Microsoft Ads Enhanced Conversion in Google Tag Manager – A Quick Look (2024)

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hello hello hello and welcome to this quick little video about Microsoft or being ads or U tag enhanced conversion tracking all right so I just figured this out for one of my clients so as usual I'm just going to make a quick little video show a few key ideas and hopefully it's useful for someone and if if you're interested in kind of learning more if you want this set up for you you can get in touch with me and usually we are able to help you out all right so let's kind of go through this quickly not a fancy video no edits no cuts no fancy you know typographic elements just me recording the screen and explaining how I understand this let's go all right so the Google ads enhanced conversions is something that I have written a blog post about so kind of the key idea is that usually Google ads relies on cookies so they store Google ads stores this cookie with the Google uh Google ads click ID and this is done by the conversion conversion Linker tag like I have this example Google tag manager setup so the Google uh ads conversion Linker turns the Google click ID into this cookie so if you have and you have Google click ID 1 2 3 4 56 it's going to store this as a cookie so even if the visitor comes back one month later and they convert Google ads is able to say which ad Campaign which ad which ad set led to this conversion and you can measure your conversions but sometimes this doesn't work so maybe they have some like ad blocking cookie blocking a weird browser browser like Brave or maybe they just you know change their device so they click on the ad on their phone but then they switch to the to their desktop laptop whatever so the cookie of course is not transferred in this example so if we can actually match the email address from the conversion so Ecommerce purchase or form submit or in my example Acuity scheduling appointment booking we always get the email so we can send Google ads the email and say hey this is the person who converted figure this stuff out for us and Google ads usually does a pretty good job at that so if John Smith is logged into Google you know Gmail or Google drive or wherever or maybe they have a two- Factor authentication stuff going on in their Google account then Google ads is able to match the conversion uh this way even without cookies so my understanding is that the enhanced conversions for Microsoft ads or being ads whatever you want to call it is pretty much exactly the same so um yeah I just figured this out for a client so let's kind of show how how it works all right so in Microsoft advertising when you create your conversion goal when you reach the conversion goal details you of course uh choose the turn on enhanced conversions check here enable enhan conversion for this goal save and next all right so here's actually the all one of the things I'm not yet 100% sure about cuz the difference between the Microsoft ads enhance conversion tracking versus Google ads enhanced conversion tracking is that the enhanced conversion is a separate tag for Microsoft whereas in Google ads it's the same tag so let me show you all right so here's an example Google ads conversion tag with the enhanced conversion tracking again this is for uh acity scheduling but it doesn't really matter which one you're using all right so here we have this option include user provided provided data from your website and then we have this uh user provided data variable in Google a uh sorry Google tag manager where we can set up our you know emails or phone numbers Google ads has phone but it also has all this you know address stuff um it seems that Microsoft only has uh email or phone number at this moment but these are the you know more common ones that we pretty much always get so I think it's probably good enough so because the Google ads enhanced conversion tracking is with the same tag as our specific Google ads conversion again this is the Acuity uh Acuity booking it's pretty clear that hey we are sending the enhanced conversion tracking for this specific uh conversion whereas for Microsoft um okay the enhanced conversion is a separate tag so we have the main conversion so this could be your Shopify purchase your form submit whatever uh acity appointment booked for this example and the enhanced convergence is a different tag so I'm not not 100% sure yet uh what is the all correct um tag sequencing here so because this says add this script right after your base U tag um but the problem is that in my understanding we very often get this information from the conversion so you know if this would be in our uh head tag you know I'm not sure if anyone does this like this I would always use Google tag manager but in this you know documentation demo uh we don't usually have this information you know on every page after the U tag in the head so we only get this information in the conversion so here what I have done is I've just you know set them up and they are triggered by the same trigger so Acuity purchase Acuity purchase however I'm kind of debating and I'll need to look into whether we would actually need to do tag sequencing so maybe we need to uh so yeah one thing that I'm I'm considering is maybe we should fire a tack before the Acuity conversion so we would choose the enhanced conversions here save and then for the enhanced conversions tag we would remove the triggers because it it would be you know sequenced so let's try this setup out so I'm going to fill the acity booking widget and let's take a look at the Google tag assistant so for the purchase event we get the um so yeah we get the Acuity appointment booked and we also get the enhanced conversions how ever this now was fired before this uh tag so I think this approach would match kind of this documentation pretty closely yeah I think we will just have to wait until some data comes in and then check if this is correct all right either way so let's quickly go through how I've set this up so for the base tag so so for the Microsoft uh being ads base tag um there's actually like a wizard thing here which can handle it for us it did a pretty good job I think uh but the idea is that we will look for Microsoft advertising Universal and you we will add our U tag ID here I'm using a uh a variable a constant because we have now at least three tags so I don't want to keep copy pasting the same ID if I change it I want to be able to change it in one one place so so the uq variable seems to be um kind of like the data layer or the Google ads cookie name or whatever I'm just going to set this to default but if you have more than one U tracking code uh then I think you need a unique one for each so for our base tag so this is kind of like the Google analytics uh Google tag or the page view base tag or your Facebook pixel base so this is kind of the base upon which we add uh specific conversions like a purchase or a form submit or or or a eBook download or whatever so this is the config or page view and I triggered mine on the uh initial ization the page view was what came out of the box I prefer initialization because it usually triggers a little bit earlier I don't see a problem with that but I don't have like a strong opinion either way all right uh next up I set the custom conversion so this is the same tag so unlike Google ads where we have um well maybe Google ads is the best example because it doesn't really have a base tag um well okay either way um yeah well Google analytics for example you have a different tag for the uh Google tag the base tag is a different tag than uh Google analytics for events so these are this is the event tag for example so it is a different tag uh for the Microsoft one it's the same tag but with a different track type so there's this drop uh drop down I'm using custom conversion here acity appointment booked so this should match what we have set up in our Microsoft ads so when we reach setup tagging I'm just going to use action equals to AC acity appointment booked I don't know if we need other parameters but because this is like an optional thing and it's not here by default and it's not giving many errors I don't think it's a problem um of course we could have like mult multiple different acity calendars and maybe we would like to have the California calendar and the Utah calendar be a different conversion or something like that in this case uh that's yeah we're not doing anything like that so this is now matching this the action equals acity appointment booked so event action and I'm just sending the currency code we could send the price as well if we took uh payments via Acuity H again like I mentioned in this kind of test I'm firing the enhanced conversion uh setup using the tag sequencing and these two triggers these are just two different approaches that I'm using purchase for the uh ones that take payments and the iframe if there are no payments so depending on what what my clients want all right so we can validate the setup using the U tag helper so I've set you know installed this to my Google Chrome and and then here when I make bookings I'm able to see these uh events so we turn this on WE refresh we use the tag assistant to make test bookings or test purchases or whatever and here we can see the page load event okay this is actually I'm actually going to test this this way so so this was a little bit earlier this was like 20 seconds earlier you know we load the page and then we get the custom enhanced conversion so this actually doesn't say that it's the enhanced conversion I just know that it is because because I tested because we have three things here two custom events and one page load and because this the last one is the Acuity appointment booked we know that the middle one is the uh enhanced conversion setup and I actually verified it by going to my Google tag manager and looking for the enhanced being Google a sorry Microsoft U enhanced conversion tag and then I I paused paed this and disabled it and then when I went to the U tag helper this you know Chrome extension uh when the inhan setup was passed we only got these two we only got the acity appointment booked our main conversion tag and the page load you know our base tag but we did not get this middle tag so this is definitely uh our enhanced conversion tag so I actually looked into this a little bit so this looks like you know total mess total junk but we can actually see uh this EMA email and I think this is like a space or something and we can actually check this I believe so to make absolutely sure because I didn't find like good documentation about this and it's kind of annoying that this doesn't say that this is you know it doesn't really say what it is at least for a newbie uh but this is the enhanced uh conversion thing and we can actually understand it by this you know email uh 3D something and then we have this thing that starts with the b85 and it ends with the 3cc so this is actually the email address that I used hashed so I'm kind of going to explain that uh real quick so when we get the email the one that I used is just this you know throw away email from uh uh Apple hide my email it's like a single use email which I don't really use except for testing we can see that the Acuity email is this email that I used so if we hash this using the Sha 256 so we add our email here we get this uh hash again starting with b85 and ending with three C C and you remember uh b85 and ending with uh 3 cc here so uh pretty similar to the Google ads enhanced conversions this enhanced conversion uh tag is kind enough to do the hashing for us so very quickly what hashing is it turns a thing into another thing but it we can't uh reverse this except maybe open AI will be able to reverse it in the future or some Quantum Computing stuff but at the moment it's possible to turn this into this and and it's always the same you know anytime we add this it's always the same end result but we cannot turn this back into this so if we have a list of these hashed emails then it's kind of private we are not you know letting uh Microsoft know if someone bought something like sensitive something they wouldn't want anyone to know about you know what what they're buying or something so it's kind of private but it's still a way to do this enhanced conversion tracking to make the conversion tracking more accurate so it's pretty cool how it works but yeah uh as I can see that this sha 256 result for this email that I used uh matches matches this Em which is obviously going to be email then I'm absolutely sure that this is the enhanced conversion thing and now actually uh because this seems to be in the order of uh the oldest one in the bottom and the newest one on the top which is a little bit different than for any anything else if we make another test booking I'm actually going to use another email let's make another throwaway email and complete the appointment because I want to check a few things all right so we got a couple of new ones so first of all I'm going to go in and check this one so this is the six cab six cab all right so these were a little bit earlier at 344 these are now uh 359 so now um okay well this is interesting it's actually now in a different order all right so maybe because they were sent at the exact same time maybe the tag sequencing thing doesn't really matter if it's like zero Point some milliseconds so let's assume or hope that Microsoft is able to do the enhanced conversion tracking uh even if the the the order of the tags uh is uh what it is yeah they don't explicitly kind of clearly State what is the order uh here so maybe they would mention it if it's like really important but yeah I think we'll have to wait and see all right I think I'm going to uh you know end this video here if you would send this via code you are encouraged to Hash the data but I'm not sure if it matters this is kind of weird that they say you can hash this data but you know it it it you know if we don't my Microsoft says they will hash it before they collect it so I don't think it matters so I'm actually not sure why they even are so vague about this you can but it's not necessary I think they should just you know do it themselves because if they do the hashing themselves they should take the responsibility for it and not uh kind of give us these too vague options either way it is what it is uh with the Google tag manager uh I think they will do it for us so it's all good and I'm probably going to make a quick little blog post again if this was helpful yeah let me know cool and if you need help setting up your Microsoft ads enhanced conversion tracking then definitely get in touch all right cheers
Channel: Conversiontracking IO
Views: 543
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Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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