Goodwill THRIFT WITH ME September 2021 | home decor YouTube

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it's been a minute since i've done a goodwill  video so i thought we'd pop in here i'm looking   for small tables for my living room this is a  goodwill furniture this one has a little bit of   everything as usual i'm looking for vintage  and antiques but since we're here i'm going   to show you everything i can i'm tanya by the  way and welcome or welcome back to my channel   where we love to do everything thrifting we'll  take a quick walk through the furniture aisles   just a quick one because i wasn't really impressed  with anything that was here but we'll take a look   at prices at least because i haven't been here  in a while so i want to do a quick check on those   oh first vintage item sorry i got a little  sidetrack but look at this it's just gorgeous   correct me if i'm wrong in the comments but i am  almost positive that this is a victorian piano   and if so there is a trend where they take  victorian pianos and they turn them into   wet bars it's just the coolest thing you've  got to google it if you haven't seen it   also i have a little surprise for you  i was planning on making this a 100   goodwill video however today felt like the perfect  day to head back to my very favorite thrift store   it's the one you all loved so much last time  youtube family and i've been really dying to take   you back there it was incredible as always and i  can't wait for you to see some of the gems there this leather sofa was in great  shape and the color is stunning   i don't know much about pianos but i do know  that you can find one for 8.99 at goodwill there are a handful of pieces in here that we're  going to look at because i think they would be   amazing if you like to fix up furniture  but specifically we're looking because   they've started this new at least it's new for  for our goodwills they've started this new thing   with 99 cent tags for furniture so if you like  fixing up furniture goodwill would definitely be   a place to go to again their prices got really  high for a while there but they're back to   reasonable and even better than reasonable  i mean 99 cents for a piece of furniture   that is really worth it it's tough to find that  even at garage sales or yard sales these days   i just love these little vintage side tables  they need some work but they're adorable   trust me though the best stuff is  coming up at the next thrift store   this is all just a warm up i can't  wait for you to see what comes next i think the price tag is for both of  these pieces but just the hutch itself   imagine that painted with some legs on  it oh my gosh it would be so gorgeous this roll top desk was really nice i thought this   was the price tag but it's not  it's just an inventory sticker this hutch is just beautiful and i think  we saw the bottom to it a few rows back this mirror is just gorgeous to me and  it's 25 you'd pay more than that at ikea we'll take a quick peek at the lamps there  were a couple of cute little vintage lamps here i just love this sweet little  milk glass lamp so precious   glassware and home goods was pretty  much picked over but they did have   a couple of clocks that  were worth taking a peek at   and they always have a huge row of frames here   i always check them out because i like to look  for vintage frames also i have found original   artwork here so that is something i look for  at this specific goodwill every time i come this is one of my very favorite thrift stores it  is so clean and so well organized it looks like   a department store when you walk in they have  a huge clothing selection but we're gonna head   straight to the back where all the home goodies  are this place is huge and there's an entire   back area outside that we haven't even seen  yet we're starting in this area because i   always find some really amazing and unique  things in this section like these gorgeous   grandfather clocks i mean when is the last time  you saw a grandfather clock at a thrift store they always have instruments here and the prices  are always really good compared to other used   places in my area but this is where the real  finds are at these glass cases are full of   vintage and antique and collectible really  fun really sometimes really unique things   and the prices are almost always way less  than i can find these items anywhere else hobnail glass shoes five dollars this gorgeous carnival glass basket 15 dollars so here's the real treat of this store and why i  come here faithfully it's the furniture section   there's always something incredible  here and i mean always without fail   i guarantee you we will see  a piece of furniture here   that is vintage or antique that will absolutely  blow my mind i will let you know when we get to it look at this absolutely gorgeous drop leaf table  and look at the lion head it's a stunner i think   somebody sanded it down probably to refinish it  and never got around to it what a perfect project okay this is it this is the one this hall tree  is so stunning oh my gosh i've measured so i   already know that it's too big to fit in my  entryway i'm absolutely crushed right now   look at the lion heads ugh youtube fam you know  how i feel about lion heads this victorian hall   treat i wanted it with everything in me  it's probably for the best because it was   pretty pricey for a thrift store however there  was a piece there that probably goes on the top   so i think i could have talked him way down  not that that makes me feel any better about it i just love the age on this chair look at this  patina especially on the leather and the nails   love it okay so this bed might win hands down for  this single most incredible thing that   i've ever seen at a thrift store i can't  believe the size of this it's so amazing   it's solid wood it looks like it belongs in  tahoe and the story is that there are two of them   two identical beds i think they were both queen i  would give anything to see these in a tahoe cabin okay well here's my big purchase for the day  i didn't find my tables and that hall tree   unfortunately was too big and i'm still crushed  about it but i am putting together an art wall   for my staircase and this is gonna fit in just  perfectly as a filler i'm really happy about it   not to mention i think this  is the first time i have   ever walked out of a thrifting trip for  under a dollar i had a great time i hope   you did too thank you so much for coming  with me and until next time happy thrifting
Channel: Lazy DIY
Views: 122,211
Rating: 4.8795671 out of 5
Keywords: goodwill thrifting videos, 2021 thrift videos, come thrift with me 2021, YouTube thrifting videos 2021, thrift shopping youtube, thrifting videos, thrifting videos on youtube, thrifting videos 2021, thrift shop, thrift, thrifting, lazy diy
Id: 3cBgSZUr09g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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