Gordon Ramsay 1 - Arrogant Chefs 0 | Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares

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right tiny kitchen Jesus it's like gonna visit your gran are we the menu here sir claustrophobic in here huge sofas and the little quaint room [ __ ] I may have a glass all firm ostrich placing your pillow right and is it cold with ice it will be I know Jesus already chilled yeah enough some say is it fridge yeah yeah no I said thank you know what smiles pan-roasted tilefish cause we called fat puree white raisin Cape addressing that sounds very familiar Nick's got one of my dishes on the menu he's been cooking for as long as I have and he's charging top London prices so I just hope he's food measures up first test a fish soup smells off well that certainly seen better days I just hope I won't be saying the same about Nick by the end of the lunch very well next mushroom and a duck egg on toast and is one of my favorites when it's done how I like it simply why is it supposed to be looking like something out of a [ __ ] Barbies doll's house why can't I just look simple plain and mushrooms on toast it's like using a wet flannel soggy horrible bread mushrooms are dirty Nick's officee a frills man but if he's got any sense he'll serve the next dish as it was intended because it's one of mine and where did this tissue is no problem I can't erase all the idea you could no go and asking for me with it thank you where'd you get the idea for scouting think [ __ ] I don't set my lineup they taste frozen unfortunately milky and rubbery takes another frozen now yeah I'm out front Nick's got to be joking he better put a smile on my face with the next dish because so far this lunch has been miserable this morning it wasn't important to sending it to meals if I were you Nick I wouldn't keep me waiting everyone's thank you and you like a hemorrhoid in my [ __ ] you know that can I just sit and enjoy or try to enjoy rather try to dissect everything I eat otherwise you males will [ __ ] sit down here and take my place would you mind thank you so much I'm there there's no say stupid things that I knew at least you're not having a cut for that sauce is so sweet it's unbelievable duck itself actually tastes quite nice but then is marred with all that horrible sauce it's almost like Benin Lynn and baby veg 20 quid as well I mean you know even by London prices that's you know that's up there there's someone here that's trying to flash and you may have got away with that in the 90s but in 2006 these days are numbered right Nick you're not gonna like what I'm about to say I expected nice quick fast easy lunch and unfortunate everything was painful you know mushrooms on toast was supposed to be mushrooms on toast I got something that was incredibly soggy full of grits and just looks horrendous but that was [ __ ] delicious and then everything else around it was so unnecessary you were [ __ ] successful ten years ago and he had a big following unfortunately nothing has moved on in the two years since I was last here lad Riviera has been renamed abstract I wonder what else has changed marinated calamari Chinese white potato foam salting peanut ice cream that sounds like the [ __ ] menus upside down is that a dessert or starter [ __ ] me how are you I don't think how are you thank you my god it's lunchtime floor but abstract is empty what's wrong and how many got for lunch lunch we don't open for lunch here now we just opened next door so you've actually opened a new restaurant in there yeah we opened contrast occasion at the end of the second week in June this year just a Brasserie so is to try and give us a balance between the fine dining I can something more simple bizarre instead of serving simple lunches in here as I advised berries opened an entirely new restaurant we just thought we're doing the lunches there it's really busy there yeah we'll close this one Barry says turn over at abstract is down 27 percent in the past year although it is popular in the evening big question Misha we never got it and that was it we just keep working hard and see what houses issue I thought by simplifying the menu I'd put them on course for a star is lilyc over elaborating in the kitchen that game how are you finding you you're good to see you well yeah I'm sorry to hear about the Michelin star I thought that was a light arrives a year ago you've done well without the star and the business is running very well new dishes on the menu marinated calamari Chinese way potato foam salted peanut ice cream yeah oh dear this must be a vegetarian delight a giblet club sandwich what was that mashed giblets but in Inverness now mm-hmm nine Edinburgh or London or New York if you said to someone you know fancy a club sandwich you know they would expect someone [ __ ] chickens tomato mayonnaise where'd you get these ideas from I don't wanna be like my neighbours I feel like I'm just preparing lunch for Silence of the Lambs brown hair and black pudding pig's Trotter carpaccio sounds like everything's intensified tenfold I just hope he comes off sandwich Thank You Man we serve with the roasted partridge aha a bleep risotto with plum and white mushrooms and just a normal gene it's a shame he's a talented chef but he's still trying too hard however Luke is getting something right he finally took my advice about simple food but not an abstract he's doing it here in the breviary and the place is heaving there's nice around yeah how many tables we can sit 72 people and what style of food is it more simple food can be simple in modern Santa 595 for lunch 95 95 that's amazing very good monkfish Tara 12 pound yeah [ __ ] I wonder it's so busy contrast offers great value dishes made with fresh ingredients I only wish she'd done this next door at abstract contrast success is startling with a turnover of a quarter of million pound in its first four months but why didn't Barry do this in abstract and save himself 80 grand building a new browser Eames it's been phenomenally busy but there's something really weird going on because that's getting less busy in abstract over there and contrast seems to be the draw [Music] Nigel joining me for lunch to discuss his so-called British menu it's packed with 60 dishes from around the world and you get involved with food at all yeah discuss it all sue Martin incredibly Nigel's fiercely proud of this silly menu so I'm gonna be brutally honest with him I'll have the shark steak topped with tomato sauce and mozzarella must be a bit of a Hampshire thing going on there oh dear this is Nigel's idea of a modern British classic cheesy shark was a chef smoked can we camera on that one I didn't try it well man that's [ __ ] ghastly here where's the surprise now don't get all defensive I don't like it Oh how's your lamb eternal policy really do you think the food is good yeah course I do you'll be playing with me on you well I think you're taking the piss Gordon what's happening so shark and mozzarella sorry is just go through your menu I'll see what you put together oh it's easy to take the piss out of other people's stuff we go to my men you know the Sharks half a centimeter thick yeah it's cooked and then graduated it says cooked twice it arrived the plate full of water so the fish was overcooked before you even got anywhere near my mouth so why are you trying to be smart if I said to you it tasted [ __ ] except it not a great start I want to try Nigel's favorite fill it of beef goodbye Peter so you know what a great experience just 18 years old to be cooking from the best chefs in the world maybe we should ask Nigel what I'm gonna think about it before we go I don't even think about it we even try how does face thing um it looked like someone was sick on my plate and apart from that the steak was cooked nicely Martin's fiddly foreign dishes take ages to get out of the kitchen [Music] porns Switzer we're only 30 minutes into the service and some of the food is being sent back cold this is the worst day of my entire life to be honest what did you do to publish entrance we've seen the snails and stuff I've been here three hours I did what I'm out of it they're cool too late yeah go ahead five o'clock right Jacqueline Martin said he could cope with 200 but I proved he can team cope with half of that tonight [Music] you can put it back together and you already can't leave Oregon I've got rights and I don't want to do it Mike I didn't want there in the first place noise I'm out of it neither Martin nor Nigel accept responsibility for the mess and want a scapegoat unsurprisingly Nigel sees an opportunity to get his own back even been stitched up laughing oh come on we've never [ __ ] be done this to us why if I what's why did you do this to us tonight we've never had a night like this at liver since we've been open Toby so ridiculous Willie [ __ ] food [ __ ] red mullet frozen from Thailand but we're not bulimic the Shogun's are all over the place the customers are [ __ ] bility people without giving us any notice so it's still 50 you haven't even [ __ ] served so what are you blaming me for this Murray's on the service don't count and come back and get a chance you're a weak man could just [ __ ] off gone don't call me a weakness you know will you are one in yo your eyes get your head out of your ass and try to look at your business objectively how are you good to see you has it been it's been very very good and we on average about 50% of sometimes double each really yeah the resolutions thank you very much what a turnaround Lars was losing twenty-two thousand pounds a year but with the expat propping up their winter trade he's pulled in a 33 grand profit what's the negatives I've really expanded you is that what's on the cards hope so yeah already yeah two or three of these now it would be nice as great news providing this one's working perfectly yeah definitely a second restaurant this one has a lot to live up to Lords a new menu has no stupid twists but I'm in Spain so I'm dying for something native right when I left the menu was bursting with local vibrant flavors but now on face with Italian pasta and the old Spanish classic bread and butter pudding if we get so many compliments on that really it's delicious yeah alex has a new team in place for the summer season Norman Tom have moved on and the service has improved but the food hasn't these done things perfect and they're not pastures like muscle almost like a puree all these servers run baby not good greasy way overcooked tasteless if these boys want to open another restaurant they're having a laugh speciality of the house is still cremated deserves you think a year down the line we could be doing better where is it the kitchen and I came really thinking the place is going to be closed arrive is open busy and I'm so [ __ ] happy but unfortunately not very happy with the food look to the menu I thought there's nothing authentic I think Spanish pasta was absolutely shocking cooked - [ __ ] why is it so much unfortunately now if I cook it out then - I'll get more sent back you get it sent back most of my customers like it overcooked Lars I'm not gonna [ __ ] listen to you telling me that overcooked pasta is what they want in Spain come on why and it's perfect this here why is my bread and butter pudding [ __ ] black on the bottom you're not gonna tell me that that's what they want as well in there shorty boy it's not black you [ __ ] defensive and [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm being all this I don't be no customer here's a party I ever had mine was full of burnt [ __ ] raisins just have a little taste of that okay no no no no no I want you to taste it you taste that I'll eat it with you okay okay Lauren still can't admit when he's wrong and I can't stomach [ __ ] he soon confesses that while the evenings are busy lunchtime trade is dead we should be busy for lunch should be we've tried our hardest posthumous we know for every sin every lunch time and it just hasn't worked hasn't kicked off at all everyone wants to be on the beach you've got ambitions of opening other restaurants but five years fully booked every [ __ ] day before my second restaurant to make sure that we're [ __ ] solid customers are happy and we're doing it right this is so frustrating rule seven of running a restaurant is don't get ahead of yourself only when restaurant one is perfect can a second be considered I've only got a few hours tomorrow till I fly home so we'll have to work fast it'd be nice to get one here for nine o'clock eleven thirty nine o'clock [ __ ] you now unbelievable good on my darling I love ambition absolutely [ __ ] love it but in this game you've got a [ __ ] walk before we can run and think about it a chain of the Paris you
Channel: Channel 4 Food
Views: 1,388,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel 4, All 4, 4Food, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay best insults, gordon ramsay likes the food, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares, gordon ramsay steak, gordon ramsay cooking, gordon ramsay hot ones, gordon ramsay animated, gordon ramsay turkey, ramsays kitchen nightmares, ramsays kitchen nightmares uk, ramsays kitchen nightmares full episodes, gordon ramsay swearing, gordon ramsay swear jar, gordon ramsay swearing compilation
Id: SKBmEtVcjg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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