Setup Google Ads Enhanced Conversions with Google Tag Manager (GTM)

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this video has been brought to you by daa Vinci analytics agency hi there welcome back to our Channel my name is Rahul and today we are going to cover understanding Google ads enhanced conversion the topics that we are going to cover today are what is enhanced conversion and why are they important how do enhanced conversion work how to set up enhanced conversion and how to measure and optimize performance of your enhanced conversion in Easy language enhanced conversion is a feature that improves the accuracy of your conversion tracking by supplementing existing conversion tags with hased first party customer data from your website so this is our Google tag manager and this is our ads account to jump onto this page you can click on tools and settings and click on conversions let's click uh the new conversion action button if uh this is not showing in your case and you are already having some existing conversions you can see a plus button over here under summary so create a new conversion choose data from website paste my domain enhance conversion is [Music] on select category so I'm doing it for a contact form that is why I'm choosing a contact conversion name is contact form lead I don't want to use any value for this and I don't want to count every conversion I just want to count it for a single user you can do this if you're uh doing it for purchase or something like that everything looks good CLI on done agree and continue okay so we can see multiple options over here to set up enhance conversion that is set up via Google Tags email instructions to your web master or using Google tag manager so we'll choose this now we will get two details from here that is conversion ID and this is conversion label let's go to our Google Tags and create a new tag before this make sure that you have a conversion Linker I've already added this this is important so let's click on new go to Google ads and add a conversion tracking let's name this Google ads contact us we'll get conversion ID from here and conversion label from here this will connect our Google tag to Google [Music] ads now we don't have any conversion value or transaction ID since we are not using a purchase but we do you we will do use sorry but we will use user provided data from our website so we'll click on here and we'll select a [Music] variable now let's jump on to the tag manager click on preview and go to your website so this was the form that we are choosing as a our landing page if uh we publish some ads and we will take values for email and phone number from here so for this what we will do is we will right click on the email click on inspect so we will be directed to our input tag for email we'll click right click here and copy selector in this way we can get the value of email let's check document. qu selector paste this value and value So currently since the email is empty we are not getting any value but if I write something out here as like test. Rahul and I recheck this so we get this value similarly we'll do this for phone number we'll go to inspect copy this and we'll replace this from contact form let me write some random number here so we get this value now what we will do is we will pick these code and create a variable for this I have already created one for contact form we can create a small function and return this particular value so what I'll do is I'll copy this edit the name that is CGS stand for custom JavaScript variable phone or phone number for contractor's form and replace [Music] this click on Save now we have contact we have uh email and phone number for our contact us form let's check them or let's add a tag we can go to Google ads click on Google ads conversion tracking we have C conversion ID and conversion label from our Google ads let's copy them let's name this Google ads contact us okay uh create a trigger for this let's choose a form submission I've already created one with the desired conditions that is required in your case I love you also we have to pass the email and phone number that we have just grabbed from the website so we'll click on include user provided data from website we'll click on this and select a new variable that is a new user provided variable so this is a upd variable upd variable [Music] for contact us and we'll select email from here that is CGS email and phone number from here CGS phone number click on save you can add other details if you want like first name surname Street City region Etc but it is not required in my case so I'll use this data only tag looks fine let's save this and test it out let's click on preview [Music] just click on done here and we can see that the status of the conversion is inactive okay this is our form Let's test it out my name is Rahul test. Rahul at the spelling of Gmail phone number is something like this come and say testing form okay so let's do this click on send we got a message saying thanks for contacting us we'll get back to you soon I wrote this so here here we can see that uh the form is submitted contactor form and if we check variables so we can see that we are getting values for contact us form and for the phone number that is that means our tag is running accurately with the variables passing values [Music] and if we reload this page uh you see a small notice that the status which was earlier inactive is now no recent conversion that is our tag has actually sent a signal a message over here which is uh like connected to our Google signin data and if this was an original conversion from the ad this would have shown some data now how to optimize and measure performance of enhanced conversion so let's go to our Google ads click on lead form and go to diagnos so here we are seeing waiting to receive enhanced conversion data since the data we just sent from here this was not from actual ad that is why we are not seeing any data over here and it says it could take up to 48 hours after receiving data to start processing it so I have an sample image for this this is currently what we are seeing and if everything goes good so you will start seeing the status ad as recording enhanced conversion with a green t also we will see a row as impact and what this will do is this will actually show us how this has has impacted our existing conversion so this is it for this video guys do let us know if you have any queries or questions you can comment this down give us a like And subscribe thank you May the force be with you
Channel: DataVinci Analytics Agency
Views: 1,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gnPIUvW098E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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