Google Ads Offline Offline Conversions, GCLID and UTM Prepopulation

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Google adds offline conversion tracking the Google click ID and UTM parameter pre-population into hidden fields of your lead generation form or scheduling widget or any iframe or non frame like Acuity scheduling type form Etc let's begin all right so I'm going to start off with a quick demo and then I'm kind of going to explain why we are doing these things so let's pretend that this here is my Google ad so I'm going to click on the Google ad all right so now we have our unique click I have some UTM parameters here in my ad like UTM source is Google medium is cost per click the campaign is summer sale the term is running shoes just for demonstration purposes and we also have the click ID which is again the unique click for me for my computer when I click this thing so uh I am actually storing all these parameters in my browser or the browser of the visitor so here we can see summersale running shoes Etc so even if I click on let's say the about page of course these parameters are going to disappear from the URL all right so the URL doesn't anymore uh no longer contains those but if we take a look at my local storage we can see that my browser is still remembering Google sumerell running shoes the Google click ID Etc all right so now I'm going to submit a contact form so this is a uh tally contact form but this could be anything else I have uh I I do these setups and I will create product for this setup for type form Acuity scheduling calendly Etc so let me know what you're using all right so I'm now going to fill this form again after clicking on my ad click submit so for the visitor this is business as usual but my setup which is kind of what I offer has done something pretty interesting here behind the scenes all right so I'm now heading to my contact page uh contact form backend and I'm going to take a look at this submission that I just got open okay so this is the stuff that they filled you know can we Zoom I one about your services but there are now these hidden fields that my setup has prepopulated so the referral this is the previous website so as you remember we came in from Google I clicked on an ad here on Google so this is almost like an automatic where did you hear about us now of course it doesn't work for like um tv ads but this is the previous website it could be Tik Tok Instagram YouTube or even a referral like someone who wrote a blog post about your company and you didn't even know so how did the people end up on your website the visited Parts is this thing that I'm trying uh kind of work in progress so they came from go Google spend 35 seconds on the homepage then 6 Minute on a contact page blah blah blah obviously tons of stuff because I'm testing this out uh even before I started recording so this is uh another thing that I'm playing around with kind of a uh day-to-day analytics without needing to go into Google analytics but you could see uh how you know the interested part is how people got on your website and maybe they read a specific blog post that's very popular and you see a lot of people visiting the same blog post uh before they fill in your contact form or acity scheduling or type form whatever so this is uh this could tell that hey you need to write more blog posts about this subject because it's bringing in potential clients all right hidden Fields The Source was Google cost per click summerell running shoes all prepopulated into my form so this is what I offer I do these setups as a service freelancing but I'm more interested actually in creating pre-made setups where you can just buy buy a setup from my store and just copy paste a simple script into your website just like I have these conversion tracking setups here and then you could get this uh this type of setup that I'm describing in the video all right so we are now kind of we now see where this person who submitted the form came from exactly all the parameters uh the keywords and the previous website so compared to Google analytics where we see Anonymous data we see that you know 100 people came from this uh ad we now see that hey this person who filled this form uh John who you know sent the form came from this specific ad for example it could be email newsletter tweet whatever all right so the Google click ID this is kind of one of the most interesting things that we are doing here so again as you remember the Google click ID is the unique click identifier for when I clicked on this thing on my computer today and as you remember we are we get the Google click ID here in the URL and we store the Google click ID on the browser so even if we you know uh close the website and then go back to it it's going to keep on remembering these things and we can then uh fill them to Hidden fields of almost any widget AED scheduling type form any other contact form calendly pretty much anything you can imagine hubs spot forms Etc so if this is something you're interested in definitely get in touch with me all right let's talk about online conversion tracking versus offline conversion tracking so a simple online conversion could be when I Google Nik Air Jordans then I click on one of these Nike ads I land on the Nike Nike website and then I you know purchase purchase my shoes so with an online conversion you can think of it this way that the money is transferred when I do something within the browser so this is really easy for Google ads once you set it up correctly you can hire me to do so or buy one of my setups to do these online conversion tracking setups but this is generally pretty easy because we now remember the Google click ID now when I do the purchase we can immediately tell Google ads that hey this campaign brought in € 221 or dollars or whatever but uh for Nike obviously when we fill this stuff up a Nike uh salesperson is not going to call us after 2 weeks via a zoom call and talk about what type of shoes we may need everything happens within the same session online in the browser after clicking but now contrast this with one someone clicking on my ad getting in touch I want to hire you so maybe we have a zoom call in two weeks and either they become a paying client or they do not but we do not know it here when they submit the form unlike we do when they buy the Nike Eric Jordan shoes so the way the offline conversion tracking works is that let's say that that they you know submitted whichever ever tool you're using type form AED whatever and we have the Google click ID so now Google will remember the unique click but we also have safely stored the unique click in our systems so let's say we have the zoom call with this client or the this lead and they become a paying Cent after 4 weeks and they pay us $5,000 and you know we send them an invoice or they pay via credit card at our uh office or whatever so now because we have this Google click ID we can send the conversion back to Google ads to have kind of the highest most advanced level of conversion tracking unless you you know you're Nike and you sell shoes but if you sell any kind of consultations or anything where the money isn't immediately transferred by the client on on their uh browser but it's something that you talk about and then deliver afterwards or even if you if they book something like a massage or whatever but you do take payments on your office instead of uh in when they do the booking all right so I'm going to copy paste this Google click ID and send this offline conversion to Google ads kind of demonstrate how that goes all right so in Google ads we have goals and under kind of conversions we have these uploads so we can actually upload this conversion via Google Sheets so we can get a pre-made template for example and to this template I now copy pasted the Google click ID so you remember it was from the URL and then then it was in the local storage and then it was in our contact form in a hidden field so when they submitted the form we we got the Google click ID through all these steps and now we can send this back to Google ads we just copy paste the Google click ID here we have a name for this conversion I'm just using the same for all of these and then when did the conversion happen let's say let let's say it was for today let's say it was $5,000 us and now we can actually send this back to Google ads so in our Google ads campaigns we would then be able to see not just that hey maybe we have um two different campaigns here and maybe one of them brought in uh 100 clicks and maybe one of them brought in 10 clicks but we're not really interested in clicks or or even the form submissions we're interested in paying clients that you know pay as 5,000 so we can now see within Google ads uh which ad campaign and which ad set and which specific ad brought in this $5,000 sale so then you could of course uh compare your ad spend versus how much you're actually getting so it's much more detailed return on ad spend Dollar by dollar compared to just seeing okay our type form or scheduling widget or whatever contact form thing got in hundred submissions that's not as interesting as seeing that brought in $50,000 all right so this Google Sheet example is kind of a simplistic version kind of a manual semi manual thing you could automate this but a lot of people actually would have their contact form so these contact forms with the hidden Fields the UTM parameters Google click ID Facebook click ID Etc would be sent to their CRM or something like that and that could be automated by something like or zappier whatever lots lots of these uh automation tools and here we could upload the conversion automatically you know while we're asleep or whatever so you would just have the conversion date and time that would H be when the CRM lead will would turn from a lead to a you know converted paying client or something and here we of course send the Google click ID which we would get automatic particularly from our CRM or whatever and the conversion value and the currency again let's say this was $5,000 so we could just have this automation be running in the back end setting up our conversions so these setups are good if you take payments after the online conversion or if you want a more of a kind of practical day-to-day analytics compared to you know digging into Google analytics each quarter this is much more like every day you are able to see where the leads are coming from and optimize without digging too deep into boring technical Google analytics reports that are kind of tricky to set up correctly all right my fonts broke apologies for this another reason to do a setup like this is if you want to get 100% of your data and not lose like 30% due to add blockers so in our demo here if we have an add blocking extension which often people do so these May block you know anywhere from you know 10% to over 50% for very techsavvy audiences like you know Reddit and uh stuff like that with with a setup like this where we use use the where we would use the local storage now of course you need to be uh compliant uh with uh tracking your visitors but this video is not about consent this is about offline conversion tracking so uh add blockers can't really block these they can block Google analytics but if we store the URL parameters like the Google click ID and then we would just prepopulate this into whatever tool you are using again in this example uh it's tally but I could implement this for you for almost any tool if we just add them to the URL there's not much that the ad blockers could do to prevent something like this from working so let's say you use something like type form you could then watch responses and when a new response comes in you could connect your tools in this type of fashion to do a setup which is kind of robust in a way that any ad blockers will not be able to interfere with it all right so if you would like one of these setups to your website just get in touch I like to mainly focus on products but I also do freelance as well mainly to you know develop my products so here is an example for a type form preop you know so this is pretty complicated to set up for a non-technical person and it depends heavily on which tool you are using but yeah get in touch with me and I will be able to create product that you can copy paste to your website or in some cases even you know do a full done for you service to get the UTM the Google click ID offline conversion tracking all this stuff set up for you all right I hope you this was uh useful I recorded this video mainly because I want to have something I can send via email to my clients who ask about this because explaining this whole thing via email would be a very long email but I'm actually just going to publish this on YouTube as well uh because some people might benefit from a recording of how the offline conversion tracking and the related topics work all right thank you so much for watching uh let me know any thoughts get in touch with me and I would love to help you sort your offline conversions Google click IDs Etc all right thanks
Channel: Conversiontracking IO
Views: 280
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Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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