Vintage & Antique Flea Market || YouTube

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are you ready to look at tons of old stuff i know  i am there are some amazing deals here today and   i will show you as many price tags as i can find  this is my very favorite place to hunt for vintage   and antiques you can find out more about this flea  market in the first video of this series i'll put   a card here for you you click on that and it'll  take you to the playlist where you can binge watch   vintage and antiques until your heart's content  personally it's something i never get tired of   which is why i am so excited to announce that this  antique vintage flea market has added a second   day each month that means i can bring  you twice as many flea market videos so   if you're new here or you haven't yet hit  that subscribe button so you don't miss out   we absolutely love looking at old stuff and if  you do too we would love to have you join our   happy growing little youtube family hello i'm  tanya and welcome or welcome back to my channel   i fell in love for the first time today right here  oh wow this art deco wardrobe with drawers is an   absolute stunner it's even got a mirror to go with  it it's just noticing that how much is this 180   180 no just 80. 80. clearly i was shocked 80  for this baby that is a steal it broke my heart   not to pick it up but i have a list today  and i'm going to strictly stick to it   i'll show you what i'm looking for real quick  today i'm looking for a mirror to prop up on my   fireplace i just feel like this is a little  bit boring and artwork for my entryway also   tons of art to complete my gallery wall on  this giant giant wall in my on my stairwell   but as usual i will show you everything  that i possibly can that's here not just   the stuff i'm looking for and i'll show you the  stuff that i bought at the end so wish me luck how much did this one one of my very  favorite things about this flea market   is that it's different every single  time i never know what to expect   it's always a complete surprise today we're here  in sacramento california yeah perfect thank you   before i forget if you want to know the address to  this flea market it's in the description box below   along with my channel link and links to  some of my favorite and most recent videos so do cheers five bucks a piece okay i'll remember that i bought a piece of art here but i  was so excited about it i forgot to   film it but i promise i'll  show it to you at the end the lucite grapes table lamp is so  amazing i've never seen one before   i'm sure there are other ones but i've not seen  that oh this or this mother's wedding present 1939 tough world to live in now yeah  i get one of you that's for sure yes these buttery yellow chairs are so gorgeous  but there's no way i could fit them in my car   and i wanted this mirror with everything in  me but because it's wood it would be way too   heavy for my walls because i have laughing  plaster yeah we had to redo the bungalow oh i loved this booth it was one  of my favorites can you tell oh there was an oil painting at this booth that  was so gorgeous right behind the baby actually   so pretty but it was forty dollars and it  was really hard to do when i was getting   art and frames for five dollars wait till  you see the beautiful glass here though   just gorgeous especially  if you love carnival glass indiana glass always pretty and here comes the fenton parade   check out the edges on these  fenton glass bowls gorgeous   how cute is this it's the little golden owl  from clash of the titans i think his name was   boobo but he's a radio these lucite stools belong  in the trendiest house in town they're gorgeous okay relax by all means to keep it hanging no yeah right does that  uh i think h is this way okay but i could be   oh i think h is that way okay when you get  to that end they have the letter numbers that'd be cute for a kitchen huh  which one that welcome sign oh   yeah that's just chalk you can wipe  that off and put whatever you want   i like that idea of putting you could  put right like dinner or whatever um my grandmother good morning i've never seen this i mean  in the bathroom you could put   well there's some place hangers  in the easel box i think oh yeah a lot of people make them but that's the one well oh my god um again not buying furniture today but i cannot  believe this was only sixty dollars so gorgeous   the best deals i think i've ever seen  here on furniture are going on today 45 for both the thing about flea market  shopping and furniture is that you have   to come prepared it's not like a store where  you could buy it and come pick it up later   you have to have the hands ready to help you move  it and somebody ready to help you move it at home okay i don't know i just love it you know should i fix that yeah did he go with his girlfriend oh yeah yeah oh yeah that's fine put your hands in your pockets oh uh no i'll just walk oh yeah i didn't tell my grandmother i wanted  ours from our family i swear to your women yes i knew any time kind of constantly yeah i i remember the vibe of your  booth so i always know it's you know so are you bringing the other small  ones out later smaller than this also   okay are they runners or are they uh i have  runners no no i don't have no runners right now   okay probably one do you take cards or cash only  oh cash put it on on the wall front top of door   window or whatever or you can you can do anything  with it it's just a really special made very cool i have been looking for rugs vintage rugs for ever  he doesn't happen to have the size that i need   in this van full of rugs today but he said  he will be back to the next one and he can   bring the sizes that i need and the colors that  i need and i will have a choice i am so excited   even though i didn't get anything here this  is still a win or a potential win at least this one here yeah this one how old is it  it's like 100 years wow it's very pretty   how much is this one oh man i was using asking  like 500 for this but now i can do like three that one's bigger turkish rag this time and i have this  one right here this is the last one that's very nice yeah take your trap so most of this stuff   so so   if this oil painting wasn't 500  it would be on my wall right now yep this is this is one of my very favorite  booths it's usually packed with people   but today i just showed up at the right time  and there's almost nobody here so i'm gonna   take you on a tour of the entire thing it's  always full because it's always packed with   all kinds of different stuff it's  phenomenal we're gonna look at every table huh i no that's what it is okay how are you guys hmm now honestly um 55. i was over there um not yet but i'll come back  for a water that's okay thank you okay okay um okay they're gonna come i love it what are these wooden things here i'm sorry thank you i definitely will if everybody's  leaving their stuff here   i bet most people will  because they're bigger pieces i forgot oh thank you sir much bigger than they are um that's what they do that's what they  were doing got right here image repair but the feathers in it no no good dog oops i'm so soft i know the signs hanging over it so  it shocked me for a second foreign anything else off of uh and uh because i didn't really realize okay very cool yeah one lady bought all three pieces thanks uh oh i hope you enjoyed this trip i scored if you want  to see what i got stick around the halls up right   now so what i did end up buying was art and frames  and this one if you remember was at the beginning   for i think it was five dollars i don't think i  paid five dollars over five dollars for anything it's cute but i think i'm going to use  this frame for this other print that i got i think i'm a fan of that and so the other art  piece will probably go in a different frame   this is my absolute favorite for sure  i actually bought the art and the frame   separately and it just happened to be  the perfect size i didn't even know it and it's signed this might be my favorite art piece that i have  right now honestly there's just something about   it and i love it this is an oil painting that i  absolutely love unfortunately it has been stored   under glass which is a problem for oil paintings  i am not sure what the damage the actual painting   is gonna look like when i take it out but at five  bucks i had to grab it when am i ever gonna find   an oil painting for five dollars and it's just  lovely with those dark moody colors love it and this is it outside of the frame i've  taken the frame off and unfortunately uh it was stuck to the glass and i have  lost some of the painting so i will have to   frame around that and i can't get it off to save  it either it's really on there good real good   so here's what i've got to work with i did lose a big part uh from the  top but if i reframe around it i can   save most of the painting and the great thing  is there other than that there was really not   all that much damage done to the painting  most of it was just collected on the glass so it's just those spots there  not the spots i predicted at all but it's absolutely stunning i think i  just love this boat so i got this sort of   pile if you remember of just different uh pictures  or whatever you want to call them and i've   selected i think i'm going with these two because  i kind of like the repeated arch so i'm probably   gonna use these two and reframe them in a frame  a couple of frames that i got on another trip   and so they're probably gonna end up going  in these i really like these but they just   don't fit in with my decor anywhere so i'm  probably gonna use these frames at least for now   for these right here i bought this frame  and i don't have any art to go with it   fingers crossed will find some art for it at  the next at the next vintage antique flea market   this one i need to reframe but it's  just so cute look at how sweet they are   i swear if kids really were that sweet all the  time i'd have like 50 of them and look at the   price on it it was 20 and they sold it for five  here's another art piece that i got i really did   make out on art finally finally i had a big art  score i bought this frame too i just love this one but again no art that size so i'll be on the  lookout for art at the next flea market which   personally i'm heading to tomorrow this  one here is one of the prints that i bought   and i got all of those for a dollar a piece and i already had that frame so i just put  it in there already but i thought i love that i love the dark backgrounds so much   i picked this one up for good measure i  thought this one was very sweet i love the   frame and then again with the little girls  i don't know they were just so cute today and lastly i picked up this pair  it's actually from a table that   broke and it is gorgeous it was an  antique table oh it's turned around but it was just too pretty to leave  behind and i've got some overhangs   in my house over the windows so i'm going  to clean them up and i think they will be   so pretty possibly in my kitchen not quite  sure which ledge i'm going to use right now but   i think they're going to be  really pretty when they're done   and that is the end of my haul so  thank you so so much for coming with me   and keeping me company i love and adore  you all and until next time happy thrifting you
Channel: Lazy DIY
Views: 775,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market finds, flea market, vintage antiques, vintage, antiques, antique, sacramento antique faire, sacramento antique fair, lazy diy, treasure picking, antiques roadshow, antiques near me, antiques roadshow 2021, antique stores near me, antique furniture, antiques for sale, antique things, antique stores, thrift with me 2023, antiques 2023
Id: xKsP9AckDwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 18sec (3198 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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