Creating PROFITABLE Marketing Campaigns

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all right hey there my friend adam erhart here and in today's special and very impromptu live streaming session i'm going to be walking you through some of the most important components of creating a truly effective and and truly profitable marketing campaign or marketing plan or marketing strategy or whenever you're trying to scale an existing business or launch a new offer to the market these are the things that you need to pay attention to i'm also gonna be breaking out the ipad and that uh that nifty little pencil so you're gonna get to see why i failed grade three art class but with all that said let me see if i can get our technology to work here and uh and we'll dive right in also if you happen to join the live halfway through make sure to say hi drop a comment let me know where you're from where you're tuning in from as well as if you have a business let me know a little bit about your business because at the end of this and it probably shouldn't take too long maybe five or six minutes of content i'd like to open it up to questions to answer any any relevant or specific any questions really regarding marketing business or anything else i'm qualified to talk about so with that said let's dive right in now i must warn you ahead of time these drawings are for the sake of basically keeping us on track so so bear with me but essentially what we're going to be working with are five m's and of course that is when technology fails us we can test it all ahead of time as much as we like but the moment it comes down to it oh there we go look at that 5ms this is what you need in order to create profitable and effective marketing so we're going to start at the top we're going to work our way through the very first m is model so what is model the model is your business model this is essentially the the way that you deliver whatever product or service um that you offer it's the packaging it's the pricing it's the positioning are you selling something expensive or inexpensive are you selling products or services are you selling whatever it is in whatever combination this is essentially it now this is an important point rather than just saying i sell x or y or z or anything like that because you really want to be aware of the overlap between the things that you could offer and the things that you should offer like all things in life we can put this into a venn diagram if we trusted my art skills that much which we don't so what we want to do here is we want to find a few different areas one of which is things that you could offer that you're good at kind of obvious things that you enjoy because you'd like to be in this business for a substantial period of time i imagine and then third and maybe most importantly of all things that the market is willing and able and has proven itself willing to pay for because if you're selling something that has no market need not really going to do you any good and in fact that's the number one reason why most startups fail is that they've created a product or a service or an offer that nobody wants so let's make sure that we clear that up right away once we've got that done and you've gone through all of the different combinations that you can have and you've mapped out kind of a rough customer journey of introducing someone to your business and what you would offer first and how you would structure it and how you would deliver it well it's time to move on to the second one now this second point is arguably interchangeable with the first one in regards to priority so you could focus on market first you could go to model first there's different cases to be made for each but we can't underestimate the importance of market because it's baked right in the word marketing itself this is what marketing is all about it's about serving a target market an ideal customer a segment of the market that you're perfectly positioned to get them the best results possible for now when it comes to serving your target market you've got a ton of different options available the three best ways to start to classify and identify who you're going to serve really come down to three different things demographic details like age gender income occupation things like that geographic details what city state province country they live in and so on and psychographic details what are their attitudes their beliefs their values what kind of groups or organizations or affiliations do they belong to if you've been in business for any length of time then you know that certain segments certain pockets of your market are just better to work with they are happier with what you do they are willing to pay you more for what you do they get better results for what you do so therefore they refer you to more people and so on so you really have to dial in that market all right three message actually we're gonna do another one down here we're gonna we're gonna add a six point just because we can but first let's talk about message the message is what are the pains and the problems and the frustrations and the fears and all of the things that your ideal target market is currently suffering with that you and your business are uniquely positioned to solve so the way that i classify these are miracles and miseries their miracles are everything i just mentioned the fears pains problems frustrations nightmares all the stuff that keeps them up at night sweating and miserable and scared for the next day and their miracles are all of the things they want to get to these are their wants and dreams and goals and aspirations and everything that they're trying to achieve and your business acts as the bridge that helps them cross the gap away from misery and towards miracle and your messaging is the form and the words and the video and the communication of that of the ability to help them move away from all of their pain and towards all of their pleasure alright four media this is where most people start let's put a little mini star here almost as a warning more than more than a signal of importance what ends up happening in marketing way too often is that when someone thinks about hey i need to market my business they immediately jump to media well should i use youtube should i use um a podcast should i do facebook twitter instagram pinterest whatever tick tock who knows right and they immediately jump there the problem is is that none of that is going to be right or all of it's going to be right depending on your model your market and your message this is why you have to figure out what are you serving um what are you selling next who are you selling to that's the most important thing because different categories different segments of the market are going to be present and active on different media platforms for example pinterest still largely um occupied by women it's largely favors uh female demographics so if you serve women or females or anyone like that pinterest probably a good choice um youtube that's kind of wide open but there's obviously a barrier to entry being video a podcast podcast is a phenomenal tool it tends to attract and tends to serve a slightly more affluent and wealthier demographic as well but podcasting has some huge limitations mainly being it's really hard to get found and to be discovered for your podcast you should probably have an existing audience facebook map pretty much everyone uses facebook especially if they're 30 35 and up instagram again it's pretty ubiquitous a billion users on there now so you can pretty much safely reach your people but again you've got to find that alignment between where your people are and what your business is all about and then go where your people are and ignore everything else all right so that's media let's move on to machine and we are going to hit a slightly more advanced one and then uh then we'll wrap it up here but first machine so what ends up happening with any business whatsoever is that you need to put a system a process a sequence in place to guide somebody through having no idea who you are all the way through those no like and trust phases and bring them out the other side as a happy loyal loving customer or client that that is essentially in love with you and in love with your business or at the very least likes you and likes your business because people don't do business with people part of me people don't like doing business with businesses people like doing business with people because people are authentic and relatable and human and have personalities and we can resonate more with them than we can with large nameless faceless vanilla corporations that are hard to really uh categorize for standing for anything so our machine your machine is going to be specific and unique to you but it's going to guide them through that process now here's a kick what you really need to do more than anything is focus on initially lead generation through email marketing i've talked about this a ton if you've been following the videos for the last little bit i've been really heavy on on pushing and promoting email marketing this is simply because looking back over my career and over the last 10 years it's hard to think of a single client where i haven't added or optimized an email marketing strategy to the tune of a significant boost in profitability it is one of the most overlooked and therefore uh ripe with potential opportunities for business owners entrepreneurs and marketers you've got to be doing email marketing so make sure that you've got a lead magnet an opt-in a freebie a giveaway or something to attract that perfect fit customer or client to your business and then guide them through the process using email marketing to work them through these stages all right let's see next we have our last one and then i'll hang around for a few minutes and see if we've got any questions that you'd like to have answered oh we can't see that one perfect there we go moment so what happens now is that if we match everything up right model market message media and machine we have everything in place the reality of the situation is still the fact that at any given moment most people will not buy that's just statistically how it goes you can put an offer in front of 100 people the vast majority of them are not going to buy in fact you could put something free in front of most people and the vast majority of them won't take you up on that offer now there's a ton of different reasons it may not be right for them it may have not be appealing for them it may not solve a problem that they feel that they have all of which by the way are um you can overcome through the proper messaging and proper marketing sequence but there is that time there is that point where hey it's just not right for them right now and this is why it's important with the moment to build in an overall marketing structure and campaign that allows you to serve the people who are ready to buy right now who want an answer and a sort of a solution to their problem but also in a way that allows you to follow up again and again and continue making new offers and building more trust and establishing more authority and presenting more solutions so you can carry on for that moment when they are ready to buy and that really is the magic behind every successful every profitable marketing campaign you've ever seen that has worked it's gone through these stages the model market message media machine taking into consideration the moment and this is why one of the main things that i do and i love to do is map out those customer journeys from initially meeting me or my clients or my students businesses guiding them through and nurturing for lack of a better term engaging with building trust building rapport establishing a relationship all the way through to the point that they're ultimately ready to buy so there we have it all right um let's open it up to some questions alan hi good to see you and uh yeah if you've got any questions feel free to drop them in i'll hang around for a few minutes and we'll see what we can get solved and otherwise we'll wrap it there and you can drop them inside the comments after let me see if i can come back here there we go technology has not let us down entrepreneur mindset just need to put in more effort that is definitely a element of it right like what ends up happening is um you obviously have to work hard that's kind of a given but effort will only get you so far at the end of the day we all have the same 24 hours in any given period so there comes a point where simply grinding more and hustling more is going to have significant diminishing returns and the solution is actually i hate to say it because it sounds so cliche but it's like instead of working harder we do have to work smarter and by smarter i mean more strategic i mean more in alignment with those proven marketing fundamentals and principles like the model market message machine et cetera et cetera all right alan we have two ellen's i have an idea to start a food truck yep i'm all for it provided that uh that there's still need for it i mean we're in kind of weird times right now but if people people still eat so yeah the key there is uh do a bit of market research find out what else is going on also as a bit of a tip head over to amazon because they've got like i don't even know i think i did a case study on food truck marketing a year or two ago and i remember going to amazon and like looking through all of the books and articles and that there's a ton of information so the first thing you need to do before starting a food truck or any business is uh is research learn study everything you can buy 100 200 worth of books and courses and training and consume everything you can and you're going to come out so much further ahead and be so much more educated on all of that all right daniel what are some of the most important things to consider when creating a successful email marketing oh that's a good question and it's um and it's deep things right i think um while we're on this topic the most important things to consider when doing email marketing are like all marketing so it's like what are you trying to sell what is the market that you're speaking to so you make sure that you're using their language you're talking to their pain points their problems etc etc what is um what is the message you're communicating obviously media is kind of irrelevant in this case because we're on email unless you're thinking about building your email list and then we do need to drive traffic what is the flow of your email messages like are you just communicating for the sake of communicating are you guiding them somewhere are you offering them something are you leading them through some kind of sequence i think the biggest thing i want to tell you here uh when it comes to email marketing is there's two huge problems to avoid two massive mistakes the first of which is the most common and that is the i'm gonna give as much value as possible all the time i'm never going to make an offer i'm just going to give give give love everyone do everything i can for them etc in fact i've just launched a video on this i think it's the video right before this one so make sure to check that out if this is of interest to you but that is a huge mistake because what ends up happening is if all you do is give and you never make an offer or you never offer to sell something first of all you're never going to sell anything which means you're not going to have a business but the second thing is when you do finally get up the nerve to make that offer your list your email list your audience they're going to do they're going to be offended they're going to be angry they're like i thought this was free i thought you were just giving out of the the kindness of your heart and then you finally offered to sell something and they're going to get offended or they're going to unsubscribe or they're not going to buy because they haven't been for lack of a better word they haven't been trained and initiated and indoctrinated that you and your business and your services or products or whatever you're selling are there to help them so you're not going to be pushy but you're going to guide them in that way now of course the flip side of this is emails that all they do is sell every single email is a hard pitch or a hard offer or a sales message and of course those those are total garbage too right because who wants to get non-stop sales messages in their email inbox they're going to delete them they're going to unsubscribe and move on but again yes for more info on that check out the video i just posted i think it's called email marketing made simple or tips or something like that so you should be able to find it there doo doo alan free template given for your email template it's funny as we're talking about free right yes there's um i'm not sure i have a free version of the email template i have a very inexpensive paid one but that's again only if you have a business and only if you have something to sell if you're just getting started then simply watch the video and put it together the template really follows a sequence of telling a bit of a story providing some tips from that and then leading with a call to action of course there's more the devils in the details so if you have a business and you are using email marketing it's worth looking into but yes let's move on from there owen hi super noob right on that's a good name all right um mikhail or michael mchale one of the two let me know which one what are the strategies to keep client to buy our product so that my friend is um again it's it's a very deep very complicated question right like what'll end up happening is a lot of marketers out there will be just like oh run facebook ads there there's there's your strategy that's the secrets facebook ads or it's a facebook group or it's promoted pins on pinterest or whatever it is um the reality is is that it's it's complicated it comes down to everything we talked about at the beginning of this video what's your business model who's your ideal target market what's the message their miracles and their miseries how can you position yourself that way what media channels are they active and present on and then making sure to go there with communication that mirrors and matches and addresses their their miracles and miseries and all of that um what is the machine what is the legion and customer journey and marketing funnel that's going to guide them through to build trust and establish authority and rapport and relationships and then the moment of course being well what if they don't buy right now what if they're going to buy later what other angles or hooks or whatever you can do to guide them through and that's why i guess that's probably one of my biggest frustrations with the marketing industry as a whole is that people have this um this this false belief because of all the fake stuff that gets sold saying this is the secret and that's the secret and the reality is is there is no secret there's just strategy and sequence and stories and yes of course there are some some hacks and tricks and some psychological stuff that we can do to make ourselves more likeable and relatable and so on but but that my friend is it all right manos would you apply the same principles for a freelancer 100 yeah um so the main way that i'm talking about these it's funny when we talk about marketing people often not just humanoids i'm not calling you out but like people often confuse well what if i sell this or what if i sell that or what if it's blue instead of red or what if it's um even a product versus a service which yes there are some significant differences between marketing products and services mainly services are intangible and you can't see them so you need a higher level of trust and you need more rapport and more authority and so on but all of the rest of the same principles apply identifying your business model so as a freelancer what do you do how do you do it what's the deliverable that you're providing what's the end result you're guiding someone to who's your ideal target market is it big business small business are you working with this kind of client or that kind of client in this industry or that once you've got that established what's their pain points for the message what makes them tick what problems do they have that you are uniquely positioned to help them solve then media where are they active and present that you can reach them then machine how are you going to guide them through the journey like all of these things are as important for regardless of what business that you're that you're kind of trying to promote here all of the all of the same principles and fundamentals will apply entrepreneur mindset why do we need to do email marketing oh i like that so you need to do email marketing for so many reasons but but to give you specifics oh and there's so many so i'm not going to dive in all of them because i've got i've got enough and i think i talked about this in some previous videos as well everyone uses email that's a pretty big one um i use email you use email my mom uses email my brother uses email everyone checks their email so you've got direct line access to your customers and clients where they are they also check it like 15 times a day which means you have this non-stop pipeline directly into your clients and customers brains second of all you own your email list you don't own your youtube subscribers you don't own your facebook fans or instagram followers or anything like that they can change the algorithm they can take it away they can just wipe out your entire business if you're relying on that the second thing is that email allows you to build a higher level of trust and authority because it gives you a longer form kind of content where you can tell more stories and establish again more trust more authority and more expertise um statistically speaking email provides the highest roi of all marketing channels around four thousand four hundred percent roi now how accurate that number is hard to really say i mean of course you're going to have to have all of the things in place like i talked about before your model your market your message your media machine so on and so forth but if those pieces are in place like i said earlier i can't think it's hard for me to think of a single client over the last 10 years i've worked with where we haven't been able to add or optimize an email strategy for a significant boost in profits and not just profits but like better clients better customers because they resonate with you they understand your values and what you're all about and how you work so yeah i i can't say enough if uh if you're not using email marketing you're leaving money on the table all right techiac tech for a startup should i brand or acquire customers first easy answer customers first always that was easy i could go into more detail if you like but it's always customers first branding should always especially for a startup man especially for startup branding should always come as a secondary supplemental benefit to direct customer acquisition because if you think about it yeah branding's important it'll make all of your marketing more effective later but for now you need customers you need clients you need acquisition you need sales you need revenue otherwise you're not going to have a business anyway so yeah do whatever you can to acquire customers i'm glad you asked that thank you great question all right [Music] how to write marketing campaign uh campaign plan any tips hey shirley yeah right on so couple different ways to do this one of which is i think i have pretty sure i have a video on my channel which is like how to create a marketing plan i think that's what it's called so if you just type how to create a marketing plan or marketing plan adam erhart that'll bring it up and it'll walk you through the steps the second thing is is if you go i'm not sure i can write this on the screen with all my technology going on here but if you go to slash cheat sheet so a-d-a-m-e-r-h-a-r-t dot com slash cheat c-h-e-a-t-s-h-e-e-t there we go all one word for cheat sheet cheat that'll walk you through a one-page marketing cheat sheet which will give you an overview of a marketing campaign and a plan so it'll show you what you need to cover the points you need to be aware of actually if someone could do me a favor and write that in the comments there cheat sheet that would be hugely appreciated all right evan good to see ya what's your opinion on working in marketing as a freelancer versus starting an agency i've been working on building personal brand in the meantime as i sort out my product offering thoughts okay so i have no problem as working as a freelancer versus working as an agency i think whatever floats your boat whatever you want to do a lot of it comes down to what services or products that you want to offer through the agency or through being a freelancer with being a freelancer there's some significant benefits you can really specialize in on a specific niche or area or type of client or service or whatever it is and get really deep expertise there when you have an agency you can still be a specialist but clients again depending on the size they may want other things again it really depends it's just sort of a scale question because with an agency you're also going to need staff and a team and and all sorts of stuff if you want to grow it and i've learned the hard way i still have an agency um but i never promote it i never really talk about it it runs and it's there it's it's maxed out and waitlisted so we won't even mention it but i realized that if you run a seven-figure agency a million dollar agency and you have a 20 profit margin which is pretty standard pretty decent well that's i don't know what that works out to a couple hundred grand a year and if you do it right and you build up your freelancing career properly and establish authority and do your marketing right you can achieve that all as a freelancer without needing the stresses and the pains of having an agency so up to you now in regards to building up your personal brand i'm all for it i like a personal brand but kind of in relation to the last question on should you brand or should you get customers always customers so what i would do is like i would sort out your product offerings today just buy what do you what do you like what do you do talk to the market what do they need help with start helping them and when you do that and you get customers then you can start to sort of let your personal brand be a more of a byproduct of it all right let's see um entrepreneur mindset what are the ways to attract people towards our product everything we just talked about yeah i i hate to to sort of brush that one off but like literally through through marketing through the plan what's your model market message media machine figuring out the moment all of that that's how we attract people um now what specifics they're going to be unique to you and your business and your marketing your industry and how you position yourself and all of that so there's specifics depending on what you're offering and how you do it and so on matia just got your email script and workflow today such a good one um i will put it to work for me good for you guys you should see all those videos the answers all your questions and doubts in the videos hey i appreciate that my friend so first of all yeah it's it's first of all it's very important to me to sort of pass on what i've learned i've been really fortunate um that being in this game for so long i've had so many great mentors and friends and teachers and like people have really helped me out they've shown me behind the curtains behind the scenes of what actually works rather than just kind of what people are saying works so i've been blessed with having this sort of unfair access and advantage and it's my goal to share that as much as i can with you now in regards to getting the email script and making it work yeah man put it put it to work it is a very very powerful tool um so keep me posted you're gonna be gonna be very very happy um alexandru what's your opinion on google ditching third party cookies it's basically okay so even even more relevant probably for people it would be the apple debate the ios 14 update and how they're starting to change things around and um and limit the amount of events you're able to track through your facebook ads and so on my response whether it's any any platform with cookies or tracking or anything like that there's a solution and the solution is an email list like that that's it it's um it's an email list it's probably an sms list although that's more prone to changes as well and there's gonna be new laws and regulations as marketers tend to ruin everything by spamming people but uh there's a direct mail list getting someone's a hard address their physical mailing address that you can send them stuff there's a messenger list like manychat or bots or anything like that like you want to own your audiences uh you don't want to be reliant or basically putting all your eggs in this one basket of running facebook ads i've seen way too many businesses especially having been in this game for so long we used to be able to do crazy stuff on facebook ads like like say the most insane things ever and facebook would be like that sounds like a great idea you can do all of this and now we can't do before and afters we can't make big claims we can't call people out with their problems we're very limited i don't mind i find i found workarounds it doesn't doesn't really bother me but it hurt a lot of people the solution of course is we get them off there and we get them into our list so you have control all right kurt how do you plan a social media campaign oh man i'm going to sound like a broken record but i want to say it again the same way the exact same way it comes down to what are you trying to sell what is your business who is your market they're trying to reach um what is the pains and the problems and the content they would be interested in what social media platforms are they active and present on that sounds like a very high level question but it is an incredibly easy one to answer literally just go to google and type social media platform demographics and it'll show you what kind of people use what kind of social media then create content drive them towards something ideally something that puts them on your email list and follow up with them from there but that that is the bones that will take you farther than 99 of people out there who are just randomly throwing up pieces of content on social media danny hey bro i'm starting a service website and honestly i don't know what social media platforms to target okay so we're these are good questions because but we're all on the same theme right the answer here is where are your people like so when you have a service website well what's the service um and who are you serving and i mean actually just drop those in the comments and i'll tell you what social media platforms to use it really is that simple it's like what are you offering who are the people that you're trying to serve and there's going to be a few very clear winners here um if in doubt facebook instagram uh pinterest part of me youtube or linkedin said pinterest pinterest if you're targeting women clearly if you're targeting everyone men and women facebook instagram youtube linkedin those four you really can't go wrong with one or a combination of those four the big four i call them um brandon i'm a manager in a body shop and i sell manager oh sales manager as well i'm having a hard time to bring in work thoughts or opinion in that field yeah yeah yeah so what i like about body shops are like i'm assuming automotive body shop somewhere where someone gets their car dinged and then they need help um you've got a very unique opportunity to run hyper targeted local facebook ads video that that would be my main that's a tactic more than a strategy i would go through everything else i talked about here model message market media blah blah blah go through everything that we've just talked about if you if you came in late watch the video from the beginning and carry on to here but then yeah man facebook video ads two minute three minutes showing the body shop hey do you have this problem did someone t-bone your car or smash up your fender or whatever we take care of it this way we do this this this this and then just target the local area people that have cars and um and let it run with a call to action come in today for a free no obligation da-da-da and those work very very well almost unfairly well evan thanks for feedback love your emails love the videos aw dude i appreciate it man thank you it's good good to have you along yeah car body shop so exactly it 100 so my my tactic obviously my strategy is go deeper than that because there could be nuances and details and you may serve a different market and so on but my tactic my just off-the-cuff idea yeah facebook video ads targeted at a local area within 5-10 miles around your shop targeting people with those issues uh daniel what's your favorite email marketing service for a small business oh good question so when uh for those not familiar email marketing service could also stand for um email service provider email software and what an esp email service provider or email service is is it is a piece of software that allows you to collect people's email addresses and names and phone numbers if you want an address and whatever and then automatically respond or collect them in a database so you can market to them again and again rather than just going through your own personal gmail account which is a terrible terrible idea so i've got a number of different favorites what i'll do is um below this video i'll put a link to it rather than say it out loud and the reason is is because it changes uh there's there's different ones that are better at different times and sometimes new features get added or deliverability changes so i'm gonna keep you hanging i'm gonna wait till this live stream is over and then i'm gonna drop the link to my current recommendation below because that way i'll be able to keep it up to date if anything changes so look for that shortly sabbah shop don't know what that means evan how many email campaign series do you have running simultaneously are you doing a lot of single sends or is it all trigger-based oh my man this is the question i was hoping someone would ask bonus points for you today so let's get nerdy guys if you dare um the way that i structure campaigns or essentially let's start even before that when you send email when you do email marketing there's two different schools of thought there's the autoresponder campaigns which is where you preload all of your emails to go out automatically on a very specific series and then go out ad hoc as you feel like it whenever you want you just send out emails my approach is a combination of both and but it all starts with an autoresponder campaign and the reason that is is because when somebody first gets introduced to you and to your business and to um what you offer it's it's really nice to like put your best foot forward and guide them through a very logical process that walks them through what it's like what you're like think of it as a first impression that you have control over rather if somebody just joins my list and i send out a broadcast email and it happens to be one of my let's say edgier emails and this is their first introduction to me and all of a sudden they're getting this like rather provocative or polarizing email that's probably not the way i want to introduce them yet because they don't they don't really know me they don't know if i'm joking or serious or where my values are so the the short answer is that the long answer and we won't go into it too much is i actually have a very specific process that i walk people through it's it's very strategic based on all right they opt in they go through this campaign based on an action they then go through this campaign based on that they go through this campaign and i have a series of different campaigns in total there's seven steps to my overall i guess you could call it launch or promo promotion sequence um each one containing a series of emails based on where they go and they'll go through that whole process the beauty of doing it that way is i'm able to go back and i'm able to optimize subject lines what got opened what didn't how things worked how it didn't that said again what my recommendation here is start with a good like three four five day autoresponder sequence then start sending broadcast emails and from your broadcast emails you'll be able to see which ones resonate which ones don't and you'll be able to cherry pick the best ones and start plugging them into your autoresponder so that way you end up with like this super campaign and that that is sort of a secret to marketing success all right kurt my pleasure my pleasure my man uh tim's at aubs glad you could stop by it's my pleasure i'm happy to help how should we post content on social media i'm gonna need more specifics for that one because um because the answer is you just post it but are you looking for timing or structure or and again it's going to come down to the different kind of platform like for example youtube you can do one video a week or you can do three videos a week or you can do seven videos a week you can post at 7 a.m or 3 p.m you can and it's it's all going to be very specific and if we look at facebook there's a million different ways to post so yeah there's a there's a lot to it daily seconds i once had the idea about combining study results from universities of course only private ones not available to the public uh what are your thoughts on that by the way i love your videos first of all thank you very much for the kind words i'm glad you could stop by um second of all if let me know if i'm misunderstanding you but it sounds like what you're gonna do is you're gonna comb through um study results presumably ones that aren't copyright or hidden or anything like that but you're going to comb through studies case studies research articles you're going to summarize them and simplify them for the public to help them if that is what i'm understanding and we're not violating any laws or anything like that i'm 100 for it there is a a massive level of authority to be gained for those who are able to simplify otherwise very complex things i'm going to butcher this quote but i think it was einstein that's like if you don't understand it well enough to explain it to a six year old 10 year old something like that then you don't understand it that's very much the case if you're able to take these very high level complicated things and like distill down the nuggets to then present to people as well as giving them a next action for how they can implement or get results then yup all that helen any free irresistible offer template you can send to my email yeah man so uh cheat sheet go go get the cheat sheet that'll guide you in the right direction in regards to the plan and um and then check out the videos i think honestly forward slash cheat sheet if someone could again i don't think i've seen it maybe someone did write it if if no one's written it if you want to do me a favor write cheat sheet and then people can find it there and i'll pop it up on the screen um but go there that's a that's a free one it'll also add you to my email list so you'll see the emails that i send and the structure and the cadence and the subject lines and the formatting very strategic that that's i think for no other reason if you go join the email list just to sort of see the way that the the method the madness that goes on there all right mike what are your thoughts on inbound marketing versus outbound marketing in my opinion i love inbound marketing better for generating quality leads what are your thoughts on this yeah i love both um like genuinely love both i prefer if i had to pick right like if you're making me pick i would definitely pick inbound uh permission-based inbound marketing you get a better quality lead a better quality customer they they find you naturally naturally even though we engineer the whole process anyway the exception to that is if you do outbound marketing and by outbound we're going to just say advertising we're not going to say cold outreach we're not going to say cold email cold calling none of that garbage i'm against that pretty much all the time just i think it's terrible not only does it not work it's kind of spammy and um and you destroy any positioning or authority by doing it that way so we're going to just say ads but if you can put a really compelling ad or message in front of someone and then pull them in as a still not inbound but even quasi-inbound uh then i'm all for it so yeah i like i like both honestly um but again it depends on the specific and how they're finding it so seo great content marketing 100 um all good stuff okay let's keep rolling all right how do you bring users back through email yeah good question so it depends if they're on your list and they've just gone cold or unresponsive i send them a re-engagement campaign so i'll send them um one or two different emails that basically say hey you're not doing stuff come on back and if they don't then we just wipe them wipe them off the list because they're done that's cool that said before you wipe them off the list you can download a csv file of those email addresses for you to then use on different advertising networks later so you can upload it to facebook create a custom audience you can run ads to those people so they're not gone forever and again sounds like i'm kind of like i don't even have email software to sell but i wish i did because i mean honestly i just i can't preach about it enough the beauty of email is that once you've got them you've got their email address and people don't change them as frequently as they change um basically yeah i mean occasionally they could use like a spam address but there's enough overlap where we can still find them so yeah hope that answers that one tamzi can we get a new instagram strategy um i'm not sure about a new one i can give you one my my strategy that i'm liking right now is using instagram stories for engagement so if you're not doing this already uh c use instagram less for pitching and promoting and more for trying to get as much engagement as possible so on your stories create polls and quizzes use all of the tools that they give you available uh also instagram live still is getting a crazy amount of reach considering what they should ross no need to be sorry i do get it a lot um why are you banned on facebook ads and the answer is don't know uh it happens for all kinds of reasons it's happened more recently than ever before it comes down to a number of different factors i've got a video on this as well from a year or two ago that basically covers it what ends up happening is that facebook has so many different advertisers they're not manual reviews they're automated artificial intelli intelligence bot reviews that go through your stuff and they make these split-second decisions on whether you're violating their terms of service or not it might be incorrect and that happens again this is why i love facebook ads i've run them forever i still run them but i guide people to my email list or to a direct mail list or to something else where i can get them off facebook as quickly as humanly possible so you could be banned for any reason the first thing to do is appeal it so just say hey i'm so sorry this happened let me try to fix it can i come back the second thing is you could just start another ad account the third is we have to look at other platforms all right let's see danny tick-tock ads good idea or money in another platform depends on where your market is i've not heavily experimented with tick-tock ads so i can't give you a personal um reference on that one i don't run them myself and i'm not i don't have any clients where i'm pushing them towards that so if that's an indication maybe but if your market is all on tick-tock yeah take a look at it just make sure to track your numbers track your kpis is it profitable i don't care about likes and subscribers i don't care about anything like that i need it to provide a a tangible return on investment you put in a dollar you get a dollar or more back out okay let's see elena thank you so much for responding to my email yesterday i've generated a few great ideas today for building content marketing around my part of yeah right on yeah my pleasure it's um i try to get to as many email responses as i as i possibly can so i'm glad when i can and that works out great um if you have a question as well the comments in youtube i'm typically able to get to them better but if it's obviously something else then um then we can go from there but yes great ideas for building content marketing around my product good for you yeah elena i remember the question now that's right it was what ends up happening is a lot of a lot of people and elena are not calling you out here but a lot of people think that based on their market or their industry or whatever it is they're selling that certain strategies won't work for them specifically let's say content marketing for a product-based business but the reality is is that if we go back to those foundational marketing principles of establishing value and telling stories and creating connections and building relationships they apply pretty much regardless of what you're selling which is why everything we talked about in the earlier part of this video is relevant almost regardless of what kind of business you're in so good for you for getting some ideas and and yeah let's let's get it going evan do i edit my own youtube videos how long does it take you but it indeed takes forever yes i do not i have an amazing amazing editor um that helps me i used to edit all my own videos um and it took me way too long i'm not very fast or proficient with editing videos so i have an amazing editor who takes care of that yes keep looking if you're not overly uh happy with the time do do do video quality is lit thank you and i think you asked what uh tool am i using that's a good question i'm not sure of the exact stream one i think this one's e-cam live and then i'm running it through a video camera with a special lens and yeah it's more than you need you can go live from your phone that'll that'll check the boxes but uh someone that does this a fair amount and professionally yeah you can you can get some cool tools mike thanks for the advice loving tuesday mal my pleasure man yeah dude i'm i'm very nerdy and geeky on marketing i find it endlessly fascinating the whole the psychology aspect of it i'm very strict on who i work with because it's got to be a very ethical business and a very um authentic person with integrity because the strategies and marketing these are very powerful tools like we we're not manipulating is not the right word but we're persuading someone we're influencing someone they're going to trust us and that's that's not something i take lightly that is that is a very serious uh very serious deal but i find it endlessly fascinating um all right let's see [Music] idea seconds that's what i meant recently learned how to start a business they said you should first realize if there's any market via surveys in my case is that the right approach yeah surveys are great but you need to have someone to survey right so if you don't have a large audience or a large network that you can tap into it's not really going to do you any good the worst thing you could ever do is get a really small sample size and ask like one person hey is this a good idea like that's they're gonna who knows right so test talk to as many people that you think would be potential clients or customers that's the one so really again start with the model what are you going to offer go to a market identify someone you think would benefit from what you're offering start with them and have conversations with them that's the answer surveys yeah okay have some interview questions make sure you're asking them proper questions but conversations that that's that's going to be the money when i first started in business i had so many so many conversations i i talked to anyone who would talk to me about hey i have this thing i'm thinking about this would you be interested in this could can i help you for this also i did the very um controversial surprisingly controversial thing of working for free i worked for free a lot uh to get experience to get case studies to get testimonials there's a lot of people that say never work for free never compromise your value you're worth more but if you're just getting started you as a person are worth more but you to the marketplace not that valuable like we just don't have the skills or experience yet and that's okay we all start somewhere but you got to get them so talk to people work for free get some case studies get some testimonials then charge a little bit less and ramp it up as you start to get results okay a lot of comments let me see if i can i'm gonna shuffle them around here there we go uh doodle to do ibrahim good to see ya uh how would i do a funnel for luxury products i know it's more of a marathon than a sprint and email marketing will play a key role then any tips you can give me yeah it's very much the same just a longer cycle so with luxury products with high-end more expensive products typically the buying cycle is longer that's okay i don't mind that and in fact the fact that you're asking this question is is phenomenal because it means that you've got a chance to succeed where other people are going to get frustrated and burned out what most people do is they take their multi-thousand dollar thing and they put it in front of someone and they're like hey do you want this and the person's like no and then they're like ah this sucks marketing doesn't work and they leave but they don't have enough information they don't trust you yet they don't know you yet they you've got to build trust and establish authority and rapport so yeah email marketing phenomenal you're going to want to increase touch points and value and frequency and communicate with them and understand what they need all of the same concepts apply we're just looking at a longer time frame typically and then of course figuring out um who wants it now that we could sell to as well okay ah sharon new in please i'm new in marketing what would go down in a digital strategy session what does a digital strategist do uh depends yeah it depends on the person and who's offering the session i guess um typically so for me i guess as a as a strategist it's very much like what we talked about here so anytime i sit down with a client for the first time my questions are very similar what do you sell who are you selling to what is the packaging in the offer in the promotions what have you done before what's worked what hasn't what are your markets biggest pain points how does your product or service accomplish those basically trying to get the background information on all of that information so that then we can plot out a strategy moving forward so essentially how do we find your perfect people how do we communicate with your perfect people how do we influence and persuade and show them that you're the best fit for their problem and then guide them through a series in a process that that really is it in a nutshell all right me brothers i hope i've fat me fed me hope i pronounce that correctly there we go i'm building a new service creating websites i almost have a sales site i target entrepreneurs small companies i have what they like what they want what would you recommend well sounds like you got the pieces in place then if you think um what you need probably is to get some people so find out again if you're just starting with this you're going to have to find the market that you want to go after by niching somehow the worst thing you could do is be like i build websites because you and like a million other people so you've got to find out what makes yours special what makes yours unique what kind of market do you want to serve and then start reaching out to them start having conversations with your network your network is your friends and family and people you know they're a really good resource not to sell them directly because like my mom doesn't need a website um but like they'll know people and they'll be able to introduce you so that's really the best place to start and then just start working on projects make sure yours is up to up to scratch and looking good uh and then go through what we talked about model market message media machine moment i sound like a broken record but it isn't important um af what do i think about sawstack marketing model i really like it um i'm not gonna be able to recall them all off the top of my head but like strategy pardon me strategy and uh tactics and all sorts of stuff i i use it uh as a as a model i think i might even have a video on sawstack on my channel somewhere um even though the acronym is completely slipping my mind now but yeah i like it for those who are unfamiliar it's basically another way of looking at say model market message media by identifying what's going on in the world around you another way is like the the pestle analysis looking at like political economic legal where are we up to technological environmental something else uh but it's essentially giving you a broad picture of your entire environment so yeah i think it's important i i run through it all the time evan how often do i play the mesa boogie yeah man good eye um had the messa wrecked over years ago yeah i so i play it daily but very very little five ten minutes take a break crank out some tunes i've actually got a a cheaper easier plug-in non-tube amp uh marshall back there that i probably play more often just because it's quieter that thing's that can't that thing can get loud uh doo doo doo let's see kurt should we start small with looking for customers or should we be everywhere you should start small yeah because if you try to be everywhere you're going to be going up against everyone and you're going to be naturally forced to water down your message which is not going to be relevant or relatable to people then so start small let's see um augustine adam thanks for answering me on instagram yeah my pleasure i've got a question what strategy would you highly recommend for selling services i know funnels are kind of best but is there other so i love services marketing that's probably the core of most of my strategies is around services-based marketing i find it the most interesting um because you are selling something intangible so you do need to have a higher level of understanding of your your market your i mean you're selling something that's not even there and the person typically pays for it in advance so they have to have this huge level of trust with you so i don't know if i'm going to say a strategy but what works really well for services is is a typical funnel where you are giving them some kind of lead magnet or opt-in and then you're going to guide them through a journey through email through video through content through however you choose email right but like through the others as well that guides them through the problems they have the solutions that you can present to them basically identifying all of the blocks all of the obstacles all of the objections they would have from getting results and from taking action so again a funnel is is the right word but not like clickfunnels leadpages unbalanced not software funnel but rather let's look at it as a customer journey and then really mapping out the chain of beliefs someone would need to have from first hearing about you all the way through to becoming a happy loyal paying client danny do you have any courses on udemy and if not how can i contact you to ask some questions so i do not have courses on udemy i have some on my website occasionally but i keep them relatively under wraps um email like signing up for my email list is probably the best way to get information uh the best way to ask me questions is right here on youtube by far like catch me if i'm live on the rare chances that i am and if not find me below uh in the comments of the youtube videos ask there and i should be able to get it um div yanch you have asked this question a few times so let me answer it i don't know uh i don't work with paypal or work for paypal um so you'll have to find someone probably over 18 as my guest if paypal won't let you do it if you're under that age then you're gonna have to reach out to them my friend i'm sorry i wish i had an answer for you um [Music] there is a let's take a tangent then we'll write go back to marketing i am not going to answer this because i am uniquely unqualified to answer about investing so i have no thoughts on crypto for investment i suggest you ask someone that would have a better answer than i would uh if you have a marketing or business question i'm your guy you got come to me first you have a question on health relationships crypto there are better people uh carrie do you think it's okay to work for free in the beginning 100 uh absolutely 100 in fact if you haven't like i know we're pushing on an hour on this video head back i don't know maybe 20 minutes or so i gave a bit of a rant on why not working for free is crazy and why you should absolutely work for free and um and it's a great way to establish trust and authority and credibility and get case studies and testimonials and so on and so forth uh sharon how would you build out a strategy for an ecom fashion client that sells to 18 to 35 can never find actual strategy without the fluff yeah so the reason is is because it's like typically if you're if you're looking for someone to provide you a strategy that that is free of fluff then it's going to have to be specific and relevant to you which means that you're probably going to need to hire someone to guide you through that process now if you want to do it yourself my recommendation is very much again my broken record here but go through the steps i talked about right at the beginning what's the business model how do they sell it what are their upsells what are their downsells what are their um like do they do recurring do they have subscription prices do they have discount codes like what basically everything involved in the model who's the market well 18 to 35 um female male what kind of 18 to 35 do they like this do they like that also 18 to 35 is a very very wide gap um so if they want to be specific they're going to probably need to break those down into like 18 to 22 18 to 24 and then like 26 to 35 because like we're looking at different generations essentially like 35 being elder millennials uh 18 being oh man what's the other one gen z like again different messages so you're going to have to sort of break that down by going through the steps [Music] workaholic gang yeah uh so i'm a recovering workaholic i still have those tendencies how on earth do you identify the thin line between work and leisure when working for yourself boundaries again um a lot of these are sort of a lot of the boundaries that have been placed on me were placed on me years ago by my family who are like adam you need to come home and um and stop working which is true you do need boundaries so i set myself a schedule and then i stick to it it's um it's a grueling schedule i'm up at about four a.m pretty much every single morning if not a little bit earlier um and i i crank out work for a solid amount of time uh but that's based on love for it and interest in it so the way that i have my business structured and i've sent this before in emails i could actually walk away take some time off do whatever i need work 20 minutes a day however i want and the business will still function based on the systems and the processes and everything that's set up i choose to work more because i really really like it like i find it endlessly fascinating i love these conversations and being able to help and that so yeah the best thing man boundaries set a time nine to five eight to four four to four whatever you need to do that works for you and your and your life and then yeah it's hard ah kurt yeah my man my pleasure happy to help all right fatma brothers i really hope i'm pronouncing that right but yeah my pleasure happy to help glad you um found it valuable yeah and yeah good stuff some funny stuff going on yeah um all right so let's see ibrahim yeah there you go good man so he's going to help you out there divine um but yeah i can't i can't help you with paypal logistical issues i'm afraid i'm sorry that's between them uh kurt what metrics matter when you do campaigns like emails or social media oh good question so here's the deal there are a million different metrics you can track i've got a textbook on marketing metrics more than one i think if you want to fall asleep fast that is the textbook to read but here's the deal roi return on investment that is the single most important one by far how much are you spending how much are you getting back that's really the only metric and that's the one that everyone ignores in fact one of again i've got a number of pet peeves in the marketing industry but one of the biggest ones by far are the marketing agencies or the the consultants or the gurus or anyone that's like build a big audience and get likes and get comments and get shares because as i like to say you can't feed your kids with likes at the end of the day you need dollars now i'm not suggesting that we prioritize profits over everything else but you do need to make money that is the point of a business and if you're not making money you don't have a business you have a hobby so it's fun but let's not pretend that we're doing something that we're not so roi is the biggest one if you're running ads it's called row as return on ad spend uh once that's done you're gonna have different metrics for email and social media roi is the main big metric and then the rest are what i call diagnostic metrics because i use them to diagnose potential problems so for email open rates click-through rates response rates engagement rates things like that social media could be impressions but that's like how many people saw it it could be cpm cost to reach a thousand people click-through rate cost per click cost per um acquisition of a lead and so on so it's going to be different depending on the campaign that you're working on all right okay my brothers what platform is best for marketing web services creating websites taking care of them google facebook uh does it depend on the people that you're targeting yeah so google is a search based platform predominantly right like it's a search engine so if you're gonna do seo and organic rankings you're gonna run google ads you can market your services that way but you better have a very compelling offer to try to compete against all of the other people who are marketing for that including some of the big players in the game the massive website companies i'm not sure we want to go into that game facebook would probably work better if you're very specific about your offer and you have a niche that you can craft a compelling offer for to put in front of them and get them to actually take action for it so i would probably steer you in there so it's like if you're doing um you make websites for graphic designers let's say so you could be like hey are you a graphic designer that needs a website in this case you need these four main elements of all important graphic design websites to get clients but yes you're absolutely right it does depend on the people you're targeting all right there's a question i'm qualified to answer ravi what do i think about chatbot marketing yeah i like it ish um again there have been rules and regulations and changes and the the laws are relatively strict around like how often you're able to reach out what constitutes a reply how much you can keep responding to someone if they ignore you and so on so familiarize yourself with the laws but if your market responds well to chat bots yeah by all means i i think they're they're fine they're great i don't use a lot of them um i use them as a supplement i call them booster campaigns so i'll run my main campaigns for 99 of my clients least is is almost always like an email-based strategy that runs the foundation that's that's the foundation then from there i'll add on these booster campaigns and one of them could be chat bots one of them could be sms one of them could be direct mail um we could even look at like other kinds of offline media but but it's always underpinned around that main thing so yeah test it and see no i don't pronounce it again right on yeah you'll have to correct me on how to uh i'll just call you i'll just call your brothers we'll just go from there that'll be easier all right ibrahim thanks for answering all these questions this lives literally priceless to the communion super invested into reading books top five books you read related to marketing business well first of all my ibrahim my pleasure man and i'm glad that you found it useful and uh and that is that is my goal that's that that means a lot so i appreciate it and i'm glad you're getting good value from it top five books related to marketing and business yeah so oh this is a hard one so what i'm going to do um i'm actually probably going to try and work on a video on my or in a list of my top books i've been saying this for a while this is a harder task than i thought it would be because my bookshelf behind me just has a few token books on it but i've got stacks of books over there and many more on audiobooks and some on my kindle and i've got books everywhere so they're they're incredibly incredibly important now which ones are best let's let's give you a few to point in the right direction we'll start with some like high level stuff and we'll move on i'll give you some specifics um an amazing book that i absolutely love in regards to business more so than marketing is 80 20 80 20 principle uh that one's really good if you want a specific version of it 80 20 sales and marketing by perry marshall amazing book i had perry on the podcast a couple years ago we had a really good chat actually you might be able to find that on the on the youtube channel as well if you look perry marshall adam erhart you should find us there um those are really really good uh story worthy by matthew dix is a really good book on telling stories that's probably my favorite book on stories i've got some other books actually sitting beside me so i'm just going to bring them up now um this is a hidden gem not a lot of people know about scientific advertising by claude hopkins this thing is really old like 100 years old 80 years old it's really old i can look it up right now but it's old but it's still very good if you can get past all the old english language of it and how they used to speak back then amazing amazing book um positioning another really good book um let me do a quick search what else do i have behind me to jog my memory yeah those are good ones to start with the ultimate sales letter uh by dan kennedy that's a good one if you've never written ads or things like that the copywriter's handbook by robert w bly those are good uh this is one of my prized possessions which you can buy it's called breakthrough advertising uh this again is a really old book i think it was written in the 60s it's by eugene schwartz who's one of the the godfathers of direct response marketing and copywriting that book man i've gone through it i couldn't even tell you how many times i've read through it it is one of the most valuable books i've ever bought i think you can still buy it from brian kurtz um through his titans of direct response marketing website or what i think it's about 150 bucks for it so it's not like a 10 book you just get on amazon but it's good so so go through the other ones first if you're really geeky about it and you really want to dive deep that's a good one uh let's see all right this is a good one we'll hit it why a lot of marketing agencies focus on likes fans etc um how controversial do i want to be how two reasons one of which is um they don't know what they're that they're oh this is i don't wanna i don't wanna throw too many stones but if they're focusing on fans and likes and things like that it's because they don't understand marketing that's a big one they just don't understand that that's just not important or valuable and uh and they think that that's what marketing is and it's not that's that's building vanity metrics and making people feel good for a short period of time and then their business dies so that's why i'm really really against it and if anyone ever says like i'm going to build you a likes campaign i want you to run in the other direction as fast as you possibly can the second reason that they do it is because it makes them look good to the client so a lot of marketing agencies just want to make the client happy and they don't prioritize the client's needs over their own business um i learned this a long time ago that you always have to prioritize your clients needs above yours so for example if a client comes to me and like adam i'll give you this huge amount of money and i just want you to run a likes campaign i'm going to say no i mean like that is a very very bad idea unless they can convince me that there's some crazy reason they need this it's a bad idea so that's it make clients happy or just because they don't understand marketing and it's sad but that is our world ah yes uh good job kurt yes look into the metric videos to low to low you just leave 100 yeah metrics dude not not exciting but that's where the money is made right like when you know your numbers um that's the reason that i'm able to create so many six seven eight figure marketing campaigns it's not that i'm gifted at all i learned some stuff and and i know some stuff from from studying it a lot but like i don't have any special talents or skills that made me a marketer i didn't always i wasn't always a marketer i used to be a pilot and then i sort of fell in love with marketing about 10 years ago and just dove in but i do know the math and the the systems of setting up a funnel and tracking your metrics and knowing it that's why we're able to build these these really big and really profitable campaigns it just comes down to knowing your numbers and knowing what to do at each stage of the funnel hi golu good to see ya glad you could make it in yeah kurt good question i hope i answered that one there top five books uh for for ibrahim's there um danny what about viral marketing i've read about it but still not a clear path i can go to ah that's because you can't create virality there's another myth people like to think uh and they like to sell you on this myth that the secret is creating viral content viral marketing that's all you need to do is one viral campaign but even the best people in the world can't do it consistently because you just never know what's going to hit and that's the reason that marketing is never a one and done type of thing it's always a series and a sequence and a funnel and a progression and a journey it's creating this piece of content and that and and going through everything we talked about at the beginning of the video the model market message media machine even the moment because you just never know what it's going to take to convince someone or push them over the edge so viral marketing can happen happen but you can engineer it by including important psychological triggers and and all kinds of stuff that are that are beyond the scope of this conversation right now and cognitive biases to be aware of with people you can you can design stuff but you never really know when it's going to click a good example if you go to my personal facebook uh page which is i think earhart.adam which is my personal one not my business one i actually post there a lot so you can uh you can follow i think i'm maxed out on friend request so i won't be able to accept it but you can still follow and we can we still have a chat there um you'll find i think my most recent post got something like 250 comments or something like that but if you scroll back a few more you'll find a post probably with three comments or five or nine right like did i so i can't engineer perfect virality with every single post that i make arguably humbly humble brag i'm pretty good at it and even i can't crack it every single time because there's too many factors involved so again your secret here is uh is repetition and just keep going about it um alan how can you get an investor you are going to need to prove a viable business model ideally get some customers and some proof and so on and so forth it's not my favorite path so i won't dive too much more in there but um but yeah you basically need to prove market viability for for what you're doing yeah right now kurt it'll be good uh katie good to see ya looking forward to our chat and yes positioning is an amazing amazing book in fact on the on the topic of positioning what ends up happening is they've done different studies on two different kinds of um of marketing strategies one of which being a positioning which is uh a differentiation strategy and the other being a a price-based strategy let me see if i'm going to see if i can open something up here i'm not going to make any promises that the technology is going to work for us but i want to go into positioning just a little bit here and what ended up happening unsurprisingly is the marketing strategy that was based on differentiation and finding a proper position in the market that you can own destroyed the price-based one because there's always someone who's willing to be cheaper than you and if you're if your whole marketing strategy is based around just like cutting your prices what ends up happening is you both just keep cutting your prices until um everybody goes out of business or you end up being the second cheapest person which is the literal worst possible marketing strategy ever all right here we go so let's talk about positioning real quick just because it's a valuable exercise to have so this is a positioning map and um we'll just put p for positioning actually let's write out positioning because what ends up happening is positioning oh there we go writing is getting worse as our as we progress uh what positioning is is it's putting yourself in contrast or comparison to somebody else in your field so for example let's say that we have um quality on the top and we have price on the uh on the side access here what ends up happening is you can start to map out different competitors based on where they sit and you'll be able to find these gaps we already did a d a b c d e and a a lesson in spelling there we go so you'll be able to find these different gaps of where you want to sit in relation to your competitors and to other people in the market for example you want to be high quality high priced you want to be lower quality lower price more economical um if you were a car a car company would you want to have four doors versus two doors versus luxury versus sedans versus um whatever and you map out this on a positioning map which will allow you to start to claim and own a part of the market uh typically you'll find at least in regards to quality and price it'll follow this axis of like because the last thing you want to be is like low quality high price because then no one's going to buy or high quality low price sounds good in theory but if you're really that high quality you're not going to be able to stay in business very long because you're going to eat into your margins ravi where do i live awesome communication skills thank you very much and i live uh most of the time on the west coast of canada canadian guy and uh brian is incredible he's an amazing guy assume we're talking about brian kurtz from um from the book there but yes yeah if if that is the one then yes 100 super super nice guy like super nice guy yes claude hopkins david oglebee my favorite copywriters right on uh dan kennedy i'm glad you wrote that actually dan kennedy um another really good one uh who who else is there there's also well we're on the topic of it uh gary halper another amazing copywriter he's got a book called the boron letters actually wrote in prison um side side note but uh another real really good book um and i've actually got ogilvy on advertising behind me as well another really good book so yeah there's no shortage no shortage all right and yes okay brian kurtz good man we'll have to tag them and show them how much we love them here uh what do i think about guerrilla marketing mall for it yup all good i think i've got a video on guerrilla marketing as well 17 or 20 something odd guerrilla marketing tips if that's what you're into go check that out that'll go into more detail then i could do here uh katie what are some of the biggest mistakes businesses make in marketing oh we oh man we have we don't have the time to go into all of them so many so many um off the top of my head because there's there's a laundry list the the biggest one is um it's it's truly selfish marketing it's and it's not selfish from being arrogant or conceited it's selfish by by failing to understand that marketing is never about the business ever everywhere it's always about the customer or the client and their needs and their wants and their problems so most marketing comes off as either overly pushy and salesy or it comes off as um as like irrelevant and not properly describing the problem and people don't get it so that's a big one the second one is um is one of two different marketing approaches and i talked about this earlier actually with email which is the all value all content all the time approach which basically trains people to never buy from you so if all you're doing is creating valuable content and you're never making an offer and you're never saying that look i have services or consulting or courses um and you should maybe buy them if you're interested again you don't have to be aggressive but mentioning it if you don't do that when you inevitably do they'll get offended and they'll unsubscribe and they'll be mad at you the other side of it is always pushing and always being salesy and always being aggressive so that's another one there's another issue of not respecting the customer journey and thinking that you can just come out and propose marriage on the first date and be like hi come on in and buy everything i have without properly establishing authority and connection and relationship um not following up enough uh ignoring very profitable marketing channels um and proven ones like email marketing in favor of the sexy new stuff like chat bots or ads or anything like that like we stick with the basics they work really really well um i could go on there there's many but that's a few let's see um ravi moment marketing yeah so we talked about that briefly through the um through the early part of the video being the my kind of my bonus step about it um obviously have your model your market your message your media your machine and then your moment now i think what you're talking about here with moment marketing is yes using ongoing part of me using events and that unbelievably powerful i think this is probably beyond the scope of this conversation because there's there's a lot more to it but the way that i use moment and i talked to evan about this earlier in this video where the way that i structure my campaigns is actually like seven different campaigns and all of that is engineered to be specific events so for example if you give someone the option to take action now or take action later they're going to do later and later typically means never so you do need to engineer a real event around your marketing with actual legitimate ethical authentic scarcity and urgency baked into it very important otherwise people don't tend to take action um ancho and call oh i'm gonna i'm gonna mess up that pronunciation too and call we'll say subscribe to you today wish i'd done that earlier i'm glad you're here now all good better late than never it's good to have you here let's see i think we got a couple more and then i think my voice is um i'm going to be running out of water and my voice is going to be fried so alexandra yeah these are good my favorite marketing books this is marketing by seth godin biology and purple cow i have all of those right beside me as well as a stack of purple cow books below my desk that i keep for anyone that happens to be interesting in biology behind me was one of the um yeah changed the way that i thought about different ways of doing marketing this is marketing phenomenal tool seth godin is one of my i should have said that actually first when we were talking about marketing books he's had the biggest impact on me and my um way of marketing and permission-based marketing and value and communication and connection and prioritizing the customer above everyone else uh he he's one of the main reasons that i got into marketing as heavily as i did i can't say enough good things about seth godin phenomenal phenomenal marketer person human by all of his books they're they're really good uh [Music] ah ro i don't speak portuguese but i'm gonna assume that's cool hopefully that's a nice thing to say i don't know because i don't speak it but thanks for stopping by uh let's see in the media attention connecting some way to marketing uh danny is the media attention connected in some way to the marketing i've read traction yeah traction's good um so i'm not sure what you mean about is the media attention connected in some way to the marketing don't follow so clarify that one for me but traction is very good so yeah if you haven't read the book traction as well we're just going to give you all kinds of books to read today you guys are going to be busy for for weeks but traction is another very good book so i've i was actually just listening to it again uh yesterday many of my favorite books i i really listen to frequently as a way to sort of embed the ideas deep into my brain uh ibrahim good man okay good to see ya we'll see you next time uh majdy i hope i pronounced that right too as a youtuber what would be your advice for new youtubers marketing wise so couple things um one of which is oh there's so much uh the first of which is to find a way to be consistent so my youtube videos today are significantly better than they were when i first got started unsurprisingly there's hundreds and hundreds of videos in the meantime so find a way and and don't second-guess yourself too much you will get better um no matter where you start even if you start amazing you're still gonna get better based on practice so find a way to be consistent one video a week is a great place to start start there make it as good as you can then move on to two or three then probably cap it there for a few months and see how you're doing um i've got a number of videos on youtube marketing on my channel so go search adamerhart youtube and i think you'll find a bunch there once you're more experienced i do have a very inexpensive entry-level product called the perfect video script i don't think it's available right now uh but stay tuned because that'll walk you through essentially the framework and the script and the strategy i use that sort of gets the click gets people's attention and gets them to keep watching through the video but that should be it all right ro you're from brazil all good i still don't speak portuguese though so yes seth godin uh made me want to do marketing yeah right on man i feel ya i feel ya it's uh it's it's very powerful stuff and in fact even if you don't like marketing i don't know why we'd be here having this conversation but if even if you know someone that doesn't have any interest in marketing uh get them the book linchpin by seth godin it's about how to become uh irreplaceable in your business market industry company life work etc phenomenal book like again also heavily impacted the way that i view marketing to try to make myself as irreplaceable as possible to clients to students to you um to become a part of your life and of your business journey ravi branding is important as marketing um that's a loaded question i think marketing is more important than than branding branding comes as a side benefit of marketing so do marketing but be aware of branding as well kind of kind of a weird answer so branding is the thoughts the impression the feeling someone gets about you branding is very intangible it's not just your colors or your logo or anything like that again i got a video on branding or a few of them so go check those out they'll give you a better idea i might even have a video on is branding more important than marketing but if not i definitely cover it in those videos but marketing first um and in fact if you're just getting started almost even sales before marketing because you need to sell you need to get clients and customers and feedback you need to get market validation you need to make money um now of course they kind of all work together but one of the biggest mistakes in marketing there's another one katie a biggest mistake in marketing is um is prioritizing audience building and brand awareness um that's like that's not going to do you any good if you have this massive brand awareness and everyone knows about you but they don't know how you can help them what your offers are why they should care oh man i made that mistake years ago i built up an audience of of non-buyers of people that weren't likely to take action or do anything with it and they just they like the dopamine hit and everything was fine um but then the business didn't grow so yeah gotta be strategic all right niyati if the client wants more leads what objective would generation campaign or go with traffic objective first so for those of you um who are not familiar with this terminology this is uh facebook ad terms and basically when you run a facebook ad you have a couple different objectives that you can choose from you actually have a ton of different ones you have video views and conversion campaigns and traffic campaigns and reach campaigns and all this other stuff uh the the very simple and very clear and only answer for you is um is running a conversion campaign to a lead generation tool so i wouldn't run a lead gen form like a format through facebook ads i don't really like those i would run traffic with a conversion objective to a lead download like a free pdf uh whatever it is whatever you're giving away get them to opt in again a perfect example of this if you go to that's my lead generator that's what i give away for free i've got a free cheat sheet with it i do i just recently shot a video training on it that's my way of giving someone something to get them into my world that's relevant to them so i can follow up with them via email find out what they need and then guide them in the right direction so always go for the conversion first um the only time i run traffic is for retargeting ads because they've already been optimized for conversions katie oh i had it then i lost you obsessed with marketing now that i actually understand it's not another word for sales 100 yeah you're totally right it's like to me my definition of marketing is marketing is communicating value to the customer period that's it that's what marketing is it's not my job to create desire in fact as eugene schwartz would say in our trusty book breakthrough advertising you can't actually create desire desire is there beforehand or it's not there you don't create it you just tap into it and you guide the person and you help them and you serve them and you give them what they need by steering them in the right direction for them which may be you or it may not i have no problem telling someone if they apply or get something or they're interested in a course or training i have no problem at all telling them this is not right for you in fact for most brand new people i recommend they don't buy a single thing even some of my cheaper stuff like 20 bucks or 30 bucks i was like don't buy it maybe a book maybe a newsletter but otherwise go to amazon buy all the books that i just talked about you're going to get so much there to find out if it's right for you build your business so yeah we've always got to be putting ourselves in our in our client's shoes communicating the value talking their language most people think marketing is synonymous with advertising some people think synonymous with sales yeah nothing could be further from the truth marketing when you really look at it is all about communicating value all right hey peru bruno and a guitar too is that a bass i can't tell bass or guitar looks like a forehead at the top but um what would you say to a college student on digital marketing i'm a sophomore and your videos have helped me a lot i'd say keep learning and and good for you first of all i'm stoked that my videos have helped you and thank you for letting me know it means a lot and i appreciate it um here's the deal your education is going to come from outside of school when it comes to marketing for example when i first went through school way back in the day as a young pup i um i took aviation because i wanted to be a pilot so i went through school was a pilot for a while i went back to school to study marketing because i started to get super interested in it and what i did is i studied on the side while going to school full-time and by far the vast majority of what i learned and what got me to where i am was the stuff that i learned outside of school school was good it was okay it taught me some good stuff especially actually first year where was like accounting and business ethics and economics and and like that the basic stuff that's good stuff to have i'd recommend pretty much everyone go to like year one college take those courses for business uh year two three and four i don't know how super useful it was it was very useful if maybe if i went into like straight corporate but even then there's a lot of buzzwords and a lot of stuff like that so the best thing you can do and this is going to sound very self-serving but like watch all of my videos watch other marketers videos get the books that i talked about and read them um sign up to my email list watch what i say watch how i structure my promotions um it's one thing to look at like what people tell you to do it's another thing entirely to look at what they're actually doing so yeah stick around keep me posted and um that'll do awesome ravi business versus job that's a personal decision yep up to you there's no right or wrong answer honestly um a lot of people get pushed into starting businesses that shouldn't they're they're hard and they're a lot of work but if you love it uh it's it's phenomenal and it has definitely a higher potential level that you can reach by having your own business so that's that's my recommendation if it's right for you but if not yeah no need augustine oh i'm zooming in there look at your comments going all over right on man hey my pleasure thank you um thanks for stopping by and thanks for all the kind kind words and good comments all right one sec all right we'll keep going we got a few more yeah thanks for guiding but what if the client have nothing to offer as a lead magnet ah then you make one yep simple make a lead magnet they're not complicated um think of like if the client's services takes them from a to z or a to z as we say in canada uh the lead magnet should take them from a to b what's a quick win you could give them what's a free report what's a case study what's a download what's a cheat sheet what's a blueprint what's something you could offer them that would be relevant and valuable to what they're going after very simple to do you can do it in google docs get it designed on upwork or fiverr or do it yourself for like 50 bucks or 100 bucks and they'll design a beautiful pdf download that you can then use to grow your business it's um money well spent every business needs a lead magnet uh i thought that i don't have books for reading now i have books for a year i know i know i'm sorry there's there's so much good stuff um start so my recommendation there and for anyone listening is start with what you find most interesting and where you're most curious so if you're like really interested in copywriting look at the copywriting books if you're interested in old school direct response marketing principles look at scientific advertising or breakthrough advertising if you're interested in advertising and ads look at stuff by ogilvy ogilvy on advertising if you're interested on productivity and maximizing your potential and your returns look at 80 20. um if you're looking at getting more and better results from your marketing look at 80 20 sales and marketing it's like there's there's something for everyone but but follow your curiosity and that'll guide you in the right direction there's so much i never stop learning i read every day every single day and i have for for a decade now on marketing alone and i still learn every single day it's endlessly fascinating yeah not even a discount it depends i don't like discounting it's not my favorite you can see how it works if if the market is used to it and that's what they expect discount works as a lead magnet like get 10 off your first order enter your email here but then keep in mind the kind of lead magnet just like all of marketing this is relevant so the kind of marketing the kind of initial offer you put in some in front of someone is going to attract that kind of person so if you put discount offers cheap offers inexpensive offers tons of free stuff you're going to attract that kind of person you're going to attract the person that's signed up for something free or something cheap and they're not necessarily going to want to pay full or they're not going to be happy when you have a full price offer so again it's all about congruence um sim if the goal is to mainly make sales what would social media objective be so the goal is always to make sales right like that that's always the goal um that's always the end goal so the main objective then is what is the process what is the sequence what is the journey that i have to walk somebody through to lead them logically where the sale isn't just an option but it's the only viable option is the only solution to their problems is this sale that's the bigger question so really the the the long answer here is again like we talked about go back to the beginning of the video go through model market message media and machine guide them through a journey and lead them logically to where the sale is the is the inevitable conclusion the the climax of the story the outcome that they want to get but yeah the goal is always sales okay final few minutes and then we will rap ravi um what are your thoughts on personal branding like elon musk is manipulating marcus with their tweets yeah so musk and his market stuff well outside of my wheelhouse i won't even touch that one my thoughts on personal branding are that it's phenomenal um it's it's a it's a very valuable tool but keep in mind it it mirrors and it echoes my views on branding in general which is that it comes kind of as like a byproduct of doing really good marketing so what happens is when you do good marketing when you have a business model that you like when you have a target market that you like to serve when you have a message that resonates with people and you have values that you strongly believe in like for example throughout this entire video you've heard my values come up again and again and again you know that i believe that um agencies that just uh try to sell likes and building an audience for the sake of it i believe that's unethical at worst and just useless at best so you know those values you know that i prioritize relationship and connection and building trust and building authority those are values that i have about marketing that form my personal brand but all of this comes as a byproduct of marketing of creating content of sharing stories of communicating value of trying to help of leading people to logical conclusions you'll notice especially we're like an hour and a half into this thing but you'll notice if you go back through this video there wasn't a single point where i was like hey if you have this problem go to my website and buy my thing that never that didn't happen once and yet what ended up happening is there was a question that was asked where i had a solution where one of the answers was in fact something that i sold or something inexpensive but i was like look you don't need it but if that's the problem that you have you should probably go take a look at it that's how you can sell authentically and ethically and that's that's how i choose to do marketing that's how i make make push suggest prompt my clients and students to do it as well is that we're there to help and to serve and to provide value now if you believe in what you do well your programs your services your offers your courses your products whatever it is you sell is a logical conclusion to the customer's problem so you shouldn't be shy about offering them help after all if you've got a client or a customer or someone with a problem and they're suffering and they need help it's kind of unfair to just let them suffer because you don't want to be salesy and you don't want to offer them help that's just that's not fair either so you've got to find that balance you've got to walk that line in between all right everyone with that said let's wrap it up thank you so much for coming by and for stopping by the live thank you for the amazing comments and the amazing interaction i appreciate it i'm glad that you found it useful those of you that did feel free to carry on i think we'll be able to have some comments below this one as these main ones will disappear from the feed once it gets published and of course make sure to carry on the conversation leave me a comment below um if you haven't yet head over to cheat sheet and you'll be able to download that one page marketing cheat sheet like i talked about as well as get on the email list to hear the stories to see the methods to go through the funnels and to actually see what i'm doing in my own business so you'll be able to see this isn't just what i suggest it's actually what i do myself all right everyone thank you so much i'll talk to you soon
Channel: Adam Erhart
Views: 23,355
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Id: 3ACaCJ8_S3g
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Length: 95min 32sec (5732 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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