link in the description and find   the printable recipe thank you for watching  this video is sponsored by soup dog recipes wok   this is the wok that I'm selling and I am proud to  recommend it to you as I have been using it on my   channel for years it is lightweight it responds  to heat changes quickly and evenly it can also   sustain super high temperature without damage  perfect for wok cooking if you're interested the   link is in the description go check it out again  thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time. Bye~
Channel: Souped Up Recipes
Views: 2,513,741
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Keywords: stir fried noodles, souped up recipes, stir fried noodle recipe, stir fry noodles, north eastern chinese cuisine, stir fry vermicelli noodles, stir fry glass noodles, Vermicelli noodle recipe, chow mei fun, chinese stir fry noodles, 炒米粉, hk stir fried noodles, cantonese noodles, noodles recipe, hong kong noodles, hk noodles recipe, noodle sauce, noodle recipe, spicy noodles recipe, chow fun, stir fry noodles recipe, shrimp stir fry with noodles, curry noodles
Id: 8d9ANo43UxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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